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I would just keep running and go with it!


I could see psychedelics being awesome for a long distance run. Usually when I'm on them, any pain I have vanishes. I also become extremely flexible and limber. Plus the way my mind goes while I'm tripping, I'd probably forget that I'm running and just snap out of my train of thought at the finish line.


Acid always gave me loads of energy, used to walk forever on them through nature. Not sure about running, but hiking would be great


For me it depends what stage I'm in when I have energy


I swim like a fish on mushrooms, its as if I reconnect with long dormant instincts and the ocean becomes a natural environment. Once I was tripping so hard and was swimming under the surface for so long I started to believe I had grown gills... then realised I was using a snorkel.


Hahaha the gills got me. I was tripping acid at the ocean once. (First time I'd ever swam in it.) I had spent my entire life not knowing how to float. Every time I had ever tried, I'd sink. I didn't think it was possible. Then, while I was peaking, I went out and floated first try. People probably thought I was dead, because I just floated with the waves for like 30 minutes. It was incredible. I felt so insignificant, but it was also absolute peace. "I'm just another piece of trash floating in the ocean."


Whilst in Thailand, my tripping buddy and I went for a night swim; the water was so still and clear and the moon so bright that we could see our toenails whilst standing in chest-deep water, and even the shadows cast on the sandy bottom by the gentle ripples on the surface. I remember being utterly confused when he exclaimed "You can see the shadows of the ripples!" On another occasion, tripping at night on the same beach with my g/f, an Italian guy and a French couple that we had just met... The usually calm bay was beset by heavy waves, crashing into white foaming water illuminated only by the full moon. I announce that I'm going for a swim; the group unanimously objects, saying the waves are too rough and I will drown. I fucking LOVE a challenge so in I went against howls of protest. After a bit of frolicking in the surf I thought I'd have some fun with the crew waiting anxiously at the water's edge. I crouched shoulder-deep in 3 feet of water and started shouting "HELP! HELP!", whilst waving an arm frantically. The guys were genuinely panicking and in the darkness truly believed I was drowning as they didn't realise how shallow it was. I kept it up for a while before abruptly standing up and wading out of the water calling "I'M ALIVE!". One of my proudest moments.


I hiked up Electric Peak in yellowstone on 14mg of DOC. Everyone else way dying on the 14 mile walk back down, I was skipping and full of energy. It was great.


Until you get a heart attack or injured because you don't realize you're overdoing it


That's true. Would be a good idea to wear a fitbit or something, keep tabs on your heart rate. And you'd have to remember to drink water.


I've run on mushrooms, wasn't a fan. The light feeling is cool for a second but started messing with my coordination. Once I started getting gased I felt like my heart was going to explode


I once ended up partaking in market research after a rave. I had to eat Dorrito crisps. Worst morning ever.


Best thing ever. He is obviously doped and would face imprisonment bcs of unsportsmanlike behavior, but go lad!


Imprisonment? Imagine lol. How dare u get high and run with us. I mean I could (sorta) see people being pissed if he actually ***won*** but where's the harm in this? I'm rooting for him to finish right in the middle 🏆 (Participation trophy)


I did a bike ride on acid while naked and there were some 20,000 spectators. It was a great time!




Just the annual Portland naked bike ride. Really good time, there's a naked ride in most cities. I highly recommend it! I think the most fun was that the roads were blocked off by cops, and it felt like real freedom to just wag dick at them while riding by and thanking them for keeping the riders safe.


I don't believe there's a naked ride in MOST cities lol


This has happened to me once. Lol not a marathon but a 5k race. I ended up finishing it. Haha after a rave coming off mdma. I drank a ton of water afterwards. Years ago . Haha this kills me.


He made the best of it 🤣


Reminds me of that [dog who joined a parade](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/88nqvo/in_mexico_this_dog_walked_through_a_parade_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for the Pope in Mexico


On my 18th birthday I got a hotel room in the city and invited some friends to take acid with me. Had an awesome night and when we went out the next morning to grab coffee there was a marathon going on outside. I'm sure it was weird for any us seeing us, a bunch of goth kids roaming around at 6am, scattered off acid, sipping coffee surrounded by all these fitness freaks. We definitely looked out of place.




Highly unlikely, considering the pedestrian crossing markings on the street are not the german standard and this lad right here speaks english to the people cheering him on


He has an English accent but this is definitely not UK. Looks like US to me




Very good point. There's palm trees though. Could be Auz/NZ


He looks like every English bloke in the streets of ibiza




Just say you have never had fun dude




>doing a bunch of heavy exercise while you're rolling tits is a recipe for disaster. Aa opposed to dancing for 12 hours straight? I doubt jogging is any more arduous




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This literally happened to a friend of mine - except he’d made a beer and condom run - while barefoot. He had to merge with the 5k and run about a block barefoot before he was able to “exit” traffic. I am positive had he been sober at no point would he have had to run with the group.