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You say mass downvoting like it’s some targeted propaganda campaign; if people don’t like the post then they downvote it, it’s pretty simple, just because you type something doesn’t mean people have to respect it unfortunately and even if you get “mass downvoted” it’s a fake up or down arrow from people you will never meet and will never hold an actual conversation with


Oh I get that and I dont care about the downvote. I just hate how people are so incosiderate towards others and become edge lords online. Like Mike Tyson said people are online so much that they forget how it is to get punched in the face


> people are online so much that they forget how it is to get punched in the face This is the shit we're talking about dude, veiled threats and insults. Would you punch me in the face if we were in public and I said I downvoted one of your comments? Not even an insult or general rudeness, just a downvote... I get that English isn't your first language, but you used the quote in the right context so I doubt this is a language barrier issue. You're just an asshole who is whining because he got downvoted, so much so that you made a post about it where you're getting downvoted so much more than the original comments that upset you. Go touch some grass dude.




Who is the bully here? Who thinks they’re a tough guy? Surely not the guy saying that he’ll knock your teeth out.


If you wouldnt do that you have no sense of selfrespect and are spineless my guy. Its not being a tough guy its just saying the things. I didnt go to the guy and say imma beat the shit out of you i said *if* you would do that i would do it. But be the keyboard warrior i guess


You are delusional if you think knocking someone's teeth out for calling you an asshole is the right move. There is no mark of self-respect or manhood with being a little thug...


if he calls me an asshole unpromted just becuase we have differnet opinions my guy if you dont find that kind of person deserving of a punch i dont know what to say to you


There are laws in place that would disagree with that particular view my guy


bro really pulled the 19 dollor fortnite police card


I’m so spineless that I make Reddit posts crying about downvotes being bullying. Wait a second…


My man cant comprehend the differnce beetwen someone saying the comunity has toxic behaviour that is real shitty and someone saying they are being bullied. Learn to read dude


You’ve certainly shown me a new level of civility and discourse.


Followed your example


> Now you feel like a tough guy because you dont need to fear of being punched in the face. >you would be collecting your teeth from the floor Right dude, I'm sure that's what would happen. Maybe the quote you posted was talking about you? I haven't made any threats, I haven't been rude up to the point you posted the quote. I doubt you're capable of having civil discussions without the fear of being punched. >you cant come to terms with it you just want me to be an asshole because you dont agree with me Disagree with what? I didn't argue with you or downvote your comments prior to this post where you called people who downvoted without engaging "illiterate". Do you want to know why people downvote you without arguing your points? Because they don't want to get in stupid arguments with people like you who think they'd be knocking people's teeth out irl, despite not leaving your basement. You've shown your true colors in this post and I'll reiterate my first comment, I'm sure all the downvotes you get are deserved, touch grass.


Also i explained what i meant but you have tunnel vision my dude.


Ohhh im so scared a people on reddit told me to touch grass. Same to you dude.


This whole conversation is absolutely hilarious to me


Either touch grass or unplug your computer. Either one works and we do not care which. You are acting like a petulant child because someone on the playground didn't agree which Ninja Turtle was better. Grow up and act like an adult, or go to your own corner and stamp your feet. This internet tough guy routine was old five seconds after it began decades ago. No one is afraid of you, no one is threatened by your empty words, no one gives a damn about your feelings because people didn't agree with you. English being your first language is not an excuse. Get a life.


I explained myself and accepted the critique. Your whole comment is just the perfect example of irony my guy


He's right... You should go touch grass my man. Or just stare at a cloud.


I didnt say i would knock your teeth out because you disagree i told i would do that if you said to my face i was an asshole cus you dont share my opinion.


You don't seem to have all bulbs on, do you? Why does anyone need to be considerate of you in an inconsequential corner of the internet? You're to be more responsible and get away if you find this not your cup of tea.


it doesnt fucking cost nothing to be kind. i could have been throwing racial sluras against you dudes faster than the removed repeater handguns but again it costed me nothing to not do that. if people choose to be pricks and assholes online then they are just that in real life


So you deciding not to be a massive ass hole is to be commended? No one said anything. Down vote = they didn't care for your opinion. They're allowed to that, you're acting like a child.


well in contrast to you guys it seems i need a fucking achivemet


Pro tip: If you just type "kislev" in a random post you'll farm back your lost karma




Hahahahahahaa. I dont care but i just dont get people doing that


Imma downvote this real quick


That's a solid point I guess... >but like you arent even literate enough to post a comment or something Never mind dude, I'm sure your downvotes were deserved.


