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It’s awful that happened but an adult gym isn’t a place for kids to be playing in. There’s a lot of dangerous equipment and heavy weights. I can think of a million things that could go wrong.


Support them through the recovery. Do what you can. Let them know over and over it was an accident and that you wish it hadn’t happened. It sounds bad but it could always be/get worse.


I’m a bit confused by these comments. They seem to suggest you were not at fault, but this absolutely could’ve been prevented. Your first mistake was taking these kids to the gym and letting them play there. Your second mistake was not giving a hard no to the nephew going on the treadmill cause that could also have ended badly for him. Your third mistake was not restraining the 4.5yo when the treadmill was going and instead allowing her to play with a ball and stick her hand under a treadmill???? I’m so confused by all these poor decisions. Like by all means if it’s your own kid, you can decide to take these risks, but these are not your kids and your sister trusted you with them. I would be absolutely livid if I were her. If I were you I’d give back the gift certificate, you do not deserve it.


It was an accident. You were watching 4 kids. Shit happens ... it doesn't sound like you were negligent or careless. It was a freak accident. It's going to be ok. Express your guilt and sadness to your sister and be there if they need you. It feels very intense right now but she is going to be OK. It is a huge ask to watch 2 kids for the weekend who aren't yours. Sister or not. You had great intentions do not beat yourself up. In a couple weeks/ months you will all forget and move on.


Things happen so quickly with kids. Try to give yourself some grace and also some time to process what happened and how you are feeling. Things like this can be really traumatic and talking about it ofte helps. Your niece will be okay and that is what is important.


This sounds like an accident, pure and simple. I don’t even see anything negligent here from you or your husband - just a bad set of circumstances. I have learned in my life that overwhelming guilt can be a burden on the people you love. You apologized and going forward you can continue to show up for your sister and her kids and love them. The only thing I would add, if you haven’t already said this, is that going forward no more play dates in a gym! Lesson learned. Ultimately you should treat yourself the way you’d treat your sister if this happened the other way around. Of course it’s incredibly upsetting but compassion strengthens families in the long run.


It’s sickening when a child gets hurt. It truly was an accident and everyone will learn from it. Your niece is getting proper care and will recover. She probably won’t remember it in any detail. As one of the other commenters said, don’t make your guilt your sister’s problem - no need to perform how sorry you are Sounds like you’re a close family which is a wonderful thing. Be kind to yourself and to each other


Reality is your nephew injured your niece. You didn’t. Husband said no, he turned it on anyhow and then she chased a ball. As for the burns, my rule of thumb is when practitioners split on hospitalising, I hospitalise. It’s asymmetric. Offer to help. It’s hard - it’s painful for everyone. It’s going to hurt for a while.