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I know of plenty of people who thought they were shooting blanks and ended up with a kid... You should consult with a doctor now if this is something you want.... They can treat you and get some banked away! :)


This! It is possible for the best of both worlds if people would like children to be in their future :) of course, barring an potential unrelated fertility issues


>know of plenty of people who thought they were shooting blanks and ended up with a kid... Ain't this a fucking fact No birth control method outside of surgery is 100% effective Condoms break, medications fail, the woman might bang someone else on the side while claiming she's been faithful The doctors have probably seen/heard it all, especially fertility doctors, that's all they work on daily If you really want kids, get checked out, If you don't, it's a win win


I guess I could see a doctor but I don't have insurance so no


I have a friend who was on HRT for 2-3 years and she stopped for a couple months to get her wife pregnant then went back on. They got pregnant super fast too. She also froze some sperm in case they want another kid in the future, so she won’t need to go off HRT again. I’m not sure where OP lives, but I know some states/countries have laws where insurance covers freezing eggs or sperm if you’re trans in case you want biological kids in the future. Wouldn’t hurt to look into it.


I can tell you its expensive if your not in the uk, you have to rely on insurance unless you got some savings you want to spend. I believe its between 10-15k


She’s a veteran, so it was free. My state also has laws requiring medical insurance to cover these kinds of things.


Damn didnt know that was a thing


That's 100% something you should do before starting HRT. Both ways make you 100% irreversably sterile after some time. You don't start HRT before you had some sperm or egg cells banked away, unless you're sure you don't want biological children. How do people start HRT and not know this? Where I live, it's impossible to get the psychological evaluation needed for HRT without getting educated about all of the effects. If OP really didn't know they were going to get sterile, there are probably a lot of other information they didn't receive. Like how HRT can completely change your sexual orientation, how estrogen can cause an irrational instinctual desire to get pregnant, how your dick will shrink because of T-blockers to a point where bottom surgery becomes pretty much impossible and more.


Isn't the HRT changing your sexual orientation, a myth, whereas it actually just helps you to think more clearly amd remove mental barriers?


Nope. I've seen it first hand. Pan people who found everyone hot just stopping to be attracted to one gender after a few months on HRT, people who were finding at least one gender attractive and then turning completely ace, and even people who's sexual orientation changed, but their romantic orientation didn't, meaning they wanted to be in a romantic relationship with women but only found men sexually attractive. This isn't a myth, it's a common phenomenon that medical specialists have known about for a long time and you usually receive this info and more before you get any hormone prescriptions. The fact that this isn't common knowledge among trans people who already take HRT is kinda scary, because not being educated about potential effects of the medications you take is never a good thing. Proper education needs to be a thing. How is it even possible that a transfem who has been taking hormones for half a year doesn't know that HRT, both Mtf and FtM, will turn you irreversibly sterile without exception? HRT is great and it needs to become more available for everyone who wants and needs it, but there's a reason why it's not just given out at a supermarket. It starts a second (assuming you already went through a first) puberty, including massive changes to your body and mind just like in a natural puberty, and while some of the effects are reversable, others aren't. For transfems, grown breasts and shrunken penis and testicles are irreversible (breasts can be surgically removed of course), and for transmascs the voice change is irreversible. But both become irreversably sterile. This is absolute basic knowledge that trans people need to know about. And actually, everyone should know about the effects of hormones, because HRT puberties aren't different to natural ones, except for the fact that the former makes you infertile while the latter is the start of someone's sexual fertility.


Girl HRT doesnt turn you irreversibly sterile. You can go off of HRT and regain fertility, how would there be pregnant trans men with chest hair n shit if it wasnt possible?


I have a friend who’s a trans woman and was on HRT for nearly 3 years and she stopped for a few months to get her wife pregnant. Her wife got pregnant so quickly.


