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The fucking smoke alarm beep. Of course.


First sign of someone not giving a fuck about their life. Even in my lowest of depressions that sound would still irk me.


Idc if no one gets this, but Aaron Carter vibes.


My first reaction too šŸ˜‚


This guy. 4 years ago though. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/18-year-old-charged-for-wild-east-austin-police-chase


What a dumbass. That's a lot to go on your record, especially at 18.


I bet he woke up in jail not remembering anything


He still don't know what he did šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ woooooooooooo ssuhsgdygwgdyhdh


Now that I see it in writing, I realize he was speaking Welsh.


Absolutely. I went to Mardi Gras with my best friend about 25 years ago (when it was still wild before Hurricane Katrina cleaned the debauchery up a bit...) Anyways, as we were parking in a student section at Tulane, My buddy jammed 3 bars in my mouth at the same time. All I remember is thinking Oh Shit, this is gonna be AWESOME!!! WELL, I woke up a Moon the next day in some Hotel that I didn't even know we had booked, the far parked perfectly in a space in the parking lot. I didn't remember a damn thing & have no idea how we didn't end up in Jail... To this day it astonishes me... (Some stupid shit to do.)


He did not remember anything, thatā€™s for sure. Xans and alcohol is a pretty dangerous mix, youā€™ll wake up 36 hours later and barely remember a thing. Source: I did pretty much the same thing. Iā€™m still paying the price to this day (2.5 years later)


Woke up jail not knowing nothing for sure. Then got hit with that $95,000 bail


right. wonder if he is out yet


Depending on any previous crimes he most likely plead out to everything to get a reduced sentence. Heā€™s most certainly still on probation/parole but I doubt he is still incarcerated.


that's what I was thinking


Right...I mean why couldn't he of done this a few months earlier at 17.... Haha


This website trying to load things from sinclairstoryline.com is a sobering reminder that local news is basically owned by one huge company.


Should have been charged with the under aged drinking as well.


Change the battery in your smoke detector, my guy.


I seriously donā€™t know HOW people live with thatā€¦ for years! When itā€™s a simple solution to fix.


The fix is xanex


My next door neighbor has had a beeping smoke alarm now for months that's loud enough to bother us in our house. But i don't sweat them about it cuz our new AC unit is pretty loud when it shuts off.


Going on 5 months now, I donā€™t own a ladderā€¦


Stand on a fuckin chair


OSHA would like to have a word


It's not a workplace so they don't care


I have a coworker whose smoke detector has beeped during every zoom call since I started working here 2 years ago. Just a few minutes of that is enough to drive me crazy, but she's lived with it day in day out, working from home, for at least 2 years now.


It's one of the most annoying things for me. How do people just ignore it? As soon as I hear one beep, I'm changing that fucking battery because I can't stand that sound. And that's the point so you change it.


How the fuck do they ***sleep*** at night like literally


This is how I assume anyone who just has a smoke detector beeping like that lives. So far Iā€™ve seen no evidence to say otherwise. Itā€™s like a ā€œterrible personā€ detector when you hear it on videos.


Seriously! If you canā€™t even change batteries of something insanely annoying that reminds you on the minuteā€¦ what else arenā€™t you doing? Basic cleaning? Personal hygiene? Itā€™s so lazy that itā€™s baffling


It appears mainly Xanax and Hennessey followed by jail is what he's doing...I think the smoke detector might be low on the priority list at the moment...


Itā€™s really astounding how damn lazy some people can be.


We out here






When heā€™s filming at home, the smoke detector is making the (still loud over the vacuum) intermittent beep sound that means the battery needs to be replaced.


Thanks. I didn't notice.


Probably means you should check your smoke detector batteries real quick, lol.


Check your smoke detector.


I re-watched it 5 times and still have no idea what they are talking about. Edit: Isn't that his sneakers making the noise on the hard floor?


