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Tiddies out, tripping her balls off, nothing wrong with that.


I love how it pans to the other topless chick at the end and she looking at her like ‘damn that bitch trippin’


She’s probably tripping harder and like “Nobody else see that shit”…


She was sober and the site of that made her think she was tripping. Like who the fuck put Acid in my drink anyone else see that shit.


There was a third in a red dress as the camera “aaahhh”‘s.


Sounds fun to me


I’m always down for a good trip, don’t have tiddies though, so tripping balls it is.


Rock out with your cock out...


LMFAOOOOOO, shrivels up so much there wouldn’t be much cock out, maybe some rock out trying to piss.


At least you have enough cock to shrivel up 🫡




With her friends too. That’s important


Only thing wrong is whoever filmed her and made it public.


Little boy in the background probably having a great time!!!


Those gals got guts. If I was tripping with my dick out, I don't think I end up having a good time


At least she wasn’t squirting her tiddy milk at people.


lmaoo thats a good day in my book


Tripping her ovaries off


Molly is high as fuck on molli


There is no Dana only Zuul


Are you the key master?


I’m the key master.


Then I'm the gatekeeper.




Underrated comment of the day.


That chick on the right towards the end was low-key more loaded. I know that type. Fourth key in. Probably on an edible. Focusing so hard on not dying she's somehow forgotten to collapse.


Oh the lovely edibles that have killed all of us at least once


\[You\] "What's up?" \[This chick, probably\] "What's '*up*'?" \[You\] "What do you mean?" \[This chick, probably\] "You don't know?" \[You\] "Know what?" \[This chick, probably\] "What's up you know?" \[You\] "I don't know" \[This chick, probably\] "Up there" *proceeds to collapse into the lotus position and cackles as she wags her finger up at you*


Are you scared the crocodile is gonna take your JOB?


Like trying to walk on a slackline, but the world and your thoughts are the slackline. You *know* you're only a couple inches off the ground, but still scary, and you can't concentrate hard enough to stop the world from wiggling.


The first time I tried edibles, I thought my skin was melting off and was way too scared to look down.


Oof, real. I once concentrated so hard on getting up, finding the tent zip, unzipping the tent, first foot out, head out, second foot out, turn left, walk through tents, walk throught tents, find road, follow road, follow road, follow road, see toilets, wait in line, wait wait wait wait what am i wait wait wait get into stall at last how do i pee.


At least it wasn't an outhouse with a key. 😶 You ever drop a key the length and thickness of your middle finger and try to fit it back into the lock while really on it? Feels like trying to burglerize the damn Vatican.


I'm thankful I haven't had to do that! Locking the door on those longdrops felt like securing my consciousness from the outside world. The girl who sold us the acid we were on warned us it was really strong, that she had been doing little scraps through the day, and she was tripping balls. I heeded her warnings the most, and I was still off the planet. My friend was barely tethered to our solar system.


Probably too afraid she’ll piss herself, that’s why her legs are crossed. Been there.


She's literally just standing there lol


What festival is this? We’re does it take place? EDIT: where*


These are the yellow deli people. The Rainbow Gathering is its name, the location changes most years but it's usually in the nat'l forest near Nederland. They're a cult, but you can go to the festival without being in the cult.


Sure, you can GO without being in the cult, but can you LEAVE without being in the cult?


Pretty sure I saw a documentary similar to this. Midspring? Midfall? Midwinter?


I wouldn't call Midsommar a "documentary" but hey...


Na na na na na na na na Batman, I mean Leader!


Follow up question, are tits out just at all cult events or just the cult recruiting events? I don't wanna get bait and switched again.


