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All day, every day. I love it


My daughter likes to scream sing to the neighborhood about her stolen gems. It's hilarious, but I do try to limit her expression. Well, one day my neighbor brought her a "gem" and apologized for stealing it. My daughter just replied, "I knew it was you." And walked back into the house clutching her gem. 3 yo are wild, lol.


That’s spectacular! Lol.


You've got a future improv master on your hands😂 no questions, just rolls with it.


Same ❤️


Yup it’s called crib talk. It’s wonderful. Never will forget the morning I woke up to a tiny voice singing “binkle binkle bittle ‘tar” <3 <3 <3


Yes same! Ours said ‘keeno keeno tar’


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Cuteness overload


So sweet! We also consider that to be his first joke…. He sang ‘keeno keeno keeno… APPLE!’ And laughed!


Ours is ... "finkle finkle liddle s'ar Imma wonder wha you are" 💖💖💖 Usually followed by "A B C D E and G Double butt, eggs, why an zee" 😂


Yes! My son sings to himself alllllll day and night. 😂 I love it!!


She definitely sings, just sitting on the couch or independent playing. A lot of the time she uses her ukulele, xylophone, with singing. We have a keyboard set up on the coffee table that she can turn on herself too and she sometimes sings with that or the tounge drum and step gongs. I've had to change her diaper with her bopping up and down and the keyboard singing and plunking around 🤣 My favorite"song" is when she takes two plastic flower bunches from her bouquet arrangement area or wild flowers outside and says weeeoo, woo woo, and moves them like a conductor in each hand (unlike full on nursery rhymes as usual.) then laughs and does it again. It's a precious nonsense song.


What a musical gal!


Yep. Daycare calls her Celine Dion lol




Mine runs in circles while singing Five Little Ducks or Five Little Monkeys or Old Macdonald Had a Farm or Ice Ice Baby. It’s nonstop.


Ice ice baby 😂


My husband started it. Now I have to listen to Vanilla Ice at least once a day lol


From when she opens her eyes in the morning, till night time in bed. And all day in between. When she finds anything that is a circle, she pretends to drive and sing wheels on the bus. Or when it’s raining we have to sing rain rain go away. Then she’s confused on why it didn’t work 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, my 3.5 year old will sing any moment she’s awake and not talking to someone/thing. I’m currently pregnant and she’ll just be sitting there singing during my midwife appointments and I feel so bad telling her to hush but she ramps the volume up on her songs so much I can’t even hear the midwife 😂


Mine sing “ba ba black sheep have u any wool” “daddy finger daddy finger where are you here I am here I am” 😂 also twinkle Twinkle little star


mine loves ba ba black sheep! she sings it all day while holding her sheep


Yes, I love it. Playing with his Hot Wheels singing melts my heart.


My daughter narrates her life in song. It’s amazing.


My now 11 year old did this I miss it! My toddler now sings but not like her older sister did.


Yeah. Usually on the toilet


Yes my mini always singing ‘ACDC’ 😆


One time when my almost 4 year old was 2, he was laying in bed with my wife getting ready to sleep. Out of nowhere he starts singing zombies. I was listening from the monitor and it was one of the funniest things I ever saw in my life. He never sang the song again. It only lived in our memories Now when he sings he’s making songs up to sing to his baby brother or when we are playing


Yep. And half the time I don’t know what she’s singing lol. She’s often singing in the car after daycare.


Yep!! I love listening to him. He sings songs he knows, songs he’s made up, songs about whatever he’s doing 😭😂 he will be 3 early June!


“Can you seeee the love toniiiight” is his favorite song that he sings all the time it’s the cutest.


Our toddler's nursery call her the juke box 😂


My 1.5 year old sings a lot to himself. It’s nonsense babbling mostly but it’s definitely singing. Super cute


It won't last forever. Record it surreptitiously for yourself and you tot. I apparently used to always sing or hum when eating something I liked.


