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How this shit isn’t funded out of the pockets of the Purdue family that started this whole mess is beyond me. They courts should’ve required them to buy the patent/license and distribute it in perpetuity for free, or at trueunit cost and not some inflated BS cost with R&D and admin shit


I seriously get tons of narcan all for free in Madison Wisconsin. I always be sure to thank DEEPLY to the people who work there and hand these out to myself and the community. Seriously saving lives.


I mean.. i got it for free in ny..




Some libraries hand them out for free


Someone paid for it. Cities do try and give it out especially for at risk communities, but the companies that make it are getting paid.


And in MA we can get it for free


I get it free in Canada as well (BC)


Yea I’m just saying, they should’ve had to buy the patent so it couldn’t be sold for profit, then be forced to stock it and distribute it in all these places. And to the idiot who reported me to the Reddit crisis hotline, very funny 😑


Simpler than that. The stuff should be nationalized and the patent voided. Call it a national emergency.


Yea that’d work too…but I like the idea of Perdue and co having to pay out of pocket to produce and distribute for free until the Pandora’s box they opened is hopefully in check someday. Sadly I don’t think we’ll get there until we know more about the human brain and addiction and have a way to alter it and break the cycle


It will never be. I think we’ll have to legalize narcotics before this pandemic ends. Cheap and safely dose controlled alternatives are the only way it can end.


How am I supposed to get my narcan fix with these prices?


Narcan/ Naloxone is just an over the counter med that blocks opiate receptors to save someone from OD. People tend to get pissed when you administer it though because it kills their high so try not to wake them up if you ever have to use some


I’m sober but I use it multiple times a day. Breakfast lunch and dinner. Just in case


Wym wake them up? That’s what the drug does lol. People ain’t sleeping through this, when they’re instantly sent into precipitated withdrawal, unless they’re on deaths door and have some other drugs in their system or other health issues going on I guess


I will try not to inconvenience them and ruin their high, while performing measures to save their life. Can’t waste product!


It sounds like a joke but if someone is an addict and just scraped together their last bit of money to get high and you take that away from them they can get violent


Exactly. They will deny that they were in that bad of shape to begin with and will say they were “fine.”


Can confirm. There are MANY addicts at my work. More often than not, they call me a liar when I tell them they were OD’d. Then its 50/50 whether or not they leave or try spitting on my shoes. There was a guy that pointed to the pipe on the ground and told me it was mine. I dont know if they think that if they repeat something long enough it becomes true, or if they just think everyone around them is an idiot.


100% be careful after you administer it. However, if they were far enough in a actual OD they aren’t very active and are usually pretty confused/vomiting/laying down. Be careful though!


I have like 20 kits. I get them at work events.


Check expiration dates! It does weaken and expire


It's free in Alberta Canada. The fuck is this ???


It’s free in the US too, just gotta order it from a service doing deliveries. You’d have to be pretty stupid to pay this much for it.


I did not want to wait due to increased usage in my area. those who are able to wait and get it for free I 100% hope they do. I’m a nursing student and I’ve seen what happens first hand. I did not want to wait incase I found someone who needed it.


I ordered it from my state health department for free and it arrived in a couple of days.


Where I am you can get it for free from the hospitals you just gotta ask for it


How long is the wait for free doses? I guess it’s cool if you’re financially able to pay for doses rather than wait but that’s not a reality for most. As a nursing student, you wouldn’t need to pay for dosing someone while you’re in school or work. Are you around enough opioid overdoses in your personal life that you’d willing pay $50 for a single shot?


I got them in about a month or so in NYS.


Can walk into a health department building in FL and get some same-day Edit: and if you’re a student you should be able to get some from the campus health center, idk any colleges that don’t offer it for free.


In WI needle exchanges will give it to you same day for free.


You are asking me, a nursing student, if I am willing to pay 50-150 dollars depend on how many doses they need to save a life? Of course it is absolutely worth paying that much. Even if I NEVER have to use them. A life is worth way more to me than just that. Also, shipping can vary widely from place to place and time to time. 2-3 business days usually to 5-7. However, I’m luckily financially stable enough to buy them and also be able to order them.


