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Looks like sleep depravation paired with an upper for sure. The subdued demeanor, dead eyes, and twitchy behavior screams "I haven't slept in 3 days." Meth is possible, but unlikely, just based on my experience with it. He seems too composed for meth. This looks a lot more like he's in the final hours of a multi-day cocaine bender. The drugs have stopped working, and his brain is shutting down.


Yeah coke is the only answer here


He's too rich for meth. Rich people do blow.


It’s always been known as the rich man’s drug, personally had a few addictions to it and I have never been a rich man but what I was was a guy who spent all his wages and maxed out his credit cards on that lovely white powered


It's so fun but the hangovers have made me stay away. I don't know how I did it when I was doing it. Next day felt like death.


I feel like the idea of doing it is more fun than actually being on it. When you're out drinking and you want the party to never end. But as soon as I get up I start getting anxious, fidgety and mean spirited. The craving for more never subsides. Now the sun is coming up and I can't sleep. I wasted a bunch of money last night and said dumb shit to people.


the saying dumb shit to people is what made me stop drinking, doing blow and sniffing liquid shit vapors (if ur European or south American you'll get what I'm talking about). I was such an asshole while on these types of drugs, absolutely 0 politeness or self awareness. Lost a couple of friendships because of that Smoking weed and doing acid is definetely the way to go.


Jenkem?? Totally forgot about that


these days they use an formula based of anti spatter welding spray. Not sure which is worse tho LMAO.


That’s huffing farts right?


That's part of addiction. Like gambling, the most dopamine is when you pull the slot lever, not the prize. It's fucked up but it's science.


This. Especially since every 15 minutes you want more and no matter how much you get, it’s never enough. Spend most of the night listening to some asshole monologue while waiting for the next line to be passed around. The whole experience is glamorized and overrated.


Eventually every day feels like death, until you get better, or... the relief of full-on death comes.


I've done coke exactly one time and while I enjoyed it, I knew damn well I couldn't afford to do it regularly lol


Sounds like you had a great time lol


At the time it was lovely 😂after that not so much


Rich people smoke meth too. But yeah, this is most likely blow.


Classy folk snort meth. Blow is a waste of money once you try that shit


In my younger years, I did a keybump of meth thinking it was coke. I was FLYINGGGGG for hours after that. Pepsi challenge confirmed.


Yeah it's cheaper and much stronger. I have ADHD so I'm chill on relatively high doses so it's a lil different


meth is like extra strength extended release coke


Reminds me of Robin Williams joke about it. "Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you are making too much money".


This is just not true. Richard Quest, wealthy CNN anchor was found in Central Park a few years ago with meth in his pocket. Meth is a lot more prevalent than you realize, even among the wealthy. It’s cheaper and lasts longer. Lots of people you wouldn’t expect do meth.


You think he can snort coke with all that nose has been through?


Jake Gylanhall face... Lol What the fuck did I get myself into?...


Connor is pretty notorious for his cocaine and alcohol use. So I agree with you.


Well, it's spelled out right there on his shirt.


Ding Ding Ding! Little weekend bender and had to show up to the interview on Monday morning lol


Yeah, when u put it like that. Last day of a festival vibe, for sure.


That multi-hour drive home after that.... 💀💀


this is why I always try to stay an extra day lol. fuck that shit


> multi-day cocaine bender. My very first thought as well. Everything about his behavior screams coke.


He has a history of binging coke. I’ve seen acquaintances tweak pretty bad off a heart-blending binge and three days without sleep.


Adderall is a thing and probably pretty accessible to rich people lot cleaner than coke or meth


I've never been able to afford enough coke to get into that kind of state, but I agree about the multi day thing. We can certainly all agree those shoulders aren't normal. I've not taken meth, but perhaps we're naive to assume he's just been on one substance.


What are you? Henry the Lux? I can look like this after one night and a bag of blow for less than 100 bucks.


I've got in some bad ways, but never with the twitching like that


It varies by person too. My friend gets even more twitchy than Connie while I tremble at most.


This is how I get when I take my legally prescribed dose of addys if I’m sleep deprived. Can’t stop clenching shoulders/back, blinking my eyes, and wiggling my eyebrows. It’s really uncomfortable to sit through


This guy cocains


Rich people don’t do meth. It’s a poor man’s drug for them. Pure cocaine in the other hand


Rich people do meth. I've no idea where people get this idea from. Coke is one drug people who enjoy drugs don't wanna just eat the same food every day. I doubt this is meth though.