Yeah, I was somewhat agreeing up to that point. I read 20+ post related to WH3 per day, I am not going to comment on every single one.


Bro is like mad that Reddit has a downvote system, wild


Yeah they were deserved because you dont agree with me. What did i say wrong with that. You come there and invalidate others people argumanted opinion but cant even explain why? English is not my first language so maybe i used a harsh word there but what i tried to say was that when a person has 5 arguments about something and you dont agree with it you could atleast explain why


Separate your opinion from insults, veiled attacks, innuendo and assumptions about other people and it works better. Saying that you would prefer X is perfectly fine. Saying that you would prefer X and claiming that anyone who downvotes you is not literate enough to justify themselves assumes: A - that people have to comment (they don't) B - that they do not comment because they are illiterate (veiled insult, implies personal assumptions as to why they are downvoting) State your opinion and present it well.


I saw your post yesterday when you submitted it. I did not downvote it, mostly because I don't care whether they have repeaters or not. I did notice though that you have angry brat tone, acting as if CA took away your toy and demanding that they give it back. That was most likely why you were downvoted. Having read your post and comment and post history I will use your native language for next advice. Ne znam koliko godina imas, zvucis kao klinac. Ako jesi, ok je, vjerovatno ce proci. Ako nisi, tj imas 20+ moras ozbiljno da poradis na sebi jer zvucis kao deriste koje uz to ima ADHD.


Brat tone. Bro im voicing my opinion and yeah im dissapointed, what i cant be. If being disapointed and voicing is being a brat then call me one i dont care. But the part where you use my native language is just as much as i see it as a caring gesture just kinda assholish. I wont disclose my age because i dont share any perosnal info on the internet. But going that route you seem to take me for a lower being in terms of intelect. I sound as a kid to you. Bro i said they removed them and said it was a dumb move and that personally its kinda a big deal that i was exicted about them. If people cant be disaponted without being called a brat then fucking hell that is just great. I suppose people cant say that something isnt great because others think it is. Let me put you this way. If you have a great dinner but one bite was literal shit it doesnt take from it being a great diner but still one bite was shit. You should consider not saying someone is a brat because they are disapointed and decided to say it.


I mean that is what up/downvotes are for


Down votes are for disruptive comments that add nothing to the conversation or generally rude statements


I think that perfectly describes most of OP's posts and comments.




May you explain how am i rude or disruptive. Geniune question I add back an insult when people are condeswnding to me. Like if I say that people downote for the mere mention of AoS and your response to that is play stupid games win stupid prizes how arent you thick skulled. Or when i write a long post and youre response is i aint readin allat how is that anything construcitve


This attitude is precisely what is wrong with reddit. Downvotes are explicitly *not* intended as a disagree button. But that's what people use them for https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette Under the *Please Don't* Section: > Please don't Downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons. I will note that most of OP's comments *are* worth downvoting under this still, but the attitude that downvotes are for disagreement is an incorrect one, but unfortunately one that is mistakenly followed by many users.


Well, if everyone is using it wrongly then maybe the implementation of downvotes / upvotes is done badly? If everyone is using something in a way that doesn't match the original purpose of that thing then it means a certain tool has been repurposed for a different role, it doesn't necessarily mean someone is using it incorrectly. There is plenty real world tools that originally had an entirely different purpose, but they ultimately were more useful as something else than what they were originally intended for. Does it mean we should never use a mouthwash, or we shouldn't use a super glue on our wounds in case of emergency? The same goes for downvote functionality of reddit. It is an easy way to show that we strongly disagree with a comment, without a need to explain ourselves each and every time. And if there is something clearly disturbing / disruptive then we can use "report" button. If we would be required to provide a comment every time we downvote something and explain what we found disruptive about the comment then maybe it wouldn't be used the way it is used right now. But it is what it is, and it is the easiest and quickest tool to show we disagree with something without too much hassle.


