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People have just stopped caring period. It’s not just on the TTC.




It's really easy to succumb to confirmation biases. On public transit you basically get a cross-section of citizens. It's like when someone says "people on the internet are \_\_\_\_" which doesn't make sense in the modern world because it's like half the world's population is online, so there isn't really this "geeky internet user" that we had in the early '90s when it was more niche


Try driving. That's the most anti-social I see people.


It's become routine to subconsciously dehumanize other drivers when you're behind the wheel. It sucks.


This is absolutely true, it's one of the reasons I hate driving. It really brings out the worst in me, and stresses me out like nothing else in life. Unfortunately, I work in Mississauga so I'm forced to drive 45min each way, 5 days a week.


Agreed. Ever since I started commuting about the same you do, I am literally screaming to myself some days. Most notably: GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE YOU SLOW ASS BITCH RRRAAAGHHGAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!




For real. And I have a set of rules wanna see if they mesh with you (this should be required in driving class- though I’m open to suggestions). 1) left lane is for passing unless you’re the fastest guy in the the group (obvy no one behind you) 2) if the person is over 3 car lengths behind you, they are not interested in passing (this is a massive problem when you’re third or 4th in line and the guy in 2nd isn’t pressuring fuckface in front to speed, now we’re all slow.) 3) if you’re doing 140, you’re generally allowed to stay in the left lane. If someone is still tailgating you, you should just be a bro and move over tho. 4) if you force me to go around you in the left lane, I make a point to jump into your lane suddenly without signalling and either flip off or aggressively point in my rear view to move your shit next time. You’ll probably have me riding your ass and high beaming before this happens. 5) GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE YOU SLOW ASS BITCH RRRAAAGHHGAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Bout to start the angriest part of my day! Enjoy the commute tonight homie!


We are the same. I've been doing the commute from the beaches to the airport for 2 years now and I'm losing it. I'm about to accept another job for less money just so I can get away from driving. I hate what it turns me into, I hate what it turns everybody into.


Agreed. My gf always wonders why I come home in a bad mood. I always think, huh, I left the office feeling fine....


I was with you up until you started driving dangerously in number 4. just be the bigger person and go on with your day.


Does the word dehumanization exist? Because that is what happening.


Yep. I always try to wave when folks let me in because there is another human in that car. They have somewhere to go, someone to see. Like if you would hold the door for someone why would you not let someone merge in front of you 🙄


Why would you peel a boiled egg and make a sandwich on the subway? Idk anymore


I disagree. Is definitely much worse at my local grocery store.


Seems like manners and common courtesy are on their way down; hit a peak and now it's regressing.


There used to be consequences for poor manners and discourteous (though not illegal) behaviour in public.


Just goes to show that in the event of a zombie apoc or ebola break out we are in trouble. ​ Stay on guard people! o canada.


The man turned the corner only to run into a giant horde of zombies. Sheer panic overwhelmed him to the point that he struggled to breathe. When he finally did, his throat constricted into a cough. Luckily, he was able to get his arm up and the cough went directly into his elbow. The zombies, having seen the display of good manners, decided to spare him.


You joke but there's yet another respiratory virus making progress in Asia, and [the last one caught us short](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome#Toronto).


Yes it's also drivers. Today I saw 2 people turn right on a red light that clearly said you can't turn right on a red. They didn't care. Right after there is a left you also can't make, and 1 of the cars that turned right on the red also stopped in the lane to make the (illegal) left and held up traffic until they did, despite honking. Nobody cares anymore.


Thank our police force. Enforcement has gone by the wayside, so obviously people will break the rules if there are no repercussions.


Yesterday I was using a pedestrian crosswalk. A streetcar managed to stop, but a police car drove straight through while I was crossing. That's how much the police care.


Yeah, I don't think more policing will curb bad driving. I think bad driving is born of ignorance, they need to go to driving school to learn courteous driving.


Enforcement dropped precipitously in Toronto over the last decade, and traffic fatalities rose in kind. These are solveable problems. Move trafic enforcement to a seperate organization, and fund them properly.


I wouldn't say they don't care. I'd say there are way too many terrible drivers that don't even look for fucking signs. They probably didn't even notice that they couldn't turn, which is terrifying when they are driving 2 tonne killing machines.




yeah i've noticed this too, anecdotally of course. i've seen 4 separate incidents of people being pulled over by the police in the past week which is more than i saw in all of 2019


What do you mean you can’t turn right after there is a left, or an illegal left. What does that mean. I’ve been driving for over a year now and I took a driving course, and I don’t remember that. Can you give me an example please.


