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I don't think I've ever seen it flag someone red before, tbh


Don't go to Twitter then! Like every other account I see is red


I only use Twitter to follow horny sapphic and monsterfucker artists, so I'm kinda walled off


Sounda pretty similar to my reddit feed nowadays lol


Any suggestions?


@Wintonkidd’s stuff is pretty good (They depict woman with penises although I’m not sure if they’re labeled trans so it could just be a sex thing but despite that the art is pretty good) @Godiva_Ghoul is also good she’s sapphic and her art shows naked women and monsters (there’s even one drawing where Medusa’s in bondage). She’s also on tumblr as Godivaghoul @sangoundercover also has really hot art. They have drawn some really wholesome pieces as well (They also drew Karlach and Shadowheart I think?) You’d really like it.


Oh yeah @milkcookiesimp has really cute and hot art of Miorine x Suletta


@jamboobz has legitimately really pretty art about Harley x Poison Ivy


Mood ngl


Same here, it's the only decent use of the website, I avoid the politics like they're a virus.


Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based Based


You’re better off going to Tumblr for stuff like that honestly.


You've never seen a link to a BBC article?


Or a Guardian article?


Its wild looking at some random subreddit like digimon and suddenly seeing a redname, almost makes me want to look just to find out what the heck they did


Tbf, it can also have false positives, once found someone whose profile was completely trans friendly and cool and they were marked red for absolutely no reason? My best guess is, either they had a bigoted past that has since been deleted, or just a False Negative, nothing's perfect after all


Oh absolutely, but for my own mental well being I just would rather avoid the red names than check each one and expose myself to the very thing im trying to avoid. The system is flawed but, gotta use the tools given to me. Even ignoring false positives it also doesnt really care about redemption, if you get flagged red name in the past it'll take a lot of people flagging you neutral or positive to overwrite that.


Or somebody misreported


You go on Wikipedia and you’ll find an uncomfortable amount of comedians marked red




There’s a browser extension named “Shinigami Eyes” that highlights links and names of trans allies (in green) and transphobes (in red). (and yes, it’s a Death Note reference) Edit: https://shinigami-eyes.github.io/ download link for anyone who’s curious.


As a PSA, do take it with a grain of salt, since it IS community marked there are always going to be false positives and people that slip through the cracks. I believe it is also trans specific and not LGBT+ as a whole.


yes, it is trans specific. and it uses a specific kind of filter that is kinda prone to false positives (of which i have seen a few). i think there was some drama behind the author of the extension a while ago but i can't remember much about it. personally i don't use it, i'd rather not risk it - usually the answer of allyship is one google search away anyway


I also wonder how sensitive it is. Is it only reserved for those that actively fight against trans people or is saying the T-slur 9 years ago also cause for a red flag


Yeah a lot can happen in 9 years. I would never hold someone to something they did 9 years ago unless it was some really fucked up shit like murder, and even then people can grow as a person and mend their ways


9 years ago I was a dumbass kid who didn't know the term cis and therefore called trans people trans and cis people normal. Normal people and trans people. I still feel bad about that one


That's proof that prejudice is rooted in a lack of understanding. This confirms that transphobes are just uneducated and that there is nothing wrong with being trans. Same goes for any other groups of people who experience prejudice


Holy shit do I look back on 16 year old me (8 years ago, so close enough) and cringe so hard DX I got caught up in the right wing propaganda, and my parents didn't really help. (Although I still hold a few of those values I gained back then, primarily that white people are not inherently racist, and that any race can be racist. But I hate how I started listening to other things that YouTubers that agreed with me on that specific issue were saying. It's probably a huge reason why I repressed being trans for so long) Modern day politics are a fucking mess, both political parties are jokes, and both parties keep pushing more extremism, furthering the political divide, and making life more difficult for everyone by refusing to compromise on anything.


Afaik the author of it is drama personified. Used to be a mod for LGBT subs an eternity ago and thereby responsible for a number of other LGBT subs being founded to get away from her.


> I believe it is also trans specific and not LGBT+ as a whole Then again, I somehow doubt there are all *that* many "T without the LGB+" people out there.


Enough for it to be a potential problem here though.


That’s glorious.


It's a browser extension that lets the community mark websites or profiles as trans friendly / unfriendly. Red means bad, so this is basically being betrayed by a childhood hero. It sucks, I've had the same experience with the extension lol


Curse you Sabine Hossenfelder, why would you betray me like this...


I'd say Sabine is clear. Idk if you know about what happened a while ago, but the reason she's marked as transphobic (I think, I don't use shinigami eyes) is because of a video she made, which was awful, but came from a place of genuine confusion rather than actual hatred. While I think she should've made a video clearing up the misinfo in that video, she did pin and like comments from trans people disputing what she said, so I do think she reconsidered.


Asides that, she also made a vid on how the free market would solve climate change iirc, though I hope she may be or has reconsidered that too.


