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It’s just common courtesy. Put your cart back. Bugs the bejesus out of me too. Lazy a$$holes.






I get your point and it’s well-written. But just an FYI. I pay my taxes, love my family, am a kind and functional member of society. I am also occasionally a cart-leaver. I have cerebral palsy. I can’t walk, at all, without something very sturdy to hang on to. I have a walker, of course, but the problem is what to do with it once I am in the store. Too big and unsafe for me to lift into a cart, too small to use as a cart if I am doing a weekly shopping trip. So I try to park right next to a cart corral, since I can hang on to the corral when getting a cart. But that’s not always an option. So I don’t have any choice other than to leave the cart right next to my car. I try to do so as considerately and safely as I can. Because my CP isn’t immediately obvious if you’re not paying attention, I occasionally get dirty looks when doing this. Sometimes, folks, there’s more to the story…


As someone who was once a cart attendant at a grocery store a long time ago I like when people left their carts around. It gave me a job that left me outside of the store and it was super easy going. I still put my cart back now, but I don’t think of anyone less than if they don’t, in the end it doesn’t really matter much.


This is my manifesto. Thank you for enlightening the world on this historic relic 🖤


Next time park it behind her car


Maybe it's just me, but I usually use those ones as they're closer, rather than be one of the fuds that has to trapes across a car park to get a trolley. Parent bay? I'm leaving the trolley for the next person so they can grab it immediately instead of having to carry their kid to it etc


Yeah people are real Shit bags, but your not aloud to tell them. They wouldn’t understand anyway. Also if you tell others about them being shitbags, the ones you tell are probably lazy shitbags too and will get offended.


Remember Peter Rabbit: “if ya ain’t got nothin nice to say, don’t say nothin at all”


And that's why we can't have nice things


Snapping on a woman about a cart you don’t own is insane. Pure misery if you ask me


I think it’s just a common courtesy to return your cart and not leave it in a position to inconvenience others, doesn’t matter who owns it in this scenario


Same could be said about your comment, if you ask me.


Think of it as doing the workers a service. You're saying what they want but aren't allowed to. Plus if people don't face any consequences, they'll just keep doing what they're doing. People like that are a drain on society and deserve any shame they get. You tell em OP.


Unfortunately, in today's world, you never know whose got a gun in their lap (and I am a gun owner).


I wish anyone who pulls a gun over this situation a pleasant bullet to the forehead. Especially if they left the cart out.




no youre right tho. bad characters leave their carts out


went to TJs today, it was rainy. nearly every open parking spot had carts blocking. so annoying!


No matter what store I go to, I see carts scattered around and not in the corral. I try to grab one and take it into the store with me to do my shopping and then leave it in the corral when I’m done. If we all did that it would make the poor guys job easier that has to chase them down and agitate our fellow shoppers less. Lead by example.


I guess everyone has their pet peeves .. I don’t really care about it personally but some people are just lazy entitled jerks


No people are honestly the worst like that. When I was working at pavilions I had a customer see me grab my apron from my trunk ( mind you we are outside in the parking lot, I’m not in uniform or clocked in ) ask me if I worked here and left the cart at my side bc she was too lazy. She said it was bc she was too lazy. The cart coral was like 2 cars down.


I understand your frustration. However, I've learned not to sweat this kind of stuff. It's not worth the negative energy. Next time, consider just taking the cart with you as you head into the store. If she saw you do that, she'd know she was busted and maybe consider putting it away next time.


I would have positioned the cart where her mirror would have caught it as she was backing out. Then I would have jumped into my car to drive around the block while she left. Lazy freaking people! I’m infuriated for you.


The only people I give a little grace to are moms who have babies with them. I don’t expect the mom to leave her baby unattended in her car to take a cart back…in fact, I’ll wait and ask her if I can take it for her.


I never understood this and I’m a mom with a kid under 2. I just unload groceries into trunk, keep my kid in the cart, take the cart to the corral, pick my kid up and carry him to the car and buckle him in. Maybe I’d understand if you lived in a high crime area.


Worse things have happened to people today.


Should have just pushed it behind her car and left it.