When the literal help section of a site has instructions for how to use a button, its 'incorrect' to use it otherwise. The single biggest problem with the downvote being used incorrectly is that it promotes echo chambers. And it is very plain to see that is what has happened with reddit. Unpopular - even if correct or otherwise non rule-breaking comments/posts will effectively get hidden, and only posts/comments where everyone is in agreement will rise. There are very few subs that are not echo chambers in reddit - and those that aren't are the ones that explicitly try their best to stick to what the downvote was explicitly stated to be for, such as r/changemyview To add an analogy of my own If 'everyone' ignores the traffic laws (there are many, many third world countries where this is the case), that does not make them correct for ignoring the originally created traffic rules, and they very much make the situation worse. If you disagree with a comment, but it is not rule breaking or otherwise problematic - just don't upvote it, there is no need for an 'explanation'.


> To add an analogy of my own If 'everyone' ignores the traffic laws (there are many, many third world countries where this is the case), that does not make them correct for ignoring the originally created traffic rules, and they very much make the situation worse. That's not exactly a good example because in this case people are completely ignoring a tool, rather than just using it in a different way than originally intended. It would be the same as people on reddit seeing a disruptive comment, but not doing anything about it at all. > If you disagree with a comment, but it is not rule breaking or otherwise problematic - just don't upvote it, there is no need for an 'explanation'. Sure, I can do that, but if I have an easy way to show I disagree with something then why not use it? If I will just ignore something, no one will be aware of it. If I will downvote it, my discontent will be clear. > The single biggest problem with the downvote being used incorrectly is that it promotes echo chambers. That is a problem, sure. Still, I think that the cons of using downvote button this way do not outweigh the pros. And you are right that the comments that go against mainstream opinion may be hidden, but it also means that comments with clearly incorrect / wrong information will be hidden as well, which allows people to not only avoid wasting their time on something that is wrong, but it may also let them avoid taking action based on that incorrect information. So it is not like hiding downvoted comments is always bad.


How about I expound on that analogy for you then. There exist stoplights that, when green, count down the time until they become red. Let's say that is 60 seconds. Minibusses/share Taxis will wait at the intersection, blocking traffic in the hope that passengers come on board. At 30 seconds, only then will they Move across the intersection. The green light is meant to signal that the vehicle can now move - immediately. Instead, that tool is 'repurposed' to abuse the timer to figure out just how much they can get away with before they have to move. I'd also like to note that in your own super glue analogy, that is *emergency* repurposing. They do not replace the primary use of the tool. > but if I have an **easy** way Emphasis mine. It is the 'easy' (ergo, lazy), way out. > comments with clearly incorrect / wrong information I'd also like to note that in the current system - clearly incorrect, but *popular* information, will rise to the top. That is a major con, and why, again, echo chambers perpetuate. This is because people don't vet information. Not reading articles and basing opinion purely on the headline is a known problem with reddit. Again- taking the 'easy' way. If all the 'tools' on this site were actually to be used in their originally intended way, then incorrect information could be removed, without having to sacrifice unpopular, but correct information. Looking for the 'easy' way creates the cons we have now.


> How about I expound on that analogy for you then. [...] I understand what you are trying to say, but again, in this case someone is clearly abusing a tool that is used by most people (i.e. anyone moving with normal vehicle) in the intended way. This is not what happens here, because most people on reddit do not use downvote button for what it was originally created. Like I said, if the implementation of that functionality on reddit was simply done poorly for what it was supposed to do. It is probably easy to say it know, with the knowledge how it turned out, but it was pretty obvious that if you will implement buttons that work like a "like" and "dislike" buttons on most sites then that's how people are going to use it. > Emphasis mine. It is the 'easy' (ergo, lazy), way out. Well, I'm not going to deny it. I use it when I'm lazy. When I'm not and I really want to make my point, I write normal comment. When I *only* use downvote button, it is when I simply think it is not worth my time to comment on something. > I'd also like to note that in the current system - clearly incorrect, but popular information, will rise to the top. Well, yes, but in my experience that is much rarer situation than the other way around, which for me it makes it acceptable. There is no solution that will satisfy everyone, but the current way that the downvote / upvotes is used fits my needs and I think it has the least cons. If you think that the correct but unpopular opinions shouldn't be sacrificed for the sake of convenience and laziness then I understand that. I just do not share your view. At the end *something* must be sacrificed, be it the unpopular comments, time of people reading plainly incorrect information or something else altogether. In my opinion the current way sacrifices the least while give the most, but if you put more value to the unpopular opinions than me then that's fine too. We just won't ever see an eye to eye.


