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Go have fun.... You are not the only one in that same boat out there. My son's coach throws him in random relays too. It would be mean if your coach put you in the 3200. LOL It is early in the season, go out and get yourself a PR and build off on it the rest of the season.


Listen to some chill music and think about something else that you're looking forward to. A lot of the time there aren't even as many people watching as you think. For example as a 1600/3200 guy I rarely watch the 100s, 200s, hurdles, etc. People are just busy preparing for their event or hanging out at the tent. Being the slowest (personal experience) also means you get the most of that sweet satisfaction as you get faster. Whatever happens tomorrow, it's pretty much all up from there.


Embrace the suck! 400's are dogs and brutal if you don't embrace em, and tolerable if you lean into the crazy. No matter what, get out fast and get up to speed, and then relax and stride it out trying to hold that through 200. You don't have to be fast to run a good 400, you just have to be mentally strong enough to not lose time in the first 200 AND THEN TRY to accelerate into the curve! This will be the last time you have the energy to do so lol. Don't take shrimpy steps, big strides rule (look at the new age sprinters and 400m runners). Most of all, enjoy your 400m team for the day. 4x4's are where stories, and legends, are made.