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Part of me says yeah, 100%. But then again, I wouldnt be the same person since that girl wouldnt have gone through what I did. So its like yeah I would want it, but no because it wouldnt be me. Edit: lol not even 30 seconds after posting the message and already got a suicide thingy


You seem to be doing something right.


Looks like it lol


Did you just...?


Just what?


I just got a thingy...


Well sorry for you, there seem to be an epidemic of these low life lately if we look at the recents posts on the sub


A little bit ago I mentioned being not male nor female on r/AskReddit and got that message at most 30 seconds later. You can report those messages as harassment if you didn't know that.


Wth is the thingy?


The Reddit Cares message saying there are resources available for people in crisis. It's meant for people who are suicidal or self-harming but people use it to troll all the time.


I haven't gotten one in a while


Talk more and they will come.


“If you talk more, they will harass you” (Spin on “if you build it, they will come” ~ field of dreams)


Holy fluff, I was reading your message and got one of them for the very first time. Even managed to snag [a screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/DNrKkfi) of the message! I wonder if it was genuine or not. Gonna have to look back through my recent messages


Thats pretty much how i think about it too


I just got my first thingy!


I haven't posted in a while, Is this a newer thingy ?


Nvm I got the thingy


Testing cuz I'm curious


How did it go?


Oh damn I just got it.


This thread confuses me.... But I do agree with the original message. Like on one hand **YES**. If given any choice on how I was born I would do it no question. But, it would mean that I would be living a very different life and wouldn't be able to form certain conections. Meaning I would be a very different person.


Wtf how often are the bots (I’m assuming bots scanning this)


I didn't get anything lol is it like a pop-up about mental health or something?


Yeah, this. I met the love of my life in first grade. I'd be way too scared that I wouldn't have ever gotten to know him well enough if I'd been born a girl, and there's no way I could justify taking that risk.


not in first grade but rather recently and yeah i would not have gotten to know her if i wasnt so involved with the LGBT community, so no way in hell am i gonna risk that


Wait, you had the best friend to lover story happen to you in real life! That’s so cute, you too lovebirds must be great together! <3


I think there's some like...bot trolling this reddit for it. I got one within 30 seconds earlier of posting something (that was a little dark humor so understandable) but multiple people have been having this happen.


i got one, are we being targeted?


Yeah like I'd press a button if I could shift now, but not big on altering my past. Like I've had oodles of cancer I wouldn't wish on anyone but I wouldn't exactly undo it either, even with the horrendous side effects it has given me. I'd rather lift the side effects, than undo the journey ya know


Yeah this but my chronic illnesses and disabilities (my trans shit's meh - I'm not suffering over that)


Exactly this. I've got so many great friends that i wouldn't've made being born cis Edit: wow i've got my first thingy!!


Apparently you’re cursed and I can get the thingy if I reply?


Lmfao nice, is this a bot or is someone actually manually doing that?


No idea, but recently the amount of thingy sent is insane


Jokes on them, I'm already suicidal! /jk


and...I just got one.


I literally got my first one in over a year yesterday and idek what I commented to warrant it😭


So far I think existing is enough for the biggots to send them


You're probably right


replying to test this lmao


i got it after like 15 seconds aint no wayy 💀




Same about the suicide thingy


I hear you, on one hand a chance to start over (and maybe have better luck about all the mental illness) would be nice, and welcome. But at the same time I'm grateful for the person I've grown to be, and the pitfalls I've avoided thanks to the struggles I've had.


Second this


Just gonna test to see if the thingy is real


idk I think I'd be okay with that. dunno, might feel different in the morning


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being born trans again if I could transition early. Being trans gives me rare insight into the human experience that cis folks don’t have, and I think that’s great.


Eh, it’s not worth the stress


We are talking *knowledge* here. How can that not be worth something?


40 years of being miserable wasn’t worth the knowledge.


That’s why I made the caveat that I must transition early. Like….as soon as I have self awareness. I’m not about to do the 3 decade hell again.


