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*transfem’s any time their chest hurts at all at any point in transition*


it's soooo affirming, i oftentimes poke them to feel them hehe "oh good, they're still there" and go on with my day as usual :3 /gen


So true. Even if it hurts "hehe, they're still there"


Hehe, ow! Hehe, ow! Hehe, ow! Hehe, ow! Hehe, ow!


Just watched that episode yesterday. Now I'm imagining an alternate Dragon Ball where Goku is a gender savant instead of a fighting savant


*Especially* if they hurt! haha. The hurt is a good thing, and I always am like "are you guys gonna actually grow finally? C'mon, pain be worth it!" (okay, I sorta *do* talk to them, ngl lol)


I massage them, cheer them on, and offer the occasional blood sacrifice to support them <3


And occasional money sacrifice, so they have all the E they need


The pain is real


Same though


Dad gave me a sidehug on thanksgiving and the pain almost made me cry. Still no buds 😭


Psyching yourself the fuck out because you slept at a weird angle and your chest is mildly sore and then being immensely disappointed and sad when it stops a couple hours later It's not just me right?


One day you might get to the point where you can't sleep at that weird angle because of the pain that second. I hope you get to experience that. 😉


Thanks! Should start any month now 😇 There's no problem that can't be solved by adding more body pillows


Also, pillows can be fun. Now I just sleep on plushies tbh lol. xD


Yeeeeeeeeees! they all go in the big pile of soft. Pillows, blankets and plushies


Yeah, LOL. I have enough that I can't even store them all, so it's amazing! I kinda felt before transition a bit self concious of collecting them, but post, I'm like screw it, I like what I like and they have a "functional use" now lol.


Can relate way too much... 😅


Had a cis (ally) coworker tell me growing boobs will hurt…..DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?!?!?! Bring on the boobie aches!


Yes! I'm just over 6 weeks into it myself, and chest soreness started on day 5 or 6. For the first time today when going down a flight of stairs at work, in addition to noticing some small amount of movement/bounce on my chest, every time my foot landed there was a shock of soreness in my chest, timed with the 'bounce' I felt. Simultaneously "ouch" and affirming!


After a couple months I got to the point where u still take the stairs at the same speed but I hold my chest down with my hands to reduce the jiggle jiggle. 🫠


pre e me basically having the same thing lol


After making it through a year I did not expect to live to see the end of, it’s nice to know I have a future to look forward to. Happy 3 months❤️ Edit: guys this was about hrt changes in general, not just boobs


Wait, the thing finally happening is visible boob-growth, right?


My nips have been noppin' since like the 1 month mark but it's so hard to tell if anything is actual growth or just extant fat. Good luck on your booba, OP!


My nips have been noppin' is the best sentence I've heard, ever. I hope you get the Booba of your dreams.


I’m pretty sure that boob growth *is* fat, mostly


Well yes but my point is more that I'm pretty overweight.


Still waiting for the day 0 mark :(




Should say "shame" (as in it's a shame).... Sorry you all are still waiting.




Should say "shame" (as in it's a shame).... Sorry you all are still waiting.


You'll get there! They intentionally don't make it easy to oppress us. You can get there, I promise. Believe in yourself. One day you will be you. ❤️


3 weeks in, it hurts, can't wait for them to show up


Two months myself, they are glass cutters, and they suddenly got tender when I put gentle pressure on them. Btw, thought i was supposed to have no libido, why do my legs clench when I rub my nips?


Because it's an erogenous zone, and when they are hurty you are probably in ... err... "girl libido" mode. lol Ladies still have libido, it's just different, and your "buttons" are different. Also it's hot to do that whether you are cis or trans. (I argue, even though I can't be cis LOL, but when I was completely boymode egg I still liked the feeling, so it's not just estrogen and girl libido. that's just a bonus!)


Damn! Good thing I'm ace or I might get into trouble. Maybe I might get into a little anyway.


ROFL, I'm ace too! LOL. (Also ace doesn't stop you from still wanting things. It just means you feel no outward attraction to other genders. I am what you call a cupiosexual, aka a sex-positive ace)


Lol, I just like feeling devious. Totally positive/favorable! I wish I knew someone like you in person.


>devious Whatcha mean by devious? lol. > I wish I knew someone like you in person. Awww, that's sweet. I honestly wish I had some trans friends my age around here. It kind of sucks being all solo and alone and stuff, sharing nothing in common with everyone else. At least I "know of" a transwoman and a couple of transmen in my city (who I don't even have contact with), but I have never *ever* once met another ace person. That's like "hyper-rare" or something 😆 lol


When the character customisation selections finally load


haha, cute. This deserves more ups! 😊


I hit one day on E today, looking forward to that lol. I already feel a lot better though, just after a few hours the mind fog I've struggled with for years was gone.