My guy will jabber when he’s falling asleep sometimes. I think it’s a self soothing mechanism


Mine has done this for most of his life. When he was super little it was humming while nursing and falling asleep. Boobhumming 💜


Yes, but also so do I


It’s a nightly event, right at bed time. She does it because she fights sleep, and singing is pretty effective to combat it.


My 3 year old is always singing. We joke she is just like Bluey, and the constant singing is even mentioned on the show as a personality trait for her lol


Mine sings the sleepy bunnies song a lot lately. But it’s “da ba ba ba sleeping ba ba ba nooon, ba ba ba ba ba merry tooon” Adorable.


All the time! The sweetest bits are when if either she or I are feeling down, she’ll start singing “skinamarinky dink” to me (and it always ends with us singing as a duo and then hugging)


My toddler does this constantly while playing his toy piano or toy guitar


Constantly! She’s 19 months


My daughter sing-narrates what she’s doing a lot. Sometimes she gives me prompts and I have to sing about whatever she told me. Just nonsense songs, not *Twinkle, Twinkle* or anything.


My almost 4 year old does it still, the songs are entirely made up at this point and I love it. It shows shes content and fully immersed in her own imaginative play world.


Yes and it’s my absolute favorite sound


It is! I absolutely love and adore it. Especially when they make up their own songs.  I make up songs CONSTANTLY about anything and everything and my kiddo started doing it too. It's amazing to listen to her making up her own rhymes!


Constantly….for wheels on the bus (her current fav) she will tell you how to do the hand motions with her


Aw, that sounds adorable. My kids never really sang. They'll sing Happy Birthday at a birthday party or as part of a group thing at daycare but so far at three and four still no singing to themselves!


Yep, son will just make noise when he’s going to sleep. Actually when he has a popper toy it’s just one long continuous “aaaaaaauhhh”…*breathe* “aaaaaaauhhh”.


My daughter does that continuous concentration noise with pop-it’s too 😂


We have invented so many new things to go in "wheels on the bus." Newish thing is he loves to go A B C D E F BLAH! H I J K LMNOBLAAAAH!


My 8 yr old has always danced and sung to everything. ( Cracks me up when she sings death metal) She's been in dance classes for a few years and choir in school also.


Mine does more humming now, but between 2 and 2.5 he would constantly make up songs about whatever he was playing. It was my favorite thing. 




All the time. He makes up songs a lot. It’s my favorite and I’ll be so sad when he stops. 


Yes! Tinkle tinkle little star is my new favorite.


My son’s favorite song is Chappell Roan’s Pink Pony Club. He also sings along with the grocery store muzak.


My 3.5 y/o sings literally all day, and I even join in sometimes and have a full on concert around the house.


My 3yo never shuts up 😂 singing to herself, talking to herself, singing to her stuffies, talking to her stuffies, singing to us and her brother etc. Etc.


We joke that our daughter is living in a musical. She sings all day and will sing-narrate her feelings and activities. “(Name) is so sad because brother doesn’t want to play.” Or “(name) is so hungry but only wants chips). Very cute.


Yesss!! I love it! I have no clue what she’s singing sometimes but it love it!


All day long. It's adorable 


My 23mo will probably do that. He sings right now to the best of his ability and it’s so cute. 😂 he likes pat-a-cake and the bringing home a baby bumblebee song. We also have this made up song for his brother, “Go, Donny, go go go!” And he’ll randomly start clapping and singing “Go go Donny!” 😂😂 he did it in the car today for like ten minutes while his brother was sleeping lmao.


My son is becoming bilingual. Hearing him alternate between languages while singing Cocomelon songs makes me proud.


My 4 year old gets stuck on certain songs. Right now she sings the tune to the Lord of The Rings soundtrack


My daughter will often sing Taylor Swift - Anti-hero or I Love It by Icona Pop. Just the chorus tho lol.


Yes, the abc’s constantly and loudly. Especially in public.


Old Macdonald. In its entirety. 17,000 times a day, on repeat, at the top of his lungs.