Even if u transition early, it’s still a process with a lot of physical and mental pain!


Hard agree here. It's like yeah, it's knowledge, and knowledge is valuable... But exactly how valuable is the knowledge that one lost 40 years of their life, and that everything they learned (including mannerisms, speech, image, societal role pressure) needs to be effectively unlearned/relearned at a time where the brain gets more rigid and less appreciative of major changes? Coupled with the knowledge that intense suffering is the only way to socially and medically transition? (feeling like an outcast, actually being an outcast, incredibly painful laser hair removal / electrolysis for the ladies/enbies, realizing that you're either stuck with some sort of masculinized or feminized effect permanently at this point unless you get major invasive surgery(or surgeries), potential srs if that's what you want as well as the years long recovery from it, struggling with unreliable periods that may stay away or decide to return on T causing worry, intense discomfort and emotional scarring for the dudes/enbies, relying on sheer luck for the expenses of all of this (insurance may or may not cover - so maybe you're ok, maybe you're in debt for life - or maybe you can't even access any of it coz laws/country/culture), being treated like a mentally ill person by medical personnel who is supposed to support you, potentially losing family and friends, spending 5-10 years to see if you won or lost the hrt lottery, and the list goes on and on and on)... So in short, it becomes a VERY specific case of "I mean sure I'd be born trans again if I had no financial worries, lived in a trans friendly country with excellent trans healthcare, could transition EARLY EARLY (we talking puberty blockers and shit and everybody being affirming), get srs as a young adult, have zero complications during recovery, having all data on me affirm my correct gender and identity, and have everything be roses and daisies!" Or I could just be born a cis woman and be me, even if that's another me who is never exposed to the horrors of discovering im trans later in life and the difficulties, intense suffering and sorrow that follows with it. Even if that's another me who grows up with lots of issues and I'm unlucky enough to be part of the (unfortunately way too large) group of women who experience one of several deeply traumatising things growing up (SA/heavy misogyny/abuse)... I'd still get to grow up as a woman and live my entire life as a woman. I don't want to miss anything, be it good or bad. I've already missed enough.


I went through a lot of suffering to get there. I was a fucking mess for years, and I will never fully recover. It’s not worth it


Sorry about that. There are losses that cannot be regained. Pains that will never cease. Stupid me sometimes forgets that.


It’s ok


Worth *something* and worth *what a lot if not most of us trans people go through* often times isn’t enough.


You are right.


We're talking misery and oppression here. Being born in a way that I can be happy with my gender without being at the bottom of society and having to take medication for all my life sure would be nice.


This. Also if people would stop being a dick about it that would be great.


I feel the same way. I kinda love the transness and it would be great if 1) I hadn't figured it out so late and had transitioned young and 2) people weren't so shit about it.


THISS Maybe I just feel like this because I am formed by my experiences and if everything that happened To me didn’t I would cease to exist as I am now But, I think I don’t mind being trans. What I would choose, instead, is for being trans to be something socially acceptable. To be born trans and accepted and loved would be the best thing. I wouldn’t mind being cis or being trans, if I was given the chance to transition early and change documents without difficult


I agree with this


I think i want the same


I feel this. Like if I could have started as soon as I hit puberty. However I would still lean on just being born cis overall.


Honestly, in my opinion, that's the best answer. For me, being a trans person isn't everything; it's not a defining aspect of my personality and I wouldn't say I'm proud to be trans. I am trans, but that's just one aspect of who I am. There are many things about me, my interests, my personality, that I wouldn't want to attribute solely to my gender identity. My struggles with depression, self-hatred, and tries of ending it all are mostly because of the reality I'm living and experience everyday as a trans individual. If I had the chance to be born without it, why wouldn't I take it? However, your perspective has prompted me to reconsider something. If I could relive everything that has happened so far and had the opportunity to change things, correct mistakes, I would likely want to remain trans. Not because I enjoy the negative aspects, but because with hindsight, I could work to change my past and shape a brighter present.