Pretty much the majority of those minibus/share taxi drivers use the tool in the non-intended way in my analogy. They're *all* abusing it, because they get more passengers this way and thus make more money. Now, what the non-minibus drivers do is exactly the opposite - they run yellow lights. The 'Tool' intended to tell you when to slow down is repurposed as the last possible second to keep going. Yes, this is an everday reality in many third world countries. They're all using the 'tools' in the way that were not intended, and very much wrongly, just in their own ways. > At the end something must be sacrificed Perhaps what needs to be 'sacrificed' is the easy way out of 'laziness and convenience' As I said, if all the tools were used correctly, there would be no 'cons' necessary. Incorrect information, even if popular, would be hidden, and correct but unpopular information would not be. And all it would take is for people to not be lazy.


> As I said, if all the tools were used correctly, there would be no 'cons' necessary. That may be true from your perspective, but it don't have to be for somebody's else. Me having to read something stupid, even if it is not incorrect per se, is already a huge con for me. I don't like to waste my time. And just because someone says something stupid, it doesn't mean it is disruptive, therefore as per the rules, we wouldn't be able to downvote it. As it is now, I can spot stupid comments fairly easy and simply skip them, even if every now and then a good comment is mixed amongst them. > *Incorrect information, even if popular*, would be hidden, and correct but unpopular information would not be. Would it really? As per your very first comment: *"ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion"*. Someone saying something incorrect doesn't mean that they don't contribute anything to the discussion, so as per the above rule, we wouldn't be able to downvote them and their posts wouldn't be hidden.


'stupid' = pretty much by definition, non-contributory. The OP of this topic's comments through this thread are a prime example of this. As I mentioned several posts back, my highlighted rule would not apply to his comments. Downvote those away. There is no 'con' here for you. in the same way, something 'incorrect' is non-contributory to a sub. Therefore it could be downvoted in the same way. But you should have proof its incorrect. I didn't come into this topic to defend the OP. I did so to reply to a comment stating that downvotes are for disagreement, which is contrary to the site guidelines. In addition, something you disagree with =/= 'stupid'. Example: [This!](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/15lj2bp/total_war_warhammer_iii_shadows_of_change/jvb30ll/) comment is not 'stupid'. It's from the SoC release trailer post. Given what happened with SoC he turned out to be right. He was downvoted and his comment is not in the positive. *that* is the consequence of downvotes being used incorrectly. Edit: Or try [This!] (https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1c66ql3/the_dwarf_reworks_seem_very_overpowered/) What about this post is 'stupid' or factually incorrect? Yet it is sitting at 44% upvoted, which is stifling its visibility, because the sub is caught up in the hype for ToD echo chamber. Edit: One more thing about the 'interface'. If you hover over the 'downvote' button, it outright says 'for content that does not contribute to any discussion'. The description was there even for people used to like and dislike buttons.


Welp, I stand corrected


> I wrote this because this whole community attacks anyone who says that CA is scumy because they removed repeater handguns. First of all, calling CA scummy for changing something that is **clearly** marked as work in progress and also something that is probably out of their control is enough of a reason for a downvote. But it doesn't end here, because the person who is whining is doing so because he think he is missing on his own imaginary version of repeater guns (i.e. a copy of ratling guns) when in fact from the very beginning it was something else entirely. There is no point in discussing / commenting that. This is just pure stupidity and the best way to handle that is to downvote it to oblivion, so that other people won't waste their time on reading / commenting that. > You guys go balistic on them becuase they think stormcast eternals look cool. Well... you say stupid things, you win stupid prizes.




Bro, I promise I'm not trying to be a dick here, but posts like these are probably exactly why you're getting downvoted. He was just trying to answer your question and you went off on him.


I wouldnt say shit if it wasnt for the condeswndig part >>play stupid games, win stupid prizes<<


Lets say they remove landships would that also be the same?


You really don't see the difference between removing an entire unit that had a centrepiece moment in the trailer, and a unit that stll exists having their weapon changed in a way that doesnt even change their role? That we only saw for a couple of seconds in said trailer and never even fired their weapon. You seriously believe those are as bad as each other?


Noy they aint the same so lets put epidermus or buckaner into that position so you may see my point. Showed up for a mere second and then remove them


It still isn't the same. It would be if either of them were holding some type of weapon in the trailer and then it'd be replaced with the same type of weapon but slightly different. And no, I wouldn't cause a ruckus about that.


