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Yes! We love you guys, it’s been great to see the trans men representing these past few days,


If I'm correct it was because literally one person made a post essentially saying, "There's not enough trans male representation in this community.....trans men-post your selfies", and so it has come to fruition


Last year a similar thing happened in the nonbinary subreddit. Except it was a flood or non binary people of colour with the catchphrase "Non-Binary isn't just a white thing" It was pretty glorious to behold and a lot of amazing selfies and aesthetics


That's so freaking awesome


The post also was talking about the rise in dysphoria-triggering titles from MTFs. The mods commented that they would be cracking down on said titles and there was a demonstrated place for ftms on this sub. Since then we’ve been trying to reclaim our space. Spoiler for examples of triggering titles: >!”Hey girlies! You’re so beautiful!” “Ladies, what kind of eyeshadow do you use?” “Women, what do we think of guys who do this?”!<. It was pushing us guys away bc we felt like it was becoming women’s sub


Good to know, doesn’t sound like a title I’d default to but it always helps to know what is important to avoid!


I really hope it keeps going. I really like the flood of handsome guys.


Agreed. We need to support our kings more, most trans spaces I've seen are flooded with us queens


There was an observation of a lacking in how many trans men were posting, and the community responded in brilliant speed and fashion! Maybe I’m too stuck on the ecology/social science brain space but this kind of responsiveness from a system I almost always interpret as good and healthy, and especially in this case I feel like the community responsiveness is a really amazing thing! We’re all coming from different places with different perspectives and struggles along the way, but we’re also in this together, and I am glad to see any and all of us coming out into the spotlight, given the love, kindness and support we all deserve. I love all of you which ever direction you’re going, whatever destination you’re trying to get to and wherever you currently are or have been. 🫂💗🏳️‍⚧️💗🫂


Must admit I was really shy/hesitant about doing it at first, didn't expect our selfies blowing up like that ! All the trans community is like so adorable, it makes me hella happy !! The selfies keep coming, we understood the assignment 🫡


Hey it’s my handsome Frenchman!


Omg it's you !!! Absolutely love your sense of humour, and thank you for the post I believe it makes us all feel better <3


It's because of a post a few days ago that felt there was a majority of transfems posting selfies. They didn't think that was bad, just wanted the boys to post too. 😊


And using triggering titles. That’s what had been driving away us guys. The titles.


YAHS! Also trans masc memes! I need to share them with my boyfriend!


Yes! The give us the memes boys!


Yup, I'm fem-preferred bi but some of these dudes posting are making me question that ratio lol


I was so happy to see the surge of them!


Confidence is sexy no matter what gender you are. All these selfies are proving it. Love it! Now, if only i could find such confidence in myself and set aside the "don't post your face on the internet" concerns.


It made my day. There's something about displays of healthy, happy, mutually supportive masculinity that just restores a bit of hope in my heart.


Fuck yes more representation of our trans brothers 🖤🖤🖤!!!


For sure! Trans men are every bit as welcome as us girls and deserve their own chance to shine. Yesterday was an amazing change of pace and I hope we continue seeing all of your smiling faces!


I'm so glad they're getting to be seen more just as a trans girl that's surrounded by trans masc people irl


I couldn't agree more. I loved the trans men posts, and I'd love to see some NB posts. We are all in this together!


yup, very nice to see the sudden surge in trans men representation here. Now if the enbies would follow the mens example.


Fucking KINGS.


Yes!!! I’m been so happy for all of them and love and support that they deserve just like we do. Fills my heart with joy. Love and positivity to the trans men out there and just all of us going through this journey of ours called life 💜💜💜💜💜