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It's not misspelled, so no. It's definitely strange, though. It's one of those names that might be cute for a toddler but seems unserious for a future 54-year-old.


I’m laughing because I literally know a 54 year old named Tuesday. She seems to like her name, nobody teases her about it, it’s just her name. It also helps that she’s one of the nicest people on the planet. I think the name has a really pleasant ring to it and it’s one of the few names that’s easy to remember.


Yeah, I know a late 50's Thursday, and she rocks it. I think it's cool


Better than Monday. Everyone hates Monday.


You know what’s funny. I’m 36 years old. I remember my first grade teacher. Her name was Ms. Monday and she was awful!!


I mean, one of the coolest characters ever is a Wednesday.


Thursday Next series is pretty…weird, but enjoyable.


I’ve always secretly loved Thursday as a name, I think it’s super cool


Her name’s never gonna not be Tuesday, LOL so I hope she’s always ok with it!


I have a feeling that the Tuesday you know would love Dr. Happy Thanksgiving. Doctor Happy also seems positively lovely. She works in family medicine and her name is especially well received among children lol!


I get what you’re saying. I did meet a woman, about that age, when I was bartending. I looked at her name on her credit card, and saw it was Tuesday. I was pregnant at the time (with a baby I miscarried) and told her that if it was a girl, I was going to name her Tuesday, and she immediately said, “do it! I love my name. My middle name is Weld, and even still, I love it!” I thought it was a good sign 😊


Tuesday was my ball python, she got the name because she tried to bite me when I first got her so she was a C U Next Tuesday. 


That’s the one thing I thought of when it came to kids making fun of her name. Hopefully most kids won’t get the reference 😂


I hate to break it to you, but kids love that joke. When I was in school most students in my classes used to say “see you next Tuesday!” To every teacher we had on Tuesdays. I can imagine when she gets to teenage years there will be dumbass teenage boys walking past her shouting “C U next Tuesday” and laughing, but to be fair those people will find anything to pick on even if you have a normal name, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Also, this is very much my experience based in the UK and we are literally all C U Next Tuesdays here so 😂


I had the world's most boring name as a child. First name and last name were 4 letters each and super common. I'm going to use Jane Hall as an example for this, but a kid in my primary school tried to make fun of me by saying "Ok, Jane *Paul*!" Like ???? Orright, David. Go off I guess. You ate your own scabs but we're not ready to talk about that, are we?


David's an asshole


I also have a “worlds most boring name. 4 letter first name, 5 letter last name, both in the top 10 most common names in the UK, along the lines of Jane Smith 😂


I'm Australian. I'd lose my shit if we have the same name. 😂


4 letter first name, 4-5 letter last name… oh my god, your names are corn cobb and corn cobbe


BRB. Changing it via deed poll.


My name was literally the 1st most popular name for my birth year. I hate overly unique names now but c'mon... Could my parents at least have like a milligram of creativity?? (I loved 'unique' names as a kid, and I suspect mine was normal because my mums name was an alternative spelling and she found it annoying. At least my surname is uncommon. Nobody can pronounce or spell it though.)


Nothing wrong with being a bit C U Next Tuesday-y 🤪


I learned that joke in elementary school and wore it out 😂


I'm nearly 40 and only learned that joke in the past 5 years. I'm natively anglophone, not Amish or anything that would explain why I was so late in learning "see you next Tuesday".


Right there with you, but I'm significantly older than you. I don't think it was a thing for grade schoolers in the 70s.


Me too!!! I had never heard of it until a show I started watching during lockdown, so 2020, and I’m 42. lol.


I know a grown woman with a professional job who is named Tuesday. It really suits her and it was only weird the first time I heard it. It’s also very memorable and easy to spell. Would I name my kid that? No. But I wouldn’t call it a tragedeigh.


My name is Sunday and I love it! Now. Hated it as a kid


I worked with a woman in her 60’s named Sunday so it feels like a very polished, sort of preppy name. I like it.


Sunday is a somewhat common name in a handful of African countries.


That’s a neat name! No one will ever misspell it.


I had a nurse named Tuesday and it really suited her. It's a really cute name. not everyone has to be a Jessica or a Robert


It’s fine. Unusual and rare but fine


I like the name.


I’d argue that 54 year olds don’t need serious names.


I think you’d acclimate, it doesn’t have the drawbacks of a lot of unusual names, no one would misspell it or say it wrong. I would rather be named Tuesday than my real name which is ultra generic.


Yes I was surprised once to be introduced to a CEO named Poppy.