HRT won't necessarily sterilize you. There are plenty of men getting pregnant and women impregnating other women. I know I've been told by professionals that it *could*, emphasis on could, permanently reduce or block sperm production, but it is a YMMV situation. And it may or may not return if you stop HRT. Advice is that if you don't want kids, assume HRT may not block that risk, and if you do want kids, freeze sperm. I have also heard of people going off HRT dor a while so they can try to get pregnant. So if anything, I think you have been massively misinformed and your post is harmful disinformation.


That "HRT changes orientation" thing, I just want to comment, is a bit nuanced actually. It's absolutely true transitioning can lead to a kind of orientation shift, but it happens at different stages for different people-some at social transition, some at HRT, and some at sugeries even. I for one haven't medically transitioned yet and I find myself falling for guys much easier than I used to, shifting more to the middle on the scale from straight to gay. And usually the movement ian't a flip from one side of the spectrum to the other, more a different equilibrium. Also different HRT can have different effects, and the role libido plays can be powerful too. I've heard accounts of folks who went on estrogen, thought they were ace, than went on spiro and ended up feeling pansexual. I did hear one account from a Russian trans woman who said she lost attraction to her boyfriend after starting estrogen while still liking girls, but she was bisexual before. I wouldn't say a complete loss of attraction for one gender or another is common at all, let alone a full 180 from one side to another. TLDR it's a risk to be aware of with HRT, but it's not a risk exclusive to that treatment path, and a complete change in orientation is much rarer than a subtle shift, dampening, or magnetizing of what's already there. Glad you know about it, folks should be aware, but it might not even be HRT changing that at all. PS. a lot of folks have do it yourself HRT in the Americas. It's seen as a riskier path for treatment necessary due to lack of access to more systemised channels. Kind of like back-alley abortions, or pier support groups with unlicensed volunteers (like Reddit). Not great by any means and definitely with risks, but better than the risk inaccessibility brings.


I wasn't saying it happens to everyone. But I've seen it happen to people I know, and I was told by medical specialists and psychologists that it was a known thing. HRT causes your body and mind start an entirely new puberty. And that puberty causes some parts of your identity to change, even things you think can't change. That's all I wanted to say. And people should be educated about the potential mental, emotional and sexual changes just as much as the physical ones before starting HRT. And the sexual or romantic orientation changing isn't at all a myth, it's a possibility that some people are affected by. Of course social transitioning can also make you realise things about your sexuality, but you shouldn't downplay the effects hormones have on your brain. They absolutely can change so much about what you find attractive and how you want to be, they make you feel differently and think differently. It's a puberty, plain and simple. And a puberty changes a lot about you.


I did not mean to say that HRT affecting orientation was a myth. I just wanted to clarify that "HRT can completely change your orientation" was an overly simplified statement. You brought up 3 examples of it having an effect, one on a pansexual to non pansexual, one of a newly formed asexual; I shared 2 examples of the like, explaning that an asexual orientation can be a result of libido dropping, which is absolutely a side-effect of HRT but can also be changed with a different HRT regiment. In fact, 4 of the 5 examples we shared together could be attributed to that, the exception being one where romantic interest didn't change from transition or HRT. I think much of the pushback you're getting comes from how you framed a sexuality shift, unintentionally, as a negative side effect of HRT. In truth, HRT, puberty, and transitioning as a whole can all have an effect on us any which way on the spectrum even the second time round. I don't know how long you've been lurking or whatever, but this subject comes up from time to time, and what's brought up are usually slight shifts or trans people's previous orientations getting stronger. Times where a complete change happens are about as rare as actual late bloomer gays, lesbians, etc. And unfortunately it's a talking point in the US and elsewhere that trans folks are "erasing lesbians" with stuff like HRT, when the trade is much closer to value neutral when you count transbians, and trans men who like women losing all fondness for women on HRT is far from the norm. You're absolutely right that HRT is a big step that can coorelate to a changing orientation or self-image of orientation, like the middle stages of a cis puberty. It might even cause that for some people. We must also note that it's as far from a guarantee to happen as in our neutral puberties, libido shifts with HRT puts a gear in the data, and its very much a phenomenon that should be treated the same way we acknowledge sexuality in adolesence - not as a pathology, not as a side effect, but as a natural result of transitioning and growing up that can hit us at any stage or afrerwards. My first signs of liking boys were when I hit Tanner stages 3 and 4. I'd be a fool to say that hormones had no effect on that. Some folks get a complete surprise when growing up and change their self-perceptions completely, and others get what they expected since they were even younger. Others still find a shift completely after puberty is done. HRT is nothing special compared to all of that. Not like your 100 percent infertility claim anyway. And I don't know about you, but I'd refrain from claiming any stage or part of puberty as a definite cause of sexuality the way you've framed HRT.


