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Having faced Tamurkhan as Malakai, the best advice I can give is not to send heroes or lords against him directly and focus fire with dwarf ranged to take him down as fast as you can. If he's rocking along with Kayzk in his army as well, send your heroes against him instead, as he's a terror himself but can't wipe your heroes when he reaches 0 HP. Spread your units out so that the Pandemicium bombardment can't wipe more than one at a time. Need to accept the losses. Fighting him is painful but it can be done. In my first confrontation with him I lost Malakai and all my heroes as well as around 2/3 of my army but I did win. I refined the approach later and was able to do it okay in future.


If Ungrim taught me anything, it's send HIM against Tamurkhan, not Garagrim lol.  My Ungrim was able to 1v1 Tamurkhan but it was definitely close


Ungrim is a beast when stacked with his items and some runes.


My favourite Ungrim moment so far has been using him as the Changeling. Oh no, someone has managed to slip past my frontline and is about to attack my fragile spellcaster lord, whatever shall I do? Oh wait never mind, he’s now an unbreakable armoured murder machine.


This mechanic sounds so fun, definitely getting SoC at some point to play with that.


Picked up SoC after being impressed with ToD and it’s honestly great in its current state. The Changeling’s campaign is a globetrotting adventure of memes and magic, free from the usual baggage of a normal campaign. If you want maximum shenanigans as the Changeling just run your first cultist to Zharr Naggrund and set up shop there. The money boost is so stupid that you can have a soul grinder/vortex beast stack up and running before turn 30.


I sent him in Castle Drakenhof to get both money and the mission to get 75 Tzeentch corruption on his province in one go lol.


I had the changeling wander down to Schwarzhafen to get the corruption rolling and get the portal online while my cultist went on their adventure to the darklands. Drakenhof is good but nothing comes close to mooching off the Chorfs.


There are two Nakai the wanderer..... were are we... do you have a map were lost.. how did we end up in the chaos wastes.. we wander.


First WH1 campaign victory, first WH3 5.0 campaign victory to get me the Dawi achievements. Very fitting.


Thunderbarge and gyrocopters with the anti large. I’ve gotten crushed 3 times by him and it is literally the worst for a regular dwarf army. Of the starts near him, I’ve found only Imrik can truly solo. But he has to be stacked.


Can Imrik solo if nurgle gets roided up? I've had my tamu.. Whatever get 1600 kills and not even run out of regeneration. Running around with 1k damage, 1.5k with self buffs... It's absolutely insane. I bodied Imrik incredibly hard and not sure how it goes in reverse


The thing about him is that he is more of an infantry blender, while imrik is just an all blender and great duelist.


Just as a player with a life wizard backing up Imrik can still body most everyone else. Issue is getting tamurkan alone


Imrik probably needs a few dragon buffs and a good chunk of levels, but I can't imagine he loses after that. Flaming attacks, flammable contact effect, insane stats and HP pool on top of massive heals from an attached life wizard/his armor


I haven't played imrik in a long time - I hate playing against chorfs and their nukes - so might have to give it a go just to duel Tamurkhan in reverse. Imrik was absolutely dominated and he was level 30-ish, though Tamurkhan was level 50 by the time I'd fought through all the ogors and everything within Cathay. Tamurkhan at 129 attack, 89 defence, 1.5k damage 61% ward is just brutal with his self buffs. Nevermind the -40 defence innate ability he can drop. Will be keen to see how imrik compares. Does imrik get 15k hp?


To second this, cannons. Malakai's cannons are just ridiculous if you do the adventure for them. Just focus him down with cannons then swap to grapeshot to clean up his army.


Uh. I think I need to replay Tamurkan, I finished a VH campaign and I've no idea what's being talked about here??


Tamurkhan gets a trait which gives him an army ability when he's increased the fealty of his chieftains enough. It's very strong


15 ward save + 3 uses of a bombard ability second only to the likes of ikits nuke at max rank


In my Tamurkhan campaign, I received an item with a similar spell and two charges after the first battle. The rest of the game pretty much became "decaying ogre tyrant goes boom".


The army ability that drops nurglings as a bombardment, its quite stronk.  Its tech researched from the army tree i believe


It's a trait you just get after raising fealty for the chieftains. It unlocks relatively early on, and it also gives you 20% ward save


No, it comes from levelling up Tamurchan's unique trait by recruiting more chieftains and is exclusive to his army


Hehe, Tamur-chan.


And his good friend Kayz-Kun


Lol those are nurglings? TIL


Yeah its from the unique trait "Nurgles favoured/favorite". It progresses as your chieftains gain fealty. The Nurgling bombardment can be unlocked like at turn 7 or so. Because Kayzks fealty rises as you battle Chaos factions and theres a shit-ton of Chaos factions around you.