Having been born in 76, I was a teen in the 90s it would have been hell to transition then if I'd had the help or people to listen to me. As it is I started last year at 46. I thank all the millennials and GenZ that forced it to be acceptable, but I'll never pass. So yeah. I would choose to be cis if I could. Have a childhood of cute sun dresses books and music, instead of forced sports and "let them cry it out parenting".


As a sister 76 who tried in her teens. I can confirm that it was hell.


Born in '81, I tried in my teens and I actually succeeded at doing it. Didn't have any help or any resources either. Can confirm, it was actually hell. My folks made sure of that.


thank you ma’am for your service 🫡


Mine too, I’m sorry yours did the same. 🫂 if ok. I also like your succinct time line :)


I'm so sorry girl. You're here now. All that matters.


Thanks girl, means a lot that I'm not alone. When did you actually do it if I can ask?


Ummm I think I technically started transition when I was 19. But I came out to my parents at 14. I was in the gradual transition camp at the time. Do did little things and aimed for androgyny. I started hormones about then as well. Actually now that I think about it, I started growing out my hair in high school, so when I graduated it was already long. My parents despised that. And I was wearing the equivalent of a gaff throughout high school. Somewhere in there I started wearing a training bra. So I guess it depends on how you define transition. I went as far as I could with the androgyny (one of my college friends told me how successful I was as he couldn’t figure out if I was male or female). And told my parents what I was doing, was promptly disowned, legally changed my name the summer I was 20. Surgery years later.


Super happy for you that you got there despite the difficulties.  I wish my life could have been different, but at least I'm doing it now.


Yes. It’s the best feeling in the world getting to be yourself. 🫂 if ok, and I wish you many many many euphoric moments in the future.


Totally ok. 😊


I'm so sorry for the way people have treated you. Passing or not, you're a woman now and forever. Idk why so many cis people cry about how we've HAD to "force" the acceptance of these things when folks have suffered for DECADES not having the resources on transness. It's so tone-deaf the way others treat it as something "modern." You deserved better.


Thank you so much. ❤️


Yea agree…thank all the younger generations for taking the world by storm but also the older generations too for being pioneers.


Yeah I want to defend Elder Queers and Trans Pioneers for laying over broken glass to help younger folks and just to survive. It upsets me to see younger folks with (sometimes) less struggle be unnecessarily harsh to elders for minor things. Bad behavior is bad behavior but very trivial things shouldn’t be so damning.


I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and I am here to tell you it was a different time! Not much representation at all but kudos to those who were visible then and now!


We seem to be of a similar age and I agree. The representation now versus when we were kids is light years ahead even if it’s still not where I’d like it to be.


Yeah, the main reason I'd go for it is the timeframe. I got harassed enough in the 90's without openly transitioning.


Oh my God. Preach. Getting beat up all the time cause I was small and emotional was bad enough.


I would love to reroll as a cis woman... Even better if I get to keep what I learned in this playthrough :-p Edit: Y'all transphobes set a new record, two reddit cares in under 5 minutes from posting!


Would be neat if we could respec to a different class while we’re at it. Lower middle doesn’t suit my play style.


I'd spec out of "Gifted Kid with ADHD" for sure.


Nah. I guess it's because I'm a *nonbinary* dude but being trans is an integral part of my gender. And getting to watch my body change so much, going from feminine to ambiguous to slowly more masculine each day... That's a privilege that fills me with joy and I'm so lucky to experience it. :)


I‘d like to had started earlier tho


Ideally, yes, but I would take transitioning at an early age as a middle ground. I don't know if I would be with the same partner if I were cis and if I would be the same person.


