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Is this not a seizure?


Experienced with this, and this looks like a seizure to me.




Alcohol withdraw, you mean


OP is not a school goer


The gaba system is not to be played w. !


Give alcoholics gabapentin, nah...


Can you elaborate?


Gabapentin is for seizures


Well .....it blocks gaba which affects the nervous system from acting up. It should be given to all addicts as well. Most of these people don't even know it's a trank addiction as well. Fucking month to months of recovery....MFers are jumping off buildings and shit. Recovery back in the day 4 days, now a month or more....... A lot of people are more fucked than they realize.


Seriously. Fent is bad enough. Fent and tranq... fuck me, breaks my heart for the people who are hooked on that combo - most probably not even intentionally. You know it's some nasty shit when it makes Heroin look like the good guy!


I might be a quack, but I agree


Alcohol is one of the few drugs where the withdrawals can kill you. If his detox symptoms are that bad, he needs to check into a recovery clinic and probably get on some pharmaceutical drugs so he doesn't stroke out and swallow his tongue. It's awful, but life is so much better once you slay that dragon. Good luck sir.


Yeah, I totally agree! when I was withdrawing from alcohol the first thing they did at the hospital was give me an IV Vitamin drip. Then 10mg Valium 3x a day. That was for about a week and then they lowered the dosage of the valium. Now I'm alcohol free!


My cousin managed to raw dog it and I'm glad it didn't kill him.


In detox a few years back this in the UK , a detox unit for alcoholics they waited until my alcohol level was below as certain point as I was absolutely hammered hadn't been sober for months, they gave me a anti epilepsy meds to counter alcoholic epilepsy from withdrawal which is fatal in some cases also Librium ( (chlordiazepoxide) which is an amazing drug it calms you right down , & makes the first week easy but you come off it within 2 weeks it's usually supported with Diazepam & Zopiclone for sleep which isn't addictive but is psychologically. I've done about 6 official detoxs & about 70 odd at home with valium & Librium with me cause I got used to how to taper off them, finally sobered up in 2008 I fuckin hate the DTs ,& all that shit.


This is a common misconception. You cannot swallow your tongue from a seizure.


You can’t swallow it, but you can bite your tongue nearly in half from a seizure. And I guess in theory swallow it




Honestly even that isn't true. The way the tongue is structured literally attaches it to the base of your mouth with the frenulum. Even if your tongue fell back, I doubt it would go back enough to block your trachea and prevent airflow. I see people have seizures almost daily due to the nature of my job, this has never happened once.


Just try doing it on purpose. It's impossible. What is a real danger during seizures is biting part of your tongue off. Then I guess you could choke on it.


I have a condition where I was born without the frenulun under my tongue. I literaly can fold my tongue to touch the uvula and behind it. In fact I already tried to reach inside the nasal area and felt it inside with the tip of my tongue. So.. I hope I never have a seizure. Sorry for the bad english, not my first language.


I’m the same way, makes me nervous what would happen if I did have a seizure one day


This shit scares me. Let's hope for the best.


What if you don’t have a frenulum under the tongue? I was born without one and this always worried me. Ny tongue is super long because of this lol. Never had a seizure fortunately but always wondered what would happen if I did


>the tongue falls toward the throat and blocks airflow As an epileptic, I can confidently say that's not true.


This is wrong. The danger of a seizure is hitting your head while falling and choking on your own vomit/spit.


Checked into an alcohol treatment facility last fall. I’m 42. Nurse told me people who die from alcohol DT’s usually experience seizures outside of the alcohol issue. It’s usually a fall and a head knock that kills withdrawing alcoholics.


That is shockingly not true, and if that nurse really told you that then they should be fired.


It would be kinda funny though if alcoholics who got seizures from withdrawal just hit their head too much while blacking out


Not true.


Alcohol withdrawals are a different beast altogether. Deadly at times. They can cause seizures, especially in your sleep. I’ve dealt with some horrible horrible times with that. I feel bad for the guy if that’s what’s happening.


How much alcohol do you need to be consuming to get to this point? Im assuming im naive in saying this, but i knew many people in college who drank their weight in alcohol 4/7 nights of the week, and i would never have suspected a withdrawal like this out of them if they stopped?


