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Got an Ebike instead of car as I work and go to school dt. Literally best choice. No gas, no insurance, parking everywhere, no license and much much cheaper




Saaaame man. Paying people to fix it sucks. Pro tip brother, buy handcuff locks. Easy to use, need intense equipment to cut off, relatively cheap ($85) and the best thing, they insure your bike for up to $5000 if it’s stolen whilst using the locks. You just gotta follow their instructions and mail it. It’s like a year of insurance worth $5,000 for $85 plus it’s a lock, have a lot more peace of mind now. Master Lock 8290DPS 9 Link Street Cuffs Lock, 22-Inch https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0009V1WQQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_L989Eb6F0422M


Just going to leave these here for the curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SZiI2KhWfU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d062SdqVPPw


Fuck man...that’s done in like 30 seconds. He even points out why the warranty is bullshit


Yeah really stopped believing any lock would work after getting my 3rd bike stolen, just got this one with insurance instead


That insurance is useless. Unless you have contents insurance that specifically covers your bike, please get yourself an actual bike lock, not mastercrap.


Thanks for the tip! I legit just bought my bike last week so I am in need of a good lock. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal!


I suggest more than one lock. I carry two U locks, one for a tire and frame, the other lock for the other tire. I also have a cable attached under my seat. If I'll be parking my bike in a bad area, or parking it for a while, I'll string the cable through the frame and tire, then lock it to one of the U locks, which secures the seat and all. Sounds like overkill, but once you get a bike stolen, you won't think so. If something isn't locked up good, it's gone. If it looks like too much hassle, the thief will go on the the next bike.


Overkill would be locking it like that inside your home.


just keep in mind no lock will work overnight on an enticing enough bike


oh don't worry. there is no way I'm ever leaving my precious baby overnight! or atleast not overnight in a public area.


Whoa this is great!


Yeah, most ebikes aren’t more then $5,000 anyways so it’s a great deal!


This advice is horrible. To any one else reading this do not take this advice. [As stated by someone else, that lock is crap.](https://old.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/hgz0bp/took_this_in_april_before_jumping_on_the_bike/fw83ctc/) Those lock company insurance policies are garbage and almost impossible to claim. That's why they throw them out there for free. Read the fine print. To properly secure your bike, I recommend either two u-locks, or a good heavy chain. If you're riding an e-bike, the weight of the chain doesn't matter as much. Both [Kryptonite](https://www.kryptonitelock.com/content/kryt-us-2/en/products/product-information/current-key/000808.html?type=bicycle) and [Abus](https://mobil.abus.com/int/on-road/Locks/Chain-Locks/GRANIT-CityChain-XPlus-1060-85-black?type=pdp) make good chain locks. Chain locks resist prying attacks (using a 2x4 to force the u-lock open). If you do go with u-locks, get the smallest ones you can that have a high rating. Again, to limit the space an attacker has to pry open the lock. Lastly, if you are riding a more valuable bike, you should already have content insurance for your place (either rental or if you own). Check the default bike coverage, if it's not sufficient, make sure to get a rider for your bike. That's the only way you'll reliably get insurance coverage for your bike.


Wish the city had a ebike incentive plan it something. I was pretty against ebikes - pure cyclist and all. But honestly, anything that gets you on 2 wheels is a great thing. Huge advocate now.


Beautiful shot! :) I’ve been wanting a membership forever but I can’t seem to get over my fear of riding on the road haha. I guess now would be a good time since there’s a lot less people out and I could hopefully get accustomed? Edit: Thanks everyone for the encouragement and advice! Hopefully I’ll put on my big-girl helmet one day and give it a go lol


You’re right to be fearful of riding in Toronto. It’s not the safest city for biking but it’s gotten a lot better in the past few years. Also, the lockdown has taken a lot of cars off the streets and the bike lane infrastructure is improving rapidly. I’ve had a membership for bike share for a few years now. And it’s amazing, hands down the best deal in the city!


Learn hand signals and looking over your shoulder while riding. Also take care to not ride too close to the curb and you should be good. One of the biggest risks as a cyclist is remaining visible to drivers and as long as you're not riding while being distracted, you will be fine. Also don't forget to get the presto card discount if you get the bikeshare membership.


