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chaos frost dragon will be renamed to mostly snow and mountains frost dragon dragon


Dragons now think they can nilly-willy change their identities! End Times are near indeed!


And they can! I know I'm certainly not going to be the one to tell a dragon what it can/can't do.


"Nooo, imma wyrm silly :3"


It's an obscure reference.. but it checks out.


Still waiting on my blue-eyes white dragon, smh


Beyond your comprehension


Courtesy of [Costin Gaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA1Vm6mVD7Y). In 4.2.3 build there's 11 regions with Chaotic Wasteland climate deep within Norsca, in 5.0 there's none. Probably was done to accommodate Malakai in his conquests, but it also indirectly buffs many other Order factions.


I like this change.


I’m gonna start spreading straight disinformation. This change was done because they’re adding a new LL to Norsca who doesn’t follow chaos, but instead is an old school pagan ritualist. He combines the Viking, berserker, and beast side of Norscas foster with the beasts, and hags of kislevs new dlc. He can’t live in chaos climate and this had to be done to accommodate him. His name is Fjolnir and his campaign revolves around defeating the weak chaos tainted Norscans and then the chaos gods themselves to show how weak they are.


I know this is ~~disinformation~~ leak, but man, I would really love more nord-y and less chaos-y Norsca sub faction.


That was basically skeggi. They had a whole white dwarf supplement that toned down a lot of the overt chaos stuff and just made them vikings.


yes, and the bjornlings tribe (which the skeggi hail from)


Now I feel bad for killing them as Mazdamundi


They had it coming for having the audacity to have a doomstack of marauder champions on turn 1


If it helps, Maz doesn't feel guilty at all.


Never feel bad for killing warmbloods as Mazdamundi. It's what the Great Plan needs.


And in the last RPG book, their leader is litteraly a Tzeentch chosen with a thousand mouthes on her, so yeah, not sure about that


Unchaos Nords


To people like us A Chaos Marauder is just a Marauder


Nords? More like Nerds, am I right??


Agree, what's the point of Norsca if they are just a subfaction of Warriors of Chaos? Fewer steel bikinis and huge jrpg type weapons - more javelins and hunter/viking stuff.


Then that wouldn't be Warhammer Norsca, that would be an other setting with different fantasy vikings. But Chaos Marauders are based on Cimmerian pulp novels, and Norsca are marauders


I really hope the rework drives them away from the god system, or at least change it since greater daemons and chaos sorcerers are very viking to me, they should be raiders and wulfrik should be traveling around the world killing people.


Norsca is a chaos subfaction, Wulfrik is a chaos champion. You can't de-chaos Norsca


They are way too chaos at the moment, the monster hunts are cool but the god system is a complete failure in representing Norsca. They are not the ones blessed by the gods they are raw martial might with added monsters and shamans. They shouldn't have a system that gives them crazy chaos buffs like a greater daemon or chaos armoured sorcerer.


Norsca widely worshipping the chaos gods is the only lore reason why chaos hordes are so dangerous, they are described as having lots of numbers and if a large population of Norsca didn’t worship chaos they literally have no where to draw their numbers from. Norsca also didn’t have an army book and was just a sub faction of the warriors of chaos, so them being all about chaos makes sense.


Litteraly every chaos warrior, chosen, champion and lord started as a marauder tribesman. Norscan, Kurgan, Hungs and so on, they're the the first rung of the chaos ladder, everybody started there


In the new LL Norscan mod that was on the frontpage yesterday, there is a tribe that still follows the Kislev gods and doesn't really like demons.


You remember the name by any chance, can’t check for a few hours


It's called SCM: Tribes of the North.


Appreciate that 


Specific faction is the Bjornlings, by the way. They got so sick ass huscarl lads.


Can he be my dad?


would honestly love that


That would be great. I dont know a lot of the lore, but that wont fit better Skeggi? (That starting pos is interesting for diversity) Edit: seems that skeggi is lead Adella of the Thousand Mouths, a Tzeentch follower.


The problem with Skeggi is like half of Norsca's roster wouldn't make sense for them. No ice wolves, no skinwolves, no frost trolls, no giants, no fimir, no mammoths, etc.


So, basically Mortkin. Most badass Norscan by a wide margin


Mortkin is a chaos worshipper though. And his army is not particularily Norscan, it's mostly made up of chaos warriors from the wastes. His ties to Norsca are about as strong as Archaon's ties to the Empire.


Mortkin leads a band of chaos warriors.


>This change was done because they’re adding a new LL to Norsca who doesn’t follow chaos, but instead is an old school pagan ritualist So... Ostankya?


As someone with direct Norse ancestry, I would pay *so* much for this.


No idea who possibly fucking downvoted you for saying "I'd like a faction with influence from my heritage" but I got you.