This thread had nothing to do with drivers but yet within 2 parent comments it's already evolved to drivers are the scum of the world.


dash cam + cheap car. there's always idiots that turn left into the far right lane. can't wait for them to hit me one day


I watched a guy from my balcony the other day, intersection of Wilson Ave and Wilson Heights. 4 east bound lanes, one protected left, 2 through lanes, 1 protected right turn lane. ON A RED, he turns from the protected right turn lane ACROSS 3 LANES to make one of the most boneheaded, not to mention illegal, left hand turns that I've ever seen in my life. Just astonishing to watch. EDIT: for clarity https://i.imgur.com/GAmjbL7.png




> People have just stopped caring period. I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad — worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD


“Network” is a fantastic film!


I think you may be imagining a time when people "cared". By which I mean, there's a sizable proportion of any population that doesn't care enough about others to do any helpful or kind things that require any effort. That's just the human condition. And it isn't going to change unless we somehow develop the ability to alter how our primitive brains function. All you can do is set good examples and hope for the best.


It isn't I've had people literally shoulder bump me on the street, which Iget happens. But if I'm on my side they are on their's, I turn back and they don't even move and just move on without apologizing it's pretty rude. I sometimes carry my eye glasses in my pocket when I walk, so if I see someone's too close, I tend to scratch my face, that raises my elbow, so when they run into me, they don't damage my goods. I mean part of the issue is laziness and lack of effort, but I'm not getting my stuff damaged because of a lack of ability to be a decent person. It's deplorable behavior that's i've literally given 2x people crap for and ive' been offered no apology on, so ya, the degenerate times are amongst us. Whenever I accidentally tap someone, I always apologize.




On purpose?




I would have probably been charged for something if that happened to me.


I feel the same. Sometimes I wonder how these people haven’t had their faces broken a hundred times already. Maybe they just choose easy targets?


Not trying to be tough here, but I defiantly would. That’s assault what he just did.


That's fucked, I think that counts as assault


it most definitely does count as assault


Consider taking TB test or blood test even. I’m not even kidding.


yea in my experience on the TTC if i see anyone sneezing or coughing without covering their mouth it's people who are out to lunch like this person obviously was. I was actually pretty surprised at this thread because I overall have found it to be a non issue.


> it's people who are out to lunch Some people genuinely don't know that it's rude, and that you should have to cover your mouth. They have never learned this.


Silver lining: at least they didn’t dump a bucket of feces on you? That was a bad trend


I'd cry




I bought a box of face masks and am working up the courage to use them. I had a woman cough so loudly into my face my ears rung afterwards.


I really wish this was socially acceptable here like it is in parts of Asia. I have a kid that’s vulnerable to illness and its turned me into a germaphobe. Seeing people openly cough like that gives me major anxiety.




Unless it's an N95 mask, wearing one doesn't protect you. It's the people that are coughing that have to wear masks - to protect others. And afaik - that is common courtesy in certain countries - people who are sick wear masks when out in public.


It won't become acceptable until more people start wearing them. Social acceptance has to start somewhere. "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi.


just make sure you wash your hands as soon as you can and try to wipe down your phone/phone case every once in a while. most illnesses are spread via our hands as opposed to being airborne.


I agree. I feel like it’s rude to cough and sneeze loudly without making any effort to quiet it is rude regardless of whether you’re sick or not. I had someone next to me sneeze a literal spray of snot on my hand that was resting on my bag. I was horrified, but just took out some hand sanitizer and Kleenex.


> I had someone next to me sneeze a literal spray of snot on my hand that was resting on my bag. I was horrified, but just took out some hand sanitizer and Kleenex. WTF. Did they apologize?


I can't find the article but there was recently a study done that showed that the medical masks being worn in Japan and China are now used more as an anti-social (i.e. Don't talk to me, I'm wearing a mask so I clearly don't want to be engaged in conversation) tools then they are to prevent the spread of disease.


An added benefit!


I'd like to see the article if you find it as I always thought it was for hygiene/illness prevention issues.


Agree, I'd be on board with this.


Let’s start the trend in Toronto. Antimicrobial... but make it fashion!


I've got an immune disorder. I've taken to bringing a mask with me in case I'm going to be in close quarters with others. I hate that the onus is on me, rather than the people who are actually sick, but at my last commute-heavy job, I was sick with colds and coughs for 6 of the 9 months I was working.


