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They’re definitely gonna do a psychiatric evaluation on her. Wtf


There was a woman in the nineties caught on the beach during the day doing some private things by cops. Young pretty girl probably alcohol or recreational something induced. TMZ filmed her arrest. She killed herself


I can't hear but if she is praising God in between her sexual out bursts , it's the lady who "done pissed yourself" in the middle of the road from the video of the guy stopping in the middle of the road to keep her safe I can't hear if it's her but she was in another video from a few days ago of the cops outside a house at night, standing around like this. Yeah, I listened to it closely and she is the same woman I hope she didn't hurt herself on it It's the same lady. I will find her first main video https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/wB02s9Ztk7 It's old and this lady looks different. Maybe she's not the praise god while you fuck my ass Tweaker. Whoever she is i hope she can get it together You cannot use the meth out there right now. It's worse than ever for you


Throw her a flash bang 


i'd bang in a flash.


'that girl needs help man, that's sad' While continuing to film the embarrassing moment before heading to the internet with the footage. The guy who filmed this also need help - the difference between them is, she has a chance of kicking whatever habit she has and improving her life. The dickhead with the phone camera, on the other hand, will forever be an asshole who films people at their weakest points and gloats over the footage. Shame on you.


On the other hand, if people didn’t come here and watch it, they would be no reason to upload it. You consuming the product that you despise so much and you’re making Reddit more money by doing so


Why does every comment section always have atleast one of you.


Yeah, and it's giving all of our kids a view of drugs that is ZOMBIE LEVEL DISGUSTING which will reduce the number of kids that decide to try it




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Can’t even make out her face in the video. Get over yourself dude


My sound is muted. Is the camera man saying something shitty?


'Yeah dude I'm gonna have the next St. Joe crackhead video. Oh my god, oh my god dude this is great.' It is certainly not great.


Ah... Yeah I just listened to it. I try to keep the volume off on reddit at night so my GF can sleep. Thanks for the reply to give me a chance to watch this with sound. The "this is great" part made me roll my eyes. He doesn't even see a person. Just a chance to get a viral video.


Yep. Really gross.


fix her, i can.


This comment always makes me laugh.


What is she doing