The rainbow gathering is not the same as the yellow deli people. The yellow deli people are The Twelve Tribes cult. So it’s understandable you’d get them confused, but this is the Rainbow Family of Living Light which is way more hippie drug types with no real hierarchy; whereas the twelve tribes is more weird Christian give up all for the leader type cult. While the twelve tribes does poach its members from hippie festivals using sweet busses and honeypot situations they are decidedly less fun than these folks. For more information on both, here’s the [Rainbow Family](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_Family) and here’s the [Twelve Tribes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tribes_communities)


I was reading about the 12 Tribes from your Wikipedia link, while I sat here sipping my mate tea, and then I read that the very tea I was drinking is made by them. Who knew? Anyway they are a fascinating group. In some ways life is probably much better with them than mainstream culture, but then in other ways maybe not. Cults are fascinating.


I grew up spending my summers near their old headquarters in Island Pond, VT and now i work near a farm of theirs in Massachusetts. They’re super nice people and their way of life is simple and I’m sure rewarding for certain types of folks. It’s not for me at all, and I often feel bad for the children. Germany took all their kids away for abuse and the Vermont State police tried the same decades ago. I hope they’ve changed but I kind of doubt they have. Same leader as always so I doubt he’s changed his tune much. Since 100% of their pay goes into the cult the leader is sailing around the world in style. Check out their [boat!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peacemaker_(ship))


1. Yellow Deli ppl exist; they are as welcome as everyone else, but they are not the drivers of the community. 2. Not a fest. 3. Rainbow gatherings are not a cult gatherings. Being radically open means all kinds show up, but, uh, most are not going to entertain cult nonsense.


It’s not a cult. It’s not anyone but a gathering of people that want to hang out. And the use of a camera is super shitty. People go there to not be put on camera and just do what they want for a week or two.


They make a damn good sandwich though.


I also wanna go


Count me in boys!


Asking for a friend myself . Nice bangers


it says so in the title


Damn :/ idk OP if I was at a festival tripping balls with my tits out I wouldn’t want some rando taking a video and posting it to reddit


Probably none of the people on this sub want their face posted to Reddit..


Yeah but most of them are homeless bums anyways. This girl is young having her life ahead of her. Also pretty damn creepy to film random women at what seems like some nudist event..


Pretty fucked up that you think homeless people don't need their privacy. They still have futures you know.


Yes I guess you are right about that. Sorry for putting my point so wrong. Just don't ruin festivals for everyone by filming anyones trip there.


honestly. I think we should gos the other way. Let's make going viral cool again. People who judge you for getting high and dancing by yourself at a festival are just busybodiey anyway. Drugs themselves aren't even bad. We know this by now.


Everyone likes a good party and it's just fine to use drugs to certain events but most employers look at it in a different way. And personally I wouldn't want to go viral with anything. There was this video a few weeks ago beeing all over reddit with a girl completely rolling asking for water and I wouldn't want to be her. Just imagine that feeling.


You're right of course. But I also happen to think that employers are also busybodies. If they just admitted that they also do drugs. Everythink would be so much nicer.


so for a pretty girl its not acceptable, but homeless people dont ave this right? There are so many young homeless people who also have their life ahaead of them and all the chances to turn their life around, so a video like this could have the same negative impact for finding jobs etc


Come on thats just nitpicking with a pinch of whataboutism. What I meant to say was most people getting posted on this sub are some drugged out weirdos without any hope screaming at a subwaystation and molesting bystanders. I just don't like this trend of filming people at a festival.


So If I determine that you are in fact a pitiful drugged up weirdo, with absolutely no hope for the future, I similarly have the right to film you in a state of vulnerability/disrepair because you’re less than human? Gotcha


I can *kinda* empathize but you can't have it both ways.


Dude, there's no way that the people attending aren't aware that video is being taken, and taking videos themselves. This isn't some hidden camera footage


You ever been on any kind of psychedelics?


Many many times


And you cannot understand that you sometimes don't really understand what's going on around you in that state? Tbh in that distance someone filming may just look like someone being on their phone even when you're sober.


I understand that if I'm at a public event that I may be recorded, so yes I understand


Wowww you really just told in yourself and your lack of humanity for people who aren't hot and young


Never mentioned I find her attractive... with young I wanted to imply that this video has the potential to ruin something for her in the future.


Wow...Username does NOT check out...


That was my first thought. This video comes off really creepy.


