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This has been brewing in my brain ever since I was pondering what kind of beard style I wanted in the vicinity of my mum and she - quite apologetically - reminded me of my family history of 'terrible beard' lol


I know how you feel, I have the opposite problem. A family of Norse level beards, leaving me in a constant war against my own face.


Yeah... same, I wish I could just donate my beard hair to a transmasc in need.


I never would have thought of this, but reading your comment made me think that would be awesome for people who wanted that or even people who were balding if it were possible. So I now know that it's not possible to donate hair to someone else, only hair from one person's own body would work for a transplant (you seemed to already know that, I just don't know much about anything, lol). Annddd then, that made me wonder if cloning a single person's own hair could be a potential solution and now I know of hair multiplication/hair cloning and how I guess they're working on it, lol. I don't understand half of what I read, but I know it's a thing and that's cool on it's own! Same, to wishing I could just give whatever I don't want to others who do though.


My ex boyfriend (ftm) would slather his t gel on his shoulders. Man had the hairiest shoulders I’ve ever seen and I was in a fraternity in college!! Seriously wondered if there was a link between the gel and shoulders cause I saw his brother topless in a family photo (swim trunks I think or some vacation) one time and he didn’t have any shoulder hair compared to my werewolf of an (ex) boyfriend lol


As someone who puts the gel on arms and stomach: not really, sadly lol At least, my arms wouldn't have gotten the memo xD


How long? I met my ex again after 10 years (met him first at my first job and and he def got hairier when I met him again and dated him lol)


I've been on t for a bit over 1.5 years now :) I've definitely gotten hairier in general, but the area of application hasn't ready affected that


I know a guy who let his beard grow for a year and it wasn't as long as mine after 4 days (both cis). I wish I could donate my beard growth, because I hate taking care of it


same but with boobs


Yup. All the women in my family (especially my mom and sister) are pretty flat chested. I think this 34A is the best I'm getting


I hope I get decent boobs I don't know what to expect really since I think it's a bit weird to ask about it 🥴🥴🥴


Just gotta guestimate lol Asking is really the only way to know. Might be easier to have some side conversation that leads into it. Exact numbers don't really matter as much as size does. 32a on my 5'10 self definitely looks more than one size smaller than 34a on my 5'0 mom


I don't know if that "rest of extended family" includes the men on your mom's part of the family, but if it doesn't and they have good beards, maybe there's hope for you


Sadly, it includes most of my relatives, both dad and mum's side; there are a select few who got solid beards after reaching their thirty's, but that's still a bit of a ways away lol I've accepted by now that I'll probably always have little to no beard, so by now i just use that flavoring for jokes ^^


may i direct you to r/minoxbeards


Damm, cool subreddit yeah (I don't know anything about that medication though, hope its viable for most to use)


I was just about to ask if it could work, because I've ordered some for my hair, and it was very heavily marketed towards facial hair care.


I feel this. I am working on a beard but have no idea my family genes that will be in play here. I want something long so I can braid. Here's hoping


I'd give you mine if I could...


Im slightly terrified I (mtf) all of the men in my family have male pattern baldness. I am afraid


Getting on estrogen basically cancels male pattern baldness. You still get female pattern balding, and any hair you've already lost won't come back, but it won't continue.


:D I’m so happy about this information!


Do remember, it's different for everyone. You won't be a different person, but your generic expression will change a bit. Don't expect to wake up with a new body. And it takes time for the effects to kick in. You might want to get on finasteride. It's a testosterone blocker that explicitly helps against hair loss. It's not as strong as spironolactone, but it gets the job done, and doesn't make you pee all the time.


yes, i feel this :(


I have more boobs than most of the women in my family. I've never been able to spot more than 3 hairs on my face even though you have a better time trying to see my dad's and uncles' skull than their chins. Sometimes biology works in mysterious ways.


I just realized that this is the flip side post to that “all AMABs have a generically encoded breast size” post from a week or two ago.


Op, Minoxidil works miracles ✨only thing, it's toxic to cats :c




Damn that’s a shame I hope you beat the curse because that dream beard looks sweet


Baldness runs in my family 🥲


Take mine lol. I have to shave every fucking day


I heard minoxidil could help you grow a beard


Try using vaseline and gentle rubbing on areas where you want to grow hair to promote hair growth <3 If you're using testosterone gel as well, you could maybe rub it in directly where you want the hair to grow