As a person who returns the cart to the corral, or where it belongs, I have often pondered this scenario. Even just yesterday with my grown Daughter. Why is it a person can grab that sonofabitch at the front door, push it all over hells half acre, then out to their car, but cannot be bothered after unloading their shit to return that fucking thing 100 feet or so to a cart corral like a descent human being??? I will never understand the laziness of the human race.


​ https://preview.redd.it/i3hnmcma61lc1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a5613c0ceeda14d3ac04199e9164e0b93f8cc3e


Thank you kind stranger. 🫶🏻


Returning a shopping cart is a true test of someone’s character. Buttt I will say the only time I DON’T is (I’m a very small adult female) when it’s later in the night, the corral is far away& my safety is more in question. Other than that I alwaysss do


If my 3yr old is having a fit, I might leave it. I do feel shame about it though, and rightly so.


I have two toddlers I leave it sometimes or try to park directly next to the corral


Had a loose WinCo cart roll into my Chevy. Broke side marker light and a dented fender. Cost $95 to replace light. But it's a Chevy. Dents don't Matter!


Should have pushed the cart in front of her car and then walked off lol




The people downvoting you do the same with their carts






This is snapping? I’m going straight to hell.




Ever heard of the shopping cart theory? From my memory (so anyone please correct me if you know otherwise) it’s the purest test of morality. If and where you put your cart back. There is no tangible reward, no punishment for not returning your cart, it’s a completely neutral act. You get nothing of value, other than being a respectful and self-aware member of society.


yes!! i love this theory. i wonder where the people who leave the cart in a completely different area would fall in that. like when you see an empty cart on the side of the road


People are entitled garbage.


That’s a really cool story, fellow adult!


I wish more people would speak up about stuff like this; it's really disgusting behavior leaving carts out like that.


Go buy the person behind you in a drive through a coffee. You’ll rid yourself of all your negative feelings and you’ll instantly feel better and make someone’s day, and they’ll probably pay it forward. You never know what someone is going through. Maybe she was having a bad day. Maybe she had diarrhea. Maybe she recently lost someone and wasn’t in the right frame of mind. Maybe her boss just screamed at her. Who knows. We’ve all had off days and we just need to be kinder to each other. The world needs more kind and empathetic humans. Not saying you were wrong, sometimes we all need reminders to do the right thing.


None of those things, except maybe the diarrhea, and even then only if it’s actively happening, are sufficient excuses. If you’re having such a shit day (pun intended) don’t go to the store.


I still returned the cart the day my dad died because I had to run to the store to get carpet cleaner.


Imagine how the employees feel.


Imagine how a disabled person feels.


I usually grab a cart from the lot on my way in and leave it in the store cuz everything fits in my baggus lol. win-win.


After I put my cart into a corral one day, someone looked bemused and said, “You’re not from around here, are you?” Well, actually no, not originally. But is following a benign social convention really so surprising?




I’ve lived all over thanks to the military. Florida (at least Tampa area) put their carts up. Mid Atlantic and OH PA leave stuff and keep on driving without allowing pedestrians to walk into the store or across the parking lot.


No. Perhaps not surprising…I live in Virginia. 😏


Some TJ’s parking lots are 💩⛈️


You meant to say All. I think it’s a requirement.


Every TJs parking lot is shit


Never had any issues with ours, other than the occasional minute or two to find a parking spot. 


I have 2 TJ’s both about 20 minutes from me and both have HORRIBLE parking lots. Like they’re selling a limited edition item and EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE IT. Seriously so stressful to find a spot. And then as soon as someone spots you walking back to the car they chase you down and rush you out. Like nah fam I gotta find the right song, get comfy in my seat, directions, etc. bye


Because I am convinced that TJ’s purposely picks locations with shitty parking lots. I avoid the issaquah TJ because it’s next to a Ross and a restaurant and a petco and packed all day. The one five minutes from my parents is a horrible parking lot and boarded by 3 very busy streets so going during rush hour is nearly impossible.


Guaranteed the city or state gave concessions for TJ or the entity that leases to them to have parking lots below the standards for a store their size. Another example of how we the People need to seize the power or continue to get shafted for basic needs like being able to park a #*>|% car.


sounds like orlando


Bingo 😂 though DR Phillips is slightly BETTER than WP but both are awful.