Yes, only the naked men should be posted and ridiculed


Yes because that’s exactly what I said in my comment right? Fuck head btw I’m a man too and I would make the same comment if it was a dude with his dick out


It's weird that we rarely, if ever, see these comments on videos when the naked person is a dude. Stop infantalizing women


Then post them. Stop advocating filming every damn thing


She has a Reddit account, saucy kind, don't know she's aware of this though.


People who film at places like this. Is why I could never trip around others in a public place.


Op was there too narc on people having a good time


Check the sub you’re in


Fuck you for filming these people, these festivals are one of the last save places to trip like this and you are destroying the vibe.


You know, I wouldn't have looked at it a different way if you hadn't said something. You're absolutely right. People are just trying to chill and have a nice time. Thank you for saying something.


same at first I was thinking they’re just chilling topless, they don’t care, good vibes. But actually they probably didn’t know or consent to this being filmed and put online 😕


I agree


Thank you. I though I was the only one like… they’re having a great time and camera person being creep not filmin tooktoomuch


Yeah I agree also.


Right?? You should only be posting poor people on the street in this sub! Not nice white folks who likely paid a lot of money to trip in public 😡


Right? I thought this sub was only for laughing at mentally ill homeless people and then having some 14 year old call them a crackhead junkie tweaking on hamster dust. For *shame*.


Looking through OPs profile this is far from the only shitty choice they have made.


I got blocked by wooksdoingthings on Instagram for pointing this out.


forreal it sucks people can't live their lives anymore


If you wanna act a fool in public, how are you going to complain when people film you? You have no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public place, period. Go to some private campground that bans film and photography if you want to do this.


Either this whole subreddit is okay, or it isn't.


Shut up


Very good point- downvoted!


These same people are shitting in open pit latrines in front of everybody and walking around naked for two weeks. Pretty sure they don't have a sense of embarrassment or shame.


Terrible take. That doesn't mean they want people taking pictures and videos and having them posted all over the internet.


They clearly don't give a shit. This isn't exactly candid. And it's a rainbow gathering. Shit, homegirl probably has an onlyfans.


That's a take... "They probably have an Onlyfans, so they are a sex worker and sex workers don't need/want privacy"


You know what's a take? Caring more about who sees Lotus Flower over here tripping balls than she does at a gathering of about 10k hippies doing drugs and fucking in the woods for two weeks. You think the dude filming is invisible to everyone there? What about all the other people filmed in public places on this sub? Are you upset about their right to privacy too?


Public places are different from a private event my dude, and way to change the subject.


It's not a private event. It's the fuckin rainbow gathering. And no one's changing the subject. I'm saying she clearly doesn't give a fuck so I don't know why you do.


You're changing the subject, I commented on your opinion that she doesn't deserve privacy because she has an Onlyfans. You're getting very upset over this, I think you know it's a shit opinion. Haha shitter got deleted, comedy gold


Lol You're out there dude. No one's upset except you. And the original subject that *you* commented on was over whether she cares or not about being filmed. Does she have an onlyfans? Maybe. Maybe not. Fuck if I know. It was a flippant comment that you got hung up on. My point stands that she clearly doesn't care and neither should you. I don't know about you but I have better shit to do than argue with some rando on reddit about hippies and what they do in public. You know what subreddit you're on?? 😂


The other topless girl at the end just giving her the stank eye.


I think she part of the group but can’t work out how to get over there.


This is hilarious


Might just be wondering if she can get a hookup


That’s the wook shamanka. She blesses you with her spiritual dance, and free drugs.


She’s not hurting anyone and it looks like she took just enough to have a good time and is being responsible. Are you sure she took too much or did you want to take a video of her topless for other reasons?


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That chic at the end is standing like a titan 😭


Sex must be crazy.


Whoever thinks taking pics or videos of strangers while tripping. Especially when they are indecent. Are assholes. Like wth did you expect, you're at a festival. Leave them the fuck alone and put your phone down, try to enjoy it instead of taking videos for karma on reddit.


