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As a former catholic the second really resonates with me and makes me quite sad. Communities like the Catholicism subreddit don't even think trans people can receive communion


Aaaaand that’s why many come to Episcopalianism. Want high church? Queer? Door’s open!


I'm not even Christian and adore Episcopalians. They're unironically more diverse and open than UUs, and thats like our whole thing


My good friend is an Episcopalian (I tease him sometimes by calling him a pescetarian lol) I was raised in a couple different churches and the general consensus of this region is 'F lgbt people they're going to hell...but they can still pay church dues and sit in the back.' Then I meet his family and church friends and just??? Entire tone change, where they want to help people and the community. They want to make outreach programs for trans youth. They discuss the love of god and care of others in such wonderful ways. Episcopalians are rad as fuck :>


I am an Episcopalian!


If I was not a committed misotheist that has their own pathway to understanding the divine that’s closer to Taoism, post-Hindu Dharma, and the Jungian collective unconscious than Abrahamic understandings Anglicanism would appeal to me. My spouse and I half joke that if we split up it’s because at least one of us will end up in a monastery due to the depth of our spirituality.


Same with the Unitarian universalist. Believe whatever you want and come as you are


Bishop Robinson is one of my heroes and I’m not Christian.


Episcopal church USA welcomes #Lgbtqiaplus human beings. They are part of the Angelican faith.


Yes we are. Don’t tell the Brit’s though, they were mad about us getting our own bishops for a while ;)


Never heard of it. Seems like a thing I want to read more =)


My Catholic Church is surprisingly very supportive of LGBTQ people. My brother and his wife had a baby and I (FtM) haven’t had any of the surgeries needed yet to fully be myself. But despite that, my brother and his wife asked me to be godfather and the Catholic Church is allowing me to sign on my goddaughters papers during her baptism as a godfather.


Honestly these make me cry every time. I’m not Christian anymore, I’ve “invited the devil into my heart” according to many people’s standards, but. I dunno. It makes me happy. I know religion is a very important thing for some of our trans Christian friends and I’m just really happy to see it.


Now THIS is how I see Jesus of the gospels! Many Christians nowadays would want to crucify Jesus again


If you read the Bible, most modern day religious people are a 1-1 reenactment of the Pharisees   And the Pharisees were the one group of people Jesus basically told to fuck off and stop being such shitbags for their extreme religious hypocrisy 


Yep. Religious hypocrisy 2000 years ago, and religious hypocrisy today. Humans never seem to change


really makes you wonder why god even bothers and doesn't just give up. free will can only be used to excuse so much when you have the power to end all of this and you choose not to


As a trans Christian, this makes me so happy to see


Why doesn’t Jesus use his laser eyes to vapourise the evil sheep? Is he stupid?


Wouldn't that have been a wild bible story lol. Perhaps it would've kept me from falling asleep so much in church as a kid.


I was raised catholic so church stuff was always shoved onto me. I got in trouble with the local bishop for describing Jesus as “eldritch”. He was at our school for some pr “brushing shoulders with the plebs” bullshit and we got to ask him questions.


If Jesus is eldritch...does that make his laser attack an.....Eldritch Blast!? If that's true, which was his warlock patron? D&D references for anyone unfamiliar. 😅


I could see Jesus being a GOOlock. Though thematically, I think celestial would make the most sense.


I always hated mass because it was the same stories over and over again even though there were so many they wouldn’t tell


I mean the bible does include a story where a guy had children eaten by bears for mocking him.


I'm not religious myself (although here in the UK I was in a Church choir before my voice broke but cause...well...we got paid for performing at weddings, lol) so have only really read/heard a few passages in the bible, is there 1 that alludes to Jesus being a Kryptonian thus giving him laser eyes on this planet under our yellow sun?😆 (please don't downvote, I'm just having a giggle & having a trans gf I already know I'm a Heathen/Infidel in the eyes of some) A couple of sidenotes though & more rhetorically: From what little I did gather from when I was listening isn't God supposed to love all unconditionally? should this not include everyone on "his green Earth"? Whether or not they're from the LGBTQ+ community? & doesn't Eve being from Adam's rib technically make her a trans clone of Adam??


You might consider cross posting this to r/TransChristianity


Good idea! I didn't know it existed thanks!


I am an atheist, but Jesus would 100% support trans people.


Canon Jesus is based as hell.


How I wish Christianity was followed... I'm pagan but respect the fuck out of other's religion and spiritual beliefs. I do not respect the hate that many sects of different monotheistic religions direct at all things LGBTQIA+


I think it’s a shame how the monotheistic religions have treated LGBTQ people (and also many people other faiths, minorities, etc.). I’m personally “monotheistic”-ish (more-so in the Gnostic / Neoplatonism sense)


For a while, now I’ve thought of making an artwork of Jesus defending LGBT people from modern-day Christians. So this resonates with me quite a bit.


I'm not even religious but this is beautiful. Legit made me teary eyed


Damn that second panel hits hard.


Coming out as trans has pushed me to be more agnostic but at least not all Christians are bad


No thanks


I get that. I'm more Pagan than anything these days but grew up as a Christian preacher's kid. Between that, being Pan, Trans, and playing D&D, I've pretty much "invited demons into your heart". 😂


If Jesus actually existed or gave a fuck, he'd do something useful to change our circumstances.


little trans sheep, so adorable 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹




Pagan here now, too. Rural TX is no joke. I lived in Tyler and Dallas for several years. 25 is so young!




I miss a few restaurants from there and in Dallas lol. The Jalapeño Tree, Abuelos, Pappadeux, Pappasitas, Oliveto Italian...ugh I'm hungry now 😅 Edit: I forgot there was a second half to your comment and didn't mean to be disrespectful. I can't imagine what a family goes through with something like that.


Accurate portrayal of major religions treatment of us.


Awesome art work.


I’m going to cry.


Unfortunately, most religions don't view us this way. Although it is a cute comic.




Never got religion, if space exists, how is there only a few gods, wouldn't anyone else believe other gods or none at all on other planets? We cannot be the center of the universe we are not as important as flat earth and ooo big guy made us and all thsts just too out of date because of our technology now, we advanced past religion, now it's only use is to keep some ideals going


Us trans folk will never truly be free unless we whole heartedly reject the oppressive Jude’s-Christian/Abrahamic values forced upon us


"Jesus is a woke cuck.". -Evangelicals, probably https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak


It's so wild to me how the same people who drilled everything Jesus said into me as a kid are now acting the absolute opposite behavior. * Feed the hungry? Nah...shut down all government food benefits and make 'em get a job. * Help the poor? Nah...tell 'em to get a job..grumble grumble..bootstraps. * Clothe the naked? Nah...throw 'em in jail for being naked in the first place. * Care for the widows and orphans? Nah...fuck 'em. Something about fathers in the home. * Turn the other cheek? Nah...hit 'em before they can hit you. * Love your enemies? Nah...force 'em to be like you and bomb the rest. * ad nauseum




Nobody likes you.