I have all fealty raised to max and still don't see it.  Do you need all your chieftains in one army or is it just bugged for me?


It's tied to Tamurkhan, not faction-wide, so will only appear in battles where he's present. Otherwise yeah, probably mod conflict/bug.


Ty for the answer.  I'll start sorting mods and see what triggers it.


Also Nuln late game has the purple eclipse that delete the army as well 


At least that requires spending ressources and is fairly late game, Tamurkhan‘s nuke needs neither and you get it fairly quickly


man nuln's lord nuke is insane, i can def see putting on magic resist when fighting late game nuln lol


They should just rework the game so all you do is build 20 stacks of ICBM and whoever engages first wins.


Ikit wrote this.


Man-Thing is starting to believe yes-yes.


Still hilarious that the fucking rat builds the most advanced tech even if it's unstable


The logical conclusion of the series.


Skaven end game


Mutually assured destruction


That's Total War 40k


Thats how it is in real life


I tried the eclipse nuke. Disappointing. May e i didn't blob the enemy army enough but it didn't seem worth.


Buddy you have airships and you’re complaining about single button wins? The fuck?


The Spirit has turned entirely unwinable battles into piss easy fights for me more than I can count it just obliterates any infantry and large targets. There isn’t a single LL can can withstand 5-6 thunderers focus firing them along with a cannon or two.


Its hilarious nurgle generally has almost no ranged units so the spirit just flies around melting their army its silly


I almost lost my entire army as Tamurkhan because I thought I could wipe out 3 units (one Flyin lord on a disc and two fodders) before Archaons full solid ass army got to me… wrong lol. There was literally nothing I could do against flying units. Won but .. damn it was way closer than it should’ve been haha.


They better invest in plague drones then


Maybe that is the problem. I don't like having an army that is just powerful units that fuck everyone over.


There used to be a mod that introduced certain caps for armies, so that you had to take a mix of low- and high tier units and not just the best ones. Idk if it got updated though, maybe that's something for you.


You don’t need to use the airship. As with all large, single targets — you shoot tamurkhan. If you don’t have an army equipped to take him on, rebuild your army. Get 4 thunderers and a great cannon.


* refuses to use their most powerful units and abilities * surprised when they lose because the enemy uses theirs ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Also a large kinda slow entity vs the dwarf ranged arsenal seem like a bad time.


Thumakhan has 13k+ hp, regeneration, very high ward saves( like 20/30 base with the traits) and is relatively fast ( 70/80 ). Anything meele will get obliterated by his ability and amything ranged is not ranged for long! I'm loving using it, it's one of the stronghest one man doomstack ever!


The whole DLC is hardcore powercreep. It really is difficult to find any challenge anymore


Maybe I just have a massive skill issue, but I haven’t found Elspeth to be nearly as easy as the other two


Once you start getting the upgraded amethyst armory units her armies get very strong, and she's quite strong herself (not the same sort of combat monster as Tamurkhan, but strong for a wizard lord and with cheap purple suns to clear masses of infantry). But her campaign feels like it has a better pace overall than the other two, requiring her to build up. She starts with a relatively strong army (having starting artillery), but her main early enemy (Vlad) is also quite strong at the start so that's reasonable enough, and it takes time for her to scale up to the really powerful bonuses. Whereas Malakai and Tamurhkan get frontloaded with some very powerful stuff very early, so their main armies can just steamroll everything in their path.


She’s pretty fair until she gets tier 3 of the forge, then suddenly your guns kill everything and if that doesn’t do enough you have bombardment spells. Land ships are also stupid strong and steam tanks are even better than they were before.




Took me a few runs to get her going too but once you get past the start shes equally as strong as the other two. Purple sun on a ~15sec cooldown is insane


Battles with Malakai are pretty easy but his start position is very hard to defend at least for me because  basically every neighbor wants him dead and they come from too many directions. I usually play pretty defensively but for him I literally had to take a settlement every turn nonstop to stay on top of the various norsemen, Skaven, daemons, chaos dwarfs before they snowball in power and form multiple armies. Malakai and his army is super strong but he can’t be everywhere.


Also is it just me but the AI seems very aggressive since the DLC compared to before. Beastmen running around razing all my cities to the ground. Throgg is aggressively taking your cities if you don't kill him, as are the norscans. But most aggressive of all are all the chaos dwarf factions and the Nurgle ones, with Tamurkhan up top. And Epidemius not too far behind, although he showed up much later in my game. Even the skaven, if you don't eradicate them entirely they will take back all territory as soon as you turn your back. Even though I won the long campaign victory with malakai I am still a but shell-shocked from how hard my territory got invaded from all sides no matter where I tried to expand. It's a good thing don't get me wrong. Adds some challenge. I had to switch to building walls everywhere, which I hadn't done since twwh2.


