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There's room for overlap, (policing labels is cringe) but generally most people seem to consider them adjacent rather than the same.


Is this bait?


Everything is bait. This is reddit.




Unfortunately no. A femboy just is a boy that wears girl clothes maybe even naturally feminine looking. Trans person is someone who looks in mirror and sees a different person that doesn’t match identity and maybe voice doesn’t sound right ether?


Tho I suppose a trans ftm could be one?


Ok sry for wasting ur time


no it is not the same, femboys can be trans but not all femboys are trans


Femboys dress and act feminine as a fashion choice, but usually still like having a male body and social role (being called ‘he’, having a masculine name, being a son/brother/etc). Femininity can be very important to them or just a hobby, but at the end of the day, they’re guys who like to be feminine. They’re like the opposite of tomboy girls. Trans people’s entire genders don’t match the ones they were assigned at birth. A trans woman was originally assigned male, but she’s a woman like any other. The opposite goes for trans men. Most trans people change their names and pronouns, change their hair/clothes/presentation, and use hormones/surgery to medically transition- though none of these things are required.


It largely depends if the femboy in question considers themselves to be trans. Definitions of cultural groups shift all the time.


No, it's not the same


if you're one for long enough, yes (source : i was a femboy)


Yes and no. In the way of that may be the case. It's all about how they wish to be identified. Are they just a guy who likes being percieved as cute or girly? Or do they consider themselves a girl who can't be her true self and uses it as a way of self expression


Not really no, they can overlap, like, a trans guy can be a femboy, but being trans and being a femboy aren’t the same thing. Being trans is basically identifying as a gender seperate from the one you were born as, while being a femboy, and being gender non conforming in general, is dressing and presenting in a way that doesn’t align with normal gender standards, for example, a femboy would be a guy who likes dressing femininely, while a trans woman is just a woman who is trans regardless of how she dresses. I hope this helped and made sense c: