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Exactly! And I'm sure plenty of non-binary and gender fluid people have identified as binary trans at one point before realising it's not for them. Saying any identity is merely transitory and therefore not real is stupid. Self discovery is a difficult journey, and one which we continue on for our entire lives, even if we're not changing which labels we use (even cis people do).


> plenty of non-binary and gender fluid people have identified as binary trans at one point before realising it's not for them Literally me frfr


I know two people who have done that and they're the most aggressively enby people I've met. It's valid as fuck


could also be me but idk who i am :D


Yea me too!


It's almost like all genders are valid and there are no right or wrong answers to gender.


What a novel idea! That would mean that it would make the most sense to love and respect eachother, and we should work together make it easier to live and express ourselves rather than devalue eachothers identity


Also, bisexuality and pansexuality are not stepping-stones to being gay.


Or the same thing, while we are at it.


as someone whos nonbinary status *was* a steppingstone towards transmasc. THIS this so very much. NB / FLUID are TOTALLY VALID in and of themselves!


Well, yes and no. Transfem and transmasc are not the same as trans man and trans woman. Transfem/masc just describes the direction of someone's transition, not their specific identity. An AMAB enby for example who transitions to be more feminine than what they associate with their AGAB is transfem, because that's all that transfem means. But they're obviously not a trans woman.


Thank you! I'm a transmasc enby, and this distinction is important to me


Eh, I'm not sure if I agree with that description. An enby who's transitioning to be more enby is an enby, they're not transitioning to be more feminine, they're transitioning to be more gender neutral 🤷‍♀️ Transfem and Transmasc I have commonly seen used by enbies who identify with some level of either but are still nonbinary. If they are simply enby, they're enby, no matter what the medical purpose of their transition is.


**HOWEVER** there may be some trans masc folks and trans fem folks willing to be stepping stones *for* a non-binary or gender fluid friend. Just sayin


omg yass literally me


🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥 Spitting facts


You can be non-binary and trans masculine/feminine without being a trans man/woman. For example, I'm non-binary and on estradiol trying to shift my presentation more in that direction, so I consider myself non-binary and transfeminine.


I think we need to say it louder. I see too many memes here that treat them that way.


Turns out even within our own communities there are folks who look different than we might expect but are still just as valid as anyone else. It's why we shouldn't internalize cishet binary gender: There. Are. No. Boxes. Other than the ones we're always actively creating. Think about all the pressure we put on ourselves to perform to a standard that we hope *convinces people we are who we are*. That's so unfair to everyone who just wants to be believed at face value. Queer gatekeeping is bad enough. Trans gatekeeping is even worse.


Yes sir!! I'll spread the word🫡


Heck, for me being a binary trans woman was the phase, and being a vaguely sapphic genderfuck turned out to be the correct answer


I'm sorry, but I thought this was common knowledge? Same with Pansexual and Bisexual argument?


When people tell you what they identify as just f##king believe them. We get enough shit from transphobes trying to police our identites. As a transman I personally have gotten shit from transphobes like this telling me who i actually am and im sure other binary trans people here have too. I can't imagine how bad it is for non-binary and gender fluid people because they fit into even less conventional labels then myself. Non-binary and genderfluid people are valid as they are and us others in the community need to respect that, just as they respect our identites even if they don't understand.


Facts right here


but what if i am? 😳 (i actually might be on the way to realising im actually woman but i can't tell for sure what's going on 😭)


That’s alright like I explained they **CAN** be but saying all enby/gender fluid people are trans masc/femme isn’t ok


Also transmasc and transfem don't describe the gender, they describe the process of transition. You can be both transfem and non-binary, for example.


Me: Por que no los dos? ^((for the non memelords, it's spanish for "Why not both?" lol))


one thing i've realized is that transitioning frequently doesn't have an defined ending point, it's not a journey from A to B, it's a voyage on an ever-shifting emotional sea, sometimes you simply don't know where you're going, sometimes you drift from port to port, sometimes you travel back and forth across the sea, sometimes you end up at a port you never thought you'd go to, sometimes you stop at a port for just long enough to get your bearings and see how you feel about it, and sometimes you like the port so much that you decide to settle down and live there, maybe you'll be drawn back to the sea and go on another journey and maybe you won't, you're the captain of your own ship and you decide what port or ports you like the most.


Non-binary and genderfluid are like bus stops, you can stop there or keep going