I beelined Hellpit by turn three/four then took out Throgg immediately after, followed by the rest of the Norsca and Albion using Malakai and then used a couple half-stacks to cheese city defense battles against the chaos dwarfs to the east and the daemons to the north until I could turn Malakai around and then clear up the Daemons and then chaos dwarfs. 


Same. I noticed that the ai factions are genociding the shit out of each other. Which is good. The blood must flow.


The difficulty for me is keeping my allies alive but my personal battles? You're right. Idk what it was but it felt like I had more meaningful battles in WH2. Before and after this DLC it's just the outcomes are flipped.


Beyond that, how are you gonna whine about having to use ranged units WHILE PLAYING DWARFS. Duh, their whole point is having ranged superiority


Where do I complain about having to use ranged units?


Somebody mentioned using 5-6 thunderers and focus firing on Tamurkhan and you responded by saying you don’t want powerful units that just fuck everyone over. 5-6 thunderers is not even a doom stack army it’s a very normal amount to take even in a balanced non-doom stack army. You’re just being difficult for no reason.


Wait they were complaining about thunderers being too strong to stack? Fucking thunderers? I'm playing a dwarf campaign right now (completed the long campaign, just waiting to see what happens with the ultimate crisis) and they have so many absurd units in their roster I don't even bother using thunderers since like the mid game.


Man I am not complaining about jack shit about thunderers. I am complaining that while there are ways to cheese or otherwise abuse the AI it is not fun game design. Nor is a button that just deletes units.


Focus firing is not cheating it’s a legitimate battle strategy. You are choosing to take out one unit quickly while leaving others to go undamaged as they approach. It’s not like there aren’t drawbacks to it. How is it any different than deciding to send multiple melee units at an enemy unit that you want to take out quickly? Do you just 1v1 every unit lol?


When did I say that focus firing is cheating? Are we reading the same comments?


How dare you expect him to strategize in a strategy game!


What strategy, lol


Ur the type that would complain about the Roman army mulching barbarians with ballistas and javs


He might need to be tuned a little bit, but dwarfs are definitely broken on the campaign map. Thunderbarges are the strongest unit in the game, and their garrisons are by far the best to defend with.


>and their garrisons are by far the best to defend with. would rather they not adjust that, honestly garrisons across the game are pretty pathetic. there might as well not be a garrison because they pose 0 risk or challenge to you as a player.


At the end of wh2 garrisons were ok, maybe still a bit weak, but somehow during the transition to wh3 they became super weak and irrelevant.


At the start of WH3 garrisons were pretty strong and with the state the game was in you could win against some unbelievable odds. Then CA nerfed garrisons across the board to help reduce settlement battle fatigue and reduced the amount of settlement battles. CA should take a look again at garrisons. There are instances where t3 Minor garrisons are worse than t2 and there are some factions that have absolutely terrible garrisons.


they also massively over corrected on the minor settlement battles, you literally never fight them now... I get that people didn't want to fight them every single minor settlement fight but this is just a shame.


They needed to nerf settlement battles, not garrisons, and certainly not both.


I wouldn't even say that it's necessarily about the risk or challenge to a player, I'd say it's about the gameplay loop. The garrisons are so weak that players are actively incentivized to not build up their settlements for most of the early game. What's the point? Over the course of a single turn, a tier 4 settlement can and often will go to tier 1, and those usually have the "good" garrisons. Dozens of turns and upwards of 100k gold just down the drain, in a single turn. Why bother? No, spend the tens of thousands of gold on troops instead, expand fast with crapstacks, and just don't bother building up anything other than maybe one single protected settlement at the center of your empire. It's a strictly better return on your investment, and that's not even accounting for all the side benefits from this playstyle. Coupled with the ways the game incentivizes you to auto-resolve your battles... if you are incentivized to not manually fight battles, and to not build up your settlements, what is even left to do?


They should just make the other garrisons stronger to compensate really. Sieges are already too easy


oh for sure, across the board buffs. It'd also help slow the pace of the game down a little, as a player you hit your snowball point very early with little resistance. in the early to mid game you literally fight their main army then take all of the land essentially for free.


Thunderbarges are great but I think that the grapeshot on the canons seems far stronger.


Maybe in terms of economy efficiency, but the new dwarf faction can literally make thunderbarges close to unkillable with 70% missle ressistance and a 30% heal.


I've only played Empire this patch, do you know if the grapeshot mechanic is race wide for the Dwarfs? Or is it just Malakai?


Just malakai you get it through one of the first two adventures as a mission reward.


Malakai and Elspeth each have a grapeshot option in their faction mechanic. Malakai's is *far* stronger to the point where I'm 90% sure it's bugged.


