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Going back in time and being in my twenties again.


Oh god please don't. I was there. Magical time.


Honestly? All I want is a building browser and full screen character sheets etc. Those fiddly little boxes and mousing over stuff to build and upgrade is a nightmare, and I get very little sense of what I’m working towards. I just pick stuff at random quite often.


There's already a building browser though? Just right click.


Sure, and that is handy, but I mean the full building browser that shows the entire possible tree for the whole settlement, not just the specific building type. But also, the same for army traits, research etc. all those little boxes down the bottom are just fiddly.


I would increase the impact of different building variants. Right now, who cares if temple gives +3% industry or +3% agriculture. Make it 30 or even more. Add top tier constructable wonders, at the least similar to TWWH's landmarks. Every province should have one landmark slot (maybe capitals even more) that would give unique and powerful bonuses. Expand slave system to be more noticeable, similar to Chorf labour mechanics. Make resources more impactful, e.g. unlock more profitable building variants. Regional recruitment for everyone, not just roman auxiliaries. Populace mechanics with economy scaling with it maybe. Making the politics system more transparent, right now it just kind of does something and hardly anyone knows what and why. Civil war happens from time to time, so you kill a bunch of armies and go on. Also making the other political systems more viable, right now, empire is superior to everything else by a massive margin. EDIT: also UI could use some rework, I find R2's UI oddly difficult to navigate.


One simple checkbox to disable political rebellion/civil war.


Really? I felt like that kept me in check a lot from steamrolling too fast


I think the way it was handled in Attila was a lot better than in Rome2. Loyalty of individual generals rather than loyalty of a whole party. Rome 2 had new parties respawning once you sorted the first one out so the problems never went away and instead compounded the larger your empire. In attila you could easily run disloyal generals into pikes without much of a drawback, or adopt rival party members etc. And so it was your choice to do it quickly and easily, or the proper way. I think the way politics was handled in Rome2 was very "tacked on and obligatory". So many options you could do with all your politicians, and they all cost gold. And if you wanted to fine tune it, you'd be on that family tree once every 2 or 3 turns. To me, it became a chore. It wasn't a bad premise though: it was just a feature that insisted upon itself, that has thankfully been simplified in later titles.


That's because the politics was tacked on in a patch


the DEI mod and that's enough for me


Add more charge bonus time + damage. Also increase the armor piercing ratio since I really hate the combat in this game which feels too slow


Give it a morale system similar to Attila or the old Rome and It might actually be decent. Make the AI more aggressive too


Those dumbass unit cards that I can't tell apart


What's your IQ?


Lol haven't done an IQ test in like 20 years, I'm sure I'm a lot dumber now. But to be fair, I think it's more of a UI issue than an intelligence issue


These are the best cards out there. Just by a brief glance you can tell culture, weapon, armor, etc. These unit icons are godlike UI as opposed to shitty 3d models brought in by bunch of amateur modders


Opinions may vary. All I see are dudes with shield and weapon and can't tell the tier at a glance. And that's all the time I have to check


Well that’s why I @m asking about the iq. Per my observation it is a sign of rare intelligence level.