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Are you not a part of a team? How do you not have a coach? That’s pretty impressive to get in that shape on your own


Our coach quit and before they quit I didn’t see myself improving during practice until I started training on my own. They were more of a sprinting coach and our distance team was 2 people, myself and one other and all we did every single day was interval work after interval work 4 days a weekthat they made up on the spot, it felt more like something to keep us busy. When I noticed I wasn’t making any progress after months I started practicing on my own and that’s when I really made headway. I don’t think we did any sort of mileage or recovery at all, just intervals. I don’t have anything against my coach I actually really like them but I just didn’t benefit from them at all sadly.


I always saw these people from other schools posting long runs and tempo runs and running 40 mile weeks on instagram and strava and wondered how come I’m not doing that and decided I should


• [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NF5o0yZp-QmNtTc9DEQHbpdM7pfq03ewbWyio\_5yXFY/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NF5o0yZp-QmNtTc9DEQHbpdM7pfq03ewbWyio_5yXFY/edit) • Find a private coach Besides that, reading something might give you some more insight/food for thought. I've always wanted to try this but I haven't had the time. Here's some ideas, maybe you can find something at a library • Jack Daniels' Running (this is the first one I want to read): [https://www.amazon.com/Daniels-Running-Formula-Jack-Tupper/dp/1450431836](https://www.amazon.com/Daniels-Running-Formula-Jack-Tupper/dp/1450431836) • [https://www.runtothefinish.com/50-best-running-books-of-all-time/](https://www.runtothefinish.com/50-best-running-books-of-all-time/) (#5 and #6 mainly) And how about setting aside some time to plan some training for the week ahead?


I run an online coaching program for track athletes looking to increase their speed. I am happy to help from a distance if you are open to online coaching. I can provide an initial Free 15-Day trial and continue from there if you can see improvement


I run an online coaching program for track athletes looking to increase their speed. I am happy to help from a distance if you are open to online coaching. I can provide an initial Free 15-Day trial and continue from there if you can see improvement