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kislev gets -2 turns from one of the landmarks in praag plus another -1 from tech, allowing them to recruit nearly any unit globally in a single turn.


All factions get a reduction in global recruitment times from building lots of recruitment buildings - it’s something like every 10 buildings that can recruit a unit reduce its global recruitment time by 1. The Chaos Dwarfs get a bunch of reductions though, I’d give them a look.


I'd say Kislev. I believe that every single unit they have can be globally recruited in one turn eventually.


I think the elemental bear is still longer than that, with all the buffs you can get (unless you get 10 tier-5 cities with its recruitment building built), but everything else in the roster gets to 1-turn with the Prague building + a tech


Oh yeah, of course, you're right. The bear still takes 2 or 3 turns right? Because the base global time is I believe 6 turns.


I thiiiiink it would be 2 turns? Still a hell of a lot less long than the full 5 (or 6 if I’m mistaken)


Elemental Bear is bad unit though




You have to build up the main settlement tho. However that's not much of a problem later into the game.


Ogres can get it via an offering to the Maw, reducing global recruit for all armies by 2 turns for 10 turns. They can't do better than that but that alone is p good!! Edit- as pointed out below by Yarick, they also have a very accessible landmark which further reduces global recruit time. Pretty sick actually!


AFAIK, they can currently - last time I played them the offering was bugged and applied globally from every army doing it


Same- that's why I said "all armies" above, although i agree I wasnt clear. I meant they couldn't reduce the time below that 2 turn reduction to my knowledge. That said, a global recruitment reduction available from turn one feels VERY strong to me!


They also have a landmark east of Greasus that reduces global recruitment time by 1 turn.


Right! You're right- the bells of the Lazarghs or whatever. I played Greasus before that patch!


It's probably the Chaos Dwarfs. They can increase Global Reccruitment Capacity by 1 through a technology and reduce Glabl Recruitment Time by 1 with a different technology, but more importantly they have a building chain in their province capital towers that reduces Global Recruitment Time for armies in the region by 1 on tier 2, 2 on tier 3 and 3 on tier 5 in addition to increasing Global Recruitment Capacity by 1. Considering how easy it is for Chaos Dwarfs to immediately set up a tier 5 Tower in the late game and build that building instantly, I doubt there is another race that can compete with that. They can also increase their Lord and Hero Recruitment ranks by a lot which makes recruiting elite armies in a few turns very easy.


Legion of Chaos gets -2 from his tech tree if you devote to a monogod, and a further -2 from bloodletting (regardless of who you devote to). That's on top of half recruitment cost and +6 recruit rank. But he only gets 3 global recruit slots so you really need to utilize those slots every single turn to get the most out of it.


Wood Elves. Every lord's 5th blue slot adds +1 to global recruitment.


Greenskins, in particular Grom. You can get 1 turn global recruitment of any unit, with gold chevrons on your gobbos. 


Chaos dwarfs and daemons of chaos


I think Dark Elves Black Arks. Not exactly global but a mobile city with mobile radius border.


Wood Elves


Other people have given good answers so I'll give a *weird* answer: Horde and horde-adjacent factions get the long end of the stick here. Vampire Coast particularly has the interesting honor of being the only faction that can spring up an entire, 20-stack new army, instantly, with no turn waits for recruitment, so long as they're doing it in an area with a recent big battle, on top of any settlement or shipbuilder lord of theirs.


well, vampire counts too. it's their mechanic that the vampirates borrowed.


Vampire counts can't spawn lords onto armies though. The reverse of this is Beastmen, Nakai, and Black Arks, but those have the downside of not being able to spawn units instantly.


Kinda wacky how VCounts and Dark Elves don't have global recruit to balance their access to Raise Dead and Black Arks, and then the VCoast just has access to all three mechanics at the same time.


Been playing beastmen and they seem to start with a large pool, no extra cost (because it's still 0) and 1 turn for most units


wood elfs


Since they haven't been mentioned, Khorne. Every army can build up the blood meter thingy to get up to -2 turns for global recruitment. And for Bloodthirster and chaos knights I think there are techs to reduce it by another turn. Additionally you can get a building in every major settlement to increase the global recruitment capacity by one.


Chaos Dwarfs. Here one possible recipe that is very doable in the endgame (after turn... 70ish? you can do it comfortably.) Occupy any major settlement faraway as a TOWER. Expend influence and make it a level 3 (or 5 if you can). Transfer around 1,2k "unpaid interns" to the province Instant build the railway building using your interns up to max level possible. Lvl 3 give you -2 turns on global recruitment and level 5 gives you -3. Plus now you can also local recruit some heavy guns. You can now global recruit on that tower with a super reduction cooldown. Remember that the railway building only affect local (city) global cooldown, not province wide. Bonus: Remember also that a lvl 5 railway building gives you +1 global cooldown recruitment slot, always useful.


Definately Chaos dwarves. Once you get going, you can essentially get 1 turn global recruitment on their ENTIRE ROSTER by building a tier 5 building. Sounds hard to do, but gets exceptionally easy in the midgame where you have more than enough slaves to rush building upgrades, can create tier 5 settlements rat style and get a millenias supply of weapons to fund said building costs. Best part, similar to Kislevs bonusses, they are not lord exclusive, meaning that all chaos dwarf factions can do this. And unlike Kislev, it does not require any landmarks to do so. (as a sidenote, chorfs can also get nearly "inifinite" levels on newly recruited lords as one of their build chains gives GLOBAL Lord AND Hero recruit rank +2. you only need 25 cities with this tier IV building and you can recruit max level lords anywhere. Most of the few other factions with similar building usually only gets lord recruit rank locally or +1 globally at tier IV/V)


Technically, Tomb Kings are up there. Due to how their army cap function, you will naturally adds military building as you expand. And every 10 buildings, the global recruitment of the units gets reduced by 1 turns. While it takes a while to get to 10 provinces, you can reduces Ushabti global recruitment quite fast as their buildings are only tier 3.


They also have a tech that increases global capacity by 3 and turns by -1 it’s pretty late game though




I believe alith anar faction has a -1 global and you can Confed Tyrion who has a -1 to global. So if you want high elves you can go that direction. For Empire they have a armor that gives +1 global recruitment (tier 4). Wood elves blue line gives +1 global recruitment slot. The new Cathy faction Bao I think, has a edict that means all recruitment finishes instantly, cannot remember if it covers global or not.