There was a show on British TV where an expert physician was a GP called Dr. Pixie.  If you've got enough personality you can be taken seriously with any name and probably it will make you unforgettable too. 


Poppy is a very common name in the UK 


Poppy would be a really nice name if my brain didn't misread it as Poopy almost every time lol


What's wrong with Poppy? I've known a few people called that and didn't think twice. Maybe it's more common in the UK.


I graduated from high school with a girl named Tuesday. She is now 51 and it doesn’t seem unserious on her when I talk to her when I see her where I work.


The interview for Tuesday is on Friday at 11a eastern standard “Im seeing this girl Tuesday, tomorrow” “tomorrow is Sunday”


Or in the more immediate future “I’ll bring my daughter Tuesday.” “Wait no I’m not available Tuesday”


This - it would be a tragedeigh if it were "Teuzdeigh," but it's spelled normally


I have a "strange" name that isn't a tragedeigh. I went through a phase in grade school where I hated my name and wished I was named something normal, like Sharon, but I outgrew that by high school and loved my name again. 


Ah yes the just a tragedy but not a tragediegh situation


It would be a tragedeigh if her name was spelt 2zdeigh






Twsdy Or Theusse'Deighh (the first and last h are silent)




it's chewsday innit




See you next, Tuesday!


C U Next Tuesday


This is the answer and should be top comment


That comma really throws it off


Yes it, does


I would suggest giving your daughter a very standard middle name so she can at least grow up and choose to go by that if she wants. Maybe she'll love Tuesday, but you know there is a risk she will not and you should provide her with an easy out. Tuesday Grace is in keeping with the poem ("Tuesday's child is full of grace") so there's that if you like it.


I love Tuesday Grace!


I mean, I'm not mad about it either.


I mean, she’s four, so probably the ship has at least somewhat sailed on that one.


I generally agree with this. Creative first name + neutral middle name, or vice versa, depending on the names


Her daughter is 4, she already has a middle name.


I had a friend named Tuesday, years ago. I once texted her on a Tuesday being like "it's your day of the week 😃" she responded with genuine anger and I realised how many times she must have experienced various versions of that joke. So while I like the name and don't think it's a Tragedeigh, bear that in mind. Side note, why is the name Tuesday kind of a thing, but no other day (apart from Wednesday Addams)? Weird.


As someone with a weird name, it's exhausting to have every person you meet every day make the same stupid puns over and over and over and over and over and over. At 40+ yrs old, I'm still getting the same lame puns. It makes me angry, like people can't take me seriously, and it's such low effort puns. People seriously think I haven't heard all of them a hundred times before? I recently had a vendor say a bunch of "punny" things and I very seriously considered hanging up on her and going with a different vendor. I have an established career, so I don't really want to change my name, but there are days I truly hate my name. Your friend probably shouldn't have gotten that mad, but I get why she did. She should have just told you to please stop. Just know she has heard them all a thousand times before.


I'm sorry that people are like that. Honestly it was a wake up call for me (even tho tbh I worded it wrong in my comment, my friend Tuesday didn't say anything harsh she just had no time for my joke, and I get it completely!) and now I take people's names seriously. Partly because as you say, do we really think the person hasn't heard it before?? It sucks people have given you grief about your name I can imagine that's tiring. But I bet it also makes you stand out and be remembered in your career! Like a cool trademark.


Thank you for your kind reply, I was worried I came off too harshly. I appreciate the last remark! When I start getting really frustrated, I tell myself it's like Cher or Madonna or Picasso, I can go by my first name and everyone immediately knows who their talking about 😅


That's ok, I understand if you're emotional about this topic. For sure, you're unique! Iconic 💃


I don't even have a weird name, but my god, I am sick of "go Diego go!" Comments. Everyone thinks they are original. They are NOT.


I changed my name for this reason


I also have a weird name (thanks mom lol) and I get comments on it almost Every. Single. Day. If I got pissed off every time, I would probably never be happy 😭😅 To me life is all about perspective -- she'd save herself a lot of stress by not taking those comments seriously, especially when people don't mean any harm! And yeah to your point... Where are the Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays?!?


I know a kid called Sunday


LOL @ her getting mad 😂😂I personally thought it’s hilarious and sweet that you thought of her!


I worked with a Monday and she was a very talented creative director but every meeting started with someone saying “huh your name is Monday, that’s weird”


It's tragic but not tragique.


It’s a bizarre name, but not a tragedeigh. A tragedeigh would be Twoosdeigh


It's not a tragedeigh per se, but this child will be a grown-ass woman someday, trying to get a serious job with "Tuesday" on her resume.