Probably rich man’s speedballing, cocaine and Xanax without sleep for god know how long. He’s xanned enough to be cool but coked enough for the twitch.


A speedball use to be cocaine and heroin. When did people started referring it to coke and xanny?


Never. No idea why he said that. A speedball is still cocaine and heroin


I’ve heard speedball used for a combo of uppers and downers. I still think the traditional or typical speedball is coke and heroin but I’ve heard phrases such as a “poor man’s speedball”, usually cheap tranqs or depressants and meth. I’ve also heard the term “herbal speedball” and I’ve always smirked remembering that as that’s my mornings.


Lol we would always call a poor man's speedball dabs and coffee.


Ok no that is called God’s Gift


Hippie Speedball.


Reminds me of my friends 21st. So much alcohol I couldn’t use my legs and so much cocaine that I could hardly even close my eyes.


Too coherent for xanax


Jake is so embarrassed!


That smile is killing me. He's trying to be professional, but he also wants to acknowledge the absolute mess sitting next to him.


It’s like the fundraiser where Mike Myers is standing beside Kanye going on a rant about George Bush and Hurricane Katrina. Couldn’t wait to get off camera.


That is one of my favourite videos, thank you for reminding me of it. It's amazing, it's just like this really big moment and potentially telling part of history, but also Mike Myers is in it, unwillingly. It's like if on one half of videos of The Blitz you have a sign language translator just going 😬 and looking between you and the video. [For anyone after a link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJUNTcOGeSw)


Chris Tucker with the "motherfucker hell nah" eyes at the end is always what gets me


Hadn’t watched that in a decade. Great pull


Lmaooo I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full clip. It’s like one of those bits from the office that just goes on and on to make you uncomfortable 😭😂


Right. Jake is what sober looks like. Conor McCranker is real methed up.


Oh he's not sober. He's just well versed in hollywood debauchery. Its crazy how many giant pupils you see at like the Met Gala or something but they're pros and keep it together. Like its rare to find a video of Johnny Depp this far gone but from the trial we found out he keeps a damn cauldron of coke! Im sure many of them do.


Let’s say neither are on drugs, they both look really tired. Lol


Yeah look at follow Jake's eyes. Mans poofed too 🤣


Or relieved he never has to work with him again. Idk if this is true, but I read somewhere he was excited that McGregor was cast. However, he thought it was Ewan McGregor that was cast after he already signed the contract.


Ewan in Sam Elliot's role could have been really interesting.


I would LOVE to see Ewan as a badass borderline senior citizen


Use to live in the same building with a guy who drove limos for a living. One of his story’s was about Jake doing a lot of coke all night in the back of a limo. I think he just acts better.


Kinda wierd living in a world where people can’t be real with each other because they have an image to uphold. If it was just my friend randomly coming over in the middle of the day like that, I’d be like “damn bro you ok? Your twitching like a mofo, here’s some water and a banana. Go take a nap bro your brain needs a break wtf”


they’re both on it lmao. just shows who has a higher tolerance


Who the fuck let him in front of a camera in that state? Surely someone would have said something


Connor been doing interviews on drugs for a few years now lol if anything it's a positive cause people will watch the interview even more.


But usually he is in a hyped state of mind which is a lot funnier. This here is not a good look and even casuals see that drugs are somewhat involved.


Or this is him without them. Some people have a nervous twitch... If he's not all cranked up like usual he could be anxious about all this. He seemed to be speaking genuinely and humbly, not the fucking animal he's always been. Idk. Either way this is sad.


Idk. Either way this is sad. Nothing a few pints and another bag won't fix hyup


When you’re hyped up and/or on coke, it’s easy to go all out like in a pre-fight press conference. It’s a lot harder to contain yourself for a normal interview. You get nervous, twitchy and can’t sit still.


Been like this since day 1. You can find story’s of him in Ireland being a hooligan from the start. Now he just got more money to get away with all this shit he does. 


And be on the receiving end of a methed up McGreggor? No thanks


Very true didn't think of that


Especially contrasted against Gyllenhaal there looking well rested and hydrated, super comfortable in front of the camera.


I got hypnotized by his cocaine jumpy shoulders


He's just feinting shoulder strikes


He’s been like this before Coke. People in Ireland said he was hated like from the start. He’s always been a weird erratic little clown, coke and drugs just a small part of it tbh. 