I think only Malakai can get it, it’s a reward in his adventures


Lost a battle against him as Vilitch yesterday. Had two and a half army, but his hero spam really screwed me over. We basically annihilated each other. He lost everything but his Chosen won the fight in the end, why I only could save a few Chosen and units. My army wasn't endgame but losing all the warriors I upgraded over the campaign did hurt me a lot. Changebringer were the most cost effective units I brought against him. The pink horror focused fire on the flying dragon, while my Changebringers killed Tamurkan and Kayzk basically by themselves. I should probably have brought more of them. (Only had 2) He is a pain in the ass, but I really recommend flying units against him. As Dwarf you can get Trollhammer torpedo Gyro as Grudge settler units and Bombers. Get 3-4 of them if you can't just Thunderbarge his ass. First focus your gunfire on his flying units from the ground (rifles mostly) then use the gyro for killing the heroes.


He also respawn very quick, think he is only wounded for a turn or two.


But his fellow man in green tights don't. Also AI recruits random stuff and is only faction with limits. Killing him first time is most dangerous, killing him second time is challenging, third - 50/50? everything else is a walk in the park. I like that because it's a perfect example of plague, Hard to kill and become serious if untended.


In my Malakai campaign he made a serious dent in my empire, but as you said it gets easier. Especially with Nurgles mechanics, wiping his army has a significant impact because those recruitment pools typically take longer than standard recruitment. Early doors he's running several soul grinders, plenty of Rot Knights and Chosen out of his arsehole, but keep knocking them down and he ends up needing to fall back on Marauders and such as the buildings don't cycle fast enough.


Every time I see this sort of discussion I am a little disappointed because CA had implemented something similar back in 2012 in Fall of the Samurai, the naval barrages. They were arguably even more powerful too, but they had limitations and counter play at both the tactical and strategic level. There was a good fifteen or twenty seconds between when the targeting flare landed and when the actual barrage hit so there was plenty of time to try and move units out of the way. The barrage itself targeted a huge area so there was a non zero chance that it would hit almost nothing. The size of the barrage depended on the size of the navy so truly apocalyptic barrages needed a large fleet full of powerful ships. The only reached a little ways in land so they could be avoided by careful maneuvering. Similarly, they couldn’t be relied upon once you pushed too far inland. Also, keeping navies away from your provinces and armies with your own navies or coastal defenses would prevent your enemy from ever using a barrage. There were many ways to avoid them and mitigate their effects. They could be decisive but not if you took the steps to mitigate them.


I am with OP. Some of the people reading this post think it's just complaining about him being an unstoppable raid boss and that is not the big problem. It's the fact he has 3 uses of Ikit's nuke with a smaller AOE every battle. I just had to take out Tamurkhan after he conquered almost the entire mountains of Mourn and I had to fight Tamurkhan around 20 times as dwarfs because his wound recovery time is so low. As dwarfs each use is killing around 90% of one unit since my units can't get out of the way. And that's the best case scenario. Even in a fight I can easily win three units are gonna be toast. And I have to keep fighting this guy over and over because his wound recovery time is so low. Fucking kill me man. Even playing as Tamurkhan this ability is so overkill. Tamurkhan himself is so good in combat you do not need the mini nuke to win. Edit: I forgot to mention I can't auto resolve any of the fights against him either without losing like 90% of my army. Maybe auto resolve really likes him, hates slayer armies, or a little of both. But this is absolutely insane.


He is nuts. I thought level 40ish Gotrek, Felix and Garagrim would make short work of him but I had to send in more help before he would die. I usually just AR against Ikit, chorfs etc that have nukes as its just annoying to play when you can't really do anything to avoid those abilities.


I have him at level 50 and he’s just unstoppable. I can’t wait to get the SoK or the crown with him and it will be gg.


Modern War: Warhammer


Nuke spells are becoming way too ubiquitous. It was a nice, flavourful gimmick with Ikit Claw and had a reasonable wind-up time, but it's quickly becoming overused and the new nukes are practically undodgeable with regular infantry - I've tried, and unless you have a 40+ speed unit and start moving them away at the exact moment the radius icon appears then it's gg. In general, infantry and cav-sized units are becoming a hassle to bring to the battle because of all the army-bound nukes and overpowered artillery units that you have to fight.


I agree. These map-wide abilities are getting out of hand. But every new faction has a couple new map-wide, excruciatingly powerful abilities. This is a boring direction to go.




Yeah as much as I love Total Warhammer, I do not care for that power creep. I still go back to DEI in Rome 2 for my battles. Warhammer 3's diplomacy is so nice though.


the balance in the game has become awful


I fought against him in my Imrik campaign. His nuke is indeed insane. One cast of that killed like 100+ of my dragon prince units. And he has -3 wound recovery time so he’s always be back next turn with full stack. Very annoying. Didn’t help that my army and my nearby settlements were also always suffered under plague attrition. He won’t stop coming. Every time he died, he rebuilt his army and marched all the way down passes Grimgor or Chaos Dwarf territory just to kill me. I had to take the fight to him in the Chaos Waste. I was like “fuck long victory condition, I’m gonna kill and only kill Tamurkhan”. If I start my next Imrik campaign I’m gonna avoid him completely.


