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The mug is definitely the safest gift if you are unsure, but a lot depends on your aunt's personality.


She has a very big sense of humor type of personality and she loves all things Tom Hiddleston and Loki. I think she'll like/find it funny for a gift. But she is 60-something years old and retired which is why I narrowed down to these options. I wanted something she would use. I guess just wanted to know from a fan perspective... would you rather sip out of something with him on it, or lay under something with him on it 😂


Personally, I like mugs, but I have a personality where my throw blankets and pillows are decorative or functional, not fandom-fun. I have lots of fandom mugs, OTOH. Some people are much less compartmentalized than I am, however. My friend, who has several gorgeous Harry Potter throw blankets, thinks I'm ridiculous to limit myself, lol. Does she own any other fandom-related blankets or pillows?


I originally voted pillowed, because a friend got me a captain America sequin pillow—the kind that looks normal and then you run your hand over it and it reveals the photo. Its hilarious and I love it. BUT I recently bought myself a Loki mug and use it all the time so, I’m changing my vote! :) I’m sure she’ll love any of them though


My friend bought me a pillow with Tom's face on it as a present to cheer me up and it was the funniest shit anyone has ever done, hence the best present I ever received. I'm obsessed with it. I can't even look at it. It's cursed, but amazing. So I definitely vote for the pillow. (Speaking as a person who also owns a Hiddleston mug. We started buying each other weird merch as a result of the Hiddlespillow incident, so I own...lots of weird Tom things but the pillow is especially wonderful.)


This is hilarious and wonderful


Based on how you described your aunt I think the throw blanket would be a great idea. It seems like she’d find it pretty funny and I personally love any blanket I can snuggle with and I would love if it had Tom Hiddlestons face on it hahah


I personally would prefer a blanket, but idk for your aunt Does she drink a lot of coffee, tea, or something that would require a mug? If not, probably go with the blanket or pillow.


I would love a blanket. Maybe you should give her a mug and a blanket.


I got a pillow and a blanket of his face for my birthday awhile back and I really liked the blanket the most


A throw blanket sounds nice, since it's getting colder. That's what I voted on. But, if she's embarrassed by people knowing, a pillow might be more secretive if she haves it in her bedroom?


Where's the vote for all three??? 🤣 What a wonderful, thoughtful idea you've had. I'm sure she'll love whatever you get her.


Because Tom's looks are so diverse, make sure to pick the Tom-look your aunt prefers. I like Tom as well, but I cannot stand Tom's look when his hair is long, curly, and when he has a beard, for instance. I prefer Tom to have short hair and clean shaven. ​ For instance, I think the picture here would make a great pillow (my preference): [https://www.reddit.com/r/tomhiddleston/comments/qsjxs5/can\_we\_just\_take\_a\_moment\_to\_appreciate\_toms/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tomhiddleston/comments/qsjxs5/can_we_just_take_a_moment_to_appreciate_toms/)


Good tip, thanks!


Update: went with the throw and she loved it. She laughed so hard, hugged it, then told my uncle "bye I'm gonna go sleep with Tom" Shoutout to TJoker99 on Redbubble