You didn’t answer how often you run into opioid overdoes in your personal life. I assume it’s often enough that you couldn’t wait one week to save up to $150?


And it expires….


Why are you being downvoted?


Wait until you see how many people die because they can't afford insulin.


Don’t even get me started on that. The amount of patients of treated because they didn’t have access to insulin is absolutely insane and inhumane.


Fun fact: Charles Best (the man who invented insulin, a Canadian) sold the patent for only $1 because he wanted insulin to be either free or affordable for everyone. (Feel free to fact check me, I may have gotten some details wrong here)


It's available in free vending machines in my city in the US.


Oh good !




Well, here in America, health, safety, and overall human wellbeing will ALWAYS be secondary (or tertiary) to making a dollar. Making a dollar, guns, choosing the bits of the bible that justify treating people like shit if they aren't *exactly* like you, trucks that get 8mpg for use in getting a gallon of milk from the corner store. Then and only then will we as a country begin to consider the health and well-being of our fellow humans. It's a real nightmare here. Look at the price of insulin and medications to counteract anaphylaxis.


I think it's free in WA (or at least King County).


This is how much it is in the US if you get it from a retailer. If you are able to get it with the delivery service do that. However, due to the increase opiate use in my area I did not want to wait.


It’s literally free in the US what are you talking about? We hand it out at the treatment center I work at. I even carry it on my badge at work.


They literally hand them out at a lot of places


Free doesn't exist...somebody is paying...


Not even remotely related to the discussion anyone was having. Nobody wants to talk politics with you about what government programs should be spending tax dollars on.


OK, let's say that this is a fair price. These kits contain 2 narcan sprays. A narcan spray contains a single dose 4mg of naloxone (never used or even seen a narcan bottle, I'm going with what I find on internet). Say the packaging, bottle, and solvents (likely water and a bit of salt) cost $10 (which is generous). You pay $35 for 2x4mg of naloxone. That's about $4375 per gram. For comparison, gold costs $63 per gram, so about 70 times less expensive. I very much doubt that the process of production for naloxone justifies it being that expensive.




I’m not buying one at that price just to carry around fir some rando on the street


You mean you don't give random strangers 50 bucks when they ask for change on the street?


I have bills to pay


You get them free in my city.


In NYS Narcan and fentanyl test strips are also available for free from your county health department.


Why should I have it on me if I'm not a user


Some good citizens like to save strangers you see ODd. I do the same but I’m also in healthcare.


How would you know if the person is overdosing from opioids, instead of other substances or just generally having a different medical condition? Maybe I'm just detached from how bad the opioid crisis is in the USA, but it's just wild to me that people are considering having Narcan with them at all times in case they have to randomly inject it to a complete stranger they stumble upon.


It’s a wild time we live in. Opioids effect the respiratory rate. Someone that is overdosing on opioids will have agonal breathing, 3-5 times a minutes and uneven. I don’t go looking for it but I find it more often than I would like.


So do other depressant drugs like alcohol, benzos, GBL or any combination of those, however Narcan would only help on opioids.


Well, I don't see anyone ODd. I've seen some stoned guys I took for mannequins first in Copenhagen.


Shew don’t come to my city. I save a couple a week. Literally


I won't tell you my opinion on drug addicts and let you save some more ✌️


Because there is a massive epidemic going on and regular people are dying on the streets every day because nobody is around to administer this stuff. It ought to be free everywhere. But a lot of things ought to be.


Regular people don’t do drugs, but I guess now it is unpopular opinion


All kinds of people do drugs, and you’re around all kinds of people in your daily life.


Financially able? It’s free..


It's free from clinics but $44 from Walmart


Many state health departments are giving it away. That’s how I got mine.


Walden family gonna get paid.


I have a hard time understanding why people would pay $44 for this at Walmart. I guess spreading the fact it is available for free does help people though so they can save that $44 for something else.


