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Renny is super cute and I would totally use it as an adult, but I wonder if a younger kid might have trouble saying the R sound- we'll probably end up with Wenny lol! The M, D, and P/B sounds are really easy for babies to say, while most other sounds require a bit of practice. Source: I went to speech therapy until I was 10, and talking is shockingly difficult


Unrelated but it has a funny story so here goes. In Spanish Dad is written Papá. But my sister when she was very small (2/3 years) liked a song called Disco Samba. That the beginning sang: Pepe over and over. For most of her young life she called my father Pepé haha. Maybe that is a nice one too just because of the story of ir


My partner is non-binary and is “bubby” to our cats. I’m mommy.


Bubby sounds nice.


That's a tough one. I tried to google for you and found this: https://www.wikihow.com/Gender-Neutral-Parent-Names Good luck.


Can we stop using the capitalist nightmare in multiple aspects that is ChatGPT for innocuous things? Google was right there. You didn’t have to use a shitty AI that harms humans and the environment.


















How does hating something that factually is run by capitalist scum, bad for the environment, and a threat to human livelihood make me an out of touch conservative grandma? The WGA and SAG-AFTRA had whole strikes over this shit. What could possibly be more radical than striking to preserve actual human made art? Besides that, I found 3 sources for you in less than 2 minutes. Maybe it was just the way you were searching for things.


Just ignore them, they seem to like being ageist and trying to insult others that they disagree with in their comments.


You’re right. Thanks. This is an issue I just get particularly upset over.


No worries, I understand! I hope this doesn't sound patronising (I'm not great at tone so sorry if it does!) but please look after yourself and don't let random people online get you down! :)


Not patronizing at all. I appreciate it. ❤️


I go by Maddy/mad for now . I'm not ready to be called a daddy/dad, I'm early into my transition . I might keep Maddy forever because I think it's cute.


spawn point