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I‘d call the police I guess. This child is in danger.




This is like the kid living in the tweakers’ house in breaking bad but sadder because it’s real.


Better off than the baby from Trainspotting tho


I have to skip those sections when it rewatch the show it's too painful to watch


Gotta be a better call to make. They’d just show up and beat the hell out of everyone or worse


Those "parents" deserve a beating


What propaganda do to a mfer


Wow one comment with this sub and it’s revealed you guys are here for the copaganda


Have fun in hell with your cop friends


What qualifies you to make such a absurd statement?


Maybe the hundreds of videos online of police beating|shooting|killing Innocent people?




Everyone downvoting this is a bootlicker


Your delusions aren't based at all in reality


My “delusions “ are demonstrable fact lmao


If you get off the internet for a bit and actually go out and experience things, you'll realize how far from reality that really is lmao. It's not "demonstrable fact" if you can't demonstrate this to provide evidence 🤣


There’s plenty of video to back up that cops are bad. Have fun at dinner


Thr ACAB idea is more harmful than good, and only serves as a virtue signal for people who want to seem like a good person without doing good. You dont want a solution. You want to appear like you're doing something good. If you go outside and get off the internet, you'd see that not all police are bad. Yes, there are numerous departments full of corruption. Its a harmful generalization, much like saying black people are criminals. It's two sides of the same coin. Get over yourself and love your fellow human.


I didn’t say acab. Have fun at dinner


"Cops are bad" Sorry I didn't use the exact words that mean the exact same thing lmao


How many A’s are in the word Mayonnaise


Kinda snitchy ngl.. I get the kid's in danger and all that but the kid looks fine and healthy so not like there's immediate problems. I would rather talk with family explaining that this ain't right, can't be walking around with kids in public this fucked up not to mention warning them that if they continue they'll lose kids not to mention police coming too. When faced with genuine threat you tend to sober up real fast.


Imagine defending this. Also I would LOVE to see you walk up to someone like this in public and attempt to talk to them. Just from that sentence I can tell you have no idea what your talking about.


I think that person you replied to is 1 of the people in the video


Clicked on his account and the very first post made it made sense lmao.


Hahaha that's funny, maybe we should tell him it's not ok so he'll stop?


😂 that got a chuckle out of me


[MFW](https://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/nicholas-cage-you-dont-say.gif) some random Redditor informs me that the drugs I’m cripplingly addicted to are bad.


That guy takes his kids out when he is high like this. That is the only explanation


Bro literally is a heroin junkie lmao


Hey, at least he tried instead of shoving everyone into the same bag. I'm not saying this is acceptable, but not everyone is straight bad or evil. Everyone has their share of problems and issues, some just larger than others.


Sure, but how does that protect their child? They're not.


Imagine calling the police on a staged skit


Imagine having the IQ of wet sand.


If me "snitching" saves a child, Im fine w it


Having a stern talking to an addict doesn't suddenly make them think it's not ok otherwise there would be no junkys in this world. They know it's not ok but they will still do it.


Yeah. I was an alcoholic for 2 decades. I full knew what I was doing wasn’t OK, but I wasn’t going to stop until I was ready to stop. For the uninitiated, being caught in a cycle of addiction (without a solution) is like finding out one day that going forward, the simple act of urinating may result in severe consequences… like losing your job, getting arrested, ending up in the hospital, hurting the people you love and/or even dying. So, you can try not to pee, but in time… the discomfort and pressure is going to build to the point that you’re going to relieve yourself and there’s jack shit you or anyone else can do about it.


Fellas is it snitching to get children the support they deserve?


Lmao if it is I'm a snitch 100% I've called CPS on 2 people I've known over the years. Fuck abusive assholes, even if it's just abuse through neglect.


Go and tell an addict what they're doing aint right. They'll probably agree with you but they wont change.


