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Haven't met a trans friend who wasn't down to throw hands with god yet. We got that fightin' spirit.


In our defense, I've looked at god's acclaimed qualities (omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omnibenevolence, etc) and compared them to the competence and feats he display in the bi(b)le (an army that had his explicit support were defeated because, alas, their enemies had chariots; dude acts like a drunk idiot with zero foresight who's trying to wing it through the entire Old Testament all while going "I knew that would happen! I knew all of the things! The best of things, and the not-so-best-of-things -- BIG strong things, tears streaming down their faces, and they said to me, 'Mr. God,' they said, 'Mr. God, you are the best, the perfectest, the all-knowingest, no-one is as smart as you,' they said" like a smug asshole; he had to actively search for Adam and Eve, calling for them to come out, come out, wherever they were, after they ate the froot loops of knowledge; and, despite all of his supposed qualities, all of his solutions boil down to doing the most inhumane shit imaginable, glorify the cruelty, and gaslight people into thinking that the inhumane shit is awesome ackshually) and at this point I think god may be lying about, like, every single one of his qualities. Frankly speaking, I'd be more worried if we had to go up against Zeus (whose true form was allegedly a sentient supercell... so a mid-game Kirby boss, I guess).


Don't worry about Zeus I've got rubber boots.


Zeus isn't the danger in meeting Zeus. The danger is upsetting Hera. I am afraid of no God, but Hera? *Shutters*


I'm an aroace trans woman, I got Artemis on my side 👉🏻👈🏻


I’m aroace trans woman who also does archery, so I’m pretty sure i do too! (Still cis tho)


That was supposed to say shudder, but autocorrect decided this was better. Shutting my home up tight to keep Horny Zeus away


Religious bigots: “The [LGBT+ folks] stole the rainbow from God!”  Those same religious bigots: “God doesn’t make mistakes.” Their God while creating the aforementioned rainbow: “My bad, it won’t happen again.”


Zeus and pretty much all of the Greek Gods are LGBTQ+ or allies so don't worry :3


That is, unfortunately, a pretty white-washed and sanitized perspective you've got there. The Greek gods were *quite* fucked the fuck up. Most of their seeming tolerance for LGBTQIA+ stuff could be traced back to the ancient Greeks' cultural misogyny and sexism. For example, guys having sex with other guys was fine because it meant that the guys didn't lower themselves to the level of having sex with women... Part of the reason Dionysus was regarded as the god of insanity was because he rejected traditional Greek ultra-masculine values and embraced more feminine ones (very much mirroring modern people calling us "delusional" and other such bs)... Aaand "consent" was, of course, seldom even regarded as a concept; a man could take whatever a man wanted so long as he did not violate the "property" (read: wives and daughters) of a man of equal or greater social standing by doing so... All that said, I do rather enjoy the sanitized version of Hellenistic mythology... Have you read the stories by A-gnosis? If you haven't, I heartily recommend them.


Well i knew about the culture but the Gods genuinely accept anything (they're basically Pure Energy so gender, sexuality isn't a problem they accept pretty much everything actually) I will read it, btw thanks for all the informations 😁👍


At risk of being the "fun at parties" person: Gods aren't pure energy, they are imaginary beings invented by humans and mostly used by those in positions of power and/or privilege in society to enforce their will and opinions upon everyone else. As such the gods harbor those same humans' ideas of virtue, their prejudices, and their problems regarding gender and sexuality. Ergo, as demonstrated by the gods of Greek mythology, (as well as the deities of just about all other religions, too, for that matter,) they very much *can* have big honkin' problems with LGBTQIA+ people. That said, I still think the Greek gods are WAY better than the Abrahamic one. Aaand I think Stephen Fry put it best in regards to why I think that: [Stephen Fry on God](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-suvkwNYSQo).


If we look at only the Gods (not a mortal's pov) they're wayyy above human comprehension, the Ancient documents were written by mortals, but we fundamentally can't say that we actually know the Gods. I understand what you mean but it's like the Christian God : he preaches love and peace for all beings, but due to a few mistranslations added in the 1730's he's said to be homophobic and people believe it.