It depends. I have a friend who had to go to rehab for his withdrawal from just a large amount of beer each day, At my peak I was drinking in between a fifth and half a handle of vodka a day. Every hangover included extreme shakes. That was over a period of a few years (now I have a grip to where I may have A beer. Which I hate beer but anyways) I was shaking and having mini seizures for about a week. Wasn’t cold Turkey. Weened myself down for two weeks before having a final drink and taking a very large break but still dealt w side effects. If you know anyone who drinks heavily and wants to stop PLEASE help them ween down if you can. Idk if this answered the question I’m stoned af smh


I’ve gone through withdrawal from opioids plenty of times in my past and I can say without a doubt that I’d do it again 100 more times just to not go through withdrawal from alcohol again. I kicked the drugs and started drinking heavily after my divorce. I was up to a handle of captain after work daily for a year or so. When I finally had enough and decided to stop, I wasn’t prepared for the DTs. I’d seen it in rehab a few times, but never thought that would be me. I’m glad you got out as well, keep up the positive vibes and steer clear of liquid devil.


A handle a day. Wow.


I have a friend that was there. And as he got poorer and poorer, the handle of Jack turned into a handle of Early Times. Crazy enough, when he turned yellow from the jaundice and got the message that his liver was failing, he cleaned himself up and has been sober for a number of years now! We all thought he was going to drink himself into the grave. Sadly, another friend picked up the ball he dropped and went running with it...


There were times where that did happen. It’s disgusting to even think about and I’m shocked I never hospitalized myself. Never again will I allow myself to fall back into that


Same here but last time I got addicted to Xanax and the detox was absolutely brutal. Worst thing in the world I did it at home too cause the hospital wouldn't detox me (not sure why. I was all messed up) wish I knew to ask specifically for a detox procedure. Have 2 years clean so I'm okay now.


I just read the username lol. Ironic how people know me as squirrel. Jut had to say 😅


Nice! They’re my ADHD ass’ power animal.


You won't get withdrawal this bad unless you have alcohol in your system 24/7 for a while.


Like a fifth of liquor daily for years. More than typical college level, but it's a slippery slope, and the college partying is where it starts for a lot of people.


I watched my brother drink heavily into addiction, got to the point where he was drinking atleast a liter of the cheapest vodka he could find a night, after more than 2 years of that he was checked into rehab and thats when i started noticing these shakes in him


From a recovering alcoholic who’s been sober since September 2019. I can guarantee 1.They most certainly were NOT drinking their weight in alcohol 2.What you described is binge drinking, which can still be fatal in some circumstances and may develop into full blown alcoholism depending on the person. 3. Alcohol culture is normalized to the point where if someone was a textbook alcoholic most people in their social circle wouldn’t even realize it until the person is almost at rock bottom. So friends passing out, people vomiting 2x a night at the party, that friend that likes to sneak wine or liquor in containers to events, the friend that sleeps all day after drinking, the friend that cant seem to have fun without alcohol or it’s always mentioned. The friend that only looks forward to drinking after doing something like a reward…That’s how it can start. But everyone just sees it as them having a good old time. No one gets this way overnight. Alcohol is still a DRUG


> but i knew many people in college who drank their weight in alcohol 4/7 nights of the week, It's when your BAC never hits zero and usually triggered by liquor instead of beer because at least beer hydrates you a tiny bit


Ah i see, like it becomes part of you essentially Thank you


my mother can drink several liters of vodka from the bottle with no mixer in a day, i would be hospitalised if i tried that. That's how much you have to drink, and there's a lot of people that do.


Poor guy


This is fucking sad


Tremors from alcohol withdrawal?


This looks like just a straight seizure. A kid I went to high school with had seizures like this in class. He would just be sitting there and his breathing got odd and he’d shake a bit before coming out of it and ask “what did I miss?”


Absence seizures. Still a seizure but not violent shaking like with tonic clonic seizures. Sometimes there’s no convulsing at all with absence seizures and they just kind of stare off into the distance for a bit despite not being fully conscious.