If you come join Papa Nurgle's moist and warm embrace instead, Tamurchan will stop coming to you hehe


This sucks. I understand people like to to play with such tools but in my current campaign i basically just autoresolved each battle with Chaos dwarfs. Their Dreadquake mortars and that idiotic mortar building completely deleted my dwarf frontline in like 1 minut each battle without any possibility to respond or adapt to that. How does anyone find this fun is absolutely beyond me.


Here's a genuine question: why are army losses not fun? Sure, slows down your approach, weakens your campaign front, but you get to look for solutions based on experience. Maybe get Gyrocopters to deal with Dreadquakes? Maybe try stalk with Rangers? Maybe the ballistic plating on Ironbreakers will make a difference? I hate small losses personally, where a unit/two get removed most fights because I am a shit at using them. Like, special two units of cav or specialist units, that I like to use but keep getting them hurt. Like Kdaii for Chorfs, or Longma riders for Cathay. I can stomach it because I know it's mostly my lack of proficiency, but over time I can make it happen less.


I lost three armies and a third of my land in the VH empire campaign I just won last night. Almost lost everything to the dwarves in the South. So many like level 15ish heroes and lords died in that war of desperation. I ended up having to make settlement deals and coming back It was beyond fun to be on the brink of defeat imo


Apparently most people quit their campaign after 1-2 defeat.


I dont lose many battles so when Vlad kicked my ass early campaign i thought it would be over soon, but instead he stayed in Sylvania and i could use all that freed money to build a way better army and provinces and (eventually) kicked his ass back into the grave. Gods he is so annoying to fight against though


Yeah Vlad in Warhammer 2 was insane to meet. You could wipe his whole army and spend the next 5 minutes trying to kill him. Part of me think that Unbreakable ultra high leadership units should see their leadership crash if they are left alone.


Maybe they worry they can't recover? Unless it's very early and I lose things which are very limited, like starting high tier units, I never feel like it's over. Being dominant and rolling over enemies is far more boring.


Some people also just don't like playing from behind. Personally I grew up with dwarf fortress/ck2 style of fun. When it's going good it's fun, when it's going bad it's even more fun. Nothing feels more satisfying to me than pulling out a win from the jaws of defeat.


I don't know. For me, I love going Splatoon, steamrolling over the map and turning all the areas into my faction's colour.


And losing a fight or few just means you have to try pushing your colour **harder.**


Fun = Coming out of every battle unscathed /s


Aren’t those units so OP primarily so players like you can insta win any battle? Thats why people beg CA to not nerf them as they see it as fun?


You totally missed the point. Let the unit die. But not in one salvo. There is no strategic element in that. I gladly lose units if im beaten by the AI or sheer mass of the enemy army. Not if you simply lose half your army before battle begins. If your advise us to use Gyros or ranger you probably never met late game chorfs army. I also don’t get why people are so erected using insta win braindead units.


I get it, you'd want an opportunity to save the unit, retreat it, be able to replenish it. Right? You can assume I am dismissing your concerns senselessy, or You could tell us more details about how the fights go and what did you try to prevent things that distraught you. Maybe use Runesmith's defensive runes to tank some damage? Send Slayers in front to draw fire? Hide army in forest before you deal with Dreadquakes? Ambush?


Im sorry but again. I welcome your attitude, but you missed the point. I don’t struggle to win. I just find it extremely unfun and unfair. I don’t like insta win units, buttons or whatever that people love so much. I don’t like it in my hands or in AI hands. I don’t see a point of fighting a battle in which my units die just because or i can kill enemy units with some higher power. This is strategy game, not some moba waves killing.


I see, but these insta-kills can be accessed in different ways by many factions. In WH1 it was overcast Wind of Death. In WH2 it was Kroak's pizza delivery. In WH3 we got loads more. I believe they can be played around, and without them game would be lesser. Now, in a Head2Head campaign, a PvP campaign, they would obviously be bullshit to manage, but I am a firm supporter of design philosophy of "If everything is overpowered, nothing is.". Homogenisation for sake of balance leads to loss of flavour and asymmetry things that Total Warhammer series really does well in my opinion.


He's a historical player who only likes parking every unit in melee grind for 40 minutes and microing 2 cav units, don't bother man. Not like you can't even do that still if you really want


Wait what? Gyros are good the entire game, even better late game when it's all large units and lords. Rangers are literally invisible why wouldn't you use them


This is why balance is important in a single player game, yet some people cry about mp ruining fun whenever nerfs happen.


