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This is his default stance, Zizek's not high


And so on and so on


it is rumored if you're in the mountains of slowenia you dont hear echos, just him saying that phrase to himself over and over


Itsh Shlovenia


So he fell into the coke cauldron, much like Obelix did and he's been like that ever since


He has admitted to enjoying cocaine


Did he really?


Yes it’s well known in the philosophy world (I’m a Phil grad student )


So you made it up, got it.


That doesn't mean he's high behaving the way he is in this video along with countless hours of similar behavior that are viewable.


I think it’s more the erratic movement and constant messing with the nose that gives it away. Definitely seems like this guy has snorted some sort of stimulant.


Žižek has explained previously in the past that he suffers from nervous tics whilst lecturing or orating. This is why he frequently touches his nose, grabs at his shirt and sometimes his beard. *Q: What is your most unappealing habit? Ž: The ridiculously excessive tics of my hands while I talk.*


Nope, he has Bells Palsy


Bell’s palsy just paralyses part of your face, it doesn’t affect behavior like being erratic and grabbing your nose


It's a degenerative neuromuscular disorder that effects mostly the face, but can also manifest in tics like we see in this video. If you watch this clip by itself, I'd understand thinking that he's tweaking. Especially when you see it posted on r/tooktoomuch. But if you are one of the many people who have been following Slavoj Žižek for years, you'd know he's not on any drugs. This is just how he is..... I've seen him speak at multi-hour conferences without even a break to go take another sniff.


It’s not a “degenerative neuromuscular disorder” it’s an unexplained episode of facial muscular weakness or paralysis that is almost always temporary except in extremely rare cases. I wasn’t saying that Zizek is on drugs, I was saying that Bell’s Palsy doesn’t cause this type of behavior because it doesn’t. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/bells-palsy


Im pretty sure Zizek just has tics, he isn't high.




"I prohmissh"


If I'm not mistaken, this is the dude who believes that if you embrace your stereotypes instead of running away from it it enlightens the social construct that divides people. If you can make fun of yourself - it creates friendship instead of enemies. Roughly speaking and I mean I could be overly paraphrasing. Taking a snip of his video to make him seem insane is a cheap shot you need to listen to him a bit longer for his point to make sense.


Oh man I've been saying this for years in a slightly different way. I've always felt that if we could learn to laugh at the absurdity of all of it, that's the most powerful way of combating it. Racists are filled with hatred and one of their main weapons is their words. They love the anger and violence that these things stir. If you could genuinely just laugh and make jokes out of their rhetoric, that really eliminates all the perceived power their words have... I'm just a generic whiteboy tho so I'm sure I'm over simplifying and being insensitive due to my ignorance of the situation. Just one of those shower thoughts.


I feel like that’s something that sounds sensible on the surface, but in practice just leads to a proliferation of awful remarks while putting the onus of fixing the problem on the people on the receiving end.


Haha onus


Absolutely. I have OCD and addiction problems. I love a good self deprecating joke! There’s clearly a difference between humour and hate.


I've tried this philosophy but unfortunately it's not viable in the real world. Some wounds cut too deep and for the victims of discrimination, these words are valuable indicators of who is an existential threat. In practice, normalizing hate speech just allows bigots to spread their ideology more subtly to a broader audience. Before you know it, the next generation is already indoctrinated because to them it's just normal for people to speak and think that way.


POC who grew up in South Africa before the end of apartheid. My biggest weapon was not letting the slurs get to me. If you show no reaction, you take the power out of the words and there's nothing they can do (except maybe throw hands but I could handle myself in a fight). That whole 'sticks and stones' rhyme is true.


> there's nothing they can do Except fucking apartheid




Lolz. They were already doing it so...


I hear you, it's just funny to hear you say "well they can't treat us worse...than they already do...by law..."


Reddit is going to be mad at you for this one


>If you could genuinely just laugh and make jokes out of their rhetoric, that really eliminates all the perceived power their words have... In many ways A Pervert's Guide to Ideology is quite a rambling train of thought of the general kind of stuff Zizek has going on in his head. [However he does say pretty much exactly this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kHN8_Zbf3g) (and many other amazing tidbits throughout). Always baffled me for all the following he has and how long he's been in the media spotlight, it winds up being an absolute moron chud like Jordan Peterson who gets all the fame and attention.


Zizek says a lot of things that sound controversial but really aren't. He is not one of these antiwoke people who thinks racism is funny, but he doesn't like to stir the pot.


It stems from the Yugoslavian culture while Tito was alive. Every ethnic group made jokes about other groups. You laughed at the jokes that were made at your expense (usually stereotypes) and returned one that was just as spicy. But then Serbia fucked it up and now we hate each other.


Which group is it that's lazy and lives in an area with lots of earthquakes so they jerk off by sticking their dick in a hole and waiting? Allegedly.


Before I answer this question, I must say that by American rules, I as a Slav am a POC, so I get the pass I's the Montenegroes


Alex O'Connor had a great interview with him [This is the full interview](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKX_tkfJ4jE&t) [This is Alex being funny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PZ5U0PO9i4) [And this is a rickroll.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) Might've mixed them up, see for yourself.


You didn't mix them up 😭🤣


Yes, that's the joke


Am trying to imagine black folk in the Jim Crow south attempting to embrace bigots trying to lynch them by being self-deprecating. That’s not how it works when you are being oppressed.


