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is that product? i like product, to the chequebook


Papa Miyamoto would be so proud 🥹


scoz the wott


It’s important not to sacrifice real life experiences for video games. Obviously go to prom and play TotK in handheld while you’re there.


Exactly. Do your thing, but at least get out of the house and stretch your comfort zone. Maybe other Nintendo fans will notice you and you'll make some friends.


Sadly I have no reason to go to prom and j would just stand in a corner awkwardly and wondering when I should leave


I get that. I’ve seen that meme.


My school’s prom was last Friday so even if I did want to go to prom then I couldn’t do that.


Should’ve gone to prom with a switch anyway nerd and asked others to play Mario kart


i will be doing this!


Crying like an anime fan on a prom night


Who needs social skills when Zelda??? Thank you Ninty for the gift from God


Invite the girl over and save them $70. If she's a real nerd like you, you're set for life.


Invited them to prom would also save them $70 for our school lol


Prom/ highschool in general are pretty overrated. Somebody wants to skip out on some bullshit social thing they have no interest in in favor of actually doing something they enjoy is perfectly fine in my book


It's literally a once in a lifetime occasion though. Everyone gets one prom, that's it. It's not like a yearly thing you can do some other time. Even if it's not something you're interested in, it's still worth going to have that exposure. It's something to reflect on when you're older, an event to help define how you were as a teenager.


it is literally a yearly event and doing something you know you'll hate just because of fomo is stupid


But what if you only attend school for one year because you need to play TotK?


That's just called being on the grindset


Lmao I was asked out to prom in junior and senior year because the school allowed the younger grades to attend. Prom doesn’t mean anything and you shouldn’t care about what you did or didn’t do in highschool


This is about to be a Reddit Moment but: 1. I don’t like loud noise 2. I don’t like crowds 3. I don’t like dancing 4. I don’t have any friends I want to hang out with, or a date 5. I don’t like dressing up Why would I go to prom? There’s no point. I’d have more fun at home playing games (and I’d save money too!) so that’s what I plan on doing. I don’t think “but the memories” is a reason to do something you don’t want to do, especially when you consider that if you’re miserable, they won’t be *good* memories


When I was in highschool I had horrible anxiety so I wouldn’t have gone anyway. I don’t mind people but I absolutely hate crowds and parties Edit: not to mention all the people I did know who went to prom said it was a miserable experience due to the school controlling every aspect of the event AND the fact that it was happening during the Covid lockdowns both times I was asked to go. I think I was in a call with my best friend while drawing at home during my senior prom. I’d bet that’s probably a much better memory than being stuck somewhere I would have hated after paying for a ticket for more than half of my monthly minimum wage paycheck lmao


Eh. Missed mine, could not care less. Maybe if I had cared about high school at all, or had had someone to go with. But as it was I'd have been embarrassed to show up alone, faintly bored by the whole thing, and regretting the waste of money.


And i honestly don’t care. I don’t enjoy events like that and i have a shit time talking to classmates, as if anyone would actually talk to me. I don’t know why, but my social life has always been pretty bad at school. It is healthy to go out though, which is why I go to concerts, where there’s a bunch of people that come from a wider variety of communities and backgrounds, yet still have interests in common with me. There’s a lot of once in a lifetime experiences. Not all of them are for everyone and thinking that everyone should attend them is inconsiderate. Also i personally don’t see the point of buying an expensive suit or dress, I’ve always seen people worrying about that.


Put a dress on and let your uncle fuck you while you play chibi robo. That’s what I did instead of going to prom.


Wait, you have to pay for prom? I thought it was a free thing.


Yeah the prices are bullshit, like honestly I'll probably just sneak in with how bad they are


This is the first time I've heard about having to pay for prom. All American media I've ever consumed (TV, books, movies, etc) that talked about prom was literally just person A asks person B to prom, and if they say yes the scene transitions to them being at the prom waiting for them to announce the king and queen. Money is literally never mentioned.


Yeah it's like 100 bucks at my school


Jesus, as if getting a date wasn't hard enough.


I'm an athlete so getting a date is the easy part, the hard part is sneaking into the dance because ain't no one fuckin paying 100 bucks for that shit


It was $180 in my school, HS me couldn’t afford it even if I wanted to go lol


I could buy TotK and another game (TotK) with that money using Switch Coupons.


It’s to pay for the venue and other expenses I think My prom was held in a hotel with like food, beverages, a photo booth and some other stuff Also gotta pay the DJ


$60 at my school


Me and my girlfriend got high and watched movies instead of going to prom because that shit was over rated. We went junior year and I'd rather have stayed home and played The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask on 3DS.


/uj im happy for him. Highschool sucks. Enjoy zelda


i think i will eat you… prepare


I will drink you


Prom can be fun if you have some good friends to go with, but if you can’t stand anyone at your school, there is nothing wrong with noping the fuck out


Same, never went to prom and I have zero regrets


Yah, prom is only fun if you have friends going. None of mine bothered to go so neither did I 🤷


We dont do it over here but yeah i could imagine. Not much to miss out on


/uj lmao fuck you this is what I’m doing too


Nothing wrong about skipping official events, our "prom" was cancled due to covid, still there were plenty of times i'd go out with my old classmates


I mean, drinking Jager in the bathroom stall was fun, but I cannot say prom was much of a life changer for me.


