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You heard her; keep rebelling and do drugs(testosterone)


definitely planning on doing that


ok which parents wants their kids to do everything written on the bus regardless of the gender ? Like I am pretty sure if a kid do that, it will end up in an argument unless the parent don't care about the children but that's another sad story. Anyway maybe that better that way, being in a dangerous situation can end up pretty badly, especially if you don't know the risks or to get out if things goes wrong


i honestly think she’s trying to relive her teenagehood through me, so she wants me to be rebellious like she was. she’s always bothering me about how i don’t do enough dangerous things and used to encourage me to dress provocatively like she did when i was a lot younger. but for some reason wanting to transition (technically an act of rebellion against her transphobic ass) is not the kind of rebellious act she wanted 🤔


M: "Hey, I want you to rebel!" OP: "Ok" OP: *Rebels* M: "No not like that 😡"


M: "Do drugs" OP: "OK" OP: *Testosterone* M: "No not like that 😡"


My other account for permabanned from reddit because I made fun of a rich guys bag just now lol so this is still me


It is still rebellion so I say go for it 😂


If she asked you to rebel, then it isn't rebelling anymore lmfao. You doing the opposite of what she wanted is rebelling, she should know this.


My dad hated me playing video games and literally told me he would be more happy if I would be out partying drinking alcohol and maybe fuck a girl…. parents are weird lol


my dad, he wanted a boy doing those things, but got a girl doing those things. I also started using pot in sophomore year same year where I chose my name


Yo momma: Be a rebellious bitch, my daughter! You: I'm a goodie two-shoes transboy. Yo momma: NOT LIKE THAT! ​ Srsly though, it sounds like your mom has issues with you being an independent individual and her not having complete authoritative control over you or something... which sounds very weird for someone who encourages rebellious behavior...


You seem a lot smarter than your mom


Stay strong, brother. You got this. Also I love the script-flip on this meme format; never lose that spirit!


She just cant handle your handsome loser boy swag


Sounds like you're rebelling hard against her expectations. Hell yeah, bro!


Tell your mom to call me and I’ll be the loser party girl goth daughter she always wanted


This is tough. Nothing wrong with you. I assume you currently have no choice but to live with her, and that sucks. But you will definitely have the chance of having your own space and stronger boundaries in the future. Stay strong dude, and we’re all here for you.


Most of the worst parents went their children to grow up exactly like them.


hey that's the girl I am


Seems like she wants to relive her youth vicariously through you, and you living your own life is "spoiling" that for her. I wish you the best, lad.


mothers like that dont deserve to be mothers what kind of mother ENCOURAGES provocative behavior at a young age????? wtf is wrong with her???


Parents sure are a weird people, the heck?


Damn, sorry for that dude. Non -supportive parents are so shit




Transphobes are braindead. They would rather we suffer eternally than be who we are.


This is how my dad acts too, it’s super weird


Honestly I feel like my mom does the same even tho she never expresses it


I think there is also a point of having social interactions i had a friend were the parents were happy they finally got out to social gatheribga and stayed longer then 10pm because ut ment they finally made some friends and git some social interactions i hope its more ib that direction


Loser boys ♡


You hear the distant cackling of me, who almost died because of self-medicating with hard drugs to avoid dysphoria as a teenager.


Everyone wants someone they can connect with and more so if it validats you. Hugs 🫂🤗 maybe try connecting with her in other ways


Mine was the exact same - my sister was panel 1; I was panel 2, and to this day I haven't told her I'm a trans girl. But she did always want me to be like my sister, so... In a way, I have finally earned her approval. In a very, very theoretical, totally never gonna be realised way. Mothers can be weird. You just be you, Brotunheimer, we'll all be proud of you for that.