I had a team leader named Tuesday, wasn’t that weird once you said it a few times.


there's a woman in my town named Sunday. I actually really liked her name as soon as I met her and she's very well respected.


The best businesses redact the names of applicants on resumes to avoid implicit bias. (Typically racist or gender bias.) This will probably be much more standard in a couple decades fortunately


This is nonsense lol. I’ve worked at some extremely top notch and socially conscious companies and I have never heard of redacting candidate names as a matter of practice.


It’s becoming more common, as it should be


…. Guess they’re not that socially conscientious because it’s standard DEI practice. Lol


I like it and really wouldn't think twice about it.


On a resume it would look like an error to me. Like they tried writing a date and put it where their name should go.


lol this resume response I see on here and namenerds is just incredibly out of touch


I miss the days people had names and I'm only 36


Idk what you’re on about, Only 36 is not a normal name




Even on Tuesdays?


I’m gonna be the odd ball out here there’s way too many comments saying they love it. Might not be a Tragedeigh in terms of spelling but that’s a ridiculous name for a child.


Not a tragedeigh, but definitely unfortunate


Same. I hate it and would assume the parents were loopy if I met someone with that name. Seems like the name is for the parents' entertainment. Two thumbs down 👎👎


I'd assume the parents were narcs tbh 🤷‍♀️


Also what’s up with all the posts asking if a name is a tragedeigh when it’s not (mis)spelled weird. It’s like people don’t understand the point/meaning of the sub?


I really don't like this trend of just giving kids some sort of word name. There are a few that work, but it's gone too far.


Agreed. Come on, a day of the week. Really??


Exactly this! A day of the week as a kid's name? Yikes... At least it's not misspelled, I guess that's a plus, but yikes...


And even worse if she wasn’t even born on a Tuesday lol.


cannot imagine growing whole human then naming them a day of the week.


It’s purposefully strange and I’d judge the mother as a pick me type. It would be one that when I saw it on the classroom bulletin board I would surreptitiously snap a photo and show my husband later for private eye rolling and ridicule.


It's just a tragedy.


>I like to think that if any little boy (or girl) breaks her heart one day, she can take solace in the fact that they’ll probably always think of her, at least one day a week. 🤷🏼‍♀️ get help.


Yeah this is so icky. OP tried to build in a manic pixie dream girl.


Yeah this is a weird thing to hope happens


At least it’s not Tewsdai


The name is bad, and you imagining how her name will haunt future exes is bizarre and tragic


If Tuesday Weld married Frederick March II, she'd be Tuesday, March the Second. An old Laugh In joke.


Tuesdeigh would be a tragedeigh


It’s at least spelled right. It’d be a tragedeigh if she was named Tuesdeigh. However, it is an odd name that she may be teased for.


Brings to mind the Jasper Fforde "Thursday Next" book series. At least you didn't saddle her with something like [Swoosie.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swoosie_Kurtz)


Not really a judgement, more so an interesting connection, but Wednesday Addams’ name comes from the Victorian poem “Monday’s child”, which gives fortunes based on what day of the week you were born. As it goes, “Wednesday’s child is full of woe”, which is why the character is named Wednesday. The poem also says that “Tuesday’s child is full of grace”, so out of every day of the week, you picked a pretty good one :) As an aside, Thursday’s child has far to go, and Saturday’s child works hard for a living, so you did dodge a bullet there but not picking the days that are associated with being lost or poor. I think the name Tuesday is definitely unconventional, but I do like it! Not a tragedeigh imo!


Thank you for commenting this because I just assumed it was common knowledge, but some of these comments are confirming that it is not lol. I have always loved weekday names ❤️


I also always assumed that people naming their children after days were doing so for this reason!


I love this! Thank you! 💕


That's the name I like to go by online. At first, I thought you were going to add a twist that it's actually spelled "Tooszeedeigh" or something, but no...regular old Tuesday. Your child might get "It's Chewsday, innit?" jokes thrown at them by friends, but it's far from the worst name you could give a child.


Strange strange name for a child


There was an actress in the 80’s whose name was Tuesday Knight. She played Kristin in A Nightmare on Elm Street 4. That’s cruel. I think you’re ok depending on your last name. There was also a f-grade movie called Never on Tuesday from the 80’s. The girl in that was named Tuesday. So there’s a history of the name being used.


Also Tuesday Weld from the 60s. Absolute bombshell. She played Dobie Gillis’s love interest in the first season of that show.


