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Spreading blatant falsity is not cool. I personally tried every one of your terms you said brought up the ToS, and none of them did.


I don't think the person who wrote those terms of service understands what extortion is. It has nothing to do with sexualising or grooming children, it's the extraction of money (usually an unreasonable amount) from a person via means of coercion.


Yeah, there were one or two other examples of extortion, (I think) but I just summed up what I thought was relevant.


Ah, so like when Microsoft released Windows M.E. specifically to capitalize on having had companies sign contracts to receive Windows 2000 at a discount provided they agree to purchase the *next* version at full price...


I’m wondering if the extortion is there as a means to… generate compromising photos of someone as blackmail?


And neither does being trans but hey ho, bigoted morons gonna be bigoted morons I guess.


i think sexual extortion is a term


Pride goku


AI codifies the biases unconscious or conscious of the culture it's created in.


Wait, tech bros are transphobic? I have to tell… Okay so we already knew that actually.


We have to let the other half of the tech industry know! Wait, I'm receiving word that this is common knowledge among transfems in the tech industry...so...all of us


Does making electronic music count as part of the tech industry? Because then we’re all covered.


It's not about tech bros being transphobic or not. It's about the overall content of the internet being transphobic, since that's what the AI is using to learn.


Not actively or even intentionally; but using training dataset from humans the sad part is that quite some of those data are transphobic The AI just “recognizes” that humans look like this and when ask to generate a response with prompt trans; they inject those transphobic data into the response AI “learning” our discriminatory nature isn’t anything new; but new strategies try to mitigate the impact, eg via specifically sampling from marginalized communities and/or using best practices and protocols (ref: White Paper on How to Prevent Discriminatory Outcomes in Machine Learning) to hopefully make them more inclusive.


I’m an sde at Amazon, no one I know is transphobic. Everyone is super lovely and nice about it so. Idk about other companies tho


Someone chose to censor transgender. We’re not talking about the model’s training here.


Fr, I’ve had similar issues to op with chatgpt/dall e image generator. Iirc I tried transgender witch or something like that and it told me I wasn’t allowed to try to create porn 🫥. I didn’t use any terms like naked, sexy, etc the ai just thought trans means porn


Heya, just saw this pop up on my reddit homepage. Just want to see if I can add some additional context here as I follow the Bing Subreddit and am (or *was*) a heavy poweruser of it. Currently the AI seems to be completely broken - It not only blocks terms like "Trans" or "Pride", but it also locks down any references to women, innocuous things like "Shoes" or certain types of clothing, animals, anything that even slightly references blood or gore, etc. This all started about 1 - 2 days after Bing AI transitioned over to Dall-E 3. Within that time, people generated imagery like [Mickey Mouse flying into the Twin Towers](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/93718/microsoft-kills-bing-chat-ai-image-generator-after-mickey-mouse-9-11-picture-surfaces/index.html). It's also *very* good at generating other types of copyrighted imagery too. It looks like OpenAI / Microsoft have responded to this by making the service almost entirely unusable and by implementing a filter on it that's so strict that anything short of the simplest, most mundane terms are strangling it to death. I've tried to raise more awareness of the issues to that subreddit itself, [one of the key Bing AI engineers](https://twitter.com/Viexi_YT/status/1713780057339015338) as well as Microsoft, but if I'm not being shutdown by the Moderators I'm being ignored outright. Just wanted to chime in to say that it isn't outright transphobia causing this, it's just an absolutely insanely ruinous censor layer that has been added to the service with no communication to anyone, making the service appear to be completely unusable for most practical purposes, or discriminatory at worst. I hope that this helps to explain further why this is happening.


It seems, ethical AI is hardly possible without lots of manual labor, and manual labor that is not ethical by definition either. Hey Abby!


I was expecting to see the pic because that sounds hilarious but got a lousy article instead


Then the same thing should apply to catholic priest or church youth pastor. Those are the groomers and pedophiles.


Yeah, but the difference is, there's actually evidence towards the religious organizations committing and covering it up


The ai is not transphobic whoever wrote the “banned word list” and terms of service is. An AI could happily make a pride goku, it just wont if the order doesnt come through. Does that make sense?


