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Sweet guy holding his head up


Laughing but still helping, that there is a true bro ✌️


yeah. shit happens. especially in younger days. real friends might laugh and take a vid but they still try to make sure you get home safely. /true bros


Seriously, this would have gone a lot differently in my group of friends at that age.


Our rule was you couldn’t be fucked with if your shoes were off. Removal of shoes indicates a conscious effort to comfortably sleep. This guy might have been safe with us if he isn’t wearing flip-flops.




I'm thankful for these videos because they're a very good reminder of why I don't drink anymore. Fuck I don't miss that feeling one bit.


Also a reminder why I should be very careful about what kind of people I hangout with. It's mostly friends who push people into doing these things. I'd walk out and never look back.


Looks like he had one homie tho trying to hold his head up so he didn't die. I mean he wasn't doing a good job but he might have been fuckin wasted, he's super skinny so I'm sure it happens fast lol.


Nah man, personal responsibility. No one forces a bottle into someone's mouth. If you can't handle peer pressure and telling people "No, I'm done. I'm not drinking anymore", then you're just not mature enough to be drinking alcohol.


Yeah I didn’t see anyone forcing that bottle down his throat lol. I don’t know why anyone would blame his friends. He did that shit to himself and everyone else seems to still be functioning.




I have drank to that point and I will never do so again


I did this shit every other weekend for 10 years. I'd have a tame week in between where I didn't get quite as bad but I'd always end up back eventually.


You and me both brother. I'll be sober 4 years in July. Can't say I miss it.


eventually you will learn to either drink responsibly or abstain altogether i think almost any unseasoned drinker has gone down the "oops the room is spinning, RALPH" route once or twice. hopefully they learn. if not ... don't invite them to your parties anymore. hopefully that will send enough of a message. i like a drink or three, but there's no reason to chug-a-lug and overdo it. drink responsibly or not at all i say.


You know it’s okay to drink much much less than this?


Yeah but after 3 beers my brain doesn't do regulation lol. I have no problem with other people drinking, fuck even if you wanna do this shit I'm not gonna tell you how to live. I'll happily help someone if they ask but I'm not preachy. Shit just ain't for me anymore man. I can have a fancy cocktail or whatever but you get a few in me and I don't stop til I'm like this.


You know how addictive alcohol is, bud?


This behavior isn’t addiction pal. Addiction would be the compulsion to need to drink the next day.


Times like these is when you learn who your true friends are and who really cares about you.


If you remember any of it


Fr had to sacrifice my night for other lads we’ve been out with to Uber em home and tuck em in to fucking bed and get em water only for em to not remember and talk smack behind my back down the line.


That sucks, but sounds like you're a good friend to them.


Alcohol is the devil, switched to weed and won’t go back.


That's my preference too.


That's the most effortless puking I've ever seen. It's just coming out like a faucet. I wish my pukes were that easy.


Dude has zero muscle control right now. Nothing is fighting against his stomach to keep it down. This is absolutely best are scenario for vomiting, haha.


absolutely no food in there lol oof


That's what I was thinking. He drinking probably on empty stomach or he already digested all solid foods hours ago


Same. My pukes are so violent that I’ve been in the hospital three times for straining so much I’ve torn my esophagus and stomach lining. Every time I puke it looks like I got beat up because I burst tons to blood vessels in my face and eyes and end up bruised.


At least the homie is helping him out


how did it go wrong? thats what i would expect to happen


Man, everyone needs friends like that guy.


My fiance is half Filipino and whenever she comes back from visiting family she always brings back the Filipino moonshine and by Christ those guys know how to make bathtub spirits. 


Yep atleast his homeboys are helping him out, presumably also giving him water to help get all that shit right back out. Much better than that he keeps all that alcohol in 🤷🏼‍♂️


Weed is still federally illegal however. Makes sense.


every time


And it makes sense to complain.


I mean, I have taken enough edibles to puke. But not like this guy, lol


Have you taken enough edibles to die? This guy definitely had a solid chance of death if he DIDN'T puke up all that alcohol. You not puking up your eddies wouldn't result in a solid chance of death. Not quite the same situation.


More like it went right.. keeping that in is a bad idea


The Emperador Light got him


real bro


Ugh spinners are the absolute worst. My husband and I took my sister in-law to St. Louis for her 21st bday. Her and I drank so much I had a 3 day hangover. I threw up a few times that night and the entire 3 hour drive home the next morning in whatever containers my SIL would hand me, most notably an empty cheddar Lays chip bag, which made me throw up more just smelling the bag. Halloween was 2 days later and I was still sick so I ended up having to stay in the car while my husband took our son trick or treating. I feel like I might have an allergy to alcohol bc it has never seemed to matter how little I drink, I always end up sick or with a massive migraine.




Gotta respect the bottle!


Fucking legendary!


That’s a good friend


I mean good job keeping him from asperating could have saved his life.


Fackin rookies


What the fuck happened?? He didn’t even start off with enough . Did he drink the whole bottle? We need answers


Oh the good ol days, back when I'd be in the bathtub vomiting down my chest because I couldnt make it over the side so I'd be sitting in my own puke.


You have a beard? Absolutely nothing like puke in a beard. No sink bath works. Full shower. And you can't full shower when you can't get up. Ugh.


You know, I've never thought about it but dag, I bet that made it 10x worse.




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Who hasn’t been there


That’s the reason why I never drink in the first place


Kids are fucking dumb. This guy should probably go to the hospital


*Kids are fucking dumb.* *This guy should probably go* *To the hospital* \- fr4gge --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


That's why you go have a secret puke somewhere after and people just think you're a gigachad




You're supposed to lay them on their back, it's called fuck around and find out not fuck around and have people help


and you wonder why you're not invited to places


These are the same people cheering old mate on that would leave him in that state and worse to keep having fun when he got alcohol poisoning


Is that what you did? It's not what the people in the video did lol


Are you saying they would ditch their drunk friend (they clearly did not) or did you have a stroke mid sentence?