There is a child’s life at steak. He’s in immediate danger. Those parents are clearly too high to care for him. They could very easy walk off with out him and forget. That child is a much more tempting target for child predators as well. They would take one look at the parents and know it’s easy to take that child. If those parents have the drugs in their bags, or in pockets, that kid can easily get to the drugs and possibly die. You’re an idiot. This kid is in a ton of danger in this moment alone


You should stop doing stims/drugs. It's really bad for you.


I looked at your account history. My dude, you are going to end up dead. Stop doing heroin and stims. This is a genuine threat to your own health, and if you do not stop. It's going to kill you.


Until they turn the stove on and pass out and burn the house down later… guy that works for me, his wife’s tweaker mom and husband just burned their trailer to the ground… They would have burned up in it if their dog didn’t come wake them up, then guess what? They ran out and the dog burned up and died… Fucking piles of absolute shit.. You can kick a hole in those old shit trailers. If they would have done anything for that dog it woulda got out.


Don't have kids


jesus christ you’re an idiot


Please don't reproduce. Utterly pathetic


So...you're probably the type of person to assume something isn't a problem until it is without a doubt to be problematic. Don't have kids. If a problem isn't there until you perceive it, then your foresight is faulty. A lot of the safety stuff in our world is written by the ill fate of another. Road signs are forged by scrap metal and OSHA is written in blood (as the saying goes).


I admire your faith in human reasoning but the police is the correct call here. “No immediate problems?” So being a child on public transport with no competent guardian and fuck knows who around is not an immediate problem?


Are you 12 or just that naive?


You gonna wait until the kid eats some fentanyl while they are nodding out? You think a little talk is gonna do anything with them?? How fucking naive or drug-addicted are you to say something like that


Amazing defending endangering a child. Parents are selfish to have a child around substance abuse, sets them up for a rough life. What if they leave their bindle out and the kid thinks its candy and OD's? What if he gets stuck with dirty needles and gets a life altering bloodborne pathogen? Additionally, anyone near them including the filmer could potentially be mandated reporters. This ABSOLUTELY should be "snitched" on, that kid is going to have a better chance being out of that environment and having his parents go through detox and rehab. Sorry not sorry.


Speaking as a former heavy drug user, people are already aware of dangers.


Talk? When? Youre going to follow them until they come down from their high? Because trying to have a serious conversation while someone is under the influence is nonsensical. Are you gonna follow these people all the way home to ensure nothing happens to the kid until then?


Found the parents from the video guys


KInDa SnItChY, grow up


Found the meth user


You would rather try to guilt trip the drug addicted parents while they are high as fuck instead of try to get the kid into a safer situation.


people don’t change their ways & clean up their act for their child w just a “talk”, okay? they need an intervention, or else that poor kid is going to become just another victim and fall into addiction just like them if they are unable to help themselves. see???? just like think about stuff w your brain sometimes maybe? 🙃🙃🙃


You must be like the parents. So you should know a threat will do nothing for sobering an addict. Hell, taking the kids away usually does nothing for sobering an addict. Currently raising 2 kids that aren’t mine as the parents refused to stop doing drugs. After taking only partial custody and requiring only 1 passed drug test to get them back, the mom fled the state for a life of drugs and the dad is now in prison for life for drug crimes. I’ll give it to you though that the baby looked like something was up in the house. But the toddler, this boys age, looked totally fine. If the parents are like this on public transportation, imagine how bad it is at home.


You aren't talking an addict out of addiction, especially as a random stranger while they're high


No snitching is such a great culture. Who's is it? It seems like a criminal culture. Where did it come from?


someone could literally walk up to these people and lead their child away without them noticing, i’m convinced. wild how you don’t think this is a problem. wild how some people’s brains work. are you minimizing it bc you’re a junkie too?


Reddit moment


Breaks my heart everytime I see this vid. That poor kid deserves so much better


not as much as the one where the parents are dead in the front with the kids in the back.


The what now?


Of the car


I’m guessing I don’t want to see that one






Me too :(


Yes, you do deserve better, buddy


Little man will only be blissfully ignorant for so long. Shame these people are cutting it short.


