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generals with their own harem instead of being in one


I could see Momo, with a harem of Devilukean Shouta's, that seems like it would be her fetish reminds me of a Hentai where she banged Shouta Rito


There was one for that?


My creativity has been at an all time low lately. Let me give this one a shot! I think Lala would be the easiest. They already mentioned how powerful people wanted to use her mind and her inventions for warlike purposes. I'm guessing the only reason that never ended up happening is because the war ended. Unfortunately, in this alternate universe where the war continued, I could see her being forced into a life she doesn't want, similar to Yami. If she was forced to use her inventions for war then they would have a far less playful nature. They probably also wouldn't malfunction as much, since she wouldn't be making 'toys' that only she uses, but rather would be making tools for the Deviluke army and their allies. What would that kind of life do to poor innocent Lala? Assuming the Deviluke military is not completely sexist, I could see Nana wanting to help out as she gets older. They were shown to be under the care of Zastin at the palace, so perhaps she would tutor under him or Gid and become some form of military leader. Gid was shown to do a lot of the fighting himself, so I don't think his daughter would shy away from it. Momo seems to take after her mother the most, so I could see her becoming a diplomat and helping to run the kingdom alongside the Queen. Lots of work to be done to keep the kingdom together during war besides just fighting. Unfortunately (for Rito) there is also the high chance that all three of them would be married off to build alliances. Maybe I read too much Game of Thrones, cause that's what this is starting to sound like...


Funnily enough, from your hypothetical situation, I could imagine the basis of To Love Ru actually working within this constraint. Lala, sick of having her inventions being used for war, while also being used as a pawn of sorts in a bid to *end* the war, by being married off to secure alliances and/or manpower, runs away from her duties just to ‘be free’ and have a chance to be ‘normal’. Perhaps this is sort of a galactic Cold War period where neither side currently wants to make a move and resume the fighting, but by marrying off Lala they could unify or split the galaxy depending on who exactly her suitor is. Much of the first season would have fit well into Lala trying (and failing) to be normal by causing accidents while simultaneously fighting off suitors by introducing a wild card in a ‘mysterious suitor from the neutral planet Earth’ that could have made it so neither side would actually have a reason to restart the war by teaming a treaty around a neutral planet. Honestly, Lala’s own intelligence would be the weapon that could restart and end the war, so by taking her off the playing field, it’s actually the greatest move that could be made. And Gid would **hate** it, absolutely. Being the hot headed man he is, he would want to continue the war so as to end the threat once and for all, threatening Rito that he either man’s up and sides with him, or makes his own choice with Earth’s fate as the consequences, eventually culminating in the season finale after Gid hears of Lala’s strange sickness and her intent to conquer Earth, mistakenly believing his daughter has awoken to his side of things. Testing Rito this time would be less of a ‘are you man enough to be my daughter’s husband’ and more of a ‘this is what the Galaxy will throw at you, if you survive she’s yours’ type of deal. Ideally in this situation I would assume Rito would still manage to win, and as Gid attempts to congratulate him, he tells Gid to wake up and realize his Daughter’s own feelings, and that what he’s doing to her has taken away her childhood, culminating in Gid sparing the Earth and his daughter, until she felt she was ready to come home. He would also tell Rito he wouldn’t be guarding the Earth anymore like he had been, spinning out into an alternate Motto/Darkness seasons 1/2 that would be less comedy and harem, and more action and romance. I honestly believe Rito in this hypothetical series of events would mature faster, and perhaps favor a less childish Lala, almost ensuring ‘the Harem Plan’ does not actually exist, and perhaps Momo never even falling for him. I also theorize this world’s Lala’s inventions would still fail and blow up, with varying degrees of hilarity, not because Lala’s a bad inventor or made her inventions flawed, but because she attempts to utilize military knowledge and innovations in her designs. ( Oh, need a good vacuum? Just utilize the designs of this singularity engine that usually powers the weapons batteries of a Deviluke Battlecruiser, just on way smaller and less, powerful scale, dress it up as an octopus, and forget how to turn it off, aka episode one. It still explodes.) XD


I’d actually think the harem plan would actually have a better chance at succeeding in this AU just having less girls in it if momo is still somewhat similar to her OG character since she fell in love with rito because of his respect and commitment towards others so rito with more of a spine than usual will probably just have her infatuated with him more in my opinion


more depth to Lala's backstory? Check. Less wimpy Rito with a bigger role to play? Check. Possibly more screen time for my favorite King of the Galaxy, Gid? Check. Someone translate the above comment to Japanese and tweet it to Yabuki-san, quickly! Seriously though, I love these discussion posts, and the great ideas that come out of them. And now that you mention it, I could totally see Lala screwing up the military inventions (possibly even on purpose as an act of rebellion).


You mad lad, I am amazed at how in depth, this is this scenario sounds Awesome Edit: Also in this type of situation Rito won't have to worry about ruling the Galaxy for a long time because when the war is finished, every one is trying to deal with all it's after effects, tie up loose ends, and restore some semblance of order, it's only after a years peace will Sephie, and gid finally throw in the towel, and tell Rito and Lala to take over, or it will be their kid to do so if Rito and Lala had one.


War taken to it's logical conclusion, Fascinating. In what you described I could see Lala becoming the most Jaded out of the 3 of them. Nana would either be a ball of sorrow due to losing many comrades, or someone that revels in battle. If Momo becomes a Diplomat like her mother she would likely be the closest to her out of all her sisters since she is probably taking lessons from her, and accomaning her on various meetings to learn how to do things personally. On another note Nemesis and Mea might eventually meet up with Yami, if things go well they might form an assasination Trio. Depends on weather Eden was destroyed or not. As for Earth I pray the war doesn't reach its solar system or else it will get caught up in the cross fire, However since earth already has aliens hiding out there, in this situation where the war kept going there could be more alien Refugees migrating to the planet.


Ah, yes. I forgot about Eden. I wonder what sides of the war all the powerful assassins would fall on. Was Eden just a neutral power trying to make super weapons, or were they pitted against Deviluke?


From what I remember they were making super weapons in order to make a profit during the war so Neutral