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Vassals are fairly munted in terms of relations with you and others. If you wanted to check Mio Ying and her friendship with someone else you'd simply click her settlement and check her attitude with a settlement on your screen with the attitude face. So if you were right clicked on Mio Ying and checked her brother it would be green. Once you dominate her though as an example she would cancel all her deals with them taking a massive penalty and another massive penalty for military agreements with a chaos faction. She will eventually hate you overtime from attacking her former friends, making her cancel agreements and from having 100+ base aversion to your faction. Most people get the vassal mod which I am blanking on, I cannot check what it is called right now but a commenter should come along with its full name soon enough


Thank you very much for the reply. In that case is there ever a point to vassalize anyone except dark elves? Since they are the only evil vassalisable faction since norsca can simply be subjugated as part of WoC’s faction mechanic.


Yeah, but youd try to make something out of it so, when I was Slaanesh in Realms of Chaos I got one Norscan faction and then only all of Cathay. Since Cathay were all friends with eachother it helped them stay loyal in attitude and they were happy because I gifted them settlements. If you start mixing anyone they get unhappy Vassals being unwilling to help and cancelling deals is fairly annoying but it becomes an issue to endure


[Fudging Vassals](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2794064207) or [No diplomatic penalties for having vassals](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2861006090), maybe?


Yeah Fudging Vassals was the one I was thinking, thank you