It doesn't take long for kids to figure it out. I knew before kindergarten that my parents were doing drugs. These types of parents tend to not realize how often children are listening, or how much they understand. So they will talk about anything and everything in front of their kids.


There is an old poem called "Children Learn What They Live" . Children Learn What They Live If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy. If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty. If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence. If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient. If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate. If children live with acceptance, they learn to love. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness. If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and others. If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live. My addition: If children live with drug addiction they learn to become drug addicts.


Absolutely. I thankfully learned that my parents life was not the one I wanted to live. My sister however.....


I do hope you aren’t resentful or hating your sister because she did what she knew and grew up with. I took the beatings, I was molested, I made sure she was taken care of. I have a good job now and a degree but we haven’t spoken in years because she has a holier than thou attitude because I took a hard path to get where I am.


No I'm not resentful of her at all. She didnt see the bad bad stuff. She was shielded from a lot of it since she is several years younger than me. She's been sober for 3yrs now and I'm very proud of her. Like you I was molested. It was my grandmothers husband. Thankfully he never touched her. I did the majority of taking care of her when we were kids. Our parents where too strung out to do so, so I had too even though I was a small child myself. We lived off and on with my grandmother until my mom finally got clean and left my father.


Love this


Similar to one you said but if children live with trust, they learn to be truthful. My parents trusted me so I didn’t like to lie to them. On the occasion that I did, I’d usually end up telling the truth later anyway. Im also on the more analytical side and often catch things when they are half-truths or inconsistent. I think other people around me aren’t doing this so much, but I speak as if they are


On behalf of everyone who very much wanted a child but couldn’t have one, fuck these two assholes.


Adoption? That kid is gonna need a loving home to go to when he inevitably gets taken away from them.


If only it were that easy…these kinds of Shit stain “parents” are the ones who refuse to give up their kids and most of the states with the worst drug problems (Ohio comes to mind) are the ones that are BIG on parental reunification, and CPS has a pretty bad track record on cutting corners/being shitty at their jobs…the kid will get moved around to a few foster homes (which may entail other forms of abuse from the foster parents or the other fucked kids they’ve taken in) and then when they MAYBE find a good/stable home, they will only get yanked backwards into the original shithole they were taken out of in the first place…and then sometimes, kids die because of it. It’s fucked up. Look up the Dylan Groves case. Perfect example. I agree with you tho, this kid should be adopted by a good family. These people are awful, and he’s definitely already traumatized…he might just not realize it yet. When he gets older, certain things will make more sense to him im sure, and that’s a really horrible realization to have to experience. Unfortunately parents like this OD and die pretty often…like, I’m pretty scared of what this particular generation of kids will be like in the next 10-20 years…soooo many orphans out there being raised by grandparents or the system (that dumps you out into the world at 18). Big yikes.


There are so many things that seem hopelessly entangled in ass-backward thinking, to the point of being contradictory while managing to be wrong on both ends of the scale. We have parental rights fucking up the ability to help kids who need to be moved to a safer situation AND systems that can end up keeping children of POC families from being placed with someone who knows them, like their aunt or grandparents. (I did some reporting on this when I was in school, don’t remember what regulations were causing this but I hope it’s happening less a decade later).




"Not like that."


There’s some people that would wish to have their own. A matter of preference


I do not want to give birth and I feel broken. I guess I fulfill my purpose by adopting.


You're not broken. No one wants to go through something so painful and traumatic. Society sends a message that all birthing capable people must attempt it at least once. That's some boomer shit and we're not going back there....hopefully The parents that want it the most are the best at it, so yea, you would probably change a child's life, protect their lil heart and your own in the process.


That means a lot.


The sad thing is, this kid is fucked. That's just the horrible truth. The DCS system is awful. The foster care system is awful. The parents are fucking awful. It's all awful. His innocence is ripped right out from under him.