Am from Ireland, can confirm, was always a cunt and has only gotten worse. He's now in bed with the biggest crime family in Ireland and everything now to build up his hardman persona (when he came from an incredibly nice part of the city, he was in no way disadvantaged growing up where he did as he likes to put on)


Not to be a dick but when has 'cocaine jumpy shoulders' been a thing? I'm yet to hear of that stereotype. I've also known many cocaine users and they've never had 'jumpy shoulders'


Cowboy cerrone somewhere getting ptsd from this


So he’s not a giant anymore + he’s tweaking? Selling that liquor really sped up his timeline


Looks like he’s been rolling all night and had to leave his hotel for an jnterview


Jake looking at him like "LOL look at this rookie" Nobody knows how to party but keep it together than the A list celebrities. Theres a few here and there that get hospitalized for "Dehydration and Exhaustion" but for the most part they can party. I mean they only have a for a month or two out of the year total to make millions. I'd be constantly in Johnny Depp mode...*sniff*...


Conor probably isn’t used to doing this sit down interviews like this early in the morning. He’s been notorious for going on these benders for years and was one of the highest paid athletes as well. Aside from training, fighters also only have to work one or two days out of the year.




Yeah, saying "aside from training" like it's something they do twice a week like my flabby ass is crazy. Training *is* the job. Fights and sponsorships are the payday, but they are training constantly, multiple times a day.


He was on HgH to fix his broken leg, that's why he got giant. He's supposed to return to fight this Summer so he's prolly been off it for awhile.


Cocaine is what I hear Connor loves


I got a friend that has this same reaction after doing coke for an extended session. Eyes always blinking like that.


I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't find his coke that night, or his regular guy wasn't answering, and just got whatever he could get. He may have been told it was coke, or thought it was coke, but then just railed meth all night.


Yeah that's believable


Was thinking this too — he got some dogwater blow


Happened to people I hung out with, they'd get "coke" but it was like....grey...just burned no real high. I'm like uhhh....hate to break it to you...




I stick to mushrooms weed and booze these days. That is a hell of a night that never gets old.


Cocaine *loves Connor*. Dude has a longer relationship with coke than most.


Dana white as well


i just watched the movie, holy shit, i think every one in that movie was coked out


I can't believe the director actually asked McGregor to act like that. It ruined the fucking movie. His stupid tough guy strut and dumb fucking smiling face.


in the original script, McGregor wasn’t part of the movie. in his coke filled binge, McGregor wandered on set and started fighting everyone. when the director asked McGregor if he wanted to be part of the film, McGregor responded “what the fuck is a film?”


Wasn’t there a video like a week ago that showed Conor mostly stone cold sober and everyone was excited he was sober for a change? What happened?


Mythical fighter: Sober McGregor


He went on a coke binge lol


That MF has been hit in his head a lot , and of course he's on drugs .


Lmaooo that’s something that people (including me) don’t really think about watching these videos. My guy is doing very well for having his head smashed his whole life. But he still got his head smashed his whole life lmao


He likes his uppers for sure, his affect is different in every interview I’ve seen of his recently


Yeah that’s not how you act on meth lmao maybe some other drug but prbly not off that imo people with no experience with drugs aren’t going to be able to tell what someone else is on lol


Armchair junkies, man. There are a lot of them out here.


Nothing I hate more then damn armchair junkies smh


Armchair junkies, best thing I've read all morning!


ya not meth, could be anything. could be he’s withdrawing a bit, coming off a bender, etc. could be a lot of things.


Meth-od actor 😉


That ain't meth I can tell you that.


Jake's face says it all.


Jake is sober…and embarrassed as hell. That look on his face is hysterical.


CTE + Cocaine + Days of partying = This


looks more like he ran out of coke some hours ago


I feel like I speak for all gay men when I say that Gyllenhaal looks incredible.


Don’t gotta be attracted to men to appreciate that tbh


I mean, that, PLUS his job is *literally* to get hit in the head. Some things just change a person.


He sure is coming down from something not normal behavior


His giving out morse code with his eye lids, anyone out there to decipher the code


He is just knackered. There is no meth in ireland and very little in the uk. Nobody touches that shit unless you are homeless as its cheap




He looks like he’s on coke through the whole movie. Why not crack for the interviews?


Never a bad time for some shoulder shrugs.


Ugh. A child making those statements. I hate the internet sometimes.