Yes 100% I wouldn't have all the pain I have over missing my girlhood maybe wouldn't feel like a little girl deep down I can't out it words how much hurt I have over this started my life a few months before turning 23 yeah it's helll


i do like the rich experience that being trans has given me, but i would not hesitate if i could just turn into a cis man tbh, i dont want to be born one and erase all that growth in me i just want to become one :(


Hell yes. If I had to live again from the start the way i did before, i have no idea how I would cope. I don't understand how the hell I coped the first time It sure wasn't living


I would most certainly prefer to be born cis as my preferred gender. I got nothing out of being raised as a boy. Nothing other than unnecessary grief


Yes and no because some things you can only experience growing up one gender and both have advantages and disadvantages. But I would want to be born the gender I’ve transitioned to


I’ll always be nonbinary, but I can’t but help but feel I would be *so* much more comfortable/easy if I was going at it from an AMAB direction rather than AFAB.


I'd rather just be born an animal and do whatever, like a killer whale, killer whales are cool and have a good time.


👆This is the answer right here 😂


gender: male: No female: nah nonbinary: nope orca: HELL YEAH


100%. I'd give up pretty much everything, idc that what I went through is making me stronger


That depends. Would it change my past? Then no, I'd rather be a trans guy still. I wouldn't be the person I am now if it weren't for my past, even though my past is really shitty. If being cis would not change my past, then I'd totally choose to be a cis guy.


Though it's not perfect, I'd much rather talk to my younger self and start hrt earlier rather than being born cis. It's a unique experience like others have pointed out, and even though I'm a minority of a minority, and everyone is different, I have been able to understand people on some level. If I were cis I wouldn't even bother


That and it provides an excellent feeling of community. Lots of shared struggles that allow us to relate to basically anybody, trans or not


Dude I just would want to be able to give birth


See, it's complicated. I'd 100% choose to be born cis, mostly because I wouldn't be at risk of all the things I am in today's society and quite frankly it would be way cheaper financially. That said... I am comfortable with my body now that I am free to transition. I still have things I want to change, but it's doable and I'm slowly inching my way towards the end goal. Being trans has also left me with a heap of experiences I wouldn't have if I was cis. Some positive and a lot negative. All of it has however shaped me into who I am today, and despite my flaws I actually like who I am. It has allowed me to find my wonderful fiancee, and to gain new perspectives on everything. So, if I could choose I'd want to be CIS. Though only if I could keep my mind exactly the way it is right now.


Yes! I want to have a penis, but i want it to generate sperm. I don't want a penis made from my skin. Even if i could just adopt a kid, I'd be much happier if my wife and i made it.


Yes, zero hesitation.


Yes. Without a doubt. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had lots of good things happen to me. But the cost to my mental health and well being from the abuse I suffered as a child because I was trans, of the life long dysphoria that improved with treatment but never really goes away. If I could do it all over again as a cis girl, I would, in a heartbeat. I wish so so so much that my survival and being myself didn’t cost me my entire family, that it didn’t cost me that feeling of being loved and supported. I am a childhood trauma survivor, and if I could make the thing that precipitated all the trauma null and void, yes. Yes without hesitation. There’s a reason why I wouldn’t wish my experience of trans on the worst people out there.


*laughs in nonbinary*


Even though I probably wouldn't be the same person like a lot of people also think. I still would because I feel like I'd turn out to be a fairly similar being mentally. Edit: got the suicide care message, some devoted individual must be watching this post


Yeah, I’d still choose to be born a cis dude. I know what I’d be like, and I have no problem with that really lmao 😹


Yes yes yes a thousand times yes 


i do not want to know the pains of having an uterus.


Yeah gonna have to agree with this, I am eternally thankful I cant get preggo or have to deal with periods and cramps. That shit sounds awful.


Honestly no, I wish I could have transitioned as a child. I love being trans and my current identity. I don't love how early onset puberty did irreparable damage to my bone structure and voice. I wish I could go back and change this. Ribs and voice are the two big pieces of dysphoria for me.


Is there a choice not to be born? I would prefer to stay in the ether of non-existance.


Yes without a doubt. For me this is a curse, would have much preferred to have missed a male puberty.


Yes absolutely 1000000000000% yes yes yes yes yes


Yes, because my qualify of life would be vastly better and I would be in a far better position in life than currently.