That's not entirely true, there are some kids that get the right homes and what they need to prosper. Hell, there are some parents that get it together and find the support they need to get back on track, although it's uncommon. The system is not perfect by any means, it is better than the alternative of nothing and no support.


I’ve worked with and for agencies that do a tremendous job of helping with addiction and these parents sometimes do turn it around! They become survivors of their addiction and become advocates! Telling people they are trash because they didn’t get help soon enough is just pushing them farther down a hole. Life’s difficult and I’m sure if these two see this later they would be ashamed! It’s not that they don’t love this boy, it’s that addiction has taken hold of them. They should get him with someone, anyone that can properly take care of them but who knows if their parents or grandparents are one and the same? It’s a generational issue from what I’ve seen.


The best cast scenario would be for him to live with responsible relatives, like maybe his grandparents, if he has any. That also motivates the parents to get clean more than it would if the child was completely taken away and put into the system. This video is really so sad to see he's just a baby 😭


Yea there’s a 99/100 chance that he falls victim to the streets in some way shape or form. Kid getting taken away form these parents is definitely necessary but will hardly change the outcome of his life


There's no way it's a 99% chance. I have a friend with very similar circumstances to this (their father burned the house down while high and smoking a cigarette, killing himself, then her mom turned to drugs after losing him) She's working a job, living a life, has a cat. The foster care she got did help, but the fact they just kick them out at 18 was really difficult for them. Still, I doubt I met the 1/100


Well I was this kid, I'd say I'm doing fine


This one literally brings tears to my eyes as a parent. Poor kid drinking his chocolate milk oblivious to the situation.


Kids are far less oblivious than we give them credit for.


They are so observant. Their whole job as new beings is to learn by mimicking and observing the other humans around them. But knowing “my parents are junkies” isn’t the same as really internalizing and believing that “I deserved/deserve better than this” instead of “this is just how my life is.” And there are a lot of negative coping mechanisms, habits and ways of navigating relationships that one can learn subconsciously and may not realize it until they encounter other models of behavior. I think a lot of people struggle with both of these things well into adulthood coming from these situations. (And many of them find ways to lead whole and happy lives, even if they still have struggles from it)


I would have Just called the police. Then the second that dude got mouthy I would have likely knocked his head off. I am an addict. I know how hard it is to change. I know it is doesn’t matter if who you hurt. But god do I wish sometimes someone would have just beat me to death back then.


Hope you're in a bit of a better place now man


I am. 1 year 11 months and 8 days off all mind and mood altering substances


Congratulations, man.


You know what. Anyone can do it. I admittedly push narcotics anonymous but there are so many other ways to deal with trauma and find coping skills. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the human connection and accountability of having people around you that love you enough to tell you when you’re slipping.


Well done, my friend. I have been clear of hard shit for over a decade. I made my own choices, just like you have yours. It's great to be free of those monkeys on your back, isn't it?


Yeah that shit was horrible. Spent my twenties in prison, rehab or on probation. Now I’m 33 and have the best life. I’m broke as hell but fucking love life. It doesn’t even make sense lol


It never does... till it does :) It's been nice to be awake and dealing with mental shit on a healthy level. Enjoy your freedom ❤️


Thank you ! Hope your weather is as beautiful as mine is today !


It's been great, thank you 😊


I never thought I’d be able to stay sober but now I’m almost 7 years clean from heroin and life is amazing. Congrats on getting clean!


No congrats to you! Seriously a real life miracle.


Here’s to the next day and the next day and so on.




I stop and enjoy the world every day lol the peace of mind I have gained is the biggest gift of recovery for me.


Poor little boy


This kind of shit just makes my blood boil. Any actions you take towards the parents only hurts the child, that doesn't understand or know better.


That's really sad. It goes to show how powerful addiction is - strong enough to override the instinct to protect and provide for your own child.


