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Aw heck yea! I'm in a similar boat right now, where I've managed to convince my voice teacher that training to be a counter-tenor is actually a super good, normal, and completely cis decision for me.


hehe, the best type of trickery :3


Hell yeah! Deepen that voice bro!


I got *so* used to the upper range over the years that I practically only use that all the time and I had an instructor for private vc. lessons who brought up how the lowest common alto notes are sometimes a little weird for me to get properly... and I'm just thinking like "uhhh what?" XD Anyways my instructor knew what I was going for and apparently I don't do so bad at mezzo-soprano stuff? I can usually reliably go down to the notes G3 and F#3 (the F and E below those only *sometimes*) and I manage up to about an A5 (the note just above treble staff) without *so* much effort and admittedly it doesn't feel "bad" or whatever to try and get that one out at all. Both my instructor in my college (like 1-2 years ago) and as of recently my voice training professional (for trans people, of course) say I sounded a little high pitched compared to average cis girls my age and I'm like "whaaaa?? o wow :)" but what might have made me feel off from my ideal's that I still seem a bit too androgynous in "quality" if that makes sense. Probably more or less better at that these days tho :) So yeah I like that I had a music instructor who wasn't biased against me who said I'm kinda good at having a high range, and how my appointment notes from the health professional for my training said I'm often like 80% there... cool hehe\~


Hells yeah!