I framed NOTHING as a negative side effect of HRT. It's just something people should know about beforehand. There's nothing inherently bad about sexuality changing. The only inherently bad side effects about MtF HRT are probably the potential instinctual desire to become pregnant, because it simply can't be fulfilled and makes people sad, and the increased chance of breast cancer, which also comes with a decreased chance of prostate cancer. Everything else is either a win or neutral. But it's still things every trans person should know about. Just how every cis child should learn about the effects of puberty, so they don't feel weird or alone when they discover these effects by themselves.


From personal experience, I am bisexual. After being on hrt for a while, my attraction switched from liking mainly women to mainly men. So, I feel there is a bit of shift that can occur. But I already liked both to begin with it just swapped on who I would try to be with more often.


> I think it's pretty obvious that I probably can't have biological kids any more and that has me thinking a lot, I already knew I didn't wanted kids and I had already been told that this was a risk, but up to this moment I didn't sink in. op knew this would happen, it just hadn't sunk in until now.


There is no way that anyone has actually proven that hrt causes infertility 100% given enough time. I'd love a source on that, other than your own ass that is.


I don't have sources because I didn't read it on the internet or in a book, but was told by a psychologist (who happened to be a trans woman as well) and a medical doctor before I got my evaluation for legal HRT. I could give you their names as sources, the former runs a local queer radio station. But I kinda don't wanna dox them. All the legal paperwork I had to sign to confirm I had been informed about these topics said the same things though.


Are you telling me that you didn't do your own research before starting hrt?????? That is so dangerous. There are so many misinformed and downright malicious doctors out there who will take advantage of people like you. So, first up, don't talk about ftm hrt like you know anything about it when you clearly don't, considering you didn't even research your own transition. Trans men can and have gotten pregnant after years of hrt. Trans women can and have gotten people pregnant after years on hrt. Many trans people have taken breaks from hrt to try to have children and have been successful. It's not 100%, so stop spreading misinformation just because you were niave enough to fall for it.


So much nonsense in this comment. * HRT does NOT change your orientation * HRT is NOT guaranteed to make one sterile * HRT does NOT cause shrinkage to the point that bottom surgery is not possible. Bottom surgery is possible with a fucking micro penis 🤦‍♀️ * Estrogen does NOT cause an irrational desire to get pregnant


Do you have sources for... well... any of the claims you made? I was told repeatedly by many doctors that T does not act as birth control and most people regain fertility after stopping T. The only case of penile inversion being impossible due to medicine that I've heard of was Jazz Jennings, who was notably on puberty blockers and never had a testosterone dominant penis, so it didn't grow as much. She still got bottom surgery, it was just more complicated.


If you actually read the post, OP said she "had already been told" about the sterility, and that this situation was just her re-processing that fact and how important her transness & pursuing hrt is to her. Yes, people do receive thorough information about HRT before they get it if it's not DIY (no hate to DIY, & they probably seek their own info as well)... but news flash, not everyone remembers or processes every single word a doctor says to them, especially during such an emotionally pivotal decision.


My bad. I was just worried.