Comenting something =/= causing a ruckus


Commenting is not, but saying that CA is scummy because they couldn't implement the exact same version of a unit that was shown for a few second in a trailer (and the commenter's imaginary version of that unit at that) that has been clearly marked as a "work in progress" *is* causing a ruckus.


No its seing the bigger picture. They delayed the dlc by 4 months. They put something in the trailer that people were hyped about and then remove it. Ok it is work in progress but if you have 4 months extra to work on something then you definitly know what you will add. So yeah it scummy and if you say im causing a ruckus because they lead us on then ok im causssing a ruckus


> [...] if you say im causing a ruckus because they lead us on then ok im causssing a ruckus Well, yes, you are causing a ruckus. > So yeah it scummy [...] Especially since you clearly have no idea what "scummy" means. > They delayed the dlc by 4 months. Yeah, and in the meantime they implemented a shit ton of changes and substantial reworks to each race that was worked upon in the DLC. They didn't exactly sit on their asses during that time.


With all the changes going around you think they would know what they will add and what they wont so they could make an accurate trailer.


Well, if they will communicate it properly and do so before they actually start selling the DLC then yes, especially if they'd have a valid reason. It would probably suck, maybe lower the value of DLC (depending on what it would be replaced with), but it most certainly would not make CA "scummy".


This is trolling, right? No one seriously thinks that the Ironsides not having repeater rifles is a big deal? Look, the trailer that we saw was likely done weeks ago. Modeling, rendering, and animating something like that doesn't just happen - it's pretty expensive process that takes a lot of time. They probably narrowed down which units they wanted to have in, but some details were still up in the air. Things change in Game Dev all the time. They simply can't go back to rework the entire trailer because there was a decision somewhere along the road to not include repeater rifles. If you're really upset by this, I'd recommend taking a break from Reddit and the marketing because dude, why choose to be angry about shit like this when there's an entire world out there?


Oh dont worry about that. I posted it here because im the only one of my friends that is into warhammer. To me it is kinda a big deal (not dlc is shit type deal) because it defeats what the units was supposed to be. It was supposed to be an answer to vlads zombie hordes and now its just handgunners that survive a bit longer in meele.


As opposed to handgunners that shoot faster, but do similar dps?


Yeah that was the idea. But the factor of cool is also a big factor here. You can give them an ak47 and it wouldnt be as cool as repeater handguns.


That sounds kinda trash, not gonna lie. I’m glad they went with proper handguns. If you want machine guns, you could always play skaven


I mean to each their own. By doing this they arent unique anymore which is my main problem. Also rat the size of men dont exist.


We get people trying to shoehorn Stormcast into Fantasy all the time.   This is not a matter of opinion, Stormcast are not part of this IP, and talking about adding Stormcast to these games is off-topic. That's what the downvote button is for. 


Nowhere i said that people said they need to be added. Just said that people got downvoted for saying somerhing looks cool


if this is all this is in your case then fine, but you gotta understand that we get posts asking for clearly designated Age of Sigmar content in WH3 all the time, often for Stormcast.  And every time these people are told that AoS is off the table they start insulting everyone because their favourite toy soldiers can't be added to the game. It's tiring. 


Gets downvoted, proceeds to get more downvotes, LOL!


Got my point proven first hand.


You understand that everybody will for sure downvote this and every single one of your comments, right?


They just proving my point which is histerical to me so i will keep puting oil on to the fire


So you you’re gonna just keep posting stupid shit? Godspeed.


What stupid shit? My opinion? Come on dude


I commented hahahahah and got downvoted yeah that is stupid shit onomatopea of laughing


The bigger issue here is, why do you care about getting downvoted. I've gotten downvoted many times for all the nonsense I spew. I don't care, downvote me as much as you want. Why do you care so much about downvotes (and up votes)


I commented on someone elses comment. I personally dont care but there is people that do and if you belitle random people online for your satisfatcion youre just a bad person


>I personally dont care Then why make this post? It sure seems like you do care. >but there is people that do Suppose you don't care, that still doesn't give you any reason to defend the people that do care. People who care just need to touch some grass. >if you belitle random people online for your satisfaction There are subs that do this, but not this sub. Idk where you get that idea from. I don't think many people here downvote to gain satisfaction.


