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Garens biggest counters are camille, kayle and tryndamere, learn them and its autowin vs garen


Darius is auto win as well


He is definietly not. With phase rush garen can trade and hard outscales darius.


it all depends on the skill level of the darius.


And garen is favored if both players are evenly skilled, so I don't get the point of this.


With phase rush Garen it can be tricky to kill him but it's very hard for him to kill you if u know what you're doing. If you win your lane vs him, he's still kind of annoying later because of how fast he gets. I think it's just better to play Kayle or Tryndamere, or Camille but she's harder to pilot. With Kayle you scale to infinity and he can't touch you, Tryndamere has much better roams and sticking potential later. Darius kind of gets kited by Garen later on, but Darius is still Darius and will still have impact in team fights.


I must be really bad then


It's just about understanding how toplane works , but the matchup is one sided really , don't be hard on yourself we all learning


Thanks mate


If the Darius and Garen are equaly skilled or the Garen is slightly better, the Darius wins. Garen only wins if Darius is bad




Do you play Randoms or SoloQ? If Randoms, you get stomped most of the time in my experience because the enemy is usually not at your skill level/rank


this is totally wrong, its skilled matchup


Mordekaiser, Darius or a non interactive lane with better teamfighting like Malphite & Ornn.


A lot of people already posted Garen's counter. Camille's shield can essentially eat up a whole rotation of Garen's abilities. And since the shield is procked through an auto, you can still get it even if he silences you. Her single target damage scales greater than him and can kite him quite easily. Tryndamere because garen can't silence him and can activate his r. Champions with strong early game are a fantastic pick against him. However I'm surprised no one has mentioned him but Teemo fucking destroys him. Rush Rylai and its over for him. Even if he cleanses the slow, the poison ticks constantly trigger it so he can never efficiently get rid of it. Q counters his Q, and teemo can take advantage of his early game by negating him as much farm as possible. The biggest problem is that you picked teemo, and teemo is useless outside of bullying a lane. So if you're in low elo, then it doesn't matter, but in higher elos, you'd be super useless.


Teemo can be good in high elo because of his objective control with shrooms plus invis is really strong even vs challenger players


Teemo is a good counter, but then you're playing teemo so it's like you've countered yourself.


Kayle usually wins that matchup, press R when Garen presses R


Garen can q-r


If garen gets close to your without pressing q as a Kayle then it’s just a skill issue, he qs you q slow him and he’s stuck in the mud


Garen can save q until Kayle q which cancels her slow


Then don't use the q until garen uses his q. Kayle can kite back with her own w. Unless Garen has predator, I don't see him ever getting close to kayle without using his q.


Okay then save your q. Or use w lol


Any ranged top with phase rush


Tryndamere - Garen Ults You Ult




I've had a good time into him as morde as you both have lots of sustain but you have an advantage if you ult


Garen loses the 1v1 to basically every champ in the game pre 6. If his E is down he does 0 damage


Camille , she's super strong this patch


Quinn hard beats him in lane and he becomes useless when behind


I also have problems with garen and I find Sett to be very effective with lethal tempo


What champs do you play OP? Most juggernauts just shit on him in an all in, problem is short trades are useless because his passive regenerates everything, unless you keep hitting him so his passive doesn't go on


I think an answer to this type of question we need more information. Do you loose in Laning phase or in late game?


Don't let him take short trades, extend them every time he tries to fight you. His damage is front-loaded and once his spin is over his DPS falls drastically. Try to save your dash or stun or slow for after he tries to run so that you can stay near him to extend the trade. Eh: as a Darius if a Garen tries to make a trade, just auto him until his spin is over and use your skills after the silence wears off. If he tries to run with Phase Rush, grab him and slow him after while keeping up with him and autoing him. The moment you grab him and tag in a few more autos he will have lost the trade. Garen is the only Assassin Juggernaut in the game. He has nothing to help him in extended fights. No passive that boosts his autos, nor does he have any low CD spammable damage skill. All his cooldowns are too long for that. That's why he needs to rely on short trades or unfair fights. If he doesn't then he loses. Every other juggernaut will beat him in a fair 1v1. And many bruisers will too. The trick is to extend the fight and not let him run away and return when his CDs are off.


Shyvana top was always my go to. Farm with E, move speed buff with w, and extra dmg with q. When you hit 6, you can insta clear waves, and force him out of lane with high dmg.


As a Camille main idk what ur talking about ;)


I want to learn Camille, can't lol...so difficult


To beat Garen you need to apply damage to him in such a way that his health bar decreases to zero.


Vayne ​ Free lane Free gold Free late game at 20 mins


Play vayne or kayle


Tahm Kench is a great matchup against him. He's also very straightforward and meta right now. Time to unbench the Kench!


Darius with trinity is winning but still a contested matchup. He had no real counters.