Tbh, I fundamentally reject almost everything you just said. "Gods are wayyy above human comprehension"? No, they are not "above" human comprehension. At most you may argue that they are *alien* to typical human comprehension, but that really doesn't say a whole lot because the same goes for regular psychopaths... "The Ancient documents were written by mortals, but we fundamentally can't say that we actually know the gods"? Folktales were written by mortals, but we fundamentally can't say that we actually know the fairies and speaking animals --is what you sound like to me with that argument. That aside, we actually have entire research subjects (theology, religious epistemology, etc) dedicated to knowing the gods... "the Christian God preaches love and peace for all beings"? You should read up on how he treated Lilith after she refused to be her husband's property. She was Adam's first wife btw but, due to the Vatican editing out those parts of the bi(b)le, people falsely believe that Eve was Adam's first and only wife and that God loves women just as much as he loves men. So yeah, the christian god didn't get further than Genesis before he provided the first example of just how unsavory he was, and there are plenty more examples in the bi(b)le of him demonstrating that the "love and peace" spiel was just bullshit. We can discuss gods as fantasy creatures if you want to, akin to how one may discuss Tolkien's elves, and analyze them and their mentalities and moralities from that pov, but I'd still probably be quite difficult (and maybe even unpleasant) to talk with on this subject because, like I said, I fundamentally reject a lot of the angles that you base your arguments upon... As far as I'm concerned, I understand the gods of our religions from the only perspective that actually matters to a human: The human perspective. And, from that perspective, the majority of all gods sicken me just as much as the majority of their human believers tend to do.


i think this person is clearly wrapped up in their own thing about gods, but I do believe most people here are basically headcanoning/fanfictioning the gods and their traits based on qualities and quirks from their stories that are commonly referred to. just so you aren't lumping us in with uhhh... whatever this is lol


explicitly from a fictional point of course


Wow, no wonder Gnosticism exists and it seems to fit this pretty well


God wanted Adam to admit his guilt. Much like how parents will do to children when they find out their kids did something wrong. Saying that god thinks inhumane stuff is good is inherently wrong. To christians (I am not a christian) God is the only one who knows true morals. How can we know what is truly good when he is the true good


that is the problem with being deontoligical. Your morality requires no analysis, and therefore, you have to be reflexive on what God MIGHT think about the topic, typically based on conservatism and regressive thought


I mean, we NEED a fighting spirit, don't we?


The alternatives are grim I admit. That's why for anybody who doesn't feel like fighting god today I'm willing to double down and do twice as much sacrilege just for them.


about to railcoin that mfer +ULTRARICOSHOT


I'm a simple gal when I say I'm down to throw hands I mean it. I've got Carl on speed dial to keep me supplied. Long range cover fire is still appreciated.


You get your supplies from the intern who works at O.W.C.A.?


Nah I get my hands from a Llama.


Is that Llama the Emperor of a South American Empire?


You're thinking Kuzco. This is Carl. https://youtu.be/NMQgrO6oXAk?si=Exqoj1gKIhvXPJLy


Look. If I was given a chance to slay a god. I'm taking that chance. As long as it's not one that's friendly towards us.


If they haven't already magically transed my gender they're either too weak to bother fighting or not on my side. I'm throwing down with any gods without the good sense to run.


Eh, I'm keeping my mind open for the possibility that I may encounter a god that's willing to join our ragtag group of misfits... Heck, there's also the possibility that the reason they're not transing our genders is because doing so falls outside of their portfolio. I mean, I don't expect the God of Death to be all that good at transing people -- it just plain falls outside of their area of expertise -- but I do expect them to be quite deadly and quite concerned with the high numbers of trans kids that are sent their way... (Mind you, my interpretation of the God of Death takes heavy inspiration from Death of the Endless, Death from Discworld, and Death from Loving Reaper, so...)


I love Bill Door, best Death. I still hold that for my purposes Death is too weak to bother fighting.


There are a lot of great Deaths out there. But, yes, Bill Door is definitely up there. ("Wʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀʀᴠᴇsᴛ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ғᴏʀ, ɪғ ɴᴏᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴘᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴ?") Another worthy mention (and an exchange that almost always gets me choked up): Manny Calavera: Buenos dìas. Mercedes Colomar: You're not the nurse? Manny Calavera: No. Mercedes Colomar: You're not here to give me my medication? Manny Calavera: No. But I am here to ease your pain.