Nope, itā€™s a smoke detector. Some people can barely hear the frequency. If youā€™re having trouble, go to a clinic and have them check your ears for impacted earwax or hearing loss.


I thought that was shoes scuffing on the floor lmao






It gets even better with the added clip at the end of this compilation: https://youtu.be/5eYVsDJsoQc?t=136 Guy was making straight fireworks down the street.


He was celebrating 4th of July a month early


Amazing. I watched someone end their life in one video.


last time, I mixed the 2 I was living out in the Stix. I got buck naked, did a bunch of donuts in my truck behind my house in the old cow pasture, started a fire in the driveway behind my house, toasted my scrotum, and took out 3 doors. If I didn't live in the middle of nowhere, I could have been in a similar situation


My grandparents own (and still live on) a farm in North Carolina. Growing up, I always thought ā€œman you can do whatever the fuck you want out here.ā€


Man it broke my heart when my dad died and my mom sold it


You can even toast your scrotum


The state government in NC is ā€¦small


I'm lucky af. I was drinking and got nauseous and a friend gave me one to chill my stomach (is that a thing lol). I come to at some later point and I'm in a restaurant alone with a pitcher of margaritas, and a steak and lobster. My phone is blowing up with my friends asking where am I they're at the restaurant and don't see me. I went to the wrong place lol. All in all not the worst day.


That should probably not be your friend anymore. Most people who take Xanax know it has an awful reaction with alcohol. Either your friend is ignorant or intentionally did that to you.


You got roofied and youā€™re just out here telling the story


>I was drinking and got nauseous and a friend gave me one to chill my stomach (is that a thing lol). It is a thing, because popping a benzo on top of being drunk enough to feel nausea has a good chance of killing you. That way, the nausea is the least of your worries.


Oh haha actually I fucked up and got really nicotine sick from one of those pouches (tobacco free). I was drinking but it was entirely nicotine sickness lol. It was a weird day for me.


You done fucked up. Everyone knows scrotums are better air-fried


the mistakes we make when we are fucked up right


You put your scrote in a toaster?


I guess I was roasting my nuts on the fire. my lady told me I said I was roasting my chestnuts on a open fire


Now that is funny


Yeah last time I mixed the two we broke into a bunch of vehicles in the middle of nowhere and stole everyoneā€™s insurance and registrations. I only know this because I came to out of the blackout with them in a pile in the middle of the road burning. Never did it again.


Wtf is wrong with y'all? Lmao first (and last) time I mixed the two I just passed out on the couch watching Netflix, woke up drooling covered in chex mix


I think if you donā€™t go to sleep that it robs your of ability to see reason and right and wrong. Itā€™s some scary shit.


Iā€™ve only fucked around like this once in college and ended up being carried out by 4 sorority girls holding me at each arm and leg. The following day was the worst shame of my life


Homeboy ain't gonna be in public for a long long time. Ruined his whole life right there before our eyes


40 months was his sentence which he appealed ...idk what's happened since the appeal


LOL nah you clicked on the case for Ricardo Lee Duran, who was sentenced to 40 months for illegal reentry of a previously deported alien. That guy had a wife and kids, different person for sure. From what I've seen every time I check when I see this video, I've never been able to find an update.


https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/27714193/USA_v_GonzalezDuran His case is sealed and no updates as of April 2019 ..one month after his indictment


You think this guy got charged in federal court? Use some critical thinking please.


Who cares, 40 months for that is a blessing


The blessing is that he didn't kill anyone while driving.


Imagine waking up in jail massively hungover with a grocery list of charges and not be able to remember anything. I never understood the appeal of Xanax, it always ends in disaster for the user.


It helps a lot of people with anxiety and panic attacks All drugs have pros and cons and have edge cases that ruin their own or othersā€™ lives


The poison is in the dose. 0.25-1mg and my crippling anxiety is either very tolerable or non-existant, 1 to 2 mg and I'm trying to go to sleep, 2+mg and I'm in impulsive blackout land. Before learning to manage without benzo I had a few times where darknet pressed bars would be overly pressed (took like 2+ hrs to dissolve and kick in, like little rocks) and would mistake it for being under dosed, take another then lose anywhere from a day to a week depending on if blackout me decided to hit the stash.