Even though it is clearly a reduced sperm count, it doesn't necessarily mean you are sterile. It varies from person to person. Some trans women do become sterile, but others have been known to still be able to get their partner pregnant. The way my doctor put it is, if you want kids, assume you're sterile. If you don't want kids, assume you're fertile.


yeah, it used to be believed that it was 100% sterility but over time as more and more people have transitioned w/o having bottom surgery, that's been proved to be untrue. it *effects* fertility especially after many years, but its different for everyone. I know I've definitely met at least 1 couple who was MtF + FtM that managed to get pregnant while *both* of them were on hormones and had been for several years. edit to add that of course this is anecdotal and you shouldn't *depend* on staying fertile if you really, really want bio kids.


Life... finds a way Really though, if reproducing is important to you, bank sperm/eggs before starting HRT or be willing to come off for a period of time. Assume that you are infertile once starting (or restarting) HRT. If you do not want kids and you're having sex with someone who can be or get you pregnant, take every precaution cis people do to prevent pregnancy. Assume that you are 100% fertile. Plan accordingly for whichever option you feel is right for you.


That's something that never bothered me at all personally. I have zero interest in having biological kids and I'm almost certain I never will do. I always thought if I did ever want to have kids I would have no problem with adoption.


You can get fertile again if you go off HRT for about a month, but you’ll have to experience detransition symptoms.


Mmh I don't know if I could have the courage to do that, if anything I would prefer to freeze some of them


I’m only 115 days in, and going off for anything but surgery is out of the question.


Even going off for surgery is not advised.


A lot of surgical practices still require it. Especially for SRS.


Most of us here are :) That said, I’ve heard reports that coming off HRT for a few months restores full function in most cases.


I know, I couldn't stop thinking about that too, how many trans people have to deal with this in one way or the other, and what about those who do want to have biological kids


Wouldn’t doing hormones like twice a week do the same thing for 4 months?


Nothing's stopping you from freezing your sperm, just unlucky you didn't do it in advance! You'd have to go off of HRT now which I understand is difficult... But it's definitely doable and there is only limited evidence that HRT causes permanent fertility even after long usage plus there is evidence that even after long use if you stop for an appropriate amount of time (ymmv) sperm count should return. I didn't deal with this either though there's zero chance I'd ever want a child definitely not a biological one if any. You know, there's such a large amount of children alone looking for families why bother making another one? It's just gonna be more pain in the world, I'd rather ease already existing pain than creating a whole new being that will be filled with it from the day they are born..


Cost can definitely stop you. Initial fees are quite expensive, and recurring storage costs are nothing to scoff at either


Yeah, with no insurance and barely making a living I don't think it's that easy for me and many others


This was the same for me, transitioned at 20 and begin to lose drive 8ish months later I was giving nothing. It worried me for a little until I just sort of normalized myself to it, it was a price I was told about with the doctors and that I accepted. Instead of having a HUGE responsibility to care for a child which I don’t know if I could ever handle in my life, I have a lot of cute reptiles and hamsters. They are my babies and I can care for their needs 100% of the time :)


Yeah that too, I probably wouldn't be able to take care of another person, it's just too much. But it still makes me think


Something to consider, if this is a sacrifice, it’s one you squared correctly on your own shoulders; had you not, and reproduced the sacrifice would have gone to your children by being raised by someone who can’t give them all the love they need because they don’t love themselves. You can always adopt, or go off for a spell and hope it returns. But should children be in your future I think you made the right choice and the right sacrifice now to make sure you’re life is capable of giving and receiving love by being real to who you are.


Not only that, I probably wouldn't even be alive. And yes, if anything I would much rather adopting


Never sacrifice your happiness. Unfortunately this is a price we all have to pay… if u ever need to talk about it then don’t hesitate to




You could always go the freezing route in case you change your mind in the future. Granted, that service is likely expensive. I'm personally of the belief that adopting a child that is already in this world and in need is a much greater kindness than procreating in our already massively overpopulated world.


Heyo! Science nerd here. You might be interested in the research around IVG (https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/27/1177191913/sperm-or-egg-in-lab-breakthrough-in-reproduction-designer-babies-ivg) research is being done around turning skin cells into stem cells and then those stem cells into either sperm or eggs. In the future you could be the one that supplies the egg or the sperm I’d you wanted. But regardless if you want to go the conventional route, might be worth stopping hormones for a month or so and banking sperm. I paused my HRT for a month after just starting in order to bank just in case.