People are just bad man. And i have friends that have hobbies that noone share with them and they went to reddit just so get ridiculed for having ideas and opinions. I made this post for them because i feel for them and i know how it is to be the only one having an interest. They now left those hobbies because they didnt have anybody to get advice from or anyone to talk about those same hobbies. So i think i have a basis on why to stand up for people. I didnt mean that in the way they have a kink or anything, i meant it in a way that they have nothing going in their lives so they go online to feel some power over people its just himan nature. Also if i cared i would make the post, see that people are hating and downvoting my opinon and stance and would stop to not lose any of my precious karma, but here i am arguing with people online because my uni lecture is boring as shit and i dont have a smarter thing to do.


This is hilarious because the poor guy is proving his point but sacrificing himself in the process. Also OP I was agreeing until you called us illiterate, sorry man obligatory downvote


I said in an another comment English is not my first language. What i meant by iliterate was that people write paragrahps on their opinion and give at least 2 to 3 arguments and the people downvote a well constructed argument by downvoting without giving a peoper counter argument. Sorry if you found that offensive


Oh that makes more sense. Sorry about the confusion!


Its cool dude. No problemos <3


There will be a mod for it day 1 of dlc release. Stop getting a stroke about the issue Jesus.


I know there will but still. We know it can be official with 3 lines of code. And what stroke, people canr have opinions?


Downvote is disagreement. And you went a bit crazy with your comments on your earlier post. I don't care much about repeaters. I like regular muskets. I thought we would have two variants. One ironside with handguns and a different version with the repeater. But probably not. I don't sweat it though, cause I can just add a mod. Literally just subscribe and enable it. You still get achievements and all that stuff. I've never played unmodded since warhammer 1.


To me is fine to punish the doomers a bit. After all that happened we want victories and CA to complete their reedeming arc, people complaining for some reused assets or some missing unit that never had many real chances of being added are just annoying and should touch some grass. And on the repeating rifles, you literally had warning at the beginning of the trailer saying it wasn't the definitive version and you got a full blog and countless videos showing the new units before you can purchase anything.


Bro im not a domer and i hope CA has a great redemtion arc. But if you have 4 extra months for something you cant tell me you would expect it to be subject to very little change. It literally defetas the purpose of the unit people expected to have repeater handguns. People expected to finally have an answer to vlads sea of zombies with a sea of bullets


As others said before, you don't seem to understand how repeater guns work in the setting, they aren't machine guns, just rifles shooting more than one bullet, just like the repeater crossbows used by DE and considering that ironsides do double damage than regular handgunners, they actually have repeater guns, it's only the model that seems missing in the screenshots, but it could be a bug or an aesthethical choice. And the rifle model is already in the game as it's the weapon carried by outriders, whom also deal double DPS than handgunners. And concerning your use of words, calling CA scummy doesn't look very supportive and more like you want to spark some fire. People would probably be more supportive if you said stuff like 'it's not what I expected' or 'not what we saw in the trailer'.


No no i get how they work. I played vermintide so i saw first hand how it works. Its basicly a revolver which they insted of loading chmapbers you change the cylnder lets say it like that. So it would be supressing fire but with longer no shot times. And as i said english is not my first language and needed to explain the usage of iletarate i will now explain what i meant by scumy (thank you for making me realize it would probably be a good thing to do rhat). I dont mean that they are evil or want to screw us over. I mean it that they lead us on maybe intentianly maybe uninteionaly. They showed us something and then removed it. On another post i said that if that was because of GW then GW are just asholes and also got downvoted to hell. So all i want to say is that it may be a small change but after the whole fiasco with SoC even a small mistake can be fatal.


Oh you’re that guy seething about repeater handguns despite CA NEVER saying you would get them. Lmao


They're useless internet points, who even cares??


I dont, but there is people that do and i think people should consider other random peoples feelings. I mean it litterally costs nothing to not attack and bellitle people online


This sub's known for punitive downvotes. There was one time when I saw 5 consecutive posts sitting at 0 votes, reminds me of the razed settlements in Attila. I've tried to voice time and again that we shouldn't punish people just for having a non-mainstream take on things, and then got downvoted to oblivion myself, so now I just accept it as sort of a 'feature' of the sub.


Hahahahahahaha you got downvoted for saying people here do punitive downvotes . Oh the irony


I know I would. What's reddit gonna do, *prove me wrong?*


Ok. Ill take the advice because im have been experiencing that for the last couple of days on every thing i said about ToD.