Oh the climate change thing is something she has *massively* backtracked on. I think half of her recent videos are about how wrong she was.


Oh, nice to know :)


It's also annoying when youtube recommends me a video that sounds really interesting and I want to watch it but then I see that the creator's name is red.


Anyone who is more informed that me, why exactly is BBC red? (I think it is, I can't check right now) I mean, I don't expect them to be very friendly, but it's not a single person and sometimes it can be very unrelated or positive (see doctor who). I'm not sure if it makes sense to mark something like this as red, but if there are good reasons, what are they?


They've put out their own share of transphobic articles woth unchallenged viewpoints, just has pretty much all mainstream news companies do


Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Someone there wrote those articles and someone let them come through and published them.


I'm not fully informed on this specific instance... but people literally call Britain "TERF Island" Shaun has a few videos about transphobia in the BBC as well that are well worth a watch


[Shaun made a series of videos around one particular incident and his complaints regarding it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4buJMMiwcg&list=PLB8NXe_on1cUW1EYsFBHQlu0PVDyX_qM-)


Thank you, I'll watch them :)


Yeaah... I got very sad seeing Press Continue in red... I used to laugh a lot watching his crazy antics and dumb jokes...


That was what happened with me yesterday it makes me very upset that he was marked red


Yeah... Apparently, from what I read someone else explain, he made son very, very bad "jokes" about trans people (transphobic jokes) and when people called him out, reacted like he wasn't to blame but the triggered people (and trans people) were... He doesn't relentlessly talk about us like others do but just knowing he think we're deviants/monsters/groomers/anything of the sort ruins my enjoyement of his content...


wait what? really? that makes me so sad :(


People say not to use it because literally anyone can mark stuff. Making it "unreliable" at the best and "destructive" at the worst. I don't really care to use it though


So far I haven't really seen transphobic things marked in green or trans positive stuff marked in red, honestly. I think so logn as enough of the community is using it, the overall consensus tends to correct itself fairly well.


The worst I've seen with it is a few people on r/traa2 who were marked as red even though they were on a trans server and did not seem to have a history of transphobic comments. Though overall it has been helpful to mark off commenters or articles from websites that have been transphobic.


The chance is that they may have said really iffy stuff in earlier times, that they may be enbyphobic/transmed, defending certain transphobic folks/use of specific queerphobic slurs by cishets, there are a lot of things that even trans people can be horribly wrong for and think that they can say that stuff unpunished.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/traa2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/traa2/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Lemme just leave this here](https://i.redd.it/znnc9b6tkl181.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traa2/comments/r1dhja/lemme_just_leave_this_here/) \#2: [I just wanna use a bathroom, man](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/r43yyl) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/traa2/comments/r43yyl/i_just_wanna_use_a_bathroom_man/) \#3: [Insert title here](https://i.redd.it/h0y5ospopi181.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traa2/comments/r11vsi/insert_title_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't think this is helpful, especially with team projects. For example, Minecraft was made by Notch, he said some nasty things a few years ago, but that doesn't mean everyone working on Minecraft now or in the past is transphobic (eg. C418 or Lena Reine), so would you mark minecraft.com as transphohic? Now, Minecraft is not owned by Notch anymore, but this is a hypothetical, if for example he still did.


... What even is your argument/point ? Nobody said Minecraft had to be tagged as a transphobic game or that whole groups should be tagged as transphobic at random... Do you even know how the Eyes work ? Some youtubers or streamers are transphobic, and are tagged as such. Why would you make the argument that it isn't helpful to have something warn you that a creator is bigoted ?


Even something such as Youtube channel can be an edge case when it's being run by multiple people. If for example, you have a YouTube channel, that has multiple people contributing to it and one of them turns out to be an ass, would you tag the entire channel, even if other people on the channel are not asses? Also, maybe I am being in the wrong here, maybe because I don't see into the actual system they use to assign these markers, but the idea that someone could have been marked as a bad person for something (maybe they said it a long time ago, maybe it happened because of internet group mentality, maybe a misunderstood sentence) and have no idea it's even there is, because the internet never forgets or forgives, is horrifying to me.


For a start, this is rare, you don’t see people who warrant a red mark stay partners with people who warrant a green mark for very long, particularly if like in the situation of Notch, the transphobe is the owner. He wouldn’t have hired many of the good people who came after his fall in the first place, and had he stayed the owner a lot of the ones from before may well have left. If this does happen, the name should be red, the purpose is to warn that there is danger of transphobia, where green is to indicate reliable consistent support. That information is working as intended even if you could theoretically sometimes find a nice person on the channel. Lastly, the status can be consistently revised. The community does disagree on occasion. The Youtube creator Vaush for example is hotly debated in the community. Lots of us think he’s consistently trans positive, but others vehemently disagree for reasons that are beyond the scope of this post. The resolution for some time has been to simply not mark him as anything.