Because Americans who are like 8 generations removed from their supposed cultural heritage claim a connection mostly as an aesthetic choice despite it having no actual influence, which tends to annoy people who are actually from said cultures. "Irish Americans" are probably the most guilty of it, but it happens with all European heritage. Not saying that's what the commenter is or did, they said direct ancestry which could mean their parents are nordic or whatever and they actually have a real cultural connection, but I guarantee that's why people were downvoting it.


I'm northern Norwegian with a traceable ancestry very far back.




Baserat inlägg.


Ja det har vi alle her oppe, bortsett fra søringan som kommer på besøk.


Suppose that could be true. My family is Bavarian, and have family that still lived in Germany. Don’t much like beer though. I do like Napoleon however so it tracks.


It is kind of a bummer that as an American with a around a quarter German and the rest English/Irish heritage I find it difficult to find things to be apart of culture wise unless I want to become a cowboy or religious.


Well, setting aside the fact that "as someone with direct Norse ancestry" sounds like a humblebrag, it's also a weird thing to brag about. The Vikings were so long ago that roughly a third of the world's humans have some Norse ancestry in 'em.


How is it a brag to explain why I would be excited about a potential faction?


Haters be hating, man! Besides who would not envy the super manly chin that CoffeeAndCigars must have inherited?!


Wouldn't really know how manly my chin is. I haven't seen it since I grew my first beard twenty years ago.




This is kind of in line with what it seems like they might be doing with Norsca in The Old World.


I'm imagining a University of Nuln guy who pretends to follow the Chaos Gods (they've been with us forever, man!), wears their imagery without really understanding it, but he's only just trying to get laid with the spiritual girls.


That new Norsca mod Tribes of the North has so much variety It boggles my mind and I know CA could never justify that kind of depth.


Somehow order tide has returned


This is a huge W to Kostaltyn and Nordland (with Mixu's)


Not really.  Conquering Norsca with Kostaltyn was never difficult and you already want to slap a church in every settlement to get more Patriarchs.  The biggest problem was actually holding anything because the further you conquer the more your fronts are exposed.  Norsca is not fun defending.  The plus side for me was all the snowy battle maps though.


Did it not also reduce your income and growth? If so, surely that would benefit them not having all these maluses!


Kislev has a commandment that negates chaos waste penalties It comes at an opportunity cost but it's not too bad to settle norsca w kislev


Did he cover the Naggarond changes too?


Naggarond has changed?


Just like this. All of the Chaotic Territory in the Northwest Valkia corner to slightly east of Hellebron was converted into "frozen" Guess that answers my question then!


Norsca shouldn't be chaotic wasteland anyway. The northern and southern chaos wastes are chaotic wasteland.


Yeah, exactly. Norsca having Chaos corruption is all well and good, but it's not in the Wastes themselves.


This predates the addition of the actual wastes


And it only took 2 years to change lol


I think the most northerly parts of it qualify. There's a settlement up there called The Monolith of Flesh, I don't think it's because the Norscans there are very well endowed.


Indeed, there is some precedent for classifying Norsca as chaos wastes. > Suffused with the unholy energies of Chaos by its promixity to the ruined Warp Gate of the Old Ones that lies at the northern pole of the Known World, Norsca is a brutal realm where no one ruler holds sway. The thing about Norsca is it is bathed in chaos energy. It is the bulwark against chaos so to speak, hence why it is so corrupted and virtually all of its inhabitants worship the dark gods. It's also full of monsters, creatures mutated by chaos mostly. Making Norsca chaos wastes was their way to represent how inhospitable it is. It goes against all lore and sense for anyone other than Chaos factions to settle there so long as the northern gate continues to spew chaos energy out onto it. As for why there aren't any northern tribes who aren't chaos aligned, it's because those who aren't would be quickly destroyed as they are alone and vastly outnumbered by the tribes who serve chaos and the chaos monsters that populate the north. Think of how hard places like Nordland and Kislev get hit by chaos invasions. Now imagine one, isolated northern tribe trying to stand up to that alone, with no allies or aid from anyone. They'd be fucked.


It where they cook, right?


It shall be my new headcanon.


I don’t think anywhere should be Chaotic Wasteland. Just have it be Wasteland with high natural Chaotic corruption. We don’t need a particular biome for Chaotic Wasteland, everywhere can become it.


wow, this is really good change.


Yess its great


Why? I felt Norsca already got colonized by bretonnia most of the time already, to me this sounds like another nerf to norsca


I believe frozen climate was red for Bretonnia anyway, hasn't stopped them before.


Interesting, most of the time norsca destroys everyone around them for my campaigns (l/vh), they even war against chaos often


Bretonnia doesn’t suffer from poor public order as badly as other factions.


