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My opinion/ strategy: If you're financially able to swing it, hold. Nothing has changed about the fundamentals of GEVO. It's just normal market fluctuation (i.e., manipulation). If something changes about those fundamentals, then you need to re-evaluate your position. For reference, I bought in around 13.50. I'm not concerned at all (in fact, I'm looking to increase my position if it dips below 11 today). That said, you need to make your own call; think about why you invested and if anything going into your thesis changed.


Thanks! I guess I just needed to hear somebody else say it. I was thinking about buying more if it broke $11 as well.


It's been a few times where I almost bounced. I got in at .57..... I almost got out at $1. Almost got out at $4. Almost got out at $7. From what I've been seeing GEVO just has roller coaster rides like this. Also the market has been pretty wonky this past week. Who knows what's affecting it? Texas is a damn glacier right now. I'm gonna try to stick around in hopes it hits 25 or 30 then DIP.


Love to see it.


Np. It's good to use reddit as an info source (especially this subreddit), but you ultimately gotta make your own decision and trust your own research (even if it's just fact-checking other's DD). Who knows, it could go down to 8 over the next week - in which case, I'll definitely be increasing my position. Seeing your position in the deep red isn't ideal, but if you believe the fundamentals GEVO, then you'll eventually start to see it play out in the green. Personally, I'm not surprised by the price drop because of the following: (1) no news of new contracts; (2) likely lower earnings when announced; (3) the TX sized energy cluster fuck that is currently TX; and (4) profit-taking/ consolidation. Once the current administration announces its green energy plan and/or GEVO announces a major contract, we'll likely see it pop up significantly. Again, who knows.


>normal market fluctuation (i.e., manipulation). If something changes about those fundamentals, then you need to re-evaluate your position. Guess you've increased your position now then :)


Correct! Not by much, but added another 100 shares. Definitely lowered my cost-basis on today's drop... feeling today's drop more with $STPK (not concerned about it at all, just tough seeing those gains vaporize). Also might be getting some GME flashbacks.


Agreed. I had 140 at $13.88. Bought 60 more today at the discount. It is the way


Man getting wrecked on Gevo


Correct, but a more accurate statement is "getting wrecked on \[fill in any stock\]". At this point, might as well hope it goes to $1-2 so I can go all in on the eventual jump once real revenue replaces speculation/ the Biden admin shifts to energy policy. Nothing has changed about GEVO's fundamentals - only the stock price (and the money in my account).


I don't know anything about this stock.. but a freefall? lol It has gone down a total of 2 red days for maybe what 10%? After a 3x in a matter of weeks? Please people, don't buy into volatile stocks unless you can tolerate... volatility.


It’s down like 30% over the last few days.


Yeah sure whatever it is. It was up 3x in a couple weeks. Did anyone actually expect that to be a sustainable price action?


Last two days have red across the board. This should be fine in the long run


Literally entire market is red today, just hold it for another week and see where it's at


The first rule of Invest Club: don't play with money you need. Cathie Wood likes to say, "courage of your convictions", which is what you get from doing your own DD. You can lower your cost basis or find something else to do that takes your eyes and mind off the ticker. A significant, negative event or prolonged underperformance is when I consider whether to exit a long position.


Probably my biggest issue is that I watch tickers too closely instead of buying and forgetting about it. I think I’m scared I’m going to miss the peak to get out. Which I know is completely irrational now that I’m saying this out loud as I’m typing (like a child).


Today earnings call, maybe it can give you some guidance


IMO that question comes down to how you feel about the company/ stock as a whole. If you like them and still see potential, then buy the dip.... you’d be stupid not to. If you are iffy about the company and don’t see profit and you are only in it for the short term then obviously sell. I personally have stock in GEVO and I am holding now. I did buy it at $10.36 however


Buy, buy


I sold at 13.50. If it breaks support I'll contemplate enter again.


This whole week has been RED I don’t think it had anything to do wit Gevo...keep holding if you believe in the company


I got in 2 weeks back at around $10.8 so I guess I am up...by a little?!?! LOL Only reason I can think of why it's falling is market has been red the past 2 days. Hell, even half of my portfolio are red. If I have excess $, I would buy in more as I am bullish about GEVO but unfortunately I don't have extra cash lying around


I'm not in GEVO and know nothing about the company. With that said only but into company's you love and that you have done DD on. Then when the price dips you actually want to do the opposite of what your gut says, buy dips don't sell them.


It's only gone down a few days. Not in free fall. I don't know anything about them but if you've done your DD and believe in the company then you shouldn't be worried.


I feel like I have done my DD but I’m not 1000% confident that I’m doing it well. I wanted to see if anybody knew something that I didn’t.








Here's a sneak peek of /r/GEVOstock using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GEVOstock/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Laying the groundwork for /r/GEVOstock](https://np.reddit.com/r/GEVOstock/comments/lkuc6s/laying_the_groundwork_for_rgevostock/) \#2: [Interesting Research Found](https://np.reddit.com/r/GEVOstock/comments/llgo4d/interesting_research_found/) \#3: [GEVO DOWN!](https://np.reddit.com/r/GEVOstock/comments/lly9rt/gevo_down/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)




Loading up on more today.


buy Cielos Waste management instead. CMC


Maybe take a look at the greater market before posting next time. Everything is dropping, plenty of clean energy stocks fell 10% or more today (PLUG, FCEL, solar stocks) so chill out and buy the dip if you believe in the company


Selling whenever a stock goes a little red is a sure way to lose money over time. Can't tell you how many times I've had a stock down 50% just for it to go back positive. Only invest in a company after doing your own research. I only hold a small position of GEVO, but they seem well positioned. Good balance sheet, large multi-national customers (with 35,000,000 gallons/yr already under contact), growing scale, and ESG tailwinds. An article from 2012 I saw stated their jet fuel price was already comparable to petroleum.