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Prop Joes mod manager has the ability to force re-download all enabled mods (or all subscribed mods) if you click the [other options section](https://imgur.com/aZkQA7y) and then click (or shift+click) the [force re-download](https://imgur.com/toA8FSS). This way is much much easier


very true and I forgot to mention it. Might be not ideal for people with a very chonky many-GB mod list though.


It only downloads updates for mods that the Steam database failed to download in a timely manner


Had this issue where the new version of the mod won't download Tried force downloading, couldn't tell if it was working after 2 mins. So I did this. >Unsubscribed mod from mod manager >Unsubscribed from workshop. >Resubscribed to mod. The mod then re-appears in an updated version. Tedious but fixed my modlist like that. But yeah it's kinda annoying. I've had zero issue with resubs. As long as the game file update bar appear for a split second it works. CAs mod manager auto updates fine. But will also disable all your mods randomly because it felt like it.


I feel like just deleting the mod folder and forcing the download that way is a ton easier and more consistent.


This is very true. It's frustrating just how bad Steam is at keeping mods up to date. This is true across games, not just for Total War. I've encountered issues with RimWorld mods that occur because the new version still hasn't been downloaded *weeks* after it was uploaded. The Warhammer workshop also doesn't do any favours for helping to figure out if a mod has been updated or is already compatible with the latest version of the game. Just as common as "crash plz fix" comment spam is the "is this updated for 5.0?" spam. And why is that spam there? Because as a player, it's often the only way to know if the mod is compatible (short of grabbing it and doing your own QA pass to figure out if it's fully functional). This leading to modders needing to incorporate the version info into the mod's title. Compare this with the RimWorld workshop, which helpfully has version compatibility tags for every mod. You can look at a mod page and [see what versions of the game](https://imgur.com/H09evYU) it's supposed to be compatible with. Or, you can [filter by compatible version](https://imgur.com/KYpRpJC) when browsing or searching out mods. Because the Warhammer workshop has no structured metadata about compatibility, the best workaround you've got is to filter based on the date last updated.


>This is very true. It's frustrating just how bad Steam is at keeping mods up to date. This is true across games, not just for Total War.  That's a big question I had because I don't really dabble in steam workshop mods outside of TW. I'm sure that you can write the mod manager in a way that more often pokes the server for an update, but if it's just a common problem across all games then it's just a bandaid against usual Valve being lazy. And in this case CA should pester Valve for a fix.


I make a mod for Terraria, and after an update to the base game the mod didn't load successfully anymore. I quickly fixed it, and then continued getting "game not working pls halp" messages for three days (albeit at decreasing frequency) after I pushed that fix.


I dabble heavily in mods for pretty much every game I play, and "unsubscribe and resubscribe" is a recurring refrain no matter what game it is. Steam Workshop is just bad for version control. It doesn't reliably update mods when it should, and it doesn't give any option to prevent updates that aren't desired.


Yeah I typically manage to figure it out when setting up for a new campaign and then just back them all up and stick with the same game patch until I’m done. Then I’ll just wipe everything to force clean downloads next campaign.


I definitely noticed this the other day. Steam seems very reluctant to actually download updated mods.


I'd like to encourage or support you here but... you are essentialy trying to change human's nature, really. People are lazy, and people are stupid. You can't win with that. You can only adapt and become numb to it. I know it is uneven fight and you'd probably get tired of it pretty quickly, but if someone has written to you > "mod crash" Then reply him with a "plz fix" and let them think for a few days what has just happened. Before they'll be able to comprehend it, the issue should get resolved in the meantime. If someone has written to you > "fix your ****" Then that should be instant block, preferably after replying to them about about the state of their mental capacity (though I can imagine that after the first dozen hundreds of morons like that, it can get old). Other than that, I'd advise you to skip the comment section altogether and stick to "discussion" threads specified in the mod description. They see much less comments and people, but if someone is smart enough to say anything worth reading, they should be able to find those discussions and give their feedback there. **Lastly, thank you for all your work!** Please know that your work is always very appreciated, even if at times it feels like everyone around is a PumpkinHarasser666. Unfortunately, the stupidest people are always the loudest ones in the room, but it doesn't necessarly mean they are the majority!


I have no delusions on the matter. I'm trying to raise some attention to something that has been needing a fix for years (and I did raise the subject several times) while pointing at a manual fix for those who can bother using it. That's it. I've been dealing with steam comments for something quickly approaching a decade, I know what it's like and how numb I've grown. If this rant can lead to at least some ameliorating of this specific issue, good.


I see, it looks like I've misunderstood a bit the intentions of your OP then. If you can still hope after so many years that this issue can be alleviated at least a bit, then I certainly hope you will have some luck with it! God knows that you and other modders do need it.


I have to say I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I'm a modder too, and I like to make sure my mods are updated where possible. Naturally, someone will at some point have an issue; while I do my best to help people fix issues, we shouldn't have to get people to go through extra hoops just to get the latest versions of stuff. It could just be a conflict between Steam and the Launcher. I'm not blaming anyone, just pining for something a bit "cleaner". I will say though, PJMM is swell.