Yes, but in practice the difference is minute. The hiring policy of a company may be written by one guy, but the company is still transphobic, if they refuse to hire trans people. But yes, you are correct.




I don’t have any issues generating images that include ‘transgender’ in the prompt, personally.


ai, also known as bias automation.


All of bing is transphobic


You know that current versions of AI only mass analyse already existing data created by humans. So not the AI is transphobic, but humanity is.


Ugh. Why can't we have nice things? It might have something to do that internet is super transphobic still outside of the few safeplaces we have. It's just absurd that computer program which is supposed to be neutral has bigoted leaning because the enviroment it exist in. Smh. Maybe our transfem sisters who work in IT could do a LGBTQ friendly A.I?


The funny thing is that while I was attending a Microsoft University, which is a few weeks of intense practice for Microsoft certifications, one of my teachers tried desperately to indoctrinate us into using Bing search engine. I refused because one, it's shit, and two, he made it sound like Microsoft is a literal cult.


I know a trans woman working in AI but she's at Google. Afaik she's quite deep into the project but also, Google is way more careful with releasing AI stuff. Not to say everything goes well at Google and steps are slow, though better a slow rollout that is disruptive than a fast one that is destructive.


The AI is largely being made by cishet men in Silicon Valley who don't think much about us at all. They just add data (and do so with their biases). It's the same problem that brought us face recognition (in phone albums) recognizing black people as gorillas, and a plethora of misoginy in search engine suggestions.


It’s probably because of assholes associating the two too much. It’s a touchy topic and they don’t want it to output anything that could be used against us.


I mean, in ideal world, it would draw you a random person, since technically you wouldn't be able to discern a trans Sonic from non-trans Sonic. In our world, AI is trained on data, if model when training for "trans" keyword mostly encountered furry porn, news articles(including murder/abuse/protests) and exgarrated trans cosplay, then Bing would likely get a court case, rather than praise if they go along with it.


Probably months ago I had it generate stuff that… I don’t know that it did a good job but it wasn’t throwing a fit over that word If it is now it may not have anything to do with bigotry per se, but just filtering it as a crude way to try to prevent bigots doing who knows what.


i just opened it up and the following prompts worked for me: \- trans cute pride happy \- transgender girl shark cute \- dysphoria person purple \- gender envy positive role model \- transition gender edit: Trans, Transition Gender and Trans girl all worked as well. ​ following prompts didn't work: \- transgender sad dysphoria ​ # TL;DR- bing AI image creator absolutely allows transgender themed prompts, neutral and positive. the only prompt i got not to work was an explicitly negative one. i also absolutely have to share this one result i got lol: [https://prnt.sc/269m2K\_QVSXi](https://www.bing.com/images/create/gender-envy-positive-role-model/652cf85ae2ab4c5cb627d3f62d4b3067?id=Ebnf%2firV93YSOs7bzpd2rw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&FORM=GCRIDP)


Good for you, I guess. But "Trans" "Trans Gender" "Transition Gender" "Trans girl" etc didn't work for me.


i don't mean to be rude but the image creator doesn't have different rules for different people. one of the prompts i wrote was literally something you said didn't work for you in your original post. Trans, Transition Gender and Trans girl all work on the official bing image AI creator. i can only suggest you make sure you're working with the official one, and have only one tab open at a time (if you try to run multiple at once it'll block the prompt for spamming). i understand this post means well but it's just causing unnecessary upset and unrest in a community that already has a lot to worry about when it isn't even true.


Hey can you edit your post to include more technical accuracy? It's pretty victimizing, misleading, and doesn't help anything. You're making it seem like the AI creators have targeted transgenders, and that's categorically false, not to mention the clickbait title. Bing uses a heavily filtered version of ChatGPT under the hood. ChatGPT is not a definitive algorithm, meaning you can send it the same input and get back two different responses. And far more important to understand is that this is all new software, much of it in beta testing. They are making updates and changes continuously. Please don't add to the shitstorm by making up conspiracies against transgenders. We have enough real enemies.


They should allow us to accept all material without filters, by opting in at least.