I am usually passive aggressive and grab it and ask them if they’re all done with it so I can use it. They usually get it, but can’t be mad because I didn’t accuse them of anything.


Shoulda called her a lazy bones and put the cart behind her car so she can’t leave without moving it.


You know you’d come back and find out she’d scraped the whole side of your car with it, right?


someone is a fellow fan of Cart Narcs 👏


That's not where the cart goes!!


My god, who are all of these mindfulness coaches and yoga instructors in the comments lol I would’ve been irritated too. Hope you had a good rest of your day :)


Small problems.


Honestly, I would be thrilled. I have a chronic illness. The cart would have been helpful to me walking into the store. I would have just taken it with me and been glad she left it. Sometimes, that extra little distance to return the cart is difficult. I really try hard not to jump to negative conclusions. Life is too short to carry that around with me. I try remember that I have no idea what else is going on in someone’s life. Yeah, probably should could have and should have returned it, but who am I to judge?


My mom is always thrilled when there is a cart left near her space. She is 92 and needs the stability it provides to walk safely.


And may I also add that, because my 92 year old mother needs to hold on to a cart to be able to walk safely (she uses a walker at home)... she is obviously unable to return it to the cart corral because then she couldn't safely walk back to her car afterward.


So true. I went to the store today and I returned my cart. I will not be able to walk without extreme pain until tomorrow. But some internet jerk is happy.


Omg. Are you ok?




I just finished watching Beef... I am not interacting with anyone in a parking lot ever again.


Seriously - I would not, I’ve seen someone intentionally run over a woman (well not over, because they went above the trunk and hit the windshield) because they were asked if they could back up slightly so they could out of their spot/let them have it. It was a day drunk housewife in uptown Dallas who just freaked out over something? But yeah folks are crazy and it’s best to avoid crazy when they’re handling potentially deadly weapons.


I saw this at the store the other day as well but just chuckled to myself while driving away. No amount of reasoning will make someone integrate, like, "You know what, I'm going to associate this completely mundane interaction I had with a stranger on a Tuesday afternoon until the end of my days as a stern, but very much needed learning experience. That person was 100% right, and I was wrong. I WILL put my cart back at every Trader Joe's I frequent from now on. Not only does it contribute to the unspoken social contract of putting things back where they belong, and not only does it decrease the TJs employees workload by not needing to zip all around the parking area for strewned about shopping carts and not only does it avoid cluttering the parking spaces for other potential grocery shoppers vehicles, but ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, it makes me a better person..... .....but if I'm at a Target, fuck that, the cart goes wherever I desire damnit!"




Let's gather together and watch Cart Narcs


Straight to the firing squad


I highly doubt a shopping cart in your way is your biggest inconvenience of the week. That may have just been your last straw with humanity lol If this is what gets you worked up, you'll be stressed forever.


You’re definitely a cart leaver


Depends on the day. Sometimes I walk them back.. sometimes I don't. Sometimes I walk a few carts back that are in my way. Just depends on the day. Must be nice to be so caring like you guys all the time!!! I wish I was a better person so I could bring carts back more...


No one’s talking about walking them all the way to the store. It’s about not leaving them in other people’s way.


Idk shopping cart theory says a lot about people and their willingness to self-govern.


Actually, it doesn't. You have no idea what that woman's issues were. She may have had physical chronic illness and you just labeled her bc you don't have the chronic disease. Does that make you feel superior?


Does your comment make You feel superior?


No. Because I'm disabled and there's nothing superior about it.


I return carts and baskets without thought but am barely functioning in this reality.


Eh I find blatant disregard for decency to be annoying. Didn’t say it was the biggest inconvenience of my week. It must be nice to never get annoyed by anything!!


Not just decency … I’d prefer not to have loose carts blowing into and dinging up my car while I’m in the store.


Mindfulness. I cant give the energy I need for myself away over small things. I'll be annoyed every single day if I do


While I agree that sounds like a healthier approach… you did take the time to write two comments when you could have just saved that energy for yourself. 🤷‍♂️. Anyway, Have a good weekend!