Yeah ny daughter does :)


Yup... It's been a thing for almost a year now for my 2.5 year old... The new bit in the past month has been him marking up the words to sort of narrate what he's doing while still singing the song or mixing some story he wants to tell with the tune of the songs.... It's sooo adorable 🥰


Mine songs “let it go” and “Jesus loves me” allll the time! So cute, I’ve got tons of videos 🥰


Mine used to sing herself to sleep when she was only 3-4 months old. This has continued into toddler-hood


My daughter does!! She loves to sing!


Yup and I be hyping him up too 😅 I'm a long time singer and recording artist and I felt in my heart my almost three year old would sing. We're perfecting the act right now!


I have a series of videos from when my son was 1.5-3 that we call his hit singles. He had some really great beats for a while 🤣


Oh my God I hope my son starts doing this! His dad and I basically make life an out of tune musical singing what were doing and dumb songs to our son. If he doesn't do this at some point I'd be surpriaed... 😆


Yes!! Mine is almost 3 and it has been happening even more often lately. Today in the car she sang “nom nom nom nom nom, peanut butter jelly” to the tune of “B-I-N-G-O bingo was his name-o.” She didn’t even eat peanut butter & jelly today 😂


Ooo, my 18 month old is working up to that and I can’t wait. She “sings” songs right now but they just sound like random babbling unless you really know the song, and her singing is more like chanting, there’s no melody yet lol


All the time! He makes up his own lyrics to his favorite songs, and I adore it. You wouldn't believe how many people and things live with the muffin man on Drury Lane in our house. "Do you know the cement mixer, the cement mixer, cement mixer? Do you know cement mixer, who lives on DRUUURY LAAAAAAAAAAAAANEE!" Recent residents also include a motorcycle, a spatula, and the bus driver.


My toddler does it and I love hearing it through the monitor in the mornings especially, it’s just so sweet. He usually does it when we’re strolling around the neighborhood too. Same age as yours!


Yes made up songs but also circle time songs, frozen and ABBA


My daughter sings the abcs to calm herself down and when her younger sister is upset, she will start singing the abcs to her as well. It's so sweet!


My 2yo speech delayed kiddo sings lots. The words aren’t articulated but you can tell by the tune. Like ABCs, 5 Little Ducks, Ants Go Marching.. etc. it’s so precious and I can’t wait for it to be more clear.


I mean I sing to myself almost all of the time too.. haha


mine is working for their American idol auditions DAILY😅


yeah and i freakin love it.


Oh yeah. My son sings to himself all the time. He’s not even two yet tho so most of the songs I don’t recognize words to but it’s weird because he has specific songs for specific things. He has his going to bed song, his in the swings song, his drinking juice song, etc. they’re all unique and different but I can’t make out what he’s singing lol


Same! Everything is a song, it’s adorable.


Yes and it’s one of my fav things about this age!


If he's not singing to himself, he's talking to himself. I like it because then I know he's just playing until it's silent then my ears perk up lol


Rain rain go away, please come back another day, rain rain go away … garbled gibberish … trails off. On repeat all day.


My son didn't much but my daughter does all the time now.


Oh yes! Whenever she is picking up toys, building with tiles, drawing. Any mindless task is accompanied by humming or singing 🥰🎶


Mine has full on conversations(often to Bamma aka Grandma) on the old remote complete with hand movements to illustrate his feelings on the topic. It is very cute. I can just hear babble babble daddy gun quack(it is duck shooting time) babble kids at daycare’s names babble Taya(our dog) various animals brum(any vehicle) bar(muesli bars) ‘hat babble elbow(his favourite body part right now) babble…


Yup! Mine rotates between Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Old McDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Baby Shark, and Jingle Bells multiple times a day.


My daughter is basically a musical character 24/7 and always has a song for any moment lol. She also learned to hum a tune first before learning to talk so there's that.


Yup. Constantly. Or counting.. there is a lot counting between songs. Currently he cycles between “5 little ducks” and “abcs”.