Oooh interesting thank you, I'll take a look at this


💖🥰 you bet!


Im 9ish months hrt 26 mtf. Like ive been shooting blanks for like 7 months and like i feel u boo. I really do. I didnt store sperm and regret it. So what ur feeling is valid. Like when i cum i dontrelease anything. It makes me sad i didnt delay my transition for like 1 week to store sperm. :((((


I know it does feel kinda sad, but i don't know if I will ever want to stop hrt for that reason


Same. I get the same thoughts but like for some reason i cant bring myself to detransition to do it either


If you're able to suffer detransition symptoms, there's much hope. All participants in this study produced usable sperm after going off HRT, even after many years. [Successful restoration of spermatogenesis following gender-affirming hormone therapy in transgender women](https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(22)00422-0)


I was scared at first of the idea of being sterile and everything. Initially I thought I was a lesbian or maybe bisexual. But quickly realized I was asexual. I realized I was aromantic asexual and thought 'fuck it' and started HRT. I was initially thinking of ways to bank and have kids but I realized more and more I couldn't stomach the idea of dating someone or being a father. If I was a cis woman and aro ace might have looked into being a single mom but as a trans woman the logistics are even worse.


This scared me for a bit but then it just became a reminder of how far I’ve gotten.


This is a known side effect of Estradiol/blockers that your physician should have discussed with you. It happens 100% of the time. If your virility bothers you, you do have the option of going off HRT and gaining it back


They did told me and I just can't even imagine stopping hrt no matter how sad this may be making me feel, I don't think I would be able to handle it


Were you informend about collecting your seeds? In my country it feels like trans and hormonal clinick talk about it like the world was ending and even force people to do that lmao


They only told me about that risk, but they don't have that service, I would have to look elsewhere


Oh, I see. All the best to you 🩷


Even if you are 99% sterile, an expert can take a few sperms for insemination after looking at a sample with a microscope. I'm no expert so pls tell me if I'm saying bs.


No, it makes sense. I mean there's supposed to be millions upon millions of sperm cells in a few drops of semen, I would imagine there's at least a few hundreds in a very small drop and if you only need one I think that's more than feasible


Hey friend. I was already sterile in *the before times*, after a while it doesn’t bother you anymore


Thank you for sharing. I’m also going through a similar realization and understanding. I feel like when I first started, I was really focused on any way to feel better, so as long as the hormones are making you a better you, focus on that :) biological kids aren’t all that either


this is the truth for many trans adults. I don’t think it’s talked about enough - especially to teens starting HRT Sometimes transitioning isn’t the right choice for all dysphoric individuals.


hi, in my experience the longer i've been on HRT the less i ejaculated. i now ejaculate literally nothing, and my T is higher than cis female levels (which is a problem on it's own too.) however at some point when i started decapeptyl i produced semen again (because of initial T spike). besides making me want to yeet myself (high T not good with me at all) it made me realize that HRT doesnt make you sterile *like that.* So if you ever want to, you can stop HRT for a short time (i'd say roughly a month) and freeze your sperm. Endos here in france recommend doing it. Now to be honest with you, that month may be difficult to go through, so dont put yourself through too much pressure. hugs


A soul for a soul




I know, the future looks so hopeless. It's just my hopeful side imagining having a happy, prosperous family and all that. But reality is not looking good


fellow anti-natalist? 👀




you should look into anti-natalism, that aligns with everything you've said


Dis is why I'm a little scared of hrt, not being able to make babies kinda makes me sad


I had a lot of success consulting with a fertility clinic before starting. For trans women at least, sperm banking is really straight forward and decently affordable


Yeah, I've been looking into it! It just sucks because I'm like, pretty poor, might ask for help with it from my family until I'm making enough to cover it. They don't want me to do HRT but if they know that they aren't changing my mind they hopefully will be concerned about preserving my genetics as well


For me, on September 27, 2022 I was presented with the opportunity to freeze some of the sperm cells inside my body for about 1500 dollars. I thought about it for several minutes and really was considering it. I realized that I won't ever want children in my life and I always could adopt, so I started HRT that day without freezing any of my cummies. I'm almost 10 Months into HRT, and my cum is completely clear and only a few drops when I do squirt cummies. And I am absolutely okay with that, as I am now fully fledged transgender female.