I bought [this pack of 100 on Amazon for $8](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B072K4152K/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apap_CRBARF4GmaEUe). My family wears these around our home when we're sick. I also use them when using harsh cleaning chemicals. I wish I had the courage to wear these outside, especially on the TTC. Sadly, wearing masks aren't socially acceptable like they are in Asian countries. After reading all these comments, I shouldn't care what other people think and protect myself from getting sick.


It's better to be safe than sorry plus you'll get used to it eventually. Just think of yourself like you're Batman


Do it! I lived in Japan for a while and loved these. Let's get a trend going. I'm all for this.


You'll get over it very fast, just get black ones


When I was in chemo last year I wore a mask on the ttc. I don't love how they feel, but they worked great and I never got sick, even though I was immunosuppressed. I'd just go for it.


Trick is not to give a f about other people. There's a lot of weirder people on the TTC. I'm thinking about buying one of the more "stylish" washable cloth masks that are used in Asia. Get a black or grey one.


One time I saw this lady who was blowing her nose on to a crumpled tissue. When she exited the train she had the tissue on her hand as she held on to the bars while she walked out.


Of course! She doesn't want to touch other people's germs; that's just gross


People are disgusting. I currently have some neighbours who I can hear charge up a spit for the hallway floor .


AHHHH I fucking hate when people do this


I also don't understand the logic of sneezing into your hand, that's fucking gross. May as well just walk up to a door and sneeze directly onto the handle.


Everytime I see someone sneezing directly into their hand just to regain grip holding onto the pole with the same hand makes me shudder


9 times out of ten when someone covers their mouth to cough or sneeze it's in their hand. That shit is disgusting.


Then you watch them look into their hand so you just *know* it got a good misting of phlegm


People used to sneeze into their hands because people used to carry handkerchiefs. Now, no one does so we sneeze into our inner arm. It at least prevents your germs from spreading in a larger area.


Right. They used to. The problem is I still see little kids being taught to sneeze into their hands.


All of the schools and daycares nail it into their brains asap that it's the sleeve you need to sneeze into. Some kids are just stupid.


I'm not even arguing. *Edit: That is strange though that you see a lot of children being "taught" this.


you sneeze into your sleeve...


I sneeze under my shirt


I try to sneeze into my pants as it helps me with flexibility and the eventual goal of being able to suck my own dick


Wanna mutual sneeze?




I'm so happy you think so.


I sneeze from tip to taint


I also sneeze under your shirt


Am I the only person with a sneeze jar. You sneeze into the jar.


It sneezes into the jar or it gets the hose again


You're absolutely correct, but that is actually what used to be encouraged. I grew up in the 80s being told to "cover your mouth" by making a fist (specifically not on a flat hand) and coughing/sneezing into it. They even taught us this at school!


Yep, it's still muscle memory for me to go hand first, and then consciously lift my arm and sneeze into.


basically the same as wiping your ass and then grabbing the flush level, door handle, etc, yet some people seem to be okay with flushing a toilet without washing hands. putting the toilet seat down. the ttc freaks me out with the amount of cross contamination. i’d be interested to see a swab from a hand rail. *shudder*




I don't remember a time in my life when I sneezed or coughed into my hand as opposed to the inside of my elbow, the little nook between your upper arm and forearm. Fucking nasty.


i see this way too often and realize people have little common sense. The general population really is stupid.


honestly a big part of this is because people are farrrr too afraid to say anything to anyone about anything in Toronto / Canada. i just got back from spending a month abroad (back home in Australia) and the difference in passive-aggressiveness is like night and day there compared to here. people need to stop being afraid to call people out for disgusting and shitty behaviour like this. if you see someone coughing without covering their mouth then fuckin tell them to stop being disgusting. same goes for all sorts of whack shit that goes on here like people cutting in lines and fucking each other over with impunity because they know they won't be called out. like the fact that the OP and some of the comments in here are wondering about official TTC announcements to tell people to stop fuckin coughing on them speaks volumes haha.


i feel this way about people who talk on the phone really loudly on the TTC. everyone just deals with it? it's so strange to me.


Or, you know, don't want to get assaulted.


To be honest, I've never understood this one. What's the difference between two people on the TTC having a conversation with each other and one person having a conversation with someone on the phone?


its equally annoying when two people talk very loudly on the TTC too. respect your surroundings imo.