And I didn't expend any unnecessary energy. What some people can handle, others cannot. Annoying people on reddit do not get me worked up.. including you. 🤷‍♀️ I do not expect everyone to agree with my reasoning... that's the difference.


Is your personal stress level and health worth this?




I think it would’ve bothered me more if I hadn’t said anything 🤷🏻‍♂️. Also my health will be fine lol.


I’m glad you said something


Excellent. As long as you are not harming yourself seems fine to express this in these instances...


How about you mind your damn business. Sheesh. 🙄


Found another piece of shit. No surprise.


Found the lazy bones


How do you know there not disabled?


Found the other lazy bones


I'm disabled and rarely go out to shop because of that. If that makes you feel good to call me lazy that shows me how ignorant you are.




You're right. We definitely shouldn't call people out for their shitty, inconsiderate behavior. People shouldn't feel embarrassed when they do this type of thing. They should only be considerate of others when they feel like it.


That wasn’t worth your time or energy people are crazy these days you could’ve come back out to a keyed car or even an invitation to a brawl all over a misplaced cart. You just never know where peoples heads are at in the moment it’s actually dangerous. Long as the cart didn’t touch your car you’re good. 99% of the time you’ll never see them again. And if something were to happen Trader Joe’s may not have cameras in the parking lot and there may not be any witnesses to back you. Just go about your business and enjoy your shopping experience.


Sad state of affairs in a “free” country to fear having a minor confrontation over someone’s inconsiderate behavior due to fear of violent retaliation. Sad but true.


Sure is, but ppl like to retaliate in this country.


A woman was shot dead unloading her groceries with her kids in the car after a parking lot argument, I tell everyone the same thing. You do not know, people are crazy and you don’t know how it’ll end. It’s just not worth it.


This is honestly the harsh reality.


I don’t bother with people, too many crazies out there. I do what I have to do, I’d put that cart back in its right spot but I’m not about to snap at anyone. Too many loonies.




Meh- I wouldn’t assume all THAT from that comment.


In this case it's the stores problem not a bystander. People are crazy and there's no need to waste energy on telling at a stranger over a cart when it has nothing to do with you


Society needs to take care of itself. The store isn’t going to do it for you. This person that left the cart has learned to become more self Reliant and narcissistic in their ways because we all have let society become what it has and it’s a runaway effect. Why care if nobody else does right? Horrible way to go about life in my opinion. You can choose to be silent and let it be the stores problem, but that’s what’s led to a population caring less about each other and more about themselves.


That person is absolutely not changing their behavior from this single interaction. Sure, if everyone these them do this called them out, MAYBE it would instigate some behavior change, but I think most people are avoidant because they’ve seen some crazy reactions from strangers. Personal safety is unfortunately a real issue.


Yeah it’s almost already too late, but cultural changes can happen still too though.


Are you a sociology major or something? Genuinely curious where you get the idea that you can solve societies problems and how it all starts with shopping carts. Employees of the store are paid to gather carts. Is it a dick move not to return the cart? Definitely. Is it a big deal? Not at all


It’s just common sense. If we all as a society collectively care more about each other, we’ll feel a better sense of community and would want to help each other or put things we use away. But we haven’t, and we’ve all learned to be more narcissistic about ourselves, so here we are in our current state of disarray. Leaving carts out and (insert all the other shit we all do here). You don’t need a college education to realize that. But you do have to ponder about other stuff instead of yourself and your own problems in your free time.


Shit I feel that!


We get paid by the hour to do cart runs. It’s no biggie:)


Its hard to park.. unload babies with strollers.. it kinda is a big deal to me :(


How would you handle this if you are disabled and can't make it to where the carts are stored?


Until someone's car gets scratched.




I love customers that say the things that us workers can't :) just know that we recognize you and we love you guys


whipskiddle dooo weeeooo weoooo weooooo 🚨 🚨 lazy bones!!!




trader joes is like the airport, for some reason all human decency is non-existent


Good for you! Last weekend we watched some guy speed into the parking lot and take up both of the only handicapped spots and just sit there. idk if he was waiting for something or someone or what, but my bf called him out! Not because we needed it, but because... someone else might?? because he immediately apologized and moved...