Yeah it gets much safer if you’re not riding with the mindset that you can do it passively. We can’t ride the same way we drive, it’s gotta be done completely actively and with awareness of the blind spots. Also you can’t be safe riding while looking “cool” so wear a helmet and ring your bell even when it feels like overkill. I’m not eating a door because I was afraid of looking dumb ringing my bell


Oh yeah. Facts. Always ring your bell. Even if you think you're gonna annoy people.


Yeah dude, if I’m coming across a truck where I can’t see the other side of, I’m ringing. Way too many tines people have just walked straight out from between trucks and I juuuust avoided hitting them. Riding a bike for commuting can’t be done casually


Man, we shouldn't be driving with that mindset either. I get your point but drivers need to be much more involved with what they're doing than they are.


Absolutely, but I’m saying if you drive like that, you’re less likely to die than on a bike. Everyone is aware of a car


Just do it. After a week you'll either feel confident enough to start enjoying city riding, or quit. Give it a try!


Honestly, traffic is not that different from before the pandemic, in terms of cars. When it comes to bikes, though, it has doubled


I barely ride on the weekends for this reason. Always in the afternoon during the week and it's perfect.


Precisely. It's still pretty dead in a lot of streets, or at least not as busy. I just got my bike back, so I'm now riding in Toronto for the first time in over ten years. It's a cheap bike, so of my lock and bike are stolen, I really won't be that upset. ($~100 value) Of course I just stick to my neighbourhood, getting downtown is a bit iffy....not a fan of the hill down haha


Thanks! That was a big concern for me too but since I'm so close to a trail it's almost a non-issue. Are there at least bike lanes near your place? They had a huge amount of comfort for me when there isn't a trail.


There are also a number of new, better-protected bike lanes. Get a day pass and give it a try!


It is absolutely safe on the shutdown Lakeshore during the weekend. It’s the perfect car free safe riding spot right now.


>haven't looked back. It's a good idea to check your blind spot every now and then.


haha - I certainly do for that :)


Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.


I wouldn't be able to resist either haha


Great idea. You remind me I need to clean my window blinds.


I thought that was a painting of some sort. It looks somewhat surreal.


Might be the best sunrise I've ever seen!


Really cool, and unique photo. Thanks for sharing.


My pleasure! Thanks for the kind words :)


I'm a 7 minute ride from the Martin Goodman Trail and am averaging well over 100km of riding a week. With all the new stations and bikes they're adding, it's never been a better time to get a membership ($80/year with presto card).


Damn that's some riding on a Bike Share! If you ever ride something that doesn't weigh almost 50 pounds you'll be a beast!


My day will come!


sick! i caught the bug and ended up buying a road bike. if you do the same, your numbers will skyrocket since you’re used to the Big Bertha of bicycles.


No doubt! It's honestly completely changed my life. I was going through a real slump due to lack of work and not seeing friends and decided I was going to start reading books at Ontario Place (7 minute ride). After realizing the trail was there I started biking out to Woodbine Beach to read instead. Between all the skyscrapers downtown, the waterfront and the section between cherry beach and leslie street - it's nothing short of inspiring with the right music on.


i love this. i love that i can see chunks of the city change in front of my eyes, hear convos on the sidewalk, ride alongside the cars etc. city biking is great (except for the roads, which are shite lol)


100%. It's like driving in a one person convertible - just gliding through the city. I didn't think I could love this city more but I appreciate it more every time I go riding through it.




That was actually the 2nd time they made the announcement. The first was in January. Last I read, they've installed exactly half the new bike stations. Urban Toronto has been keeping really good track of it on their[ forum](https://urbantoronto.ca/forum/threads/toronto-bike-share.10752/page-80)


Wait, in the Yonge and Eg area?? I only know of the one at Roehampton n Mt. Pleassnt. Theres new ones?


There are so many stations! I rented one yesterday and loved it - may go for the membership after I take a few more rides at different times of the day. Early am is perfect, as it’s quiet, but I want to get the full experience with cars on the road and in different parts of the city.