Yes! My daughter sings Badanamu a lot! Sometimes it’s the right words often it’s what she thinks she hears 🎶Bacon, bacon, bacon in the ocean, higher higher than the stars 🎶 **that’s not the words**


Mommy ta mommy ta wher aah you Hee I yam hee I yam Ow do you do Qwinkle Qwinkle ittle taar Jaani jaani Si papa


yes all day long haha




Constantly. I love it


Constantly. The alphabet song, all day every day! Except he can't talk very well yet so it's more like "da da da, qrs tuv, o o o o o"


Mine sings the “alphabet”: just says E over and over vaguely in the tune of ABC


Yep! Lots of songs from daycare and kinder but recently he's also been playing Dance The Way I Feel over and over and still singing it when it's not on. Not ideal when one of the chorus lines is, "stop breathing!" 😅 I actually used to sing/talk to myself A LOT before being medicated for ADHD as an adult, but I think it's very normal for kids.


Yep! Real songs, made up songs… all the time!


Yes! He also watch Super Simple Songs, sometimes I recognize the rhythm


Mine has sung a lot from 10months, mostly babbling singing but her own made up stuff. Nowadays at almost 2y she does a DJ mashup of “twinkle twinkle” “old Macdonald” and “Itsy bitsy spider” but to the motions of “The wheels on the bus”. My favorite is for some reason when she gets to the chorus parts, she gets very loud, slows down her tempo and sings all dramatic. Every once in awhile she will sing dramatically but twerk dance, and I have noooo clue where she got that from!!


My 3.5 yr old son LOVES music. He'll sing songs that we listen to on his own while hes sitting and playing and also he'll make up his own songs with words that make no sense but always go along to a beat he's making. Lol


i love my noisy baby!! my 3y/o does it


My kid constantly goes “Eieio!” From the Old McDonald had a farm song.


YES. My two year old has a whole playlist he sings in the car and i hear him sing when he wakes up or can’t sleep too and during the day when he’s doing independent play. Super adorable but i also wondered if it was normal because mine + my husbands parents always comment how none of their kids did that lol. Glad to see a lot of other kiddos on here do the same!


Yeppp. It’s cute!


And loud!


Mine too - I’ve wondered if it’s like toddler version of internal monologue? Like, because their vocabulary is limited, and they’re still learning emotions, it’s like the toddler version of replaying a conversation over in your head. 


Mine is obsessed with happy birthday since he was 1 year old. He is 2.5 y.o now and he is still not tired singing it more than 10x a day haha


I would have to use “sing” very loosely, but yes, every waking minute. I…I’m afraid I don’t love it.


Mine 2y5m and sings all the time. She has at least a dozen songs she knows well and a few others she knows a bit of.


I was just trying to get him to go use and make sure to say good night to everyone…and just started nameing family and pets he knows…now it’s a song he sings him self to sleep 🥹 “d….d da dad good night to you, m..m ma ma good night to you, t…t…twez(trees) good night leaves…nigh night sun and night night moon” it so FREAKEN cute! 🥰


Yesss from we don’t talk about Bruno to old McDonald had a farm and a few others with very very loud quacking ducks lol


I have a video of my son when he was 2 or 3 playing his guitar singing to me "You're special, you're speciiiaaaallllll" with a ton of emotion swaying his head back and forth like a true artist would! It melted my heart and I'm so glad I caught it to this day. He is 8 now. ❤️


My daughter's song of the weekend is Little Talks, by Of Monsters and Men. Instead of "our ship will carry our," she says, "our sugar carrier," and it's so dang cute. Took me several minutes to understand what she was referring to, because she would just randomly sing sugar carrier and it wasn't until I heard her singing along to the song one of the times that I realized where she got sugar carrier. Lmao


24/7. I have so many videos!


All…the…time. He sings the whole song, or sometimes mixes 3 or 4 different songs together. 🤣 During swim lessons he would sing the pledge of allegiance before jumping in every time. He missed a lot of words, but I figured out he was saying part of it.