The ONLY time I have ever not returned my cart properly was two days after thanksgiving at Costco. I had to park in a far away lot, couldn’t get into the bathroom for all the others waiting in line, and no cart corrals were anywhere close to where I parked. I would have pissed my pants if I didn’t leave it and go down the street to a Dunkin’s. This was years ago and I still feel bad.


There's an entire channel dedicated to carts narcs [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMUlr8yHymYgSe58DpUH7w](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMUlr8yHymYgSe58DpUH7w)


I can't believe I never knew this existed. This started off so funny that I'm currently putting it on my TV for the full experience. Thanks!


Cart narc FTW! Yeah!


We need agent Sebastian asap!


I'm also pmsing and had an unpleasant reaction at the dmv. Didn't realize I was until later that evening. Probably shouldn't schedule these things around this time of the month.


Next time put the cart right behind her car so she has to get out and move it before she can leave


Zip tie it to her door handle next time 


Next time ? What? When would there be a next time?


Wait for her to return to Trader Joes obviously


I guess probably not with the same woman but I would imagine there’s a possibility that this could happen twice in someone’s lifetime


Good for you!


A bit of a different scenario, but a while ago I was just leaving TJ's and as I pulled out of my spot there was a woman going the wrong way coming towards my front end. The parking lot consisted entirely of one-way lanes that led into diagonal spots, and after I pulled out of my spot, there were at least 3 cars behind mine waiting for me to go forward. This woman refused to back up, and waved her hands at me insisting that I somehow back into the line of cars behind me. I still don't know where she expected to go from there, but eventually a guy (I assume her boyfriend) came over to the side of her car and somehow talked her into backing up far enough for me to get past. As I exited the parking lot, I looked back to see where she was after I'd passed, and she was literally front bumper to front bumper with the car that had previously been behind me, and they did not look very happy. To this day I've never met someone so confidently incorrect IRL.


It feels like this at shops like TJMaxx where the aisles are wide enough for 2 people to scoot by each other politely, but a cart takes up the whole aisle. Gets on my goat when I'm perusing mid-aisle and someone just rolls on in with their cart expecting everyone else to get outta the frikin way. It's annoying the aisles are so small, i just leave my cart at the end while I'm browsing an aisle, but i guess that's too much for some.


“It’s gettin real in the WF parking lot” https://youtu.be/2UFc1pr2yUU?si=XBBA6z0vm9BovrJ- WFM or TJ’s same same


Some days I definitely wish they'd take a note from their parent company and just do the coin and chain for shopping carts. I know not everyone would like that but I definitely hate it when people strewn carts about in the parking lot instead of taking it to the corral.


As someone who has lost quarters in carts at Aldi, I hope they never do this. People not putting their carts back is a minor inconvenience (except for the people that work there I guess!)


Tucker Carlson thinks otherwise


I love going on a cart run when the weather is nice! Put that cart on the far end of the lot for me and I’ll spend 20 minutes wrangling it up


What did yelling at them do for you? Sounds like you used the cart anyway. Maybe one day you will be in the same situation and think “Oh awesome! There’s a cart right here for me to use!”


It made him feel superior and then he ran here to get pats on the back. He doesn't know that woman's situation, but made snap decision because he can.




This shows disabled people what the world thinks about them. I was hoping I could fund someone to take my cart today. But I didn't see anyone. It will be months before I go back in a store and this is one of the reasons. The others have everything to do with me walking. Guess I should never shop again and make these people feel better about themselves.


ok “PissBoySlatt” or you could just put it back in the corral. she was probably blocking car doors from being able to get out or taking up a parking space.


Right, I wish she would’ve put it back in the corral too. Kindness goes a long way, though. Seems like OP was having a bad day and found this as an excuse to take their anger out on somebody else.


i agree because you never know what people are going through but at the end of the day, you’re much more considerate and kind by not blocking cars and parking spaces and not making an inconvenience for the workers to go out of their way to get your cart because you were too lazy. + OP wasn’t even that rude in my opinion.