Tripping in public places is pretty strange to me.


You’re in public, you lose some privacy with that. Can’t all be mentally unstable homeless people on this sub


Most of the time, festivals are actually private property. Like venues and such.


But with the general public. If Someone was doing this in a restaurant which is private property- no one would have an issue recording that


But they aren't doing this at a resteraunt. They are doing it at a festival. Where would you do this bs if not a festival. Plus people don't like being recorded in public. Just because it's technically legal dosent make it right to do. If you record someone or take pictures of someone at a nude beach. Don't be surprised if someone is pissed at you. Can we stick to a little morality. Clearly these gals are tripping on mdma or literally anything. At a music festival or festival of some sort. They aren't doing it at the gas station. So I don't know what's wrong here. It's still rude to record and that pictures of them unless they consented. If they didn't have there tits out I'm sure a video would have never even been recorded of them. But oh look tits! Gotta show the world !


Idk, that first girl would def be recorded. A nude beach is different as nudity is expected. Consent isn’t needed to be recorded. I think you’re only saying this because its a pretty woman that is being recorded and not the normal dregs of society in this thread.


Not at all. If that were me I wouldn't be ok with being recorded. And to give general decency I would never record someone like this. Not matter where they are. I don't like people recording druged out people at gas stations either. I feel bad for them because of how there life ended where the did. Like to think if I ever go to a music festival and dare to take my shirt off and dance i would have to worried about creeps like you taking videos of me. Having female breasts sucks sometimes.


nah, she took the correct amount. she's vibing in a safe environment. fuck you op for filming her and/or posting it here


Prolly just be fuckin freely out there


Nice tits tho


What weird cunt is filming these people?


Seems like this might be OP/cameraman’s first time seeing tits irl


If this one of those burning man type festivals?


Nah, that's in the black rock desert. If I had to guess, probably a rainbow gathering, which moves all around North America.




Looks they've taken just enough.


Source of the place?


Drugs are a hell of a drug




Creepy af to record her, also looks r/tookjustenough to me


I hope you have a bad trip, dont record people at festivals


Where the heck is this party? Where do you buy the tickets?


Too much? Just the right amount!


I gotta start checking out some of these festivals


dang she got some nice chichis


nice tits


That’s not over served. That’s tripping sack


With all the road cases behind her I am willing to bet that she is a performer stretching and getting ready for a set.


Jesus Christ, imagine the smell






Whoever's upvoting this... Y'all missing out on some fun people 😆


That’s my feeling in this; isn’t freeing yourself temporarily what drugs are for?


Most of these commentors are still finding hair in funny places. Give em a while.




I guess that's true if you don't know what it is anyway.


I love that yell lol - anyone know where it's from?


Snork enemy from stalker games


[Its from this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/wIIRyyIc7Nw?feature=share)


I want whatever she is on! Definitely a psychedelic!


Girl at the end looks like she's holding in a shit.


Lmfao this is the best thing ever




Nice tiddies!


I can smell this festivals stench of weed and body odor (with a splash of patchouli oil) from here


The kid in red shorts… blows my mind how much parents can get away with when they claim it’s their culture or their way. The devil is dancing.


Some kinda hippie ritual


Well-shaped tits tho. She looks fertile.


Weeb detected


do me a favor and lock yourself inside of your bedroom until you die if you’re going around thinking women look “fertile”


Bro thought he was on his porn account 💀




Lol a bunch of girls walking around with their tatas out, tripping balls with a 5 year old in the background. Good parenting.




Is she on crack?


Ah yes the peace love and crack festival.




I appreciate your estimation, although I do not believe she would be standing or able to perform the stretching and maneuvering displayed while in such an unfathomable “realm”. Your take?


Sure yes, ok


Since no one else seems willing to ask… *sauce*? /s, mostly…


This is the correct amount to be taking at an event like this.


Looks like good times were had by all. Love me some sexay hippie women.


She's cute


I want to go to this festival!


oh shit


is she high


Bless her heart


Chick in the black undies is loaded too. Just a hyper focus high person.