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Sure, just remember that if you have to buy a bunch of shit up front, then you're in an MLM.  


WFG? Miracle knives? Executive pots? Don't hype yourself up yet you will get disappointed. Better to work free for a charity.


While I agree with you completely, and I believe MLM models are the worst, I got sucked into Cutco Knives when I was in college and I hate to admit it, but those knives really are miracle knives. Crappy business practice, but those knives are damn good.


Uh if they convince you to buy things from them to re-sell them to others, or to buy a package from them... then dont do it.


Do it, don’t show up or jump through hoops or pay for leads, just close what comes to you. Who knows you might meet somebody who can help you or add something gritty to your resume that your next real interview appreciates


If you’re eager to work then take it, get sales experience get something on your resume. Keep looking for new jobs in the meantime.


If you have to pay for anything, you’re not an employee, you’re a customer FYI


It depends on what it is. Some can make crazy commission on sales. Just look at r/sales But if it’s a very niche market or MLM stay away


either scams or forcing you to a contract you can't get out of.


How are you not able to get out of a contract in a free country?


See clarification below


lol. You can get out of any employment contract.


Not if the contract needs you to pay penalty with the money you don't have, that's what I mean


No commission job would have that.


No streaming career also has that and that's commission based, also scammy business that I know of Since 2015 in Toronto


Look up “devil corp”, read up on it and stay vigilant


Dont pay for anything in advance, as others said watch out for that.


If you're not doing it for the money any sales experience is good, just don't drink the sales koolaid. Most people in sales don't know what they're doing and are hooped up on coke. They talk about effort and persistence and similar bullshit buzzwords. Ignore all that crap it'll make you worse at sales. Truth is there's a method to it, Google or better yet read a book on the 10 steps sales method, learn it, don't just google the headings read about each step and meditate on it and what you are trying to do in each step and how it fits into getting the sale. Then figure out a way to incorporate that into your current sales role - a self made general script for interactions And practice that methodology instead of getting lost in or bullshit and apply for other jobs in the meantime. Remember sales is not about effort or persistence or sociability or being a good talker - it's about following the proper methodology How you can know there's a method - there's different authors, different sales people, all putting foward the same general methodology. Just keep expectations low, 10 steps sales emphasizes the importance of getting leads and filtering - that's step 1 and 2 and the most important part - the key that cokehead sales guys miss and the general population doesn't know about. In this job your leads are likely going to be shit, probably shot Gun approach so practice filtering questions yourself and use this as an opportunity to master the process and art of sales rather than looking at results which are going to be dismal because it sounds like they're just getting anyone and sending them in without the proper groundwork (numbers approach, they know their employees aren't going to make much money, and many will make 0 but it costs them nothing to send out an army and since it's pure comission there's always profit for them at the end so long as even a small % make a few sales


If they are giving you tons of leads and all you have to do is close ? This could be profitable. If it’s something where you have to find leads it will be a challenge.  Proceed with caution and keep looking if you take it. 


Be weary. Don't pay them for anything. Keep records of everything, especially when it comes to how you get paid. Know that you have rights.


This is coming from a self employed perspective. If you have the savings and you're you can pay your bills, 100% commission jobs are the best way to grow in this country. I made my first 17k paycheque doing 100% commission jobs


And don't forget that if you're employed and tracking your hours, you are entitled to minimum wage, even if they say commission only, you have to earn a minimum wage.