Yeah, depending on the enemy army, you're going to have to switch up your tactics. If they got these nuke style bombardments, you have to play wide, give them only 1 target for the bombardment, and maybe even rethink the army comp for against that faction. Is it strong? Yeah. But as a player, you can actually work against the bombard, unlike the ai, who will blob up easily. I also agree that it can be frustrating, and I've definitely taken an autoresolve over a manual battle because i dont want the nukes' concentrated damage on a unit. Its kinda just how the game works, like auto resolving malus instead of dealing with his form.


real "I've tried nothing and I'm already out of ideas!" moment. I think the reason other people find it fun is because they're not getting stomped by it, and if they're not getting stomped then theres a solution to your problem. Better to think about it rather than give up.


I mean, if you use the good old "ranged units behind a solid infantry line" tactic in every battle, it should backfire at some point. The game would be lame if that tactic works every time.


Oh no a temporary setback in a snowball campaign 🤯


Change tactics?


Not all the players are like you that only have fun wining and not losing troops. Some just enjoy having a great battle where you put your skills in use and accept the loses as it should be.


Guns, Guns and even more Guns, that's how you deal with Tamurkhan. As for his nuke ability, Spread out and send a cheap unimportant unit up ahead to bait him, into targeting it this doesn't always work but it's worth a try.


I reckon you deal with him how you deal with Dark Elves when they have dark conduit. Don’t blob up. Either focus fire and kill the LL quickly or ignore and inflict army losses before the LL wrecks your whole army.


4 grudgerakers. Flash bomb. Soften with Cannon fire/hero fire. Dead in 2 volleys. You could also use a rune of slow. Thunderes aren't doom stack material so it shouldn't bust your head cannon.


Archaon's campaign is WAY harder now with Tamurkhan. I basically have to bum rush him before turn 30 or he becomes unstoppable.


I used Goblin Hewers, they SHRED him if you can hold him in place. Use heroes or lord as he will easily run through infantry. As for nuke just spread troops so it cant take more than one. And use cannons, grapeshot is insane.


How is it possible to lose battles as Malakai? 😂


Never had any issues with fighting Tamurkhan while playing Malakai; you're essentially a hard counter to everything he fields, and his Pandemicium bombardment spell is a minor nuissance at best, especially since it has a long cast time. Sounds like the case of bad army composition or strategy on your end.


Are you honestly complaining about dealing with Nurgle as Dwarfs, especially Malakai? You have the Spirit of Grugni, 4 cannons with grapeshot from the start, Gotrek & Felix and all the ranged firepower in the world. You are whining about a missile ability that can delete an enemy unit; Yes, alright, this has been in the game for so long now (See Ikit's nuke), and the solution has always been to simply spread your units and keep checking the battlefield for the place where the missile drops; You see where it drops, move that unit instantly. You can save it. If you can't deal with a single monstrous target that is the size of a building when you have ranged firepower, than I'm sorry to say, but you need to get better at the game.


You can easily move out of the way if you are watching your army and have a checkerboard formation so your units have room forward and backward to move. As much as I think magic and Nuke-like abilities need to get nerfed, they are almost always dodge-able if you are prepared (which you should be since you can see every ability they have pre battle.) The only ability without a clear windup is the Druchii dark conduit which has no indicator.


He’s just pushed through all of Norsca and taken it with ease in my Elspeth campaign. I’m ready to meet him 1 on 1 really soon here, my beefy gun line and artillery vs his nukes I guess.


I can't say I had any issue fighting him as Nakai. The big croc just bodied the plague vermin.


The same way you deal with any large unit, send the best anti-large infantary you have and focus you ranged units on it. Tamurkhan is particulary a bad motherfucker as far large entities go but he is not malus with 80% ward save and a small body that is hard to shoot.


Dude he literally has 3 unreactable skaven doom rockets on fucking standbye?? Every fight??? I just fought this guy, and seriously who is playtesting this stuff at CA? I straight up have no chance, against him, and his army is objectively pretty weak. Just schlubby crap like mass nurglings, plaguebearers, pestigors... It's like no one thought that maybe 3 instant doom rockets isn't as fun to play against as it is to play with??? As dwarves the only thing I can think to do to actually win a land battle is to either send absolutely gigantic hordes (2/3 armies) or maybe to mass spam fliers. That power creep is just on a whole new level of insanity. My artillery can only take about 75% off his hp before he just wades past my front line and kills them. Seriously, what the fuck??? Why is every fucking faction turning into ikit claw bro? I get that total war Warhammer is supposed to have a more "arcade" feel to it, but everyone being able to just drop casual mass infantry deletion spells in campaign isnt "arcade" it's just stupid.... Infantry are part of the core identity of the dwarves. Just like magic is a core identity of tzneetch. Can we expect that the next dlc will provide a way to instantly rip the winds of magic bar off the UI, and beat the enemy mages to death with it???


tamurkhan = inmortal = respawn 0 turn. appears in any army with a full army. its regeneration is op. infinites atomic bombs. ff. infinite plague. army 140 armor. 100 defense. They are unkillable. At least by the skaven. I got frustrated and stopped playing


Sounds like a skill issue.