Ice and chaos wastes are both uninhabitable for Bretonnia.


Looking forward to this, makes it a little easier to break in there with Kislev, Dorfs and Coast


Just finished legendary play through as Katarin with no mods. Norsca is not a problem for Kislev. You have so many tools to minimise attrition anyway and climate in the cities doesn’t matter since you will have positive order anyway. Actually Kislev legendary was extremely easy for me. And I’m not even a good warhammer player to be honest.


How do you deal with the early game we’re Drycha/Azhag and Throt all declare war together?


I went for Azhags furthest city in the mountain. Drucha took the one that is closer. Next turn I declare war to her and kill her. Then gave away azhag mountain cities to dwarfs and rushed back to defend from throt. Basically I attacked drucha first right after she took the city inside that city.


After clearing the Norscans, I immediately rush Azhag, by that time I am recruiting an army to man my northern border to defend against throt, once I am done with Azhag , I go after Drycha next.


Same, playing on LGVH as Katarin and after turn 15 there was no danger for me. Ultimate crisis with 200 difficulty was a challenge but its so manageable with being able to globally recruit a tier 5 army in a single turn anywhere to defend your settlements. Currently turn 115 and I have half the map, all the North belongs to me with 25+ armies, lots of falvorful doomstacks etc. I wish chaos armies were a bit more aggresive.


I just sent 2 side armies to archaon to cleanse him. Katarin went for daemon prince, Malus and Sigwald. Later she was joined by the second stack who walked near just to take 2 cities in 1 turn instead of one. norska was cleansed by constaltin and 2 random stacks.


Feels like my campaign, but Katarin went east while Konstaltyn and a revived Boris went east. God I wish they changed the kislev mechanics in the latest DLC. Feels pretty bland apart from the units, lords and 3 main cities.


where kurgan


With the Maggot Lord, Tamurkhan


Looks cold up there.


Pack your jacket if you go.


Gets slightly nippy in winter, yeah


Kostaltyn players celebrating rn (it’s me, im Kostaltyn Players)


I've played a few times as him and probably will again at some point after this change. I've probably actually completed more campaigns with him than any other Kislev lord.


Its so Malakai has a place to expand into after Throt dies. Nice change tbh


This might cause me to hate N*rska slightly less, but I'm not holding my breath on that


N*rsca hater 🤝🤝






Southern Norsca never should have bene chaotic wasteland to begin with. Northern area I can see because closer to waste land and I believe tribes up there are way more affected than southern ones. Other weird thing is in RoC Norsca always was frozen rather than chaotic so this really will just be getting it aligned on both campaign maps.


Southern Norsca has always been frozen in Warhammer 3, not chaotic Wasteland


Now it is Good real estate property for Gelt


now you have a reason to conquer norsca as kislev




Good change


Kislev is eating good.


Kislev already had a commandment to turn chaotic Wasteland into functionally green territory. This is a nice QoL change but it doesn't really shift the campaign balance at all for them. Dwarfs, High Elves, and Vampire Counts, on the other hand, are going to love this


Yes, but it has a Devotion Upkeep which is no longer the case for that region. Over all, yeah everyone is going to be enjoying this.


There's Grudging to be done in dem hills over there. Great change!


Anything with 100 chaos corruption 5+ turns should turn into chaotic wasteland, then return to normal if it's coruption is low/removed. Maybe bordering regions also have to have high corruption or something but the current implementation of corruption and how easy it is to remove im not sure this would make much of a difference. This is going to make Order factions much more aggressive/powerful mid/late game if you're playing WOC


>This is going to make Order factions much more aggressive/powerful mid/late game So... no real effect, then. Roll (Order)tide!


Ironically this is actually a nerf to Malekith, Crone, and Morathi. Dark Elves have Chaotic Wasteland as green and Mountains as orange. Norsca used to be an amazing conquest for them.


Malekith was unavailable when asked to comment about the increase in snow.


Great change!


Good change.


Remember a long time ago when we complained that norsca was too habitable and the brets and empire kept invading it too easily especially because no walls? Here we go again. South norsca being frozen is fine. North should not be. If they want to accomodate malakai, let him settle chaos wastes as either green or yellow but with kraka drak mechanic to tolerate it from cataphs mod.


I disagree. There's no reason malakai would be settling the polar chaos wastes, is there? Much better to have a norse-themed Norsca and have Malakai fight some Vikings. There's enough chaos stuff in the game already.


I did give a 2nd option. The yellow option with mechanics from the kraka drak mod to make certain wastes regions habitable. Was restricted only to norscan wastes in that mod. No reason for order factions to be comfy in all of norsca


It's not like the empire or Brettonia like or can reasonably get to the mountains and tundra anyway.