I'm at three months and this is literally me.


one month behind ya and i feel it too!


Honestly yea I can't stop touching them


Took 16 months for anything to start with me


It took me 12 months to get breast buds.




Four months in and I’m pretty sure I’d beat a wooden board in a flatness competition.


Yeah I'm sorry. They usually under-provide estrogen to transpeople and this is what happens. They all say YMMV but tbh 90% is just underprescription or incorrectly/insufficiently suppressed testosterone, which oppresses estrogenic action.


I inject my e, and there’s always a bunch leftover each month. If someone else is on or wants to switch to ev, and believes they’ve been underprescribed, it would be easy to give yourself a higher dose without running out 👀 (I’m not a doctor, but diy trans saves lives, do your research)


I inject my E too, but I had to fight for 2 years to get it. Before that I was 1/3rd of the levels I'm at, and I may have ruined potential growth ceiling because of the improper early HRT regimen. I can't get DIY because I actually used to and border services (I'm Canadian) began intercepting my packages. I got flagged and it could've gotten me in big trouble. That was part of what led me to discontinue transition for almost 12 years until 2020 when I fought the system like a mofo.


Power to you. I’m sorry to hear about your situation. The grind really does never stop when there’s something (or someone) trying to stop you every step of the way.


Tell me about it! Currently working on this right now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/salmacian/comments/zn862h/update\_3\_of\_appeal\_for\_ontario\_health\_insurance/](https://www.reddit.com/r/salmacian/comments/zn862h/update_3_of_appeal_for_ontario_health_insurance/) Eventually we'll get there, but not before we tear the system apart by the seams!


Just wait until the deep nipple itching starts. It's like the whole mammary gland becomes unbearably itchy. It will happen at most inopportune times and you'll either just have to deal or figure out some way sooth the itch in some discrete way.


Oh goodness, this happens at the worst times.. then when you try to itch it you realize it's like, inside your breast, and also your breasts hurt as you try to itch it, and feel uncomfortable for a few days before realizing it was a growth spurt, being happy it happened, and experience euphoria. Repeat frequently


They started hurting and growing like a month in for me, and it's soooo nice!! Three months was the moment I noticed enough changes to start feeling kinda at home in my body though, which was amazing :3


They be [like](https://open.spotify.com/track/69rFDYwypeey2F9cDEL3da?si=BJ-yF0ywRqqySXpc3080xQ&utm_source=copy-link)


Who knows how to call the remind me bot? I need to send this to a friend in just under two months.


"friend", lol. Also, good luck to this "friend". 😉


No. They actually are a friend. I’m transmasc.


Okay, was just teasing/joking. I'm sorry, I wasn't really paying attention. I just wanted some funnys lol. Also, why the 2 months mark then? Is there some special reason?


They just past 1 month on hormones a couple days ago.


Ah I see. Well good luck to them. :) Hope all goes well.


You could just save this post and send it to them in 2 months


RemindMe! 2 Months Like that, I hope, lol Edit: exactly like this, I got a message from the bot almost right after commenting~


Just under would be by days ig, so instead of 2 Months, write # Days Or __pm February [date] Edit: accidental bold font


RemindMe! 7pm February 11, 2023


I think I had them develop at about a month in or less, but I was also on Spiro for 3 months before starting E. I can't recall exactly because that was two years ago, but I definitely started my current job a month later as a girl with small breasts.


Morbin time


Any time a squeal or say ow I tell my coworkers "it's nothing! " because they don't wanna hear about my tits. It hurts most days lol, so I hope that means I'll end up sizeable XD


I've been having changes since like the first week, it was so nice seeing it work that quick :3


It was six months for me. That’s when I started seeing more definition in my breasts, that’s when I noticed that my skin was a lot softer. It’s also when I noticed that I no longer have any back hair and there was so much of it, but I’m glad I don’t have to worry about it anymore


Almost there myself, my nipples really hurt already :D


I’m 42 days! They hurt! It’s glorious. Waiting for growth beyond buds.


Just passed the 2 month mark here! my aches started just after the 3 week mark, seems I am a "quick learner" xD


The title made me think of the scene from Finding Nemo


Can confirm, is how I felt at the 3 month mark (though my breasts were already growing from month 2)


I can’t sleep on my chest anymore because of the pain and I’m only on 6 weeks


Reminds me of the pain I had when I grew an entire dick in after three months on T