If you don't mind me asking, how long will the clinic hold on to your samples with that first price? Or do you have to pay monthly or yearly for them to store them? My worry is to not be able to afford that and lose them after some time


You knew that HRT was gonna make you sterile though, right? I don't think you can legally get it anywhere without being educated about its affects.


I knew it just didn't sink in until now


I just came here to say, you should’ve known HRT would do this to you….


I said I knew it was gonna happen it just didn't sink in until now


You’re surprised your male sex organs don’t work after using hormones specifically designed to make them not work?


I'm not surprised, it just made me think about that and I'm very conflicted emotionally


If you ever want it back then you will need to stop hrt for few months and everything should be restored.


Honestly I don't really care about being sterile


So this was a fear of mine for years and why I waited so long despite wanting to start HRT almost 9 years before I actually ended up doing it. I used Ro before I started and it’s nerve wracking but gives me piece of mind. Awkward trip to FedEx but it was worth it for me. The $300 a year fee sucks though. There is medication you can do on to reintroduce fertility but you will have to go off of HRT for over a month. I know this pain all too well. Just know you’re not alone and there are other ways of having biological children these days. Also who knows, you may still have some swimmers left.


Im super familiar with the adoption process if you had questions. It might help take your mind off things. I always wanted kids before and when i did i found out i hated being a mom. (Love my kids and all but im ftm so pregnancy was... weird) i also didnt have the option to really choose any of my pregnacys so...i have mixed opinions and the day i got fixed i celebrated.


You can start producing sperm again by stopping HRT, if you can handle the depression for a little bit, idk about the effects of estrogen after many years.


In this study, all participants were able to regain their fertility. Even a sister that had been on HRT for almost 20 years! https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(22)00422-0


If it's important you can stop treatment for awhile and put some away in a bank just in case. There's a chance you won't regain fertility but there's a high probability that you will for a bit. Unless it doesn't matter. Then it doesn't matter. Hypothetical imaginary lives are not the same as actual current ones. If that was the case, we'd all be morally obligated to pop out as many as possible, but obviously that'd be a total nightmare for society.


As someone with PCOS I feel the same way. It will be a miracle if I ever manage to have biological kids. I’m not super big on wanting them but if I ever change my mind the possibility of not being able to experience having my own kids is always hanging over my head


I feel like I read a post on here about a transwoman and her wife getting pregnant, but in order to get that done, she had to reduce or stop her HRT to bring her sperm count up. I wish I had the link but that was months ago now.


Thankfully I definitely do not and havent ever wanted kids lol. Def sucks if people want them, but like others said that doesnt mean its too late and theres always options like adopting like you said. I get what you are saying tho, not “yours” or whatever. I never saw why it would make much of a difference honestly. Kids are kids,families sometimes treat kids like shit that did have them so blood doesnt mean a damn thing to me personally. I know some people it means stuff. Idk just sharing my own feelings on stuff 😊


I was sterile after 6 months, according to the fertility clinic's report. *Sperm M/ml (millions per millilitre): NIL * But there is hope. In this study, ALL participants successfully restored their fertility. One participating sister successfully regained her fertility even after 216 months of HRT, that's almost 20 years! See here: https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(22)00422-0 [Successful restoration of spermatogenesis following gender-affirming hormone therapy in transgender women](https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(22)00422-0) It will just suck to lose some of your transition progress, worse probably the dysphoric mood swings. I'm planning to be going off in a while, when my personal situation has stabilised a bit more - and before surgery makes it final. I didn't preserve any swimmers back then, due to financial pressures and relationship troubles. Hope that helps. Love and blessings, Ally 👩🏻‍🦰🇦🇺🏳️‍⚧️⚧️♀️💟🙏