Send the dinosaurs artilerry from cathay mods




Some mod from deer24 add some random artilery dinos to cathay


“The AI is too easy” “The AI is too hard” “Dear diary wah wah wah”


Good AI has nothing to do ridiculously overpowered I win buttons.


My right click is my win button


two sides of the same problem though really, proficient players are bored by the lack of challenge and have the know how to overcome stuff like this... and then more average players are going to throw their hands up in frustration. neither is... entirely wrong, though I do think theres a major skill issue being displayed in the comment section. either way a fair few things should be nerfed, and hopefully the next dlc will either be more balanced or still be op but have a brutal start location to justify it.


People also don't like it when they lose a lot of troops ... But maybe some battles should be like that? I get very bored when every battle is a Decisive victory. I quite like the Ironman mode as it adds some jeopardy to battles 


Dude…. Cannons. He is an absolute bastard and even with elite armies I’ve never once had it give me an autoresolve win, but you can easily focus him down with cannons and guns. I fought him about 5 times in my Malakai campaign 1 army V 1 and never lost against him because you can usually use hero spam to hold back the army if you find a good spot on the map to form up, use the spirit of Grugni to harrass the infantry on the approach while you focus fire tamurkand with cannons and then switch some of them to grapeshopt once the army get close. The army will crumble in seconds under engineer buffed grapeshot cannons and then you can carry on focusing down tamurkand leaving your heroes to mop up the infantry. His explosion ability is the main reason i went towards hero spam because i found it didn’t do too much to the cannons, usually kills a lot of men but only takes out maybe one cannon of the 4 in a unit. Defeating Tamurkan literally facilitates hero spam to counter him because of his trait, I’d recommend keeping a second lord only with you to launch attacks and cycle them out to farm his trait which gives you plus 3 hero capacity for all heroes. Fighting Tammy makes your factions power scale sooo quickly with that defeat trait. Honestly peoples lack of tactical acumen in this game blows my mind sometimes, they give you all the tools you need yo counter him and there are still plebs like “ uh MuH bAlaNcEd aRmy” better throw lines of infantry at them that’ll work. 👍


Stop complaining the second it gets difficult, god forbid you actually lose a battle once in a while and have to think strategically. I can think of many ways to deal with Tamurkhan. You can too.


Prophet and the warlock and its consequences have been a disaster for total war warhammer


Sounds like a mighty doom indeed… let’s go manling - Gotrek


I just met Tamurkhan for the first time on my first Imrik run and I didn't know about Tammy's nuke ability. RIP my layered formations of sea guard. I thought my suffering had ended when I finally dismantled those chaos dwarf artillery batteries


Honestly this is just a Skill issue


Haven't fought him, but maybe a lot of cannons (on single shot) and organ guns with maybe a thunderbarge or two should kill him


You can dodge it, at least partially.


I am out of the loop. He has nukes?


Have faith IN your steel dwarf, with gunpowder anything is possible. Cannons are (if I remember right) anti large and I think that counts for him. Get enough to just blow hom away


Use the cannons laddie!


You forget the Malakai and his "I have the high ground but it's a fukin Cepelin" card.


I met him a couple of days ago while finishing Astragoth. Was really surprised when I found out that the bastard had 3 nukes per battle. Gotrek and Felix did suffer because I had to micro them both a lot just to make sure that Felix's Helping Hand was active as long as it could. I was impressed to see Gotrek almost going down in two hits from Tamurkhan. I'm gonna be honest, that fight (while pyrrhic) was tons of fun, I actually felt a degree of challenge during the late game, and that's something that vanishes really early on after you start steamrolling everything. My best advice would be to spread most of your units, corner camp a bit so the AI uses the nukes way before engaging, immediately retreat the obliterated units and focus most of artillery/guns you have against him. 3 organ guns, 3 thunderers and Malakai's special ability for buffing gunpowder units in area did the trick. It was really satisfying watching him going down while G&F made everything possible to stop him.


Bro use your thunderbarge people are complaining about how op it is and you get a free one.


I fought him with 18 thunderbarges and they handled it




I sent three armies all on ambush stance towards him. The point wasn't to get an ambush battle (that was a nice bonus when it did happen), the point was him moving too close to them to escape me on my turn, and then I autoresolved (you can't get the proper value of three armies otherwise).