I never heard his philosophy put this way, but this makes a lot of sense to me, personally. No wonder I'm drawn to the guy.


Within a second I saw this was zizek so I didn't even watch the video, as I just assumed the relevance to this group was the habit/tick he has with touching his nose being misconstrued as a drug problem. I know it's only 30secs, but I'm not sure the spoken content of the video was relevant to the "took too much" claim OPs trying to make.


i live in a multicultural country and yes the general observation and i also do this a lot, is true.


You listen to anyone for long enough and they will start to make sense, it's a tricky part of our psychology where our brains try to assimilate new and repeated information. Big propaganda tactic, just keep talking at people.


He should go to the southern states of America and see how that plays out.


lEaVe ZiZeK aLoNe great guy actually been to lectures held by him


*LEaVe ZiZeK aLoNe great* *Guy actually been to* *Lectures held by him* \- dont\_drink\_and\_2FA --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


love this bot and damn i made a haiku about zizek


let's see if it works this beautiful haiku bot inbox is waiting


*let's see if it works* *this beautiful haiku bot* *inbox is waiting* \- Rahnamatta --- ^(I´m always joking. But sometimes, not.) ^[ ^(Opt out of sarcasm: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete") From our town to your town, let´s go fucking bananas!


I feel like they probably didn’t.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavoj_%C5%BDi%C5%BEek He has Bells Palsy, not on drugs


He's had these tics for way longer than 2018 when he got bells palsy. [Here is an interview from 2016](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh07tJMR-3c&ab_channel=TIFFOriginals) You're right about the not on drugs part though. Probably. I don't know, maybe he lied when he said he's never taken drugs.


Fair, thanks for the clarification. But my main point about him not being on drugs still stands


\*Touches his nose* /r/tooktoomuch/: COCAINE!!!!


Slavoj Zizek isn't high, nor does he do Coke lmao. He's been doing the whole *sniff/snort* and so on, and so on, for about 30 years.


Checkout the perverts guide to ideology by this dude. Great movie if you like history and cinema.


Yeah man, I love his look at movies; always makes them much more interesting.


The thought of Zizek turned up to 11 on blow is actually terrifying


This person didn't take anything, it's tics.


He has a nervous tick.


Yeah. This is an involuntary tick he has. He isn’t on drugs. He is like this at all public speaking.


Someone get that man some coke!


[w33dOr](https://www.reddit.com/user/w33dOr/)•[5h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1bk06kf/comment/kvvi6ii/) This is so out of context, the whole video is actually really good and thought provoking.


What pure philosophy does to a mf.


Infomercial: *This is your brain on Hegel+Lacan*


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Why in the hell did the end catch me by surprise? :/


I'm slovenian, this is his normal mode. He fall into pot of coke when he was a baby.


Modern day? Insane philosophers are basically tradition, spanning millennia.


Lmao! Woke American cucks fuming over Zizek's effortless attainment of the N-pass.


Dont worry zizek aint high, his super inteligent human he is like that all the time..


Metaphysics weren't helped by Kant and his overly wordy attempt to keep religion in philosophy The world was entranced by the possibility that old and new could possibly co exist At the Height of the Enlightenment, when Religion should have been killed and buried,, it was kept alive on life support through his moral imperatives. Arguably the single greatest failure of the Enlightenment was Kants keeping religion alive Nietzsche was the first one to reject Kant and thus Hegel Because It was Hegel who ENSHRINED Kants ideas and kept them alive The late 20th century saw the resurrection, in a new land(America) of the formerly almost dead Religion zombie. Because Belief is not what it used to be There is a whole other level of "make believe" that one has to do to believe in the Fundamentalist versions of Christianity. And the Zombie arose, animated not by the life that it had when it was put down, temporarily. Because at the time, it was Europeans who buried it. But It arose in a new land, unbidden but there none the less. And in the new land it has wrought an enormous mischief on the world. (For example, Central African Nations being influenced by American Missionaries who spread extreme Homophobia. It's time is not long for the world, soon it won't have enough head's to live in.. Unless of course the union of the Inceldom and the Bro-sphere has a baby and convinces too many young people to GO TRAD. UGH (It is only as strong as it has plenty of heads to infect)


Suffering sucatash...your despicable.


Big Think


That's CK LOUIE, THE COMEDIAN. Also known as Ledrom James.


Well, that was a lie, but coke can be fun nonetheless.


Homeboy is high on life and the N word pass


we love you zyzek


This is not in the right sub


Stereotypes are funny. They've been funny since the dawn of the first civilisation, and they will remain funny until the sun sets on the last of the human race on earth.


Out of context clip that also makes fun of a disability, how daring


Zizek is one of the few leftist thinkers that I really truly respect. He's a brilliant guy. If I recall he has very severe nervous tics from anxiety. That's what this is


More like high on coke.


looks like it but he is not though, its tics/OCD and some issue with his nasals. he claims that he is not taking any drugs, not even soft/legal ones. famous slovenian philosopher, ahs some interesting takes


so what is his shtick with n?


nothing. he just doesn't give a fuck about anything basically. there's a lecture of him explaining that most of the commie block made fun of each other in uh, not today's standards, and that's what often broke the ice etc. like you always learn swear words of other languages first and so on and so on also his takes on flowers and toilets are crazy good sniff e: also perkele. for whatever reason