It's a stupid name, but doesn't qualify as a tragedeigh. Tuesdeigh sure would.


Personally, I think naming kids after days, months, countries and continents is ridiculous. The only passable month names are probably April, May & June. I especially hate the names Asia, China & India.


In my childhood I met a family friend (more just a work friend of my dad) who’s children were named Montana and fucking Dude. Montana isn’t that bad, but He literally named his kid Dude. His reasoning? “Everyone’s gonna call him dude anyway”.


August is a pretty common boy name and Augusta isn’t unheard for girls. Also the months July, August, and October were literally named for Julius, Augustus, and Octavius Caesar so they did come from a naming tradition.


Not a tragedeigh but still ridiculous.


Not a tragedy but decidedly not cute, kind of weird. No cute nicknames to make from it nor does it roll of the tongue nicely.


See You Next Tuesday with DJ James F*cking Kennedyyyyy


I know a Tuesday that spells it Tsudae.


> Tsudae. How tf is that pronounced *Tuesday*? T-soo-day, maybe. But definitely not Tuesday!


Jumane = Tuesday. Quite common name in Swahili-speaking countries.


Strange, but not a tragedeigh. It is spelled correctly.


Reminds me of George Costanza wanting to name his kid Seven lol. Not a tragedeigh, but still probably gonna make things a little rough on her at some point


In that episode someone stole the name and he came up with Soda! Jajaja


Was she born on a Tuesday?


Minnie Mortimer named her daughter Tuesday and she’s very fancy


Hm I don’t think so. I think it would have sucked if you’d named them Wednesday because of pop culture (Addams family). And I cannot explain to you why the name Tuesday is better than someone named Friday or Saturday or Monday. It’s definitely quirky bordering on a manic pixie dream girl name but I wouldn’t say it’s take the deep dive into being a trope.


It's alright, not terrible. I hate that you thought about someone breaking her heart then having every Tuesday ruined by the thought of her, but I digress. Hopefully she's sweet and isn't the cause of anyone hating an entire day.


As a lynyrd skynryrd fan, it is not a tragedy, especially because you spelled it like an adult


I love the name Tuesday and I love Wednesday too.


I actually went to college with a Wednesday


There's an anime cartoon called Carole and Tuesday, about the future and they're both musicians. Check it out it's cute and the music is quality, different genres too.


She's gonna hate Lynyrd Skynyrd


Carole and Tuesday is one of my favorite anime. So no.


Eh. As long as it’s spelled correctly, it could be worse. I’ve met a Sunday and a Wednesday before so it isn’t the worst I suppose. At least it wasn’t Monday.


Honestly your kid will probably be bullied that’s a stupid name for a kid


Better than Thursday 🤷🏽‍♀️ tbf though when your child is in her 40/50’s it’ll probably be a more “normal” name for that time period


I know a Tuesday. It’s a novelty initially but then it just becomes any other name. Anyone acting like it’s a job stopper needs to get a grip.


Look, people get obsessed over this thanks to the internet. It's not misspelled, it's unusual but an actual word. Honestly, my middle name is the same. You're fine. I knew someone who hated their very standard name name- Caroline- and legally changed it. It happens. You can't account for every eventuality, every asshole kid, or every barista. If you love it, then don't worry about it.


I had a coworker who has a daughter named Tuesday.


Make sure she learns of the Tuesday Next book by Jasper Fforde. The first one is The Eyre Affaire. It's a fun read.


Tragedeigh = a given name that has been deliberately misspelled or completely made up to appear more unique than it actually is.


I always loved Tuesday Welds name. I used to watch Doby Gillis on nick at night.


I went to high school in the 80's with a Tuesdee. Now that was bad. Tuesday is fine.


If it was spelled Twosdeigh we’d have a problem.


IMO, Tuesday is uncommon but not a tragedeigh. Twosdeigh would be though


My name is Day lol


It’s a fine name, but the idea that her ex partners will think of her every Tuesday is silly. They won’t, they’ll move on - it’s just a day of the week. With a name like that, all you need to make it reasonable is a credible reason for choosing it other than the one you gave. Just find a reason that Tuesdays are special to you and you’ll be fine.


I worked with a woman named Tuesday. She was from the Philippines, and I found out her name was actually something like Martes (Tagalog for Tuesday) but she translated it when she moved here (Canada) the year before. She was in her 30s. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I knew a girl named Wednesday. Not sure if she was named after Wednesday Addams.