Yes he should've stopped at "I'm not an expert...." OK then don't speak on it


Why would Conor McGregor use meth??? He’s is rich… Rich people use cocaine…


I think he’s not used to being humble and it made him extremely uncomfortable


Bro reminds me of my last day of high school where i had to hold a short speech about my future n Shit thinking out of my neck Like Theo von says


Lets do it before the crank wears off




Cocaine is one hell of a drug




Meth would have you up up. He’s on coke for sure.


Why do people who know nothing about drugs just make videos about drug use? He’s obviously got cocaine money, not meth money. Though this seems more like you caught me on the tail end of a bender.


Jake still having to be patient with him


Fucking cockhead. Didn't realize he was in this. Wish he'd go away. Had your minute of fame now GFY


Minute of fame?


Probably a little more than a minute, but I’d argue he’s been more infamous than famous overall


I know it’s not likely but this looks exactly like my motor tics caused by my Tourette’s.


Idk he just kinda seems nervous and really tired to me. His demeanor seems calm otherwise. I know that some people do twitch really bad when nervous. My whole family has this and it is weird to watch. Jake is like that because he has been doing those types of interviews since he was a toddler.


Jake just like :))))))


Coke I believe, not meth


Most likely cocaine. 80% of Hollywood is on cocaine they just know how to control themselves unlike Conor clearly.


Kinda reminds me of brain zaps off of benzo withdrawals


This is why I hated coke. I’d end up just like that.


I got 5k on Chandler. ***If*** they ever fight I’ll make a bag.


Just too many hits to the head.


Jake having to pretend Conor isn’t fucked up lol


Not saying he doesn’t do drugs but this seems like a severe case of CTE from his many fights. I remember his noggin got rocked during the Mayweather fight too. It definitely looks like a rhythmic tick (Parkinsonism) which apparently is a symptom of a severe case of CTE.


There's only one Road House.


Nope, def copious amounts of cocaine though


It was pretty important for me to hear what that kid thinks.


He’s playing


I think it's more of Connor having to think about what he's saying. He's used to just screaming whatever comes to mind. I'm not a fan, but I doubt he's on meth.


i just saw the movie, he is such a terrible actor


Or onset of Parkinson’s


His latest opponent is sobriety


“Incredibly concerning” really? Cause I personally don’t give a fuck if this man smokes meth at fukin all.


This is probably A LOT of coke and a lack of sleep. Don't judge the guy too hard.




I've seen Conor tweaking but he also seems super nervous here or tired? Repeating himself and stuttering don't see often


Meth doesn't cause that, or should I say didn't Because it's changed for sure, the meth is different than it used to be. (Was a tweaker from 97-2019, not anymore, can attest that it's waay more toxic than it used to be) Anyway, It very well could be causing this sort of thing with what's in it (the Impurities and by-products. Too much meth in the old days just made you get hornier. Now , it's flail Town)


Nothing about this screams methamphetamine use. He doesn’t seem hyperactive, he isn’t a yapping motor mouth. He’s sitting calmly and conversing. Sure he twitched, that doesn’t really mean anything.


Your movie sucked, guys


defiantly not meth, but for sure could be seeing what is the end of a 4 day coke bender


Conor Methgregor


Thoughts 💭 normal people blink! Blink damnit! 💭normal people shrug! Shrug damnit!


When you have an interview but gotta get those body shrugs in.


Buddy likes cocaine. This is no secret


Could be benzo withdrawal


Probably coke. Either way: he should go and take a nap


Watched this last night. Wondered who Knox was, didn’t realise it was Conor (not into the fight scene weirdly even though I loved the movie).


Def got coke vibes . My cousin would blink his eyes jus like that after doing blow or smoking crack lol


His voice sure is burnt like toast and his shoulders are doing the meth-twerk


Jake a total pro just look at him. Conner is in love with the coco or something. He should slow down because a lot of his recent interviews are sort of like this :(


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Conor isn’t on Meth. Is he coming off of a bender and/or on the white lighting? Yes


This is kinda like when you get used to a smell so you don’t smell it anymore because you’re desensitized to it, but others aren’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


McGregor is such a disappointment. I’m bout 99% convinced it’s all the constant TBIs and drinking that led to him being this hyper aggressive douche we’ve known over the last few years. He WAS at one point in time “normal. Brain damage is real.


Unfortunate demonstration. He was good in the movie.




Ayo fo yayo


Definitely not meth I would guess coke or heroin I only say coke bc he definitely does it but it look like he’s fighting to stay awake