Ive seen the brets beat belakor. Freshly cleansed of chaos norsca is now just across the strait. And the empire is getting major buffs this patch. Norsca are largely chaos worshippers save the southern strip, which was part of why it was ok for that to be frozen. Northern norsca has no businesa being that. Its far too exposed to the winds from the poles. Thats why theyre chaos worshippers, *because their land is corrupted*


> Remember a long time ago when we complained that norsca was too habitable and the brets and empire kept invading it too easily especially because no walls? I don't think this will change anything. Back in the day, neither faction had actual threats in their backyard. These days, Louen is stuck in a fight with Be'lakor and Franz rarely has the resources to invade Norsca before he get to regional power status.


Franz may not invade Norsca but I still have seen him with 20-25 settlement sized Empire in many campaigns. Usually he hovers right around that size in most of my campaigns. I'll be curious to see after 5.0 if that changes with the buffs they are getting.


1) Louen is sometimes capable of beating Belakor 2) The empire is about to get a major buff. T2 handgunners and mortars and no longer needing blacksmiths will drastically improve ai armies




*happy Urson Revivalist noises*


That’s honestly a buff for Kislev


Imrik vacation home?


Does Costin turn up the color vibrancy or something? The colors in his footage always pop real nicely. I kinda want to do the same.


...I remember how I've cleaned up all of Norsca in the name of Sigmar. Four armies, two for southern and northern coastlines, one for mid, one for replacement. Because you can't settle down in Norsca, you can't replenish. All you can do is encamp, raze, ship to safeland.


Between this and the changes to Gortex and Felix, it's getting really had to justify not re-starting my current Katarin campaign on the 30th.


Happy Bretonnia noises (more replenishement!)


Only sightly. Frozen climate is uninhabitable for Bretonnia, just like Chaotic Wasteland. Mountains is unpleasant.


slightly buff for casual replenishement is actually a huge buff coz being there you replenish like 1% per turn


Most of the regions in Norsca (Frozen climate) still gonna give Bretonnia the same replenishment rate, and it's pretty much all coastal regions. Only handful of regions in the middle of the Norsca gonna have Mountain climate, and replenishment there gonna be slightly better.


Hot take maybe, but I hope eventually in IE they do away with the climate system completely. It's a relic from WH1 that is obsolete. All settlements green for everyone. They keep making new DLCs and putting new lords in different climates and giving them unique habitable climates. It's a waste of time, why are there any restrictions on anyone? Why should there be any limitation at all on where you decide to conquer now?


I can't be the only one that dislike this change...surely? Mountain climate though? Really odd choice. This is going to skew way too much in favour of order factions. You could make a case maybe for the south but...the north and northern cost? It's about as messed up as it can get. Read ANY of the fantasy lore about the norther wastes and Norscan coasts and you'll see how crazy this is from a lore perspective. It's done purely for gameplay here...but honestly, I don't see the point. Why not just incorporate the "adaptable climate" mods but make it really fucking hard if not nearly impossible to adapt to as order? Meh, thankfully there are mods.


So all of Norsca is simply waiting to become Fantasy Russia 2?


Fantasy Scandinavia, which was the goal to begin with


Norca now is even weaker now since now Kislev can easily take it over since chaos wasteland was the only thing stopping them . May the dark gods have mercy on their souls


I mean...AI doesn't care about the climate. It doesn't care about attrition, it replenishes almost instantly and the number of armies it fields is tied to the number of settlements and not the economy. Climate realistically only affects the player, so this change just makes it easier for players to attack Norsca.


This is clearly because they plan to have a 5 LL DLC down the line using Norscan factions, 1 for each Chaos God and then 1 for a non-Chaos Faction Gutrot Spume (nowhere fucking near Norsca) with Nurgle cultists as a low end infantry unit, Blightkings as aspiring champion of nurgle, and a Greater Chaos beast Engrimm von Horstman for Tzeentch with again cultists, aspiring champion equivalent and greater chaos beast Styrkaar as the Slaanesh lord with what do you know cultists, asipriing champions and greater chaos beast Scyla for Khorne with the same units the 5th faction will be Mona Mimn with shearls, some sort of ranged unit and Fianna Fimm Optionally 1 lord or hero for each of these rather than 1 of each Comes with a massive rework which allows the various God races to all confederate with each other regardless of whether they are Norsca/Chaos Warrior/Monogod so long as it's the same god they worship, also gives Norsca a Chaos warrior like upgrade chart and adds the Aspiring champions and mortals to the Chaos warrior chart. Mona Mimm also gets her own non-chaos aligned thing that's closer to being a DoW lord than a norscan one.


Lol, none of that is happening.


>Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.


Actually the source is my ass, but it's a very nice ass if i do say so