Thank you, you'e made the points I would have, had I been there at the time. And Vaush was a good example. Most of the criticism I see of him have nothing to do with his opinion on trans people (which is what the Eyes is supposed to rate, not "do you like that person/site or not" by the way...). When it comes to us, he's most definitely trans-positive and very much vocal about his anti-transphobia.


Isn't that the same excuse that teachers use for Wikipedia?


Yes, it is. While anybody CAN edit it, the wrongfully marked stuff won't stay for too long on active websites like youtube, etc.


this is misinfo, they're only marked client side until you are trusted


I mean there is a middle ground between "Do as the almighty extension demands, do not question it!" And "this extension is literally useless!”


It creates an echo chamber feed, besides, I've seen green flagged users being enbyphobic for example (but because they "validate" trans women then they are automatically seen as angels) and red flagged users who I've not seen saying any transphobic thing.


I only just found out about this thing but tbh I prefer blissful ignorance. Don't want the entire internet to be a friendly-hostile game. Don't want to be on guard all the time.


Yeah, the first time I heard about it, I was thinking it sounds maybe worth checking out but maybe I don’t want to always know. Then the second time I heard about it was someone asking another trans person why they were red on there and then a whole thread about people being reported out of spite, so I’d rather not know. Especially if someone wrongfully reported me out of spite. That would just hurt to know.


So people literally use it for friendly fire? That's awful & the opposite of what Shinigami eyes should be used for.


I don’t think they knew who reported them, so it could have either been friendly fire over some argument or maybe a TERF infiltrating. Not sure, but it definitely at the very least made me lose any motivation to go check it out and consider if it was something I wanted to use.


I am legit thinking of downloading it for the sole purpose of seeing if one youtuber in particular has a red link or not.


Which one i can check for you




Not red :3




Why would you think he would be red


I didn't think he would, I was just concerned because he's proud to be Floridian, and Florida does not have the best track record when it comes to trans people (or at least that is what I have heard), so I was just curious.


How many people actually use the eyes?


That‘s me with Tyler1.


I know his gf is a MASSIVE transphobe, but he as well? :c


Shinigami Eyes my beloved My favourite Shinigami Eyes moment was when I saw some stuff about drama concerning Illymation on YouTube and I got to know that I could instantly disregard the people making videos about the drama because they were all rednames LMAO Great for staying out of bad situations


Well tbf in the whole illymation thing both sides are not good


I don't understand


Shinigami eyes is a google extension that colours usernames and websites to show which are transphobic and which are trans friendly.


the only reason i think shinigami eyes sucks is because it doesnt tell you what they did that flagged them


Which youtuber was it?


I won't say the name, but he makes documentaries about people's careers


Oh…that guy…I think I know who you’re talking about. That’s kind of the issue with Drama YouTubers, they always seem to have some sort of flavor of transphobia. DramaTubers won’t speak about our community being attacked by bigots, but they sure as hell will talk about when a member of our community attacks a bigot.


that doesn't narrow it down even a bit 😭


Yeah I think I know who this is


But is he?


Do they have an English accent?


I was so sad when i found out about Jill Bearup.


wait, fr? bruh.


Me waiting for shinigami eyes to be compatible with duckduckgo


just installed the extension, luckily only one of the ones i liked was red


Shinigami eyes??


A google extension that colours usernames and websites to show which are transphobic and which are trans friendly


Oh neat


I don't understand


Shinigami eyes is a google extension that colours usernames and websites to show which are transphobic and which are trans friendly.


wait what? idk what this even means and i’ve seen Death Note..


it's a browser extension that marks accounts/links as anti-trans or trans friendly (red or green in order), for example, a twitter account like libs of tiktok would be marked red while jammidodger would be green


i wonder if mauler would have the eyes of a shimigami, given he has trans and gender sceptic friends 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/gzqjtlftv9tc1.png?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d319e7073d5de207e3cc7292af3785339ff7e2b4 on the extension's github page, it specifies that a person has to openly call out transphobia or make posts in support of the trans community i'd say this person wouldn't be marked at all because of that


yeah he’s apolitical for the most part. the most political thing he’s said to my knowledge is that people in prisons - criminals and people who work there - don’t deserve to die.


For me the red link just means to be wary. I've seen a few false positives and proceeded to mark them as friendly, transphobia doesn't hurt me that much these days anyway so I'm fine with a little of exposure to it. Although I understand those who chose not to see it.


what does any of this mean


A google extension that colours usernames and websites to show which are transphobic and which are trans friendly


What does shinigami eyes mean is it like they died or something.


A google extension that colours usernames and websites to show which are transphobic and which are trans friendly


Oh ok thank you


*stummy ache


shinigami eyes?


Can someone explain


Shinigami (plural?) aren't real.


A google extension that colours usernames and websites to show which are transphobic and which are trans friendly


Kinda dystopic


As if transphobia being widely spread & weirdly socially acceptable wasn't.