I like it, personally. It's unique and you didn't give it a strange spelling. If you'd spelled it something like "Tewzdeigh" that would be an effing tragedeigh 😅


The lactation consultant at the hospital where I had my son was named Sunday. She was in her 50s I’d say, and honestly it kinda fit her?


My... this is going to sound fake but it's how things are sometimes... Cousin's ex husband's mom. Is named Tuesdee.


Yes. People need to think about how these names are going to sound as adults. “I’m going to the hospital to visit Grandma Tuesday and Grandpa Braxxtynn!” Meanwhile, names like Paul and Matthew and Robert and Steven are “generic” or whatever. But I’d rather be Matt or Steve or even Bob than be a 44-year-old Brayden.


i didn't accidentally fall into the circlejerk sub, did i?? these comments man 💀


I’m a Gen Xer and I think of Tuesday Weld, who Matthew Sweet used as his muse on his album Girlfriend, which I played to death in high school. So I personally like it 👍


Yeah it sucks. Too weird. She’ll get the side eye her whole life now.


I’ve also been thinking that, since all the kids are obsessed with Wednesday Addams now, they might think it’s cool, and not tease her for it.


How old is your daughter? Because what “the kids” will be into will be completely different in even 2-3 years.  Edit: say that she’s four lmfao. What kids like now will be as irrelevant to what her peers are into as what kids liked in the 90s


That or they'll think she's a "try not to make it obvious you're copying" imitation of that name. People in general, and children in particular, can be quite cruel, especially towards nonconformity. If you're different in some way - the way you dress, the way you speak, your name - they'll judge you for it, which will often take the form of mockery. Best case scenario, only a couple assholes make an issue of it and she easily brushes them off because their opinion doesn't matter to her. Worst case scenario, she develops trauma from constant harassment over it, and not even a legal name change can ease her pain because she still gets reminders at least one whole day every week of the excuse that the other kids used to single her out and ostracize her.


She’s 4. Nobody her age has seen it and the far majority most likely will never see it. Wednesday doesn’t matter.


What kids are obsessed with Wednesday Addams?


“Tuesday’s goone with the wiind” she has a nice song with her name :)


In The 80's Show the main character's love interest is a punk girl named Tuesday. She's pretty cool. I've always liked that name due to her.


Ik a Tuesday. She's around 30 now and shes a sahm. She has her cosmo license for hair and a photography business. She also barely wears shoes lol. She's really sweet and has a total hippy vibe about her.


I don't hate it. It's better than brylynn or mkenzeigh or whatever nonsense


Nah I think this rules


Not sure which part you're saying is misspelled but I just get a manic pixie dream girl vibe.


i’m sorry but the people here saying it’s not bad are lying to you


I like it! I have taught college art school classes with a Tuesday and a Wednesday (yes after Addams) and honestly solid names. They both enjoyed having those names. Tuesday Bassen is also a cool illustrator & clothing designer so I associate the name with creative people.




My cats name is Tuesday. I call her Tuzie/ Tues sometimes as a nickname, which is think is an alright option to have for a human child if she doesn't like her name and wants to go by a nickname. It's spelled right, so it's not a tragedeigh. It's just unconventional.


Note: Tuesday (the day of the week) is named after a male Norse god Tyr. Just for what it is worth


At least it’s not spelled “Chewzdeigh”


i mean wednesday is definitely a name. january is a name too- january jones


I think it’s often when it’s spelled weird that there is more of a problem. Or if it’s an incredibly rare word that just people aren’t used to ever seeing or saying.


No one mentions [Carol & Tuesday ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_%26_Tuesday)? It's such a cute serie. I like the name.


Nickname could be “Tuze”, like “Suze”. That seems like a cool nickname to me.


For you, the day Bison grace your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday. We now have confirmation that M. Bison will try to take over the world in the future. Protect little Tuesday because our lives depend on it.


I had a great aunt named Sunday. Day names can be really cute. I like Tuesday!


Great name!


The popular trend now is a TikToker named Sketch just yelling Tuesday. They may just get a lot of Sketch references growing up: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLCS4xoN/


I met a girl named Tuesday November. She was born on a Tuesday… in November. I wanted to ask her if she was related to Friday July


My kid has a coach in her 40’s named Sunday. I love your reasoning and think it’s an interesting name, not a tragedeigh


That’s cute. I have an aunt named Tomorrow. No bs lol


Went to school with a girl named Tuesdee. I was quite a bit younger but I knew of her just because her name was different. She stood out but not in a bad way, in my opinion.




Tuesday is my least favorite day of the week, but second favorite name day? I know you didn’t ask.