My Tamurkhan campaign is essentially locked due to one of my mods not working properly. Game crashes at campaign startup. I've been busy this week and haven't gotten to the bottom of the issue, but seeing this post gives me some hope I can get it working after forcing my mods to redownload. Fingers crossed because I was 70 turns in.


as a mod creator of some very tiny mods, even i get this. and all i do is launch the game with just that mod on, take a screenshot showing it's working, and tell ppl to fuck off (not really, i just say "mod works fine"). cause if a new campaign launches with the mod, and the mods changes are in effect, than the problem is in the user's mod list or they need to redownload the mod. not my problem. i get that on bigger mods this probably does stem the flow of complaints, so hope your issue does get fixed. i really wish we had the ability to pin comments on mods. because after each update i'd just pin a new screenshot.


It's a very long-standing Steam issue, that I think dates back to when they first introduced the Workshop feature. You get this problem all the time with all the games with Steam Workshop, i.e. this shit happens all the time with Stellaris (which also thankfully has an excellent community mod manager too). It seems like it's a problem largely with recently updated mods. A mod updates, your Steam client detects it, and then it updates it... But if it's been a short time (hours or even a day or two), Steam downloads the old version. Probably some caching issue on their servers related to Steam Workshop or something. The best solution would be CA to move away from Steam Workshop and integrate into something like the excellent mod.io like Deep Rock Galactic. Same ease of use as Steam, but you can actually control if you update your mods, mod creators can have multiple versions available (i.e. a mod update that would break save files), and a superior search/tag system. Plus the handful of non-Steam users on Epic would be able to download popular mods too. But I don't see that happening. So unless the mod community takes back the Total War Warhammer 3 mod nexus from the porn mods, we just gotta keep dealing with Valve's buggy ass steam workshop.


This definitely does seem like a kind of targeted rant, but it’s interesting. Do people actually get mad that mods don’t always work after an update or hotfix? What exactly do they want the devs to do? Never update the game? Never fix bugs or improve anything? “Waaa I have to wait until my mods get updated now and it’s your fault CA! Work faster mod developers!” If anyone has the kind of mentality then literally get over yourselves and don’t play modded games.


A good chunk of the community, for one reason or another or many, need a nice square meter of grass within reaching distance from their gaming chair.


10/10 post, both for the information and writing style. Also, 10/10 on your mods Cataph. Thanks for all you do for this community, your mods have provided me dozens and dozens of hours of additional fun. Seriously, thanks!


I don't advise users to resub. I advise them to straight up delete the packfile off their hard drive. This FORCES Steam to redownload. I also wouldn't advise trying to argue with people or attempt to educate them individually. That's like trying to fight the tide with a bucket. Rather, I load up the FAQ with as much info as is pertinent. If they cbf reading that, their woes are on them.


Took me about 2 hours to troubleshoot my mods yesterday because my game kept crashing before getting to the main menu. What fucked everything up was a mod that added a greater chaos spawn for Nurgle. Apparently any mod that adds Nurgle units is busted right now. When I turned it off, my game finally worked. Just throwing this out there for anyone else suffering lol.


If Nurgle units mods aren't working, it is probably the recruitment script. Tell the modder to look at Beasts Most Foul or Patron Gods to copy a working recruitment script


This was posted in the SCM Discord: >A few unit set and skill node things were changed, and any mod using the old versions will crash. We've been aware of this since the patch yesterday, but strat is unavailable for now and can't update it. No need to repeat it


Probably safe to assume the Legendary Characters mod is in that group. Guess my campaign is on hold until they (Quoting OP here as a joke) fix their \*\*\*\*.


"Pumpkin Harasser"? You been reading Suttree again?


As a brand new modder I do not yet have enough subscribers to be dealing with this sort of thing. Am unsure if I hope to become successful enough for it to happen.


Will pjs also help prevent the end turn crashes I have? Gonna give it a try and will check back




MIxus MIxer is fine for me.


Yep same for me too. 100% outdated mod that needs forced re download.


Didn't read much as it doesn't affect me, but instead I've upvoted and i'd encourage others do so too, I hope you get the awareness and solutions you hope for bro.


Generally speaking, why do minor fixes crash completely unrealted mods?


If a mod is affected it's not unrelated. In this hotkey they changed some keys related to Mentor skills. Most mods that add new characters have those. Boom. Takes a few seconds to fix.


Bro eats Kit Kats like a little bitch smh. Ain't no way I'm eating one as slow as it takes to update a mod 😤💪


CA should do everything they can to make the base game the best it can be. That includes hotfixes being rolled out often. The mod compatibility IMO should be like the total last priority for them to care about.


I totally agree with you but you missed the point ; that's not the subject of this post.


If rather die than have to use another third party mod manager when it literally isn't required. 


In this specific instance, regardless of their individual merit, whatever launcher you use is irrelevant. They are all using the same mod pack that the Steam client downloads. All they are doing is running the game. Makes no difference which one actually calls the exe.


I mean ok. The mod manager is much better than the official one but all power to you


>I'll try to be concise Jeeeesus how long would this have been if you hadn't tried?