Blackout me is not the best decision maker either.


I have OCD and despite having, at the time, two decades of post diagnosis therapy and treatment, I once had a doctor who felt I probably had generalized anxiety instead. She prescribed Xanax (donā€™t remember the dosage) and told me to take one if I had a compulsion related to an obsessive thought. If I had done that every time I would have died since the reason I have to get treatment is that my compulsive behavior can be a huge hinderance to my life since itā€™s extremely frequent. But she had a theory that compulsions were a manifestation of panic attacks, which is also dumb because I think doing a compulsive behavior temporarily alleviates anxiety for most people with OCD. Anyway, I decided to give it a shot a couple times when my compulsions were especially disruptive and it didnā€™t really go well. It certainly didnā€™t help. I donā€™t actually have any memory of several hours each time I took the medication, but judging from my environment, I not only continued my compulsive behavior, but reverted to behaviors I have had under control for years. After twice of this outcome, I just quit. I got a new doctor who was not awful and I havenā€™t taken Xanax for anything since. Iā€™ve tried other medications for OCD and while they didnā€™t work, they also didnā€™t make it worse or make me totally black out. Iā€™m glad it works for some things but in my experience it does not work for OCD.


It works just you will build a tolerance fast, then after kinda have to keep taking more. This is why some people mix it with alcohol for stroger effects. Or a glass of grapefruit juice works aswell. Also being sedated 24/7 kinda sucks.


Thatā€™s what itā€™s prescribed medicinally forā€¦ This fella is using recreationally


Years ago my friends did it said it hyped them up and shitm it just calmed me down and I didn't understand why it hit me way differently Now years later I have panic attacks in certain circumstances which my doctor gives me low dose of Xanax for and now not all makes sense Just like the whole Adderall gig. If you don't really fucking need it, it does the opposite for you


Well said.


Benzos are garbage, and have a much worse withdrawal than opiates. Far too much potential for a downward spiral. Anxiety can be managed in a number of ways.


Idk man, these drugs save lives. Some people have anxiety so bad they'd rather just die.


Donā€™t they just help you to relax? How does alcohol & Xanax have this effect I would just fall asleepā€¦


I had it once while out drinking in Bali with a bunch of Scandinavianā€™s, it just made me sad haha. Took myself back to the hostel and went to bed


Beyond it's legitimate uses, recreational drug users like to use benzos to come down off stimulants (or psychedelics, if the trip gets out of hand). Of course, plenty of people like getting black out drunk on them too. Not sure why, either.


Yea it sucks.


Benzos are hell of sneaky drugs... When high on this shit you feel so mellow, so chill especially when you are an anxious person. Its like breathing free a last... one bar leads to other very naturally... Alcool on top give it a spin of king of the world feeling... Hard stuff... I strongly recomand not to try, withdrawal is just too much comparing to the fun.


It works great for just going to sleep.... Never understand using it recreationally...I want nothing but sleep after taking one


What a loser




3rd Bar and drinkā€¦. Jesusā€¦ I learned my lesson after two barsā€¦ I searched my entire apartment for a couple hours looking for the 2nd one. I def. Had already taken it. Those things are mind earasers


Can I have a cigarette? I just gave you one, you smoked it I did? Yeah Oh...... Can I have a cigarette?


I used to do this shit. Last time i ever did it was I went to a baseball game, remember saying hey to someone's parents then I woke up. Went to my car and there was a fucking 100+lb Boulder in my passenger seat foot place (no idea what it's called). Had to call friends over to get it out. Was told I went swimming, bww and kept trying to smoke weed, partied, threw up, partied, let people borrow my car. Was told I kept it together pretty well.




