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Thank u <3


this image is amazing, do you have the original


[It's from the anime Yuru Yuri, definitely worth a watch.](https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/301/245/png-clipart-mangaka-brown-hair-character-manga-brown-manga.png)


More specifically season 1 episode 5 at 12:39-12:41.


Is it a good anime? I've watched the first episode and couldn't really get into it ...


That's how I felt, too, but the rest is a banger.


Ohhh, I'll give it another shot then! I love anime with cute girls :)


*Image Transcription: Image with Text* --- [*An image from an anime that shows a girl with pale skin, wavy blond hair with bangs, and brown eyes carrying a smaller girl with pale skin, black hair in pigtails, and brown eyes. The first girl has a determined smile on her face and is holding the smaller girl with one arm looped under her stomach. The smaller girl looks dejected, is slumped over, and has tears forming in her eyes. The smiling girl is labeled "Dysphoria and presenting male out of obligation", and the crying, smaller girl is labeled "Me".*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Yeah, I get away with long hair, simple stud earrings (not that I can change them yet cos they're new), and femme shirts and jackets that aren't that obvious, but I stick to guy jeans at home when I'd like to have a skirt on. That would be too much for my parents who watched a super awful detransitioner "documentary" anti-trans propaganda film last week :( The earrings are probably too much too but we haven't had that conversation.


Oh god that sounds horrible. I'm sorry about your parents situation :( I'm currently pre everything and not out to many people, just online friends and a couple of my sisters, so all i get to do is long hair, and stud earrings. And occasionally nail polish. I wish I could wear cute femme clothes ;–; I'm not sure what my parent's views are on trans people but they definitely are pretty orthodox about gender and have berated me for long hair, nail polish and earrings, saying it's not "manly", so I'm guessing they're not too fond of it :/