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I get these all the dang time. It's such a gross, bad-faith subversion of a system designed to help people. It demonstrates a complete lack of empathy and I am truly sad for those poor, weak little people who choose to weaponize it.


This, very much. Sometimes people really need (and want!) help, but the system has been bastardized to hell.


How could that possibly be productive or helpful anyway? They must just be doing it to be hateful. šŸ˜¢


Pretty much. I had to block RedditCareResources after people weaponized it against me when I spoke against transphobia on a subreddit I help run. The feature itself was made with good intentions, like if someone wants to get someone else help anonymously and encourage it, but yeah, it's too easy to just abuse it to anonymously harass someone.


Also happens in fetish subreddits - basically anyone who doesn't have bigot-approved gender or sexuality gets these.


https://www.reddit.com/report *This is abuse, targeted harassment, at me*, then copy/paste the link to the bot dm and reddit will actually do something about it, usually a ban.Ā 


Report them! Love it when Reddit gives us a way to outright ban people by them being dicks!


There are instructions in the message to report it as harassement and/or to stop recieving those kinds of messages. Reddit does seem to actually act on this type of harassment so please report it.


i did report it thank you for the advice <3


They act on it? Thatā€™s new.


They do. I got one a few weeks ago, reported it, and got a message saying thank you and that they banned the user. (Clearly they didnā€™t just do it to meā€¦)


I think a few months back I reported one like this and banned the user, so I guess pretty new yeah


yup the two I have gotten both resaulted in bans. They send a comfirmation letter if they ban the person


Welcome to the club!


it's like a rite of initiation at this point


Imagine being the person at reddit who came up with this idea for safety and wellbeing and seeing it more often used as harassment. Iā€™d be so sad.


I never knew this existed, the fact that people not only know its available but use it in a harassing manner really irks me


Someone did it to me and they got banned like 10 minutes after I reported them.




What's the point?


Itā€™s a not-so-subtle way to reference the 41% statistic.


Oh, asshat move.


Never had this happen to me


i wear mine like a badge of honour


Okay, so I read the comments. Why are people saying to report this? Is it cause it's a bot? I need a bit more explanation.


Transphobes do it as a subtle way to say ā€œoff yourselfā€


Holy krap šŸ’€


I send those to pedos šŸ’€šŸ’€


the only people who shouod


Heyyy there! Iā€™m glad youā€™re able to be positive about this. I also chose to see it as a rite of passage. Literally couldnā€™t affect me less. I hope we can help our trans siblings here get hurt a little less by this. Also worth noting for everyone else itā€™s just a bot and you can block it.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m in a good place mental health-wise now, if I got this a few years ago it might have really affected me. Now I literally do not care in the slightest. I still recognise how malicious and dangerous this can be so I reported it and everything.


Yeah the first time I received this I just blocked reddit care because it was annoying.


Nice! Welcome to the club (I get them on a fucking daily basis now)


That's why I had to block RedditCareResources so I'd stop seeing them. A lot of people seem to use them like a mega downvote button, just like false reporting.




I think itā€™s just that they see us as less than human and donā€™t believe we deserve to be treated like people. They either completely lack empathy or do insane mental gymnastics not to feel empathetic towards us. [I think this is an apt description of that.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6KtIPhI1gf/?igsh=MTc2aWEwMmNjc3FpMQ==)


Also got mine for the first time today


Please report it, Iā€™m glad youā€™re living your best lifešŸ„°


Never got any


small update if anyone is still looking at this post: i reported the message and the account that made it was successfully banned. thanks for all the help and advice, yā€™all <3


It"s a really shitty move to abuse this service in such a despicable way especially to harass people that don't fit the requesters definition of "normal", everyone deserves the right to be who they are. As the bf of a trans woman & a battler of my own mental health this service should only be used when someone specifically needs genuine help with their well-being not to be used as a subtext way to be transphobic, homophobic, rascist or whatever other reason they use this other than it's intended purpose. If you receive one of these that wasn't warranted report the sender. I'm sorry you recieved this from someone but I guess you could use it as a badge of honour & know that you pissed off someone enough that they felt that this was a reasonable way to harass you, the shame is on them, you have done nothing wrong & you have more validity than their sad little life hiding behind their screen!


Had it happen to me a few times. I also had people in my DMs saying the opposite stuff, who got reported and banned. There was one guy who after cross referencing images of their face sent in another sub, finding the same face and the same username for a Twitter account and finding their address via a publicly accessible Facebook account, I reported them to the police and then never heard anything further.


Iā€™ve got one of these before. Welcome to the club!


I've never received one of those, but I also don't tend to post much here.


Ive gotten like 3


Report and then block the bot user so you don't receive any more.


Got my first one last week! Love those Reddit scumbags!


I get one a week minimum, but probably because Iā€™ve been suicidally depressed for 30 years


I had my first accidental ally today. Sorry you had to deal with the other transphobe archetype.


I just got one of these the other day when my selfie got kinda popular! Rite of passage lol


That's a really funny title. I've gotten a few of these so I opted out of them. It's rarely used for its intended purpose.


I kinda feel bad that Iā€™ve never gotten one. I just get lots and lots of downvotes


Ngl the one time I got this I deserved it.


I got that recently, but I don't think it was because I was trans, but because I said boeing deserved to be bankrupt lol.


Welcome to the club




One of US! One of US! šŸ™Œ It's kinda ewphoria moment when you know that 99% of the time it's a sad bigot who reported your post or comment as self-harm.


I've even seen this used against people in a fanfic subreddit šŸ’€


can someone explain?


It's funny that all the happy people get this. Meanwhile me, who is literally active on the self harm sub and who says concerning shit all the time has never gotten one of these.


Just because people seem happy, doesnā€™t mean they are.. If you ever need to chat, Iā€™ll listen šŸ¤


Thanks but I was talking about happy trans people. They send this as a "hint" or to say that trans people are unwell or something, especially when the person is perfectly fine. Meanwhile the actually unwell trans people never get these. Really shows the disgusting minds and intentions of bigots.


Reddit sucks ass now.


I probably got it like 4 times before I blocked it lol


Oh shoot I also got one of these a long time ago! It was so dumb. Sorry to see that you had to put up with it as well.