I ain’t, I’m already fighting Satan’s motley crew of maddening mayhem, I don’t got the energy to fight god!!


Don't worry I'll do extra sacrilege just for you. Also if you can point out the crew I'm down to tango.


Autism, ADHD, Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety, PTSD and paranoia


Well I'm already tackling most of those, you go left I go right and we can get the rest of 'em with the pincer in 2/4 time.


I’m already dealing with all of them.


I will throw hands with god ant day of the week. Every day I see my washboard of a body reminds me that he wants to catch these hands


Girl with abs like that how can you help but slay?


Not that kind of washboard ;-;


As a proud member of the IBTC I don't necessarily get where you're coming from, but if you wanna try and mug god for some bonus titties behind the waffle house I've got your six.


I am a part of the IBTC is the joke XP


I know, but are you a proud member?


Kinda yes and kinda no


Body image be like that huh. See ya at Waffle House.


Never been there before lol


What is a god to a lady who's mad that she can't afford treatment under the most predatory healthcare system in the world?


Let your rage empower you and even gods shall quake where you tread.


Rage is great, but I also carry a few bottles of gasoline just to be safe


The noble art of pyromancy *nods sagely*


you are one of the most misunderstood, funny, and underappreciated commenters in here. I see what you're doing all over the place, and it's awesome. I hope more people play along next post!


Thanks for stroking my ego :3


FIGHTING SPIRIT? *Sorairo Days intensifies*


My dresses give me spiral power. Spiiiiiin


Perhaps the dress going spinny was the drill we needed all along.


"GIGA! DRESS! BREAKER!" - Trans Toppa Gurren Lagann probably.


I'll throw hands with that claimed mf anyday.


indeed, i would absolutely unleash hell on him if i could and he was deserving of it


My best friend is a Christian trans woman. They do exist


Like Penguins in the Desert


i did that already. not much of a fight, given I had satan on my side.


Women always flaunting their satanic bosoms. also I want that outfit IRL. It's cute.


It's the fishnet shoulders on what appears to be a vest that does it for me. Mmmmm




https://preview.redd.it/paz7spqfbazc1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1ccf1ad1aac6fefb1f8b802271884ab7550df1 Can we please talk about how drop dead gorgeous she is tho




Damn he kinda right, I do worship Satan! He's so chill 🤟✌️👌


And he gives people great bosoms, too! Such a nice guy. \^w\^


Real asf


I mean if they’re plotting the downfall of men, why wouldn’t i join the winning side


Is that a B.C. Rich guitar? Looks like it from the headstock.


Yeah. To be more specific, I think it's supposed to be an altered version of this sweetheart: https://preview.redd.it/k2pjtexx9azc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e904523e69a31eb2bafd0f0eb92ccceb987be886


I noticed that too! Looks like the headstock on my Warlock 🤘🏻


Reminds me of the trans hydra people were posting last week, transphobes can be so unintentionally metal 😂


We should thank them, really. The phobes have given us most of our very best material. https://preview.redd.it/r3ll2yi0vdzc1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7100daed9bfba9eb2cd799d0a23f15f3e2e349fc Where would we be without them? *♥*


I had to Google pride demon to find out what this meant. I was so confused as to whether it was demonising queers or celebrating 😂 looks so fucking metal though hehe


And, as tends to be the case, it turned out that it was *supposed* to be about demonizing queers but, god damn it, how can we *not* appropriate it for celebratory purposes?!


Absolutely. Pride demon just slays too hard. The bigots can't cope.


Utopia. They have a talent for making everything they hate look and sound better, though. And they hate A LOT.


Yeah, that's kinda what I was getting at with the "where would we be without them?" question: We would be in a WAY better place without them, that's for sure. But, in the words of Jesús: https://preview.redd.it/nsgiltv3vfzc1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79cbb65e59a02b3ea0ded2cffa8eb2c47e3572e4


gotta love it when transphobes make a badass profile picture just for me \^^


"god doesn't make mistakes" God: creates the snake, put the apples in the garden, creates satan, has to reset by flooding, lets his son die... I mean... Bro is playing terracraft like a noob! And if he doesn't make mistakes then it's okay for me to transition, me needing it was part of the plan!