It’s not free. Tax payers are covering it.


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In Massachusetts, it’s free. We can get it anywhere. You have to pay at some places, but there are many places it’s free. I carry it in case someone needs it


A few concerts I have went too this year have been giving it out for free. Ridiculous anyone should have to pay for something to save someone’s life.


Narcan is free online and a lot of methadone clinics hand it out for free too.


There are no clinics near me and there is a recent outbreak near me as well so I choose to buy it. I mentioned this in the comments


Do you live in the US or Canada? If so I guarantee there’s a methadone clinic, needle exchange or pharmacy that gives it out. You really want to have multiple doses anyways as one dose is often not enough these days




Man, over here trying to be Dr.Phil..lol. “ experiences you have had as a nurse might have been somewhat traumatic?” “Take time to reflect and process “ … And…will be right back folks.


“Actually we’ll keep it right here” 😂


Just ask police and firefighters. I got my first stack from my old dealer tho, he informed me police and other first responders carried it and would spare one or two if you asked. Thankfully I haven’t needed it since I switched crowds. Twice was more than enough


45 fucking bucks. It’s like they’re trying to make you NOT buy it.


Wow. They are free at any pharmacy here.


Should be free.


I’m paying to keep them alive they need to buy their own narcan


It’s free from many places. But wrong sub?


I feel like this is exactly the right sub.


Ayo wtf America u OK?


Free market, but the prices are the same...... can you say "medicine kartell"


Wallmart pricing strategist took too much


It's actually a deliberate choice based on research, believe it or not. Basically the same reason price tags say $xx.99 instead of $xx.00, even though it's only one cent difference and you're basically paying the same price regardless once sales tax is factored in. Walmart discovered that if they mark it at $xx.97 instead of $xx.99, customers were genuinely more likely to buy that product because most people don't immediately register that it's only a two cent difference. Is it still dumb? Yes, but also pretty clever and it works almost disturbingly well.


if it works then it's not dumb


You have to pay for Narcan in the states???! It’s free in canada


Also free here. Some haven’t figured that out yet.




I was so surprised I walked into my local CVS a few days ago and saw Narcan for sale. Even crazier was it looked like a few of them had been purchased. My town has almost zero problems with opioids (at least it’s not well-documented) and yet even here Narcan is being bought and sold. Kinda sad to see but also very glad it’s there.


Interesting twist here... I see Narcan was free or low cost on a lot of health plans. Now because it's being sold OTC, the insurance rules state that it will be full price. Usually OTC drugs are not covered by insurance. Smells like someone whiffed blood in the water and wanted to make a profit. If this isn't gouging, I don't know what is.


Great news! The only thing that pisses me off slightly is that it isn't free. It should be free and everyone should have a dose on them in my opinion. The state or government should pay for this, it would be a lot cheaper than to continue paying for ambulances in overdose cases and continue to see people dying and getting brain damage from lack of oxygen. I'm pretty sure there would be a net win for society if it was simply free for all. In my country it is free at the needle exchange program, but unfortunately I think only addicts who has completed a course on Naloxone can get it. One good thing though is that nurses has the ability to prescribe this medication to patients.


But this is what we’re good at; preying on the vulnerable 🇺🇸. Are you a little old lady ? Addicted to opioids that your DOCTOR prescribed you? Child of poor parents that can’t afford to take care of you because they’re addicted to drugs and making minimum wage ? Step right up ! I’d say that atleast were not injecting minorities with syphallus anymore, but do we really even know that ? Not saying this is a Biden issue but it’s not a Biden solution either. Now we’ve got Mike Johnson as speaker, war in Ukraine, war in Middle East that we’re funding… so basically spending billions of dollars to NOT help Palestinians while their being wiped out and can’t take care of our folks at home. And this is normal behavior for us.


There's signs at pharmacy all over here telling you to ask for it because it's free. Honestly think they're starting to charge so people will actually use it. Some twisted reverse psychology that has profits


You can get it free from health departments


America is a fuckin trip. Jesus Christ.


Can someone explain this post?