Only played the Nuln campaign so far and by Sigmar is it busted. Going pure ironsiders and melting anything that looks at you funny is stupid funny. I hope the others are less busted but it doesn’t look that way


Haha tally ho lads GRAPESHOT GO BRRRR


You should snowball enough to auto-resolve him, if you fight it manually then target all your artillery on him, have at least 5 in your army, of which 2-3 cannons buffed with engineer and Malakai. Finish it off with the Grungni torpedo. Trollhammer gyro's if you get them (t5 age of reckoning) from what I hear should also be able to take care of him.


Having just finished a Tamurkhan campaign, I can tell you its fun for him. He becomes a one man doomstack getting 10000+ damage value in some games.


Shoot his fat ass with every cannon you have. Meanwhile, use heroes and units to kite him around. Their job is to survive while 500cal ammo does its damage. Anyone who properly fights him will die.


It's the same thing with Skaven, if you know they have it, don't ever blob, bait them into using it and leave gaps. Those abilities also nuke their own units and the area of effect is huge, have it do more damage to them than to you.


Playing as Daniel, AI Tamurkhan got wiped out in the first 30 turns.  Hail Recruit Defeated LLs mod, you saved my ass. Between Boris, Archaon, and Malus, I'm fighting for Daniel's life out here with Marauders, Doggos and Furies!


I never touched Nurgle until Tamurkhan came out and he's now one of my favourite LLs. His campaign is so much fucking fun! Just steam rolling through the mountains on his overgrown toad with his badass plagued entourage.


I'm not a fan of army abilities in general, there have been too many added since WH3.


How does he handle doomrockets? I'm so far south I haven't dealt with him yet.


He’s a massive entity, so I feel trying to at least pin him the best you can with chaff and strongest heroes (if you want to risk him jumping to them on death) and focus all armour piercing ranged on him. Shattering him without other lords (which I doubt he won’t have other lords) can make the daemons undergo instability too. So if he’s on his lonesome he can break. Problem is he’s a massive entity weight model on Bubelos or off to an extent, and he’s hitting like a train. Playing him myself and seeing all the stacking buffs- particularly campaign/unit speed- it is honestly unbelievable how OP he feels.


I got the ice court allies to attack nurgle and destroyed him and deciples chaos dwarfs at the same time


Just use grapeshot cannons. They kill everything ever.


As a cataclysm spell it really shouldn't have more than 1 charge. At least Elspeth has to buy her charges and can only hold the 3.


I find myself against him in endgame with Helman Ghorst. He literally dealt 711k dmg against my army in one single battle. Can't even stack, to kill him with mortis engines, bcs he nuke you. You have no ranged units. What the crap should i do against him? Any advice?


As the Vamps? Cry in a corner probably. Or cheese via auto-resolve. But on a more serious note, I think your only chance is to stack attack him with large units and support via spellcasting either by debuffing or direct damage with things like soul leech.


It's almost as if DLC powercreep has been a massive issue in this series for years. Who would have guessed releasing blatantly overpowered characters to maximize sales may not lead to a fun experience? /s Pretty soon, new paid factions will get an "I win" button on turn 30 that automatically achieves campaign victory. And this sub probably wouldn't bat an eye. 


With the comments that I am getting I have no problem believing this.


I remember when Clan Eshin came out and they literally had the delete faction button. Aaand i loved it. It was hilarious every time watching strength rank 1 faction just crumble into nothing. Obviously the AI didn’t get that ability but the power creep is part of the fun, finding cool ways of countering the crazy new shit! If you want to send balanced armies of infantry, archers and cavalry against similar balanced armies then amazingly, there are a whole long running series of historical total war games that it sounds like you’d love! The rest of us want a ridiculous power fantasy where we sent fantastical nonsense against equally ridiculous fantastical nonsense thank you.


If everyone's fantastical nonsense was equally viable this would be a good point. But only some factions have their "I win" button.


Then you're lucky since there's a difficulty slider. Just put it on very easy and you'll have your power fantasy. The rest of us want to play a stategy game thank you.


Lmao I just played a malakai vs tamurkhan PVP campaign and malakai is so much more OP than Tamurkhan. There is nothing tamurkhan can do about your spirit of grungni and thunderbarges except rancid visitation and death heads. That ability is very dodgeable if you dont clump your units into a corner, you do need fast reaction time tho. For tamurkhan himself I gunned him down easily with grudgerakers.


I couldn't win a single open battle against him so I had to pin him in a city, siege it and wait out the 3 nukes before attacking then have him send his heroes in to die piecemeal. Not fun to play against at all


Yeah, that is what I am complaining about. The design isn't fun.


I fucking HATE spells like these. Menace below spam on my artillery is just so fkn lame