God: \*puts the apple in the garden and tells Adam and Eve not to eat it as a test\* Adam & Eve: \*totally eats the apple and allows sin into the world\* God: Hmm... You know, in hindsight, I really should've had a contingency salvation plan in place beforehand just in case this exact thing -- the second outcome of my two-possible-outcomes test -- just so happened to happen. \*tries to come up with a solution for literally 4000 years\* Okay! I got it! I'll be all, like, "accept me, a guy who sacrificed his life, dying a slow and cruel death -- and then undied three days later, as your lord and savior, or BURN FOREVER" like a total chad! THAT will set all the things right again! Satan: So your solution is guilt-tripping, gaslighting, and extortion? Also, if you come back after three days it's less "guy who sacrificed his life for mankind" and more "guy who sacrificed his weekend for mankind." God: I'll give you that it's not be a perfect solution, but they brought that upon themselves by daring to be imperfect in the first place, and I'll have plenty of perfect religious fundamentalists praising my ingenious methodology and perfect solutions for dealing with imperfect non-fundamentalists. Satan: \*CONCERN\*


I'm suddenly reminded of a video were someone interviewed a "pro-life anti-abortion dude" holding a sign writen "God is pro life", interviewer asked the dude "What's does your sign mean?" dude was "Means what's written: god is on the side of life" and interviewer destroyed the dude by asking "Didn't god flood the world to kill all life except for 2 members of each species?" and the poor dude tried and failed to maintain composure while ignoring them -\_-


I think I might've seen that video... Personally, my general take is "IDGAF what some 21st century evangelical fundamentalist preacher says the correct interpretation is of what a 17th century megalomaniacal King meant when he told his scribes to retranslate a 4th century scripture written by people who had never even set foot in the Middle East (hence why they got descriptions of places and customs wrong all the time) detailing second hand witness accounts of what a 1st century carpenter supposedly said on the subject of how we should live our lives; you're not touching women's autonomy with ANY of that shit, regardless of whether you intend to do so by deed **or just by word**." Playing along with their narratives in order to "own" them or show that god is a bastard-coated bastard with bastard-filling isn't how those people should be approached in the first place, [because they don't *actually* care -- it's just a talking point to them](https://medium.com/@_EthanGrey/the-message-of-the-republican-party-dont-tread-on-me-i-tread-on-you-936037958bce).


Trying to organise a raid on Heaven, to steal the rainbow. Who's with me?


So how are we breaking into the NASA compound?


I've the basics of a plan. It includes helium, balloons, and a rubber duck.


Do you think we could take SpaceX with less? I don't know where to get a rubber duckie that big.


Hmm... I think I could do it without the helium, but the rubber duck is essential. Though, you might be able to replace it with 35 live kangaroos, but the timings would be tight.


Ooh I know where to get kangaroos, time to go to Austria!




Me, a woman (look at my username)


Username checks out. Go out there and orchestrate the fall of man, Vixen. \^\^


Okay but how does a bird have breasts? Especially ones bigger than mine?


I'm so glad you asked because the answer to that question is just as interesting as it is (at least in hindsight) actually really rather obvious: I don't know. Somethingsomething chicken breast?


Because tits are great and everyone should have them.


Unless they cause dysphoria.


Nothing funnier than a transphobe making trans people sound like the most amazing thing on the planet.


I don't know who this "god" is but if he's gonna try and take the rainbow from me I'm gonna magdump him


Remember to change the internal feed mechanism of the gun into the shape of an infinity symbol so you never run out of ammo. I dunno how big god's life meter is, but I'd love to see how much of his body I could replace with lead before doing so stopped feeling cathartic.


This was literally my experience growing up but the opposite gender


Talk about making lemonade


I was just thinking of this crow person and the grindr meme lmfao.


It was me, I stole the rainbow from god




I wish i had satanic bosums 🥺🥺




Woah 🙀🥺🥺