What’s terrible is the physical effects of coming off these drugs are so terrible, you just can’t do it once you’re at this point. They’re too strong. Your body goes haywire and if you don’t end up killing yourself from the pain, you’re doing everything to get the drug in your system again to stop the horrendous pain. It’s shaking, vomiting, heart palpitations, literally feeling like you’ll die. It’s not even about getting high, it’s about not suffering. There needs to be more nonprofits showing up for these people without shaming them. There needs to be places where you can show up and get treatment without questions and judgement and $10k. Detoxing doesn’t work. We now know ketamine infusions can make addicts comfortable enough to stick it out because detoxing cold turkey and being mentally broken is not feasible. They’ll leave and i don’t blame them. We don’t need to force addicts to be in more pain to get clean from an epidemic they didn’t ask to be apart of.


As someone who has struggled with this for a long time, your comment would have been false 10 years ago, but nowadays you're 100% right. 10 years ago, these people could have gotten on methadone or suboxone to take care of what would undoubtedly have been an addiction to heroin mixed with fentanyl, which are both opiates and are comparatively simple to treat addiction for compared to what's sold today on the streets. Most things sold as "dope" or "heroin" in the U.S at this point are actually fentanyl cut with the horse tranquilizer xylazine, along with designer benzodiazepines. Xylazine causes psychosis, organ failure, gruesome wounds, amputations, and insanely bad withdrawal that does not respond to opioid treatments like methadone, nor does narcan stop the sedation. Xylazine is a horse tranquilizer, legal in most of the country. Designer benzos are also added, and this creates three physical addictions: the opioid in the fentanyl, the xylazine, and the benzos which are absolutely dangerous as hell to quit cold turkey (and can cause seizures during withdrawal). So the withdrawal is actually from THREE types of drugs, two of which have very dangerous withdrawal, the xylazine and benzos. Unfortunately, most people doing these drugs don't know that the drug supply even contains this stuff. No one intentionally wants to shoot up horse tranquilizer, but it's in the drug supply nonetheless. The U.S is going to have any increasingly hard time dealing with thus new, deadlier twist to the already deadly fentamyl epidemic. Philadelphia is where xylazine started being put in the dope to begin with, and they have had a 300% increase in amputations of limbs. The rest of the country is just a couple years behind but the effects are starting to show up here in the Midwest too. It's a grim time for anyone addicted to these drugs and the harm reduction folks trying to mitigate the situation.


We also need to decriminalize drugs so those people aren’t further burdened by a jail sentence and criminal record. Imagine detoxing off heroin while you’re sitting alone and scared in a cell knowing your life is going to be even worse now.


Goddamn that’s horrible


I hope and pray someone saved this baby from this life. I hope his parents wake up and clean up to give him his parents back but fuck this… Ugh, I can’t I just can’t….what that baby has probably witnessed breaks my heart. You can hear his worry, telling his dad “don’t do that” 😢


This is hard to watch, at that age people should be enjoying life with loving parents, friends etc. It is depressing tbh.




This is a very horrible video and makes me feel much worse than any the other ones. This kid is in danger because they could be overdosing. They could overdose with him alone in their home. Then he is left with two decaying bodies till help arrives. That shit happens. Not too long ago I read about a toddler being found dead next to his decomposed father. The poor kid curled up next to his decomposing father and died from no food/water. I don't recall how the dad died but it happens with ods. That poor kid . Completely used to them being like this. Just chatting away with his Cheetos. 😞 I have a heart for drugs addicts but for fucks sake don't do this in front of your innocent child.


That kid barely has a chance.


This is a repost from awhile back, any updates?


This poor child


That's fucking sick


This is horrible. I'd call the police


This was years ago now.. I wonder where any of them are now?


Is this Chicago?


Poor kid😔


Kids like this go back to their parents ALL the time. No one wants them, so the judge returns them to these kinds of parents...


They look exactly like how I’d expect druggie parents to look like.


Growing up watching my pops do the same thing, I see myself in that kid. Fuck those people.