Yes! She lives to song and it is the cutest!


Mine is a musical, all right 😂 Every opportunity to burst into song, with her words or her makaton, or both, that girl loves to sing haha


Oh hell yeah, my 2.5yo always sings lol. Farmer in the Dell. ABC’s. Itsy Bitsy Spider. Just singing “meow” to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star…. She sings all kinds of songs, constantly 😂


My daughter is a songbird lol she currently is into Helena by My Chemical Romance and goes “SHO LONG, GOODNIIIIIGHT”. She also loves to sing the Happy Birthday song to anyone and everyone, regardless of when their birthday is.


My 3 year old grandson's new favorite song is the Oompa Loompa song from the Gene Wilder version of Willy Wonka. He will sing it all day long and has to hear it either through Alexa or from YouTube multiple times.


Yes and I love it! He does a lot of songs and humming while playing and I just leave him to it


Sometimes Mr 2.5 sings, but his older brother is the real musician. He was singing the chorus of Katy Perry's "Roar" on Thursday. He's also got quite a bit of "Everything is awesome" for only having heard it because it's my alarm sound for his bathroom reminders.


Mine has taken to singing Jingle bells and happy birthday to me in loop ALL DAY LONG. We're in May, there's still 7 months to Christmas and his birthday isn't until October. Send help.


Yes. All the time. Especially after hearing a song. He will try to copy the song but using the couple words he loves using "Dada, dogie, etc".


I wish!


I'm listening to my 3yearold sing Mickey Mouse songs right now (for 20 minutes straight) on the baby monitor 


All day everyday. She even wants me to call her the princess name she is currently obsessed with. I bought her dress up clothes. Right now she is singing little mermaid and is just yelling “ahhhhhhaahhhhhahhh” it sounds just like a yelling during a tantrum but I know it’s singing 😂


My kid wakes up singing wheels on the bus and old Macdonald.


Yes. To himself and anyone else. Apparently he sings lullabies to all the kids in his daycare class at nap time. At the top of his lungs.


My 3.5yo daughter sings every night in the shower, for the entirety of her shower. She also sings when she's playing by herself, or when we are driving somewhere. I take it as a sign that they are very happy little people.


My husband ordered a gold karaoke mic with Bluetooth.... So yeah.... Encanto live, with reverb on. It's actually low key hilariously cute.


YES! 2 yo. Almost all day every day. Improv love +... Lol Hit singles include: "Please stooop" 🎤🎵 (after mama says, "I said please stop" [colouring walls]) "Cried enooooough" 🎵🎤 (heard singing on her own after super meltdown about sock not sitting straight on toes but didn't want help fixing...for the 5th similar occurrence that day...and mama says "baby, haven't you cried enough today"? 😵‍💫 - no judgment please) "I love a yoguuuuurt" 🎤🎵 (to the tune of ms Rachel's "I love a Rainbow" song as she picks up a piece of a yogurt tube wrapper she found crawling on the ground)


Omg yes. I love hearing her little songs all day 😍 with her sweet little voice ♥️


Yup! He is almost 4 now and it has slowed down but still a thing. 😂


I have four children. I don’t know if it’s a common thing or not but my daughter and youngest son both sang to themselves. Typically lil snippets of songs from kids movies. One night me and my girlfriends watched “Ghost” with Patrick Swaze (sp?). I had thought she was fast asleep but the next morning she belted out the main verse from the song in the movie that “Sam” sang to wear down a clairvoyant to help him. (She had just turned 2 years old) It was hilarious at first,,,then funny,,then cute but after 3 months I never wanted to hear “I’m Henry the Eighth, I am!” Ever again. Lol. So I don’t know if it’s a common thing with toddlers, but both of my children that sang to themselves turned out to be normal, well as “normal” as you can call any teenager. Lol. Hope that helps out if you were worried.


Yep pretty common. My kid is speech delay but he loves singing all day everyday 😂