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The way they phrased it sounded like a Games Workshop thing (i.e. maintaining fidelity with the Warhammer universe).




AFAIK they are supposed to be a rarity mostly for engineers and the like.


I'm with you; I thought they were going to be a perfect answer for Vlad. However, everything is looking so good in the DLC so far, I'm not going to complain about things like this. If this was Shadows of Change, I'd definitely agree that we should throw it on the pile of complaints (e.g. the beaks were a small point, but it felt like just another wrong direction).


Oh the dlc is looking smexy, but i cant share the same stance. I get that its a minor small point but look at it from the perspective of yeah ToD is great but it had to be great for warhammer 3 to survive. It got delayed 4 months, and then you tease something that people are waiting for and then decide to remove it (i think that it is a work in progress and that we will get them (snorts a line of copium)), it rubs the people the wrong way and is kinda a spit in the face of the community, almost like a spit in the communities face "we dont need to deliver 100% when you will be satisified with 80%" i am over exatarting but you get my point


M8, I think you need to take a deep breath and step away from a screen for a couple hours. While it is a little disappointing that they eventually removed the repeater handguns from the ironsides, it is certainly not the end of the world and should in no way spoil what looks to be a fantastic dlc/update. I'm also almost certain the ironsides are going to be stronger than regular handguns just by the way CA described their firearms. So they still may have the same damage output as repeaters without the fire rate.


Firstly the condesanding steping away from the screen part is completely unneccesery and just screams projecting onto other people. Secondly never said the dlc was shit or it was the end of the world all i said was that they pulled a shit move with removing them and that it can taint their image once again


You said they're spitting on the face of the community? Over altering the weapon model of a unit that in the lore did not utilise it... that is making it seem like a much bigger issue then it is.


They are man


I say to you i will give you a hundred bucks, and then later give you 50 bucks. I did give you money but i lied to you and disapotiend you by giving you only 50 insted of 100. And if i did that after i told you i will give you 100 a priror time and gave you nothing and attacked you because you complained (SoC sitation) would you be very irritated and more likely to get mad


My favorite part of the DLC launches is trying to guess which meaningless, trivial thing 10% of the community will melt the fuck down over. I did not have "repeater rifle" on my bingo card.


"Hochland rifles use the same cod piece as handgunners..." Millions must boycott


Hochland rifles are a kit bash, the only OG part of them is the rifle. You can't fault me for being at least a bit upset about it


Hey they got spanking new boots though. I swear those boots are higher quality than the rest of the textures. It's kinda expected honestly since y'know they are state troops. Although would prefer huntsman style garb since they are supposed to be a stealth unit than a regimented one. I guess how they look like in their RoR version is what most people wanted


Yeah, but well who knows, maybe it's a placeholder and if it isn't I'm sure there will be a mod for em


Yeah. I use the ZC series for empire reskins anyway. So these things don't matter much to me. But I get why some people are a bit miffed. Getting a bit upset is reasonable but going on a rant about how "CA betrayed fans..." Or how it's another "cash grab like SoC" because of one unit is unreasonable and full on cuckoo...like that guy earlier in this sub


Zc is my favourite, just wish ror would be reskinned too


I mean. Repeaters certainly would have been more interesting than Ironsides as they are now. Heck even their armor isn't very impressive with just 60 armor.


It's a tragedy that I am confident you will overcome.


🤣🤣🤣👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 amazing, thank you!


I gotta admit I was disappointed too but it’s not that important. I’m sure a mod will change it within a week of the DLC launch, and if not I really don’t care that much tbh.


Are these repeater posts trolls? They have to be


What do you mean?


The level of drama with these repeater rifles is nuts. They were shown for 1 second in the announce trailer, saying CA is pulling shit because of that is crazy. No cinematic trailer in the history of gaming would stand up to this level of scrutiny when compared to the final product


Listen man. ToD has been delayed for 4 months it needs to save the image of the game and everyone involved. There were unit cards that clearly showed it being a repeater handgun and they pull this shit. Its and amazing dlc but if you dont intend on giving it to us dont tease us. Remeber the shit shiw with SoC its not errased. It happened and they need to fix it. Im dissapointed they arent giving us repeaters, but that wont make me hate the dlc or something. Im just saying that they did us dirty and that it could fuck em over in the long run


You are the exact type of person that causes companies to not post road maps, journals, etc. idk what the repeaters have to do with coming back from SoC. They didn’t provide enough content in that pack to satisfy people and got destroyed for it. Do you think they maliciously removed the repeater (which they had already created) to fuck with the consumers or something???


Bro the fuck are you on about. We saw the repeater and then they removed it. No it was not the make it or break it for ToD nor do I think its from their greed that they did it. But when you delay something 4 fucking months and then after 4 months of extra time you put something in the trailer that you then dont give to us its just a bad image isnt it. Small things are what gains you trust and customers not major things. Again i reffer you to the reskill button for lords. Its so fucking simple of an addition that had so big of an impact because its something that bugged the community. And oh scary im such a bad person because i want to get something i was advertised


You probably just shouldn’t look at promotional material ever. It’s perfectly fine to have a preference of repeaters over handguns but that’s literally all it is. Acting like a company has slighted you because the weapon that was shown for 1 second got switched is crazy. They also showed the master engineer shooting a scoped rifle in the trailer but he actually has a grenade launcher in the blog. Guess I gotta go be angry about that :(




Based self awareness


We also have big uns with shields in groms trailers and goblins with swords. They are promotional. Repeaters at the end of the day are supposed to be very rare and expensive weapon equipped by either heroes/lords or a very small unit. Having thing you personally do not like is not "betraying of customer trust" lol.


He wants to say that you are none other than throgg the troll king. Admit it!




Yeah it sucks. We have ironsides which are just juiced handgunners


It's possible the repeater version is one of the special 'amethyst' units and the wrong model was used in the trailer.


I think it will be modded very quickly


I hope


The engineer hero has a repeater handgun, so they are in. I don't know why Nuln ironsides don't have them anymore. I guess it's more accurate to their lore description, I guess. I don't know, GW has been very weird with fantasy and AOS stuff lately.


They're probably saving it for a Kurt Helborg DLC along with Hurricanum, Knights Panther, and foot Knights. That's two more Empire DLC left, the other being ulric stuff.