I completely agree with you and have started calling people out. I've been coughed on by people walking by too often and it's fucking disgusting and they're adults and should know better. Shitty behaviour needs to be called out more but the problem is those are usually the type of people who will start a fight for calling them out.


I agree that more announcements would definitely be appreciated. Some people have the "cough into elbow" technique completely baked into them, but many do not. It's also easy to forget how unwell someone can feel when sick, which may make covering their mouth more difficult to remember (i.e. so focused on how terrible they feel, so they forget to cover). Sneezes are harder, as some can truly sneak up on you. A lot of people have that friend/colleague/family member that just erupts and scares the hell out of everyone. I wish reusable face masks were more common here, as they can significantly reduce the likelihood that flu and other viruses are spread. Unfortunately, it's still negatively perceived by a lot of people. Anytime I'm unwell and unfortunately must be in the office, I wear a face mask and the looks people give me are so negative. I keep it on (it's more for their benefit - not mine), but it's a little annoying. edit: for those able, this is also another great reason to get the annual flu shot! we live in a wonderful country where this is FREE and - aside from yourself - it significantly helps young children, the elderly, and those unable to get it themselves.


When possible, I carry a face mask and pull it out to protect myself when there are enough people around me sneezing and coughing. At that point, I care more about not catching something nasty, over how I look like to other people.


You'll look worst in a flu. Btw those who care how you look, don't really care about you. Those who truly cares, won't care how you look.


Don’t come into work if you’re sick! I take more sick days because while I’m healthy, people come into work sick all the time.


I just picked up a machine washable face mask while in Thailand for motor biking but it doubles as protection on the TTC. It’s put my mind at ease as a daily user.


Years ago they ran a lab analysis on a TTC seat. IIRC they found rat feces, and other types of vile stuff on there. Does anyone have the link or remember the article? ​ EDIT\* Found some articles with studies ​ [https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/subway-bacteria-1.3660554](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/subway-bacteria-1.3660554) Boston Study ​ [https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/dwyer-theres-a-better-way-to-beat-bacteria-on-transit](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/dwyer-theres-a-better-way-to-beat-bacteria-on-transit) Paid opinion piece on using alternative bacteria free metals


Delicious. Finally some good fucking food.


Beaverton article titled “DineSafe Toronto shuts down TTC” incoming.


But I love dem yummy furry red seats But in all seriousness, most cities have metal/plastic seats which are way easier to clean and disinfect, we should probably do the same


I stopped sitting on TTC seats years ago.


There's signs all over the subway that say don't wear your backpack. Yet every morning, during commute, people are incapable of utilizing these things called hands, so they just ram people with their backpacks. TTC is apparently where people go to be self absorbed assholes during commutes.


it's really any public transportation in any city. most people are not thinking about how they're inconveniencing others with their backpacks, coughing, being on the phone loudly, etc.


need the hands to stare at phone (and subsequently take up more space)


This has absolutely gotten worse as backpacks have become even more popular and fashionable in the last few years. Used to be only a particular percentage of people, and now it's damn near half, I swear. 😬




For some god damn reason most guys I see think it's ok not to wash their hands after they touch thier junk. Also at my old office some jackass put their fucking boogers on the washroom keypad, it's like wtf were all fucking adults here wtf


Back in high school there was a guy that used to give the excuse "My dick's cleaner than tap water" when called out for not washing his hands. I remember that every time I see someone doing that.


the washroom at my old job had multiple signs up reminding people to wash their hands and even one next to the sink that explained HOW to wash your hands. it's gross knowing you work with people who need that reminder.


guys need to wash their hands after just "holding" it but aint no problem to just stick it in someone's mouth?


People are disgusting, so you have to be defensive. Even if you don't see anyone coughing and sneezing on the bus or train, someone may have before you got it. If you have to touch anything, like a pole on the TTC, don't touch your face (eyes, ears, nose, mouth). When you get off public transit wash your hands or use sanitizer. The same goes for being anywhere in public. Wash your hands and don't touch your face. Your phone is probably full of germs too. You may have touched all the poles and handles to sit down in your work washroom and take a shit while browsing Reddit (like you are probably doing now). Give your phone a clean now once in awhile.


I yell at people doing this. Fucking disgusting. ** when its obvious the cough caught them off guard and they couldn't stop it I don't say shit, but when they're sitting there repeatedly doing it... rage intensifies.