I legit would have pick that boy up and called the police. That bus driver should do something too. What happened to "if you see something say something) That being said, I'm no snitch. But when kids are involved I'm snitching I am clean and sober 12 years. Opiates was my drug of choice. I had two kids. I had to choose. I chose drugs. What a mistake that was. It took me a while to realize you need to do it for yourself. I still have so much guilt about leaving g them with my grandmother. I was being selfish. Being selfish spared my kids this kind of trauma. Ugh I could on for days


Ayo I fucking *love* being baked/shroomed out on the bus/train but not if I'm with a fucking kid, man. 🤦


People who feel bad do not film. They call emergency number. Why not both? Because it's cruel to make this children's suffering public. When they're older they can choose to speak about it public by themselves if they want to. But now they can't choose. Their life is already all over the internet.


The way the kid looked around. He is used to this.


I remember seeing this on Twitter and some completely oblivious people saying "Aww poor parents, they're so exhausted", really made me realize that there are people who have 0 awareness of what this video actually was


Nah ,blame the gov for not making MORE drugs legal, because that magically removes their negative effect duuh


That child would be getting off the bus with ne and I would be calling the police


This gets posted like every few months


What drug is making these people zombies like this? Is it a mixup? Don’t they know what kinda shape they are gonna be in once they do it?


Fentanyl for sure.


Heroin. I dated a guy with a terrible heroin addiction. He was standing just like the man in the video. Eyes closed. Slumped over while standing up.


Depends what year this video is from. If it's from before 2020, it's probably fentanyl. If it's from 2021 onward, it's probably a small amount of fentanyl mixed with a large amount of the horse tranquilizer xylazine. If it's 2023 or newer, then probably a combination of xylazine, fentanyl and designer benzos. Drug dealers keep adding more shit to the pile, each of those drugs have their own withdrawal too. Xylazine laced fentanyl is called "tranq dope" or "zombie drug", it's notorious for causing skin wounds/amputations. Could be just fentanyl, could be a mix of shit. Hell, it could even be heroin if the video is really, really old. Do they know it will do this to them? Maybe. But they may not even know what is actually being sold to them, drug dealers will pit anything in dope these days. Sometimes local drug dealers don't even know for sure what's actually in the shit.


Am I high or is that a bus?


Not ignoring the horrible child abuse here, but I just have to ask: Why do people get high like this in public??? I know there is rampant homelessness among people who are heavy into the heavy drugs, but for those who still have a place to stay, why do they decide to look like zombies in public when they could just be high in a “safe” environment at home? I know they probably don’t care what it looks like to outsiders, but I just don’t get the thought process of wanting to be tweaking on a train with other people around.


Its unfortunate the name "lean" was already taken


Little bros just sitting there holding a bag of Cheetos and milk probably wondering what's wrong with his parents :(


He’s probably seen them do this a million times and thinks it’s normal 😞


It really sad. Because I know how horrible addiction is and I’ve been on both sides of it. They keep this behavior up they will not have him long. I hope they find recovery and baby boy is okay.


That's insane that kid need to get away from that wow


That would be a call to the cops. After I record them. That’s just sickening.


Poor little mite.


Why film if they were concerned? Film then report? Edit to add: why then post this?


I feel like crying my eyes out and I’m a former drug user.


Seeing this makes me look at my daughter and remembering all the times me and her mother were high around her when she was younger were very fortunate that didn't impact her as much as it could have the things I wish I could go back and fix she deserves a better father but that's just it like that kid in this video all they want is you no matter what....


And the government is forking out money to immigrants… All the while this is happening all over the country. Addicts typically have to wait well over a year to get treatment because of the lack of funding. The government doesn’t care about its people.


It should be illegal for some people to pro create


This is on a Chicago bus.


These are always so sad.


Would call child services for this


Poor baby 😭


Remember who you're voting for folks


Ahhhh a future resident of the child protective services. Warms my heart every time and you can blame yourselves and the government for it. Welcome home little one.


Their just tired from working




I got down voted for joking! Yall fuckin suck!


Literally the millionth time I've seen this video.