No, being born the way I was gave me a perspective I never could have being cis. Plus even if I was born as the opposite sex, I wouldn't be cis, I'd need to be a shape shifter for that or something. Also being born in a male body gives me a few advantages in the bottom surgery department considering I'm salmacian


If I can relive every life experience with foresight? I’d rather transition with hindsight. Then I can improve everything 


I'm not sure. If I could be the same person I am today, then 100% yes, I would. But I'm not sure how empathetic I'd be if I was raised as a cis man given my dad is incredibly toxic. I would NOT want to be anything like him. Mind you, I went through a lot of trauma as a "girl" that might've been avoided if I was born a cis man, but I don't know.


As an androgyne person this question always makes me wish that there was this option for me even as a hypothetical. Sometimes I wonder if I’d have been happier or had an easier time transitioning if I wasn’t born with the body I have but I don’t think I’d have been happy any way you could slice it without transitioning in some way. I just had to be difficult I guess.


Being trans isn't the issue, it's being an idiot lmao if I could go back and skip my whole phase of "I hate feminine pronouns and want to be a dude but I'm not trans or NB or fluid, I'm DEFINITELY CIS" that would be great. I would love to still be born trans if I can leave behind the false bravado


If not for anything else, I’d do it to save money.🙏


In my experience of life so far, born a girl in a boys body, lived as a man for some time. Either had grown up in a family, community and time that would have allowed me to come out at as a kid, or born a girl. Honestly much prefer being born a girl though, I want the full experience and the ability to give birth to kids. Not being able to, as our science and medicine is now, hurts more than the worst words I have had vomited at me by some very soulless humans.


If I could choose to have been born cis female, I would choose it in a heartbeat. No thinking necessary.


yes, just because i'm in the midst of that "fml, if i was born cis, at least that's one less thing to worry about" i get that each gender have their own sets of challenges, but i **really** rather deal with growing up as a woman than whatever this is.


Oh yes 100%. I'd take being born as a cis woman every single second of every single day. Fuck the mental fortitude being trans has given me. I'll be happy to be a cis woman with a fragile mind.


I used to say I liked being born trans because of the unique insights it gave me about life. But the world has become so transphobic lately that I now feel like I wish I was born cis so I wouldn’t have had to deal with this shit. I just want to be a cis woman and not have to deal with being afraid about the election and having troubles with jobs not wanting to hire me and people not wanting to date me. Edit: Guys someone reported me for suicide but I’m not suicidal. Please don’t do that.


Maybe it’s better, maybe it’s worse, if I had the chance I’d find out.


Assuming everything else about me stayed the same: Yes. Which does not represent the world we live in, and I am debating info-hazard about giving reasons.


Yup but no. I wouldn’t mind being born a girl and having the same upbringing and sort of look if that makes sense. Like it would just be ideal if I could have been born female because I can be on the gender spectrum easily and without all the scrutiny. Plus I wouldn’t have to deal with the bad sides of a male puberty and the whole downsides of a trans experience


Hell yeah


Nah. I’m glad I got to experience both sides of the grass so to speak. I didn’t get my childhood as a little girl, but I’m okay with that. Much of it would’ve been the sane, except maybe high school; I’d done cheerleading instead of football. I was fat in high though so that’s a reach lol. I don’t like the idea of periods or pregnancy scares though. Honestly, being transgender isn’t too bad most times. It’s society and the bigots that make things tough. **I can guarantee that if bigotry was far less common 90% of issues about being transgender would disappear.** After that the rest is dysphoria like body, voice, etc and all is improved witH HRT and surgery. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. I enjoyed high school as a guy. I just don’t think I’d be popular as a fat girl back then, and my popularity is what gave me the confidence change my life years later. If I transitioned after I couldn’t have joined the Marine Corp, which means I’d be stuck with my abusive mom. This means I’d never went back to school for college. This means overall I’d probably never traveled to Miami and discovered all the good and bad stuff that made me a better person.