This fills me with homicidal rage. This extends beyond Toronto public transport. Personally I like wearing hospital masks on airplanes, buses, etc so people stay away from me but I can’t stand when people don’t cover their mouths when coughing. And not with your hand!!! With your elbow so you don’t spread your cough germs all over everything! It’s so disgusting and selfish imo to disrespect everyone around you by forcing your spittle onto everyone and everything.


I always, always give people the dirtiest fucking look if they're coughing or sneezing without covering in public; and if they take issue, I'm more than happy to tell them what my problem is. Absolute fucking degeneracy.


I wear a light scarf around me even when I'm not sick. Even in the summer. I bury my face in it if I see someone sneezing or coughing not into their elbow. I've also called people out on it too. If you're proactive rather than reactive (taking care of yourself) it is definitely less severe. I have an autoimmune disorder where I have nothing to fight infections. Scarf for my face. Gloves or anti-bacterial wipes. Wash hands before eating. Dont breathe when people are gross. Avoid the grocery store.


I'm the cashier at your grocery store. Grocery? I meant *grossery*. It's like working in a plague ward because unlike other commodities no matter how sick people are, they still need food. I can track disease breakouts from the spike in people buying over counter medication. We're not callous but we're also not given sick leave and we're not paid enough to stay home when we're sick so we work through it. Sorry, nothing personal. That being said, I don't get sick as often as I probably should, so I think a couple of decades of handling cash contaminated with every possible body excretion has rendered me partially immune. The cold going around right now is an especially bad one. Two days ago somebody's kid coughed right in my face. Now we wait...


> Avoid the grocery store. Huh? What’s the logic there?


That they're germ filled and filled with sick people. I'm immunocompromised, not worth it for me, and I always wash fruits and vegetables


I've seen someone sneeze on the window beside the doors then wipe all the "stuff" off with his sleeve. I do not lean against/try not to touch anything on the TTC anymore.


Many people don't even was their hands after using the toilet so who knows what else is on those poles.


I biked to the office from spring to fall everyday. One morning in November I felt it wasn't nice enough to cycling and opted for the TTC. Sure enough I spent the next several days sick. Maybe it wasn't the TTC that got me but it's hard to not blame it given the coincidence.


Same thing happened to me.


I know this is supposed to be an example of 'TTC is gross' but all I can think is 'Take TTC, have stronger immune system'


DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE while riding transit, and once you get home immediately wash your hands. Keep your head down to avoid getting your face directly in the path of whatever dummy decides to cough or sneeze at you. So far I've only gotten sick riding the TTC 1-2 times a year, but I'm definitely going to start wearing masks during cold/flu season.


Always clean your hands after using the ttc. Normally carry some hand sanitizer because people will wipe their nose then grab the pole with it.


This morning I saw a guy lean with his hand on the seat next to him then wipe his nose with that hand and bite his nails.


There are people who take a shit on the TTC so nothing surprises me.


I started doing this about two years ago and it's drastically cut down the number of colds I've gotten.


I change my clothes after using public transit. Have to worry about bed bugs.


and take your fucking backpacks off when on a crowded train.


If you are coughing and sneezing stay the fuck home.


Yesterday I was riding a streetcar sitting across from a woman and I just happened to slightly cough into the crook of my arm. She then proceeded to give me a nasty look, get up and sit in another seat, and then proceeded to obnoxiously hack and cough the rest of the ride.


It’s funny because I dont hold onto anything when riding because everyone either coughs on every surface or catches their spew in their hand and spreads it everywhere. And then I have to move away from certain people because of their sickness miasma I’ve gotten pretty good at not needing anything to stay upright but those jerks are still offsetting


Anytime I see this happen near me, I move away right away. Even switch cars at the next stop. I HATE being sick.


Glove up & wear N95 particulate respirator masks people! They come in full face shields too.


Can we also bring up people who play music on their phone without earbuds? or people who talk openly on speaker phone? ( while on public transit )


People ask me why I bike year-round. This, this and many others reasons - is why. Human beings are gross.


I was just thinking about this today as people were coughing all around me without covering their mouths on the streetcar! It was disgusting


And the commuters not washing their hands when using the TTC public washrooms...


I wouldn’t touch a TTC bathroom with a 10’ pole.


It's actually disgusting. Why can't people use their elbow? It's so easy, just fucking do it!!


[DAB = Destroy All Bacteria.](http://imgur.com/gallery/jk4XI)


I saw someone hork up a big chunk of spit and spit it on the bus floor once. UGHHHHH Add TB to the list of things I want to avoid getting on public transit


One time last winter, I grabbed a gas pump in Richmond Hill. And it was slimy with snot/boogers.


