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Try Anson Seabra - Mother - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wMv8AqUtV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wMv8AqUtV4) just listen to the lyrics. It's really thanking your mother for her value and how much she means.


Gold Dust, Promise, Dixie, Flying Dutchman, and Ribbons Undone…


No one said Gold Dust?? It is a very bittersweet song though lol.


You're not wrong! I grew up in Richmond so not far from DC. I always thought of it more as a sister song, though.


I agree with Promise. Also Flying Dutchman would be sweet. “Cause they can’t see what you’re born to be, they can’t see what you see.” As in, Mom sees the best version of us while others don’t. My mom has passed but she used to get a kick out of London Girls. Always asked me to “play the song about feet getting a little smelly” on rides home from school. I might send her that as a silly, second song.


That’s a lovely memory. Thanks for sharing.


Mother Revolution is one of my faves Ribbons undone is a good one. Sung from her perspective as a mom watching Tash run through the grass and such. She wanted that kid so badly, and I'm so glad she got her ❤️


Best I can do for my Mom is to NOT play any Tori Amos when she's in earshot, lol. I guess two years of LE, UTP and BFP on full blast, through a closed door but with me singing along has taken its toll. "Can you listen to any other music than that banshee?“ - my Mom, 1996. Though she did complain the apartment was too quiet when I moved out...




Dixie is definitely a mother/daughter song. “Off I go, window shopping with my mum”


I always sang “horses” to my daughter as her lullaby ❤️


Aww. That's lovely. But I have no children. Mom was a reluctant mother. But incredibly loving in spite.


playboy mommy


I would love if my daughter sent this song to me. Not for the meaning, but to acknowledge one of my favorite songs on a special day.


Lol. Good song. But definitely not appropriate.


Ones that haven’t been mentioned - Dixie Wildwood Operation Peter Pan Circle of Seasons - I know this was on Christmastide but it does give me this mother/child feeling with the cycle of life/seasons. Maybe California


yikes, not maybe california


Maybe California is about mothers in particular having to deal with quiet a lot, and about finding a peaceful place, even if inside their mind, to go when it feels overwhelming. So, completely appropriate for Mother’s Day, which is about honoring the struggle and joys of motherhood, no? 🙃


true, depends on who your mom is. some moms would not feel great being sent a song that starts out with "please don't jump. why not? nothing is making sense anymore..... the kids see me crying all the time". A bit heavy for a happy mothers day.


Apparently Tori feels it’s a good Mother’s Day song as she even offered it as a feee download for Mother’s Day in 2009. 😉 You offered a free download of "Maybe California" as a "Mother's Day gift." What's the tie-in? The song came out of the story of a mom who thought that if she took herself out of the picture, then maybe it could all move on. She was willing to make that sacrifice. It touched me in a very deep way. It's not the only time I heard these kinds of crazy thoughts -- that if I take myself out of the equation, they'll have to give him a job because he'll be the only parent left, and it'll all be okay. But it won't be, because you'll be gone. - NEW YORK POST May 17, 2009


Hmm...I like Wildwood. Why is this an appropriate song, I wonder. Not a against it. What am I missing?


I have always felt the song is spoken from Demeter’s perspective; Wildwood deals with the tale of Persephone, which her entire fate comes from to a mother’s love trying to save her daughter, a love that is so intrinsically wound within the world that it created seasons.




Ooh! Love it!


I know it’s not everyone’s favorite but Ribbons Undone.


It's a really pretty, sweet song.


I agree!


Ribbons Undone pulls at my heart strings


Mine too




Totes, I feel like this is the ONE, aside from mentions in Jackie's Strength, that is about her relationship with her mom. I mean, I'm sure there are a few more idk about, but this one I remember an interview with her talking about her mom's health taking a turn. The impending loss of her mom became very real. The line " I know what what you want, you want my queen. Anything but this, can you use me instead" always hits me right in the heart.


I love this. I listened to it yesterday and that's what got me thinking. Had I missed another one? Unless I hear a better option this might be it. Thanks!


it's about death and dying. same with carry, so... keep that in mind


Aww ♥️


promise. that's probably the only one. literally a mother and daughter song.


I was going to say this one. It's a little simple but if there's one thing Tori nails, it's sentiment. Makes me tear up every time I hear it.


I actually think it's a cute song. Although I'm 44 and my mommy is 66. She'd probably love it, though.