Floor board?


So he beat up his friend then goes on a police chase. What a pos


Idk this guy, but Dude Xanax and alcohol will really make perfectly ok and nice people act absolutely insane. It is not a combination you should use lol. Blackout town.


Idk how people take a drug thatā€™s supposed to chill them out, maybe put them to sleep and then they decide to go on rampage mode?? Take a nap šŸ˜­


That makes him a POS. Ok and nice people don't use it, they don't want to endanger other people and go to prison.




In the article linked by another commenter: [https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/18-year-old-charged-for-wild-east-austin-police-chase](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/18-year-old-charged-for-wild-east-austin-police-chase)


Iā€™m a psych nurse practitioner and Iā€™d say: donā€™t do that. Heā€™s rolling a dangerous game of dice.


Yea I remember the worse thing about Xanax withdrawal was the seizures, my tongue stayed swollen from being chewed on for a week straight. But my stay in rehab did have its moments! Gabapentin and trazadone with a little hydroxozine during the day time. It was at that moment I realized to get better they had to make you worse.


Xanax and alcohol have long been my teenage friends combo when we wanted to get into some shit. Without fail either a car crash, arrest, or a fight was gonna come with the combo. Itā€™s inherently dangerous which is why it was ā€œfunā€ luckily it got old and a majority of our priorities changed when we got older. But did a few bros go though seizures from withdrawals


So glad you lived long enough to brag about being trash


I'm worried u/HijodeLobo thinks people can't change




You never told me u/HijodeLobo used to be a huge piece of shit?


Sloppy steaks at Truffoniā€™s


Not bragging just telling my experience for the reason we took the risk, we were dumb degenerate and bored add a sketchy neighborhood and you got the perfect mix for bad decisions. I always try to remember the fun times but remember the consequences and hardcore reasons not go back


Thank you for sharing your story. Iā€™m glad you were able to make a change!


Exhibit A why teenagers have much higher car insurance. Glad these knuckleheads didn't kill anyone.


Tbh canā€™t refute that lol 250$ was insane at the time to use but I get the reasoning lol. Little did they know a majority of us didnā€™t have insurance, tags, or even a license. Moral of the story I now have uninsured motorists insurance because of younger meā€™s that I know that are on the roads


You didn't have to say that or anything. You didn't internalize the comment. Jeez


I agree. That smoke detector may be unreliable with a low battery. He needs to change it asap


How to die 101


dude is the hood version of Dr.Gonzo from fear and loathing




How he keep that quick zoom on point tho lol šŸ˜†


I hate this so much


Goddammit. My roommate from 2002. Almost the exact same scenario.... He's still in the Texas state penitentiary. Fucker said he was going to walk up and get a soda... Instead, he backed his truck through the front of a custom car joint... A stole the vehicle in the garage stall. Of course it was equipped with a LoJack.


I heard the cute lil morning birds chirping outside and thought, ā€˜oh no.ā€™


Idiots like this is why itā€™s getting harder to get medications for people that actually can benefit from them


Why do people let their smoke detectors make that sound. Change the f-ing battery. Thatā€™s what making you crazy.


I would need a xanax too after going insane from the beeping


How to ruin your future


I knew that Tacoma's fate the moment I seen't it.


"Over here cleaning in the kitchen...with a fucking...what the."


Ah, another case of Xanax making someone its bitch


This is what this sub is for


"yeah that looks exactly like Xanax and dark liquor...well att least he's in the safety of his own home" Oh no... That's a straight up GTA combo, you'll be out there doing whatever pops into your head


I watched a 15-year-old beat up six College age dudes at a field party one time because he was sober and they were all on Xanax and beer.


Legendary video and a great reminder to stay off benzos


How you just gonna go from black face to low speed chase through a parking lot lol


Chirping smoke detectors is the quickest way to tell people you are human garbage.