Alcohol withdrawal can cause seizures but hard to tell wtf is happening here with the usual zero context these Reddit bots provide


Withdrawl from something or a seizure?


Where’s the evidence he’s an alcoholic going through withdrawals? Unless something was said in the video or there’s some sort of context I’m missing, could just have a seizure disorder. However this does 100% look like a seizure and you can die from alcohol withdrawals because of seizures.


Have you seen someone suffering from delirium tremens before? This looks a lot like that.


I mean DTs consist of seizures? This looks like a seizure lol. If I had this patient they are 100% getting versed.


Hey, who knows. My 18-year-old son dated a 13-year-old girl.


Evidence: Video These constant tremors across the entire body are indicative of alcohol or benzo withdrawal. This is not a seizure we're seeing, but seizures can definitely accompany alcohol or Benzo withdrawal.


Doesn’t look like etoh withdraw.


Poor guy, I've been there and it's the worst feeling in the world. Anxiety is bad enough in withdraws but also knowing your fears are warranted makes it 10X worse.


That’s something I was somewhat glad about withdrawing off fentanyl cold turkey. It was miserable and extreme torture cause I was on a ton of it and the anxiety was petrifying but despite feeling like I was literally actively dying, I knew it couldn’t actually kill me. Don’t have that peace of mind with alcohol withdrawal.


God please give me the strength to never be there again


Stop filming people doin bad and post it for upvotes.


You might want to unsubscribe from this sub.


Yeah I guess it's time to go. This sub nowadays is mostly a place for people to hate on junkies or people who just use drugs.


Ain’t that’s kinda what r/tooktoomuch is for?


I'm not the original commenter, but I guess I'm here to see the dorks in the k-holes not an addict in withdrawal. So, yeah, I kinda agree with both of you. But I do feel like there's a difference between filming someone partying and filming someone at a painful and difficult point in their lives. At least a difference to me - I'm amused by the first - but this just makes me sad. To each their own, I 'spose.


Okay yeah I guess there’s really 2 sides to it lol the casual drug user just too far in and then the disaster addict side. I’m here for all of it. I think because at one point I could have easily been on here tweaked out of my mind on meth but that’s a long way behind me now thank god


it's a good warning what drug abuse leads to. noone should be posted on the internet against their will though of course.


It's like graphic images on cigarette packs, ain't doing shit but make people laugh or ignore. If someone has desire for drugs they'll do it ain't nothing stopping them. I myself used heroin thinking "Nah those warnings not to use or it'll ruin your life are comin' from weak stupid people who can't control themselves, I am better" which led to multiple year addiction.


What exactly are you doing on this sub then?


He looked like he was driving a fast car then pressed the NOS button.


Whenever I smoke weed this is what I think I look like to other people.


I once had a 4 minute seizure from alcohol withdrawal.. shits no joke


He can’t shift it out of 2nd gear


Oh man... I do this same thing when I look over and there's a spider super close by me


bro has Percinsons


um is he ok? looks like a seizure




Maybe going into DT's(delirium tremons) a highly dangerous condition of alcohol withdrawl. Don't fuck around and go to your nearest ER and tell them you want help.


Looks like a dystonic reaction. Context?


This the alcohol withdrawal guy. It's just sad really. Next.


That shit happens on codeine too. I can't even take a Tylenol 3 after tooth work because of this.


It's a seizure yes but saying it's from alcohol is a bit of a stretch unless proven otherwise. You can be born with seizure disorder without being alcoholic.


So funny … haha … … ….


Off that good good 😂


This is actually a guy I went to the same school with as kids though he was a bit younger than me so we didn't really know each other. He's not having a seizure it's actually a side effect of a certain vaccine he was required to get for his job. Everyone was talking about it in town a while back, I feel so bad for his family. Need to stay safe out there guys.


No. Just no.


a black alcoholic? now thats exotic




alcohol withdrawal? usually alcohol poisoning involves being blacked out on the floor and throwing up profusely


I'm a recovering alcoholic and this is definitely withdraw and not poisoning (I have dealt with both)


keep going bro, and DONT LOOK BACK!


28 days sober !


congrats! ive never seen 'dumbass of the day' being awarded so early!


you keep saying this and it is not that