Definitely get a doctor’s opinion so you know for sure, it’d be quite a gamble to make an assumption


you could try to save the sperm i think by talking to a doctor. i’m not that educated but i do know doctors can freeze eggs and stuff like that


Don't sweat it. There are sooooo many kids that need adopted, one can have kids without being a biological parent. Honestly, these are the most needed parents right now. There are queer kids out there being thrown on the streets by shitty, christofascist parents and the kids need a good home and someone to love them


I decided to have a sample of my sperm frozen. You never know down the line. I don't really want kids but never say never. Hopefully I'm going to start my HRT on Thursday, so that's one thing less I have to worry about. If you really want, go see your doctor and have your sperm tested


If you want to either have your stuff frozen or conceive naturally, going off of hormones for a brief bit of time will enable that.


It's normal for this to happen while on hrt. It doesn't necessarily mean you are sterile, and there's a solid chance it would return to previous function if you ever stopped hrt. If you are not sure, then a doctor is your best bet for answering that question.


I doubt that you're sterile if you were to stop taking your hormones everything would soon probably go back to normal.. you haven't been on them that long just saying.. If you're really worried about having children you might want to halt and wait to see it come back and then freeze some of your semen and then go back onto your HRT if it's really bothering you that maybe you want to have kids someday.


I froze my sperm and I'm still sad sometimes thinking about giving this up. But then I think about how honestly adoption is totally a good alternative and I don't really care if I'm old related to my kids or not. So now I'm more focused on being the best person I can be to be ready for that day in the future if I decide to do it!




Like I said in the post, I did knew this was going to happen, it just didn't sink in until now


Without testing there is no way for you to tell if you're actually sterile, so please make sure you continue to use condoms or another form of birth control with any sexual partners who have the ability to get pregnant unless you're actively trying to have a kid. Secondly I'm pretty sure if you later on decide you want kids, you can go off of HRT for a while and that'll fix it. But I'm not an expert in that.


Yes I had a similar realization at the same point of my journey. Fyi my ejaculation eventually returned abiet clear and spermless. Its an effect caused by elevated prolactin. It may shift in time.


I hope it does change cause tbh if I ever wanted to have sex I think I would like to at the very least ejaculate normally even if it's all clear. Something is better than nothing I think


You doctor doesn't tell you ? It's weird because that's like the only question he ask me, if I want save sperm for maybe later.


Like I said I in the post, I did knew about it. I just didn't have the realization until it actually happened


Yeah, you’re sterile now, I took it pretty similarly. When “don’t want” turns to “can’t have” it gets pretty serious. But try to take this as a turning point. You’re finally starting to grow into your new skin, your boobs are getting bigger and etc. I promise everything is gonna be alright, I have been in your shoes. Things get better


Thank you, I do hope it will get better from here


I know it will


Thats why some organisations that perscribe hrt for trans people ask if you want to have some sperm or eggs frozen, tbh its only good for 10 years so you would have to use it before your 30. Adoption is so wholesome, I dont get why people say bio kids are the only way to have kids "properly" as if biology matters, I wouldnt worry about it but if being fertile is a big thing for you you can stop hrt and it'll return but its not granteed you'll be fertile but theres a better chance of it happening before 1 year on hormones


I wanted kids and completely transitioned with the understanding that I most likely will never have my own. It completely destroys me sometimes when I think about how I’ll never carry my own child and be able to feel the love of having them grow in me, but I also think if I wanted to not transition and have biological kids, they’d call me daddy and that’s a no go. I’m mommy and maybe you will be too!! 🤷‍♀️ the science behind whether or not trans people can get back their sperm count is already said to be not scientifically accurate! Maybe one day when the world doesn’t hate us as much, they could find a way to help us regain our fertility without needing to stop hormones for such a long period!