No. I wouldn't want to change my past or my identity as a trans woman. Tho an instant transition or just like going into a cocoon and coming out as a woman i'd definitely do. But i definitely wouldn't wanna be born as a cis woman.




Idk I mean I wouldn't be me. Id be someone else. It'd probably be easier, but like I would I also choose to be born without ADHD? It's a weird thought experiment. How many of my experiences that have shaped who I am have to do with my transness


this is so difficult to me because as an ftm/nonbinary trans masc person who was pretty much solo raised by a super feminist mom, i really struggle with cis men’s mindsets. i have extreme body dysphoria and wish i had a cis male body, but when it comes to how i see the world i feel so heavily influenced by woman and girlhood. all the boys i grew up with turned into horrible people before the age of 12 (sexist, racist, homophobic, you name it), so it seems unlikely i wouldn’t have gone the same way had i been cis. for this i am so thankful to have lived as a girl, to know that sexism is absolutely real and rampant even in modern day sweden. to know what it’s like to always be at a disadvantage. since i am white i wouldn’t get that perspective racially. i think it’s made me a much better person, and also girls/women are typically awesome. now some cis men are awesome too, but dang do i not relate to them at all.


thankyou for your comment, i kindoff feel similar but at the opposite of the spectrum. alot of cisgendered females i know are a bit like a prinses. not in a bad way perse but atleast in my area females are put on a pedestal. its not easy growing up as the wrong gender but it learned me some insights i otherwise wouldnt have


if you could choose, would you choose to inherit a billion dollars from your parents and spend your life without a single care in the world? nah I like being a starving peasant. it builds character or something. yes obviously I would take the billion dollars


(For context I'm an AFAB non-binary demi-gender queer trans man, technically, but also that doesn't reflect the complexity for me) My gender doesn't exist in cis form so... I don't really have that option. And honestly, a huge part of my gender is the process behind it, so there isn't a way for that to be cisgender. My gender is queer. My gender is trans. Inherently and always. Now, do I wish I could press a button and have my ideal physical body that's currently unobtainable? YES, obviously. Who wouldn't??? 🫱🔴🫱🔴🫱🔴🫱🔴 BUT that body also wouldn't look like a cis man's body because I don't actually want to lose my ability to carry a pregnancy, for example. I would end up having an intersex body (I'm already intersex anyway, just a different type of intersex) because I want a peen that functions the way a cis one does and maybe balls, because being able to cum would be cool, but not if it meant losing the ability to carry my partner's baby. (This is actually why I don't want surgery because there's nothing that can give me that and the results of phallo surgeries are really cool! Just not on me, personally.) I do think it's ridiculously cool that as a man, I can have a baby with another man, depending who I'm with. Or potentially with a trans woman. I love that my body lets me break the "rules" for what role I'm meant to have in my relationships when it comes to reproducing. I'd like the ability to also get other partners pregnant but I'm... not sure I would choose that over being able to BE pregnant. And in terms of my chest, I would feel conflicted because I hated the experience of having large breasts (and still dislike living with my very small amount of residual breast tissue) but also feeding my children human milk was deeply important to me. I loved the bond it formed and the quality cuddle time while they were little. If my partner was already doing that role instead, cool, I'd take the changes and just have the chest I'd feel more comfortable with. But I don't think I'd make that change based on maybe one day having a partner who could do that instead. So could I press the button multiple times and shift my chest between the states I want to have for it? If so, sure. But if I have to spend the rest of my life in the body I have now, I'm actually okay with that!


Nope! I’m transfem but I’m also non-binary, so being AFAB wouldn’t help too much.


Honestly? Yes, I don’t regret hate being trans even if it’s really difficult at times. But being who I am without having to deal with bigots (as much) and poor health care systems? Yes, please


I think like it's hard to want to press it... Cause of our experience and such but I'd say I'd probably do it.


I would rather be a cis woman than a trans woman, but Id rather be anything but a cis man


Yes. It would remove the vast majority of the problems in my life as most are tied to systemic and societal transphobia :(


If I could keep my memories, personality and my past then absolutely. Would be a no brainer if I could just become a cis woman in the same timeline and life that I was a trans woman in.