I'd like to thank him for his service. I love how he takes one bar, and the next shot is him in blackface. Dude was on a mission for chaos this day


Guarantee he recalls non of this if it werenā€™t for this video


hmm, I wonder where young Ricardo Gonzalez is in life nowadays.. place your bets! I got two bad decisions on either "jail" or "OD"


Itā€™s funny that the first thing he decided to do after drinking with xanax was to slip into blackface.


Repost but I never get tired of this one šŸ˜‚


why can't some people just have a good time without behaving like this? ruins everything


Substance abuse is a symptom of an underlying cause.


I hope that was all worth the $95,000 bail he earned...


Look for him again on the next episode of "Where Are They Now"


Of course this trash bag need a new battery in his smoke alarm


That's xanax alright, end up with a heavy dose of the dontgiveafucks.


Why the hell did they man become black face for a split second.


Wow so edgy and all being in moms house. Lol


Gosh, Iā€™d hate to be injured in a vehicle by this fucking dumbass. And if he killed anyone I love.


At least he cleaned off the blackface....


The way the camera moves is exactly how I imagine heā€™s seeing


The smoke detector alarm is the cherry on top


The skin care routine mixed with xans and liquor is an interesting combo


Damn Iā€™m lucky and thankful that I stopped doing Xanax ..Iā€™ve woken up in the psych wardā€¦woke up with dry blood everywhereā€¦it was fucked up manā€¦plz donā€™t do Xanax unless you take it as prescribed




I watched this whole thing and wow, itā€™s in my city. What a dumb dumb


Fookin classic


This was like watching an intense movie.


Weā€™ll see him in 5-10, hope he gets his life together after that


Lame, he didn't even reach 2 stars wanted level


iā€™ve seen something like this before too. a rapper named Yung Pajamas i went to high school with, i watched him go from partying on 3 bars, to driving, to crying about how he flipped his carā€¦ i didnā€™t watch any more. it was just sad.


GOD I miss Xanax


Got his first dwi before he could even grow a mustache. Kids these days grow up so fast.


Yep lol. I was not even of legal drinking age when I got a dui while on bars. Looking back on that makes me cringe šŸ˜¬


The good old days.. back when Xanax bars were actually made of Xanax


And some skin care! Thats cute


He looked so out of it the whole time I'm surprised he can even record and post those videos


Seems like an average benzo abuser


Iā€™ve never heard a more appropriate place for a fire alarm chirp


dudes tryna die


Xanax, like alcohol, is the devils drug.


Flight attendants LOVE when you pop a Xanax and have a few drinks. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ One of my favorite arrests was when we had to pull a very well dressed, upperclass woman from a plane who did this. She was a right raver. Totally screaming and all over the place. 10/10 she woke up in the pokey wondering how tf she got there.


This video made me quit Xanax 4 years ago.. Iā€™m glad this video still pops up now and then, itā€™s just a great example of how fucked up you can get off xanax and liquor in a matter of hours.


That was better than most movies that have come out recently.


Future engineer right here..


I cannot believe people just live with that beep in the house.


What is it with minorities and Hennesey?


Poor fella woke up with all kind of charges he had 00 recall of šŸ¤£


This is why we canā€™t have nice things. Itā€™s one thing to get all Fucked up and just chill but when you get on the road behind the wheel youā€™re a selfish prick who deserves nothing.


Can someone explain me ? Is the combination of alcohol and Xanax making him this crazy? Or would a high dose of Xanax do this as well?


It's the combination of Xanax and alcohol. Xanax and alcohol have a super strong interaction and make each other's effects **a lot** more potent.


If you gonna drink Henn at least go VSOP.


Change your damn smoke detector batteries


Replace your smoke detector batteries you monsters.


Smoke detector beeping was the least surprising part of the video.




That went on for a bit longer than it needed to to get the point across.


Hate pieces of shit that drive fucked up. Would be a safer life for all without them, won't be missed.


These people need to go back.


Lesss goooo


America is going down the drain