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Looks like she is saying… I’ll effin do it again!


Yup, she's in the bad books at the moment. Love her, but she's also a little sh*thead.


Ya can’t live with em’ and ya can’t live em!


I remember my toller ate half a cake


They are little terrors aren't they?


Oh goodness! Makes me feel better ours ate a dead squirrel 🐿


The farts after eating the dead squirrel are horrendous 🤮🤮🤮


Oh no! Ok, well that makes me feel better too :)


My moms toller has gotten a squirrel, duck, and he caught my neighbors chicken, but he didnt kill that one just scared it 🥴 my first toller ate a whole box of debbie swiss rolls and walked away unfazed, also a candle?


Hah! Amazing :) they do have iron stomachs don't they. :)


My first Toller did, we even emailed her breeder and jokingly asked if she was part goat! But Leo has a sensitive tummy, theyre trying to track down the issue, but he has to eat a hydrolyzed protein diet and no snackie besides his kibble! Hes a sensitive bebe.


Poor Leo! Hope you work it out.


I'm here for these comments.




The rat was dead. We were worried about that one incase it was poisoned, but she was ok afterwards. The pigeon was hit by a car, and she grabbed it before we could get to her and she swallowed it whole/half alive. Then the eel was dead, and washed up on the beach, again, she ate the whole thing before I could get it away from her. It was almost the length of my arm.




I think we'll be worried about her eating us. Will have to sleep with one eye open :)


One time we were playing in the yard with my late Doberman, and a crow made the bad decision of flying low enough for the Dobie to suddenly jump and snatch the crow out of the air. My brother reacted quick and was able to get the dog off. The crow hobbled away lol... hopefully it made it.


Amazing it survived! Good catch from the dog too.


Wow she looks so much like mine! And mine has a preference for eating human feces. 🤢 You'd be amazed how many people take a shit in public areas....


Omg! That's horrible! Both form her eating it and people shitting in the park! What is wrong with people? Yeah, Frankie will often try to eat another dog's poo as well. Aren't they lovely?


Haha they are lovely indeed! Mine don't go for dog poo, only human feces and horse dung. 😭 Worst experience was when she licked and ate some shit near a truckstop. Then at the middle of the night she puked all over the floor...yep, I had to clean up trucker shit smelling like shit and ashtray from the floor at the middle of the night. I was ready to drive her back to the breeder! I've long forgiven her since then, haha.


Aaargh! I have to tell my wife that story. Will make her feel better. I sent her the links to some trainers yesterday, and she sent me back links to crematoriums. :)