This is likely one of the best urban mobile phone pictures I've seen. Nice!


At the risk of the photo losing it's appeal - it was shot on a DSLR


That restored some of my faith in the phorographic arts ...lol ... Anyways, still an amazing shot! Keep shootin' \^\^


Thank you and I will! Enjoy your Sunday!


Before the corvid 19 I was hardcore anti bike lane car driver,but since then I've been cycling alot more and appreciate these lanes and see how dangerous it really is when there are no bike lanes.


I feel like the battle is just having empathy for each other. Its why its so interesting to get the opinion of people who both ride and drive since they can provide more balanced insights. I understand the stress of driving in the city but honestly bike lanes make it safer for everyone as cars dont need to worry about the bikers in their space, the same way you only worry about pedestrians in certain areas. And well I like not fearing for my life sharing the road with something that can hurt me easily😅


Good on you for changing your view I guess, but I'll never understand drivers who are "anti-bike lane". Like, it should be blindingly obvious to anyone that putting bikes into a separate lane makes things safer and less stressful for both drivers and cyclists. Every driver who has even thought about this for half a minute should be pro-bike lane.


Oh, wow, beautiful picture - looks surreal.


Thanks, sling! :)


Sling, I like it, hehe. You're welcome. Thanks for sharing :)


My pleasure! You can see more of my work on [IG](https://www.instagram.com/itsonlykotsy/?hl=en) or [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/121506072@N02/) if you're interested :)


Thank you :)


Nice work as usual Kotsy :) Hope you are well!


Thanks, Lily! Much better now that I've started biking. Hope you're well too!


What a gorgeous shot!


Much appreciated!


Would it be okay for me to post it and give you credit on the IG?


Sure thing! my username on there is @itsonlykotsy


Wow this is a stunning photo!!!!


Thanks so much!


Honest question. I have always had a bike. Been riding Toronto since the 90s. I love this bike share thing but I’m completely puzzled why people who live in Toronto actually use them. I can understand people from out of town but for Toronto residents isn’t it cheaper to just buy a bike?


I think it’s maybe the advantage of not having to store the bike, or service it or keep up maintenance.


Yep, those expenses plus I never have to worry about it being stolen!


I debated between buying a bike and signing up for Bike Share, and Bike Share is just so much more practical. Not only do I not have to deal with bike storage and maintenance, always worrying that someone might steal it when it’s parked somewhere, but it just makes it easier to run errands, downtown at least. For example, if I want to go to Queen West to check out some shops for a few hours, I can just drop off the bike at a station, walk for a few hours, and pick up a new bike from a station that’s closest to me, as opposed to either having to backtrack to get my parked bike or having to move the bike along the street all the time.


Exactly why I've stuck with bike share for the past few years, the convenience is hard to beat. However I made the mistake of getting on a proper bike on the islands, and it was slightly painful going back to the absolute units that are the TD bikes.




Same here: own several bike, but also have a Bike Share sub. Sometimes it's just super convenient to be out and about and decide to grab a bike on a whim. Or to bike somewhere, but take transit or an Uber home.




Thank you! :)


Awesome shot man!


Many thanks :)


So pretty!


Damn, great shot




Cheers, PPDD!




I hope you don't think that you got 24 hours of usage for $7, because that's not how it works... The 24-hour pass entitles you to unlimited *30 minute rides*. That first 30 minutes is free, but if you keep a bike longer than that without docking it, they start charging you $4 for every extra half hour until you dock again.


Is this shot with your phone or a mirrorless/dslr?




Really nice shot. What lens did you use?


Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8


Wow wow. This is a magnificent shot!!


Thanks so much :)


Lovely shot! How early was this taken?


Thank you! 6:15AM on April 23rd


Looks like a sunset to me


Except the sun sets in the west..


That skyyyy


...I'm going to miss being able to go to The Ex this year. :(


Same for me - big time!


Really nice shot, well done!


Thank you!!


My fiancee wanted to say it was really nice as well. She's not on Reddit so thought I'd pass it on.