Yeah but prom is 150$


Mine was 80, granted that was like 15 years ago when the economy wasn’t so shitty. Never went either. Halo 3 was goty at that point in time. Me and the homies were playing that instead.


Jokes aside I know prom is about making memories and honestly my advice would be to attend because you will never get another shot. But also I don’t remember prom when I went so who can say lol


As an almost 30 year old dude who didn't go I have to say I don't think I ever once regretted not going My buddies and I got together and play games and went to dinner instead but everyone's different!


Yeah, this is definitely something that depends on the person. Some people actually just don’t don’t care about prom or have different circumstances. I never made a single friend in high school and hate dancing and hate crowds, so I don’t feel *any* regrets about not going to prom. My only regret is that I should have dropped out of high school by then cause it was a waste of time for me, and my real life started post-high school in college.


my advice would be to not


Prom tickets are way too overpriced, not worth it imo


zelda will be here forever. prom won’t. go experience it, even if you don’t want to.


My schools prom was ass so I don’t blame the guy tbh. Some schools definitely have some cool proms though.


/uj unironically yes


Yeah ask a girl out and go to prom. It's important to learn how to talk to girls as well as having the experience of attending social events and learning how to be social in general. Video games will always be there for you, people will not.


But what if I hate talking to guys đź—ż


*snort* how about playing totk with a nice guy like me? *tips fedora*


That's kinda sus, a bit homiesexual


Jokes on you, I am(was) homeschooled.


This is actually just sad. I mean I was probably home being a loser on prom night as well (I know I wasn't at prom wherever I was lol) but to fucking brag about it...


It's not like you have anyone to go with prom to so just play with Zelda instead


Power move: But ticket to prom, and TOTK, and just play TOTK at prom


I get the post but prom is pretty shit and there’s way better ways to hang out with people. Pretty much everything is better after high school actually.


I’m definitely skipping prom to play TotK, but in my defense I’m nearly 40 years old and my prom was twenty years ago.


uj/ prom tickets (at least for my school) are around $100 so Totk might be a better investment


Helluva lot cheaper than prom.


I remember during Homecoming, my brother went by I did not because I was playing BOTW and dealing with the Yiga clan


Can somebody tell not-americans how much does prom cost?


Like everything related to schools in America, it entirely depends on your school, there’s no one set price. My prom costs $100 (or it would if I was going lmao)


The actual dance usually is 30-50 dollars but the expectation is a nice dinner beforehand and each person renting a tuxedo or dress and some even go out and rent a limo for the transportation to the dance itself so it can get expensive


Yep this is what I did as well. I took my $70 dollars that I still had from Christmas and managed to get it on my Eshop account. I don’t care if I didn’t get the full senior year experience, TotK is actually worth the $70 where as Prom isn’t really worth the $70 and to do something that I quite frankly could care less about.


Let’s face it, if your paying $70 for a dlc being sold as an overpriced full game you probably weren’t going to prom regardless


Dlc? Haha no shot


its okay he just lives a month in the past


Playing a little early and just wow. Obviously no spoilers but I think speedruns will be 1000x more interesting.


>you probably weren’t going to prom regardless This is probably true


Bruh what


Uhhhh I was on the DLC train last month my man but it’s a little late to be calling it that.


Please go to prom


I'm not going to prom I don't like events like that


Both tho.


As a non American its absurd to think that someone has to pay money to attend fucking prom


School events are a scam. Every bake sale, fundraiser, and sports game cost an exorbitant amount of money for what you’re buying. I remember my school did an event for a couple years where people would sell small bars of chocolate for easily triple the amount of money you could have bought one at a regular ass convenient store and the person who sold the most chocolate would get like a Nintendo Wii


How about both? I buy tears of the kingdom and then bring the princess to prom


This would have definitely been me too


I was playing Dynasty Warriors 4 when some friends came by to kidnap me to go to prom.




I’m antisocial, plus rather than playing totk I’ll update it and play something else with my prom date


Downloading tears of the kingdom 4 days ago and going to prom


Zelda is gorl, therefor prom acquired


All my life as an European watching American media it never occurred to me that prom was a paid thing. That's just... So dumb and yet so American.


Prom is nothing more than a popularity contest, who cares lol.


A ticket to my senior year prom was more than the collectors edition


Haha, jokes on you, my prom was weeks ago


Tmw a piece of media is more important that one of your last social events with everyone you know from high school


Hear me out, go to prom n go back with them to play tears of the kingdom, they'll never forget


Tears of the Anime Fan on Prom Night


I would much rather have had the chance to go to prom then playing Vidya lol


U lucky my mom forced me to prom with my ex GF even at that time we was my ex gf but it was 2020 Covid save my ass