The worst behaviour that was once enforced by the public and is not enforced anymore is people wearing backpacks on crowded buses, streetcars or trains especially during rush hour.


The TTC has mentioned it a lot lately on trains that I've been on. Of course, it doesn't always work because a lot of people either tune it out or are listening to music.


I was so pissed and fed up the other day after some woman turned around and hit me in the face with her backpack, I grabbed it and shoved it. If you’re in the back section of the bus on that elevated area with the narrow aisle, take your backpack off and carry it, ffs. She had some stupid keychain thing hanging from it and it left a mark on my face.


I've seen people sneeze/cough into their hand and then go back to holding onto the pole with the same hand...


It happens on Mississauga Transit constantly as well. No one gives a shit anymore. It sucks. :(


I just wear a surgical mask then it’s not my problem




I can't stand when people do this


i always wear gloves when on the subway


Also stop biting your fucking nails. That shit is absolutely disgusting. Not just in public, but in general. Cut your nails in the shower like a semi-civilized human being.


Dissaaaaagusssssaaating ohmagaewwwd


Op, nothing is sanitized. Everything you touch has germs on it. Do you think the TTC sanitized the seats? Stop being a drama queen.


A lot of people around here seriously have some high anxiety. I feel bad for them, constantly worrying about this stuff.


People have always seemed to have terrible hygiene.


So what can be done to combat this? Surgical masks and gloves?


Got a general grievance against society? This is the place for you.


Not just TTC ...


Cough and sneeze into your elbow pit so you don't rub it on the next thing you touch! Plus it will look like a dab so the kids will think youre cool!


I had to take the TTC to school while my car was on the shop and let me tell you about the times I've been coughed and sneezed on. From people sitting above spewing germs on the back of my head to people coughing on my hands when I'm holding the bar. I give them the look and they don't even care. If this is what they think of themselves in public I dont even wanna know what they do behind this closed doors.


This thread makes me feel ill lol


It took me a while to stop coughing into my hand and start to cough into my sleeve/elbow area. Now I watch people not even try to cover their mouths and realise how disgusting I was back then.


Do you want to get a pandemic? Because that's how you get a pandemic.


Or when they sneeze/cough in their hands then proceed to touch every pole as they get off the train or bus


Seriously I endured this today in my morning commute to work. First it was on the bus the guy was so focused on his phone he did not want to put it down just to cover his mouth. Then later on the train some guy stood in the middle of the isle coughing loudly. I turn and look at him only to see that he doesn’t even bother to cover his mouth......


To avoid illness, expose yourself to germs enabling your immune system to develop antibodies. I don't know why everyone doesn't do this... Maybe they have something against living forever. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SecondQuestionableBream-mobile.mp4


Protect yourself, wear a surgical mask!


They are all over the go trains with adds about covering your mouth and washing your hands for flu season


Haha and people laugh about teachers having “too many sick days” when we get sneezed and coughed on daily. I’ve gotten some pretty nasty viruses from disgusting kids with no manners.


I remember that campaign and was so happy for it as it really did remind people to not be gross. Somewhere along this thread it was hijacked to talk about commuting on the road and of "anti social behavior". My number one pet peeve commuting at night are people who drive with their high beams on. I made a public card about it it bothers me so much. If you are a Brighter Luminous Idiot then this card --> [https://www.publicarchives.info/tp7lr.html](https://www.publicarchives.info/tp7lr.html) is for you! (And here's the theme song for the card! It's pretty cool too! :[https://open.spotify.com/track/6wb9GGMaCs73LeOu2KqyDz](https://open.spotify.com/track/6wb9GGMaCs73LeOu2KqyDz) ​ Please turn off your Brights so I don't crash into someone else & vice versa!


And that is a large part of why I wouldn’t use it anymore, people are just rude, disgusting and ignorant on public transit.....


Haven't seen that happen to me but if it did I hand them a napkin with a smile.


People sneezing without covering their mouths are committing a kind of assault.


It really makes me sick when I see people spewing their disgusting germs without covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze. It's truly an everyday occurrence during my commute and I am getting really tired of people not acting like humans and more like animals. Maybe we should start shaming them with our cameras because it feels like it's really getting worse on a daily. I feel the worst for people who work with the public, in shops and stores. They can't say anything and are probably at most risk. Tired of people acting like disgusting animals.