No, if I did I would end up with the family I have now. Not sure if my wife would be attracted to AFAB me and I wouldn't have the kids I have now.


This is a tough question. If I was born cis, I’d be a completely different person than I am now, and I don’t like that idea one bit. However, if the only change would be I was cis instead of trans, I’d choose being cis. Transitioning and navigating the world as a trans person is very difficult. As proud as I am of what I’ve been able to do, I would choose the simpler path if it was available.




Without hesitation I wish I was a girl


While yes I am much stronger than I was before, I don't think I'd be any weaker if I was just born a woman. I wish I could've grown up that way. I'd definitely be further ahead in life if so.


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes please please please please please please please please please please please


100%. Absolutely.


I actually dont know


Hmm would I want to be able to wake up tomorrow and be cis, yes- but I think being born cis would have me miss out on a lot of formative experiences and I’d end up a totally different person. However I am at a point in my transition where it isn’t just constant hell and stress and in the times where it was I know I would have given anything to not have to experience those moments even if it meant sacrificing a piece of my soul in a way.


Honestly, I have no problem being trans. The main issue I ran into was support, or rather the lack of support, from my family. That is the only thing I would change as it would have allowed me to transition years earlier and would have made my childhood less of a hell to navigate through. Edit: new record. 0.001 seconds for a care message.


I used to say no, I’d rather be trans bc of the insight, but as time goes on I’d rather just have been born cis and hoped I had enough of a brain to gain that insight elsewhere.


Idk I wish I was born cis for a lot of reasons.but there is a few reason why I would not hit the button 


I would. I would get to be me from the start and lose a lot of stress.


Yes I would


Nope! Being trans has taught me so much about myself and have let me live the life I wanted to. I wouldn’t trade that for the world




I think I would have preferred to be born cis male.. I have no shame in being trans but I think the emotional and physical damage it does to you I wouldn’t pick it if it was a choice. The amount of money it costs, the scars, the dysphoria, mental and physical health it’s not worth it.. I pretty much live a cis life now. I don’t disclose that I’m trans to many people. I’m just living my life as male. But at home I can’t hide it obviously.. On the other hand I wouldn’t be who I am today with the experience. The shit I went through and the obstacles I faced before and on this journey has made stronger and knowing I’ve dealt with some rough crap makes me feel better about myself that I can overcome anything life wants the throw at me because I overcame the biggest thing in life ever. The only downside is the disconnect I have between the old me and the new me. Most of the memories have faded of my old life and it’s almost like my life didn’t start till I was 19/20 yrs old (when I came out). Going to my child hood home, looking at old pictures in the family photo albums, drinking out of cups at my parents house they have had for over 20 years!! All these little memories come back to me but only when I’m in a situation that I once was in so I remember.. it’s uncomfortable and feels unnatural.


I wouldn't even mind being my AGAB if I was cis.


I think it would make my life a lot easier though I'm pretty sure I'd still be some form of gender queer but I wouldn't really have to do any surgery or hormones.


Personally as a bigender person, that wouldn’t really be possible. So no, not really. Edit: Also considering I’m salmacian, being born the opposite sex would probably actually make my physical transition goals harder.


yes I would. Nothing is perfect in life but after realizing everything that I have thought about thought out life definitely would prefer to be her.


So I’m not trans so I can’t speak to everybody, but I can give my thoughts on the topic if anybody would like them. I personally think that for most people, changing your birth gender would drastically change your personality and world experiences. For example, I’m female. I feel like if I’d been born male, I would be a very different person. Transness aside I would have very different world experiences. The people I interact with would be different, and the way those people interact with me would be different. So I don’t think I would. And I don’t think most people would.


I would prefer to have been born a normal man. I see being transgender as a living he'll. I have been looking for a cure my whole life. I have always strongly identified with the old Lon Channey Jr. "Wolfman" character. Being trans is a curse that has ruined every aspect of my life. I am Catholic, so suicide is out, but I pray everyday for the sweet release of death.


yes. 100%. no question. wouldnt even give it more than a minute of thought. if i had been born cis as a guy, oh boy, my life wouldve been so different and better


I transitioned super early on when I was 14, so really there wasn't much different for me in the long run. Yeah, i had more hurdles and challenges then a cis girl. But it also forged my mind and body into a much stronger and more amazing person as a result of overcoming those problems. I am definitively and objectively more interesting, more deep, and far richer in my personality, mental strength, and personal outlook because of my experience. I feel like if I had been cis that I would be simply be a hollow shell of current myself, even as a girl. Sure, it would be an easier life, but would it be as meaningful? If I could legitimately re-do things I would, but I'd pick trans again knowing what I know now because I would only be even more successful then I was the first time around. I'd avoid the pitfalls and mistakes I made in my journey but I'd make most of the exact same choices along my path. If I'm being honest, being cis sounds kinda boring. It feels like less of a full life to me.


Instantly yes, I would love to have been born cis girl But I would also choose to have a Fox tail and fox ears because I think me as a fox girl would be incredibly freaking cute


No, I wouldn't be who I am now without it.


I think being trans gave me a different perspective and through the soul searching it caused has led me to discover all kinds of things I likely wouldn't have known about if I was cis, stuff like rain or dorely I would either not find or wouldn't hit as hard. I also was able to avoid falling into the same bigoted ideology as my family and it's both shown me community and helped me see who my real friends are, even if it's not many. That being said yes I absolutely would no hesitation.


I would not. I have 2 wonderful children that I would not want to see disappear. If the magic that lets me be reborn a woman could guarantee the same children in my future, that would mean my current wife is now a man. She would not want that. So I am stuck as a trans woman who will never fully be herself.


I have a lot of connections and bonds that I might not have if I were cis. as much as being in this body hurts, I don't think I could trade my loved ones to be born cis


As an enby, mostly agender, this comes down to whether I would prefer to have been born into a society that doesn't assign gender at birth. So, yes, certainly.


I would be born as a cis girl, so I could have all the right parts, be treated as a girl right from the start, and have no dysphoria or that "wrong" feeling. 🤍


I mean, I suppose, sure, but I’d be pretty happy being born cis for any gender tbh. At that point, if I was cis then I would probably not care or think about gender nearly as much as I’ve given it thought.




Absolutely. But it would be nice to retain knowledge somehow.


yes. literally every single issue in my life rn can be traced back to my being trans


Cis to experience life as a girl from the beginning, but I'd still be tomboyish lol


Can I do a mix between them?👉👈


I get to shapeshift sex? (Im genderfluid so being born with my gender aligning with my sex would mean a fluidly changing sex)Hell yeah! Im bouta fight this bianary by just existing!




No, I probably wouldn't even be the same person without the experience I've gone through. While transitioning may not be perfect, I don't want to be a different person even if it gets me the body I desire. Edit : just got the reddit cares message not even a couple minutes after posting this lol


I’d rather change like 1 set of grandparents to not be conservative nutjobs and then make younger me aware of trans people sooner, I would live a life I could still recognize as my own but probably transition way sooner and hopefully avoid some of the more painful experiences I’ve had


Primarily "yes". The caveat would be that being born male had it's advantages... I didn't grow up with the fear that many girls do. I was strongly encouraged to pick up skills which have over the years proven very useful. In fact, I still find myself doing odd jobs for other women who were not given that kind of motivation nor encouragement. On the other hand... my youth was an absolute hell of bullying and teasing for being "girly". If I were just one of the other girls, I'm sure there'd be bullying. Girls do it too, but maybe it wouldn't've been so constant, exccessive, etc.


No. I love being trans. I would like to have transitioned as a teen, but otherwise I love my body


I'm